I won't vote if the 2020 election isn't fixed and I feel confident that they have fixed the issues. The only way forward will be to boycott voting until it is fixed... I have been almost there since 2008...
The landslide for Trump is what made them expose themselves by shutting down six states and employing more election fraud than just the voting machine flips to win. So yes the landslide did work so well.
How does boycotting voting do anything? That's like saying you're going to kill yourself to teach the people who want to kill you a lesson. You're just making it so they don't have to take as many risks with how hard they need to cheat.
So just keep voting? When its all rigged? Just keep getting pissed on but they tell you its raining? How could you equate that with killing yourself? A boycott on voting is the only way...
A boycott on voting ensures a dem win. What we need is someone with power to finally make the right movies.. and I do believe it will come but some have promised us a lot with nothing to show.
Trump was just the most powerful politician on the planet for 3+ years and he was unable to un-rig the election system.
In fact it became significantly more rigged while he was in office.
And this is no longer about Dems & Repubs. It's a single party pretending to be two.
The NWO just carried out the most blatant, in-your-face, plain-as-day coup the developed world has ever seen and nobody did anything about it.
Voting in 2024 (if the U.S. still exists in 2024) would be like voting on which hand your killer should use to cut your throat.
No, a boycott demonstrates that we are not playing the game anymore. A worthless vote is a worthless vote if you go vote or not... All these people saying that we should just keep voting even though they continue to cheat and not fix it are probably old white RINO's trying to explain how they are better than the Democrats...
Yeah obviously you keep voting. If you vote, you at least force them to expend resources on cheating. In time they will run out of resources or get sloppy, make a mistake, and get caught. Not voting means they just win without cheating. No one on their side is sitting around sad that you were too mad to bother voting. They're just laughing they didn't have to even cheat to win in your district. Not voting is completely brain dead.
Super old post to comment on but don’t you think that a collective effort to not vote by a large group of people will for sure change things? Seems kind of ignorant to say that our vote doesn’t count but we should keep doing it... but hey I’m the crazy one!!! That’s what people keep telling me, even though I’m always right! What people don’t do is come back and tell me I was right, but my skin is thick and I think what I think because I have thought about it for years.
ie I had been advocating for voting for liberals or democrats to oust John MCCain in my home state of Arizona since the early 2000’s, nobody would listen and called me crazy... they kept voting him in... who is crazy now? I have been fighting against the Obama joke since 2006 when he showed up on the stage... Clinton’s since 96... I’m only 41...
The only way I will vote again will be if they fix the issues, if not, I will rally support behind not voting because it is worthless at this point... we are currently in a Banana Republic... it’s all a joke
Yep, we just had an April election for local boards and such. It was the lowest % voting ever in April, under 10%. Do you think people are fed up with our voting system? I do.
Don't vote. It's your right. Hold your representatives accountable and demand election integrity until you're comfortable your vote will count. Will you do that?
I won't vote if the 2020 election isn't fixed and I feel confident that they have fixed the issues. The only way forward will be to boycott voting until it is fixed... I have been almost there since 2008...
yeah because not voting will really fix the problem lol. Its a guarantee the democrats will get in again.
If it is not fixed, it is guaranteed the democrats will win again.
Yeah, If we lose the integrity of the vote there is no reason to vote at all.
If it is not fixed, it is guaranteed that (((their))) candidates will win. Many RINOs benefitted from this corruption as well.
Yep, thanks for clarifying that it is the treasonous corruption and the DS we need to correct - wherever they are hiding.
(Noticing) the problem, gets you banned... be careful.
What if that's what the whole entire fucking Q movement has been about all along??
Fixing the election system WORLDWIDE so globalism dies on the vine, as people become free to actually choose their leaders?
Logical thinking.
So you will vote and vote often?
Often = every 2 years
I mean, landslide voting worked so well last time, right?
The landslide for Trump is what made them expose themselves by shutting down six states and employing more election fraud than just the voting machine flips to win. So yes the landslide did work so well.
I hope you're right on that. I really, really do!
People really gotta start looking at the big picture and stop looking at just the past few months.
"VoTe tHeM oUT nExT tiMe"
How does boycotting voting do anything? That's like saying you're going to kill yourself to teach the people who want to kill you a lesson. You're just making it so they don't have to take as many risks with how hard they need to cheat.
So just keep voting? When its all rigged? Just keep getting pissed on but they tell you its raining? How could you equate that with killing yourself? A boycott on voting is the only way...
A boycott on voting ensures a dem win. What we need is someone with power to finally make the right movies.. and I do believe it will come but some have promised us a lot with nothing to show.
Trump was just the most powerful politician on the planet for 3+ years and he was unable to un-rig the election system.
In fact it became significantly more rigged while he was in office.
And this is no longer about Dems & Repubs. It's a single party pretending to be two.
The NWO just carried out the most blatant, in-your-face, plain-as-day coup the developed world has ever seen and nobody did anything about it.
Voting in 2024 (if the U.S. still exists in 2024) would be like voting on which hand your killer should use to cut your throat.
No, a boycott demonstrates that we are not playing the game anymore. A worthless vote is a worthless vote if you go vote or not... All these people saying that we should just keep voting even though they continue to cheat and not fix it are probably old white RINO's trying to explain how they are better than the Democrats...
Yeah obviously you keep voting. If you vote, you at least force them to expend resources on cheating. In time they will run out of resources or get sloppy, make a mistake, and get caught. Not voting means they just win without cheating. No one on their side is sitting around sad that you were too mad to bother voting. They're just laughing they didn't have to even cheat to win in your district. Not voting is completely brain dead.
Super old post to comment on but don’t you think that a collective effort to not vote by a large group of people will for sure change things? Seems kind of ignorant to say that our vote doesn’t count but we should keep doing it... but hey I’m the crazy one!!! That’s what people keep telling me, even though I’m always right! What people don’t do is come back and tell me I was right, but my skin is thick and I think what I think because I have thought about it for years.
ie I had been advocating for voting for liberals or democrats to oust John MCCain in my home state of Arizona since the early 2000’s, nobody would listen and called me crazy... they kept voting him in... who is crazy now? I have been fighting against the Obama joke since 2006 when he showed up on the stage... Clinton’s since 96... I’m only 41...
The only way I will vote again will be if they fix the issues, if not, I will rally support behind not voting because it is worthless at this point... we are currently in a Banana Republic... it’s all a joke
Damn! How do you sleep while growing so hard?
Anyone saying they wont vote are shills. Fuck shills.
Did your vote count in 2020? No? Then what makes you think its going to in 2024?
Yes it did count. It forced the tyrants to cheat so bad that it was obvious.
My vote won't count in 2022, 2024, and beyond. CHANGE MY MIND.
They want you divided.
Yep, we just had an April election for local boards and such. It was the lowest % voting ever in April, under 10%. Do you think people are fed up with our voting system? I do.
I've checked out completely, considering what happened in 2020 voting doesn't anymore... and is a waste of time.
Don't vote. It's your right. Hold your representatives accountable and demand election integrity until you're comfortable your vote will count. Will you do that?
Always have, always will...