In a separate video, Elena Erikson talks about the lead-in to the meeting. The cops claimed a crime was being committed by being disruptive at the meeting.
She KNOWS the Utah legal code and the cops backed off when she offered to show them hundreds of affidavits.
This frustrates me greatly because I do support the police and law enforcement but know there are plenty of dirty fascist cops that would love nothing more than to keep normal people under the heel of their boot out of some political subversion or corrupt policy. The fact that they knew the law or were ignorant (both dangerous) but were trying to stifle the citizenry anyway is a testament to how much internal resistance we are up against. More "good" cops need to step up and speak up.
I hope so fren!!! Masks piss me off in general but anytime I see a kid in one it breaks my heart. Schools, private or public, should be able to be sued for this.
I'm a retired teacher (42 yrs), and this mask stuff on the kids has me outraged. I have even noticed how "indoctrinated" my young granddaughters have become with having to wear these masks at school. Now I'm even more concerned with the push to vaccinate this children. GOD HELP US!
Good point! Their social and communication skills are going to suffer bigly. So sad. Time to do what we know is right regardless of all these Karens and Corporations.
Holy cow! I can't believe this happened in Utah, especially in Granite District! That's where I went to school. That's where over half of my nieces and nephews went and still attend school. That's where a teacher told me to pick a different career because the one I chose was "really selective." That's where a math teacher marked my work as incorrect, and then had to change it when confronted by an identical worksheet done by my friend. That's where a teacher called my handicapped niece a retard (or something equally derogatory). That's where I personally know a principal whose family is very left-wing, nearing the point of self-hate because they're white. That's where I had a BB gun shot at my head twice. That's where I had a teacher who was known for being drunk on the job. It's also where I had a handful of great teachers.
To have this happen, especially in Granite District is AMAZING. I just have one question: how can a parent like me participate in this type of thing, especially given that I am not on any mainstream social media?
No, but our timelines match. I knew someone who attended Woodstock at the same time as you before coming to my elementary school. I attended school on the opposite end of the valley.
Wow.. The end of the second video with her explanation gave me chills about what could be taking place.
When she brought up 30 pages of child abuse, I couldn't help but think of the connection to human trafficking that this community awakened me to.
The mask mandates aren't even about the adults anymore. It's control of the next generation during their formative years. They are being programmed to be afraid. And parents are waking up on both sides of the aisle to take back power.... ???
Ooohhh I LOVE THAT! This needs to spread like wildfire! AND just as other States are getting their freedoms back, fricken PA has announced opening up by May 31 BUT MASKS ARE REQUIRED UNTIL 70% are vaccinated. ? The creep governor wolf is taking a page out of whitmer’s playbook trying to force vaccination.
Not really. School board is elected, and until there is another election, they are still the duly elected school board.
They did run them out and the elected school board left the building, but the meeting they did after they ran them out, where they elected themselves is not a legally recognized "election".
Probably get down votes, but the truth is the truth.
I like the fact they ran them out and hopefully it does lead to policy change, but they didn't replace the school board, and the policy is still in place.
Yeah, I keep seeing people saying this actually replaces the school board, but that's not what Robert's Rules of Order.... mean.
In addition, the cops are actually looking at whether to file charges. So the only thing that's actually going to come of this are maybe misdemanors. (I don't imagine they'd actually pursue charges, but just saying that's literally all that's happening)
Please upvote!
In a separate video, Elena Erikson talks about the lead-in to the meeting. The cops claimed a crime was being committed by being disruptive at the meeting. She KNOWS the Utah legal code and the cops backed off when she offered to show them hundreds of affidavits.
Heres the 1st video far as I can tell. When the original board members were driven out of the building.
Storm warning - D5 avalanche inbound
This frustrates me greatly because I do support the police and law enforcement but know there are plenty of dirty fascist cops that would love nothing more than to keep normal people under the heel of their boot out of some political subversion or corrupt policy. The fact that they knew the law or were ignorant (both dangerous) but were trying to stifle the citizenry anyway is a testament to how much internal resistance we are up against. More "good" cops need to step up and speak up.
One more school board replaced. Next one starts a trend, then an avalanche.
I hope so fren!!! Masks piss me off in general but anytime I see a kid in one it breaks my heart. Schools, private or public, should be able to be sued for this.
I'm a retired teacher (42 yrs), and this mask stuff on the kids has me outraged. I have even noticed how "indoctrinated" my young granddaughters have become with having to wear these masks at school. Now I'm even more concerned with the push to vaccinate this children. GOD HELP US!
Good point! Their social and communication skills are going to suffer bigly. So sad. Time to do what we know is right regardless of all these Karens and Corporations.
Same thing happened to a school board in a very affluent part of Dallas. They were chucked by 70% margins.
Your silly, it was Vail, AZ not Vail, CO
Oops, my bad. Thought it was Colorado.
Those your skis? ...... Both of them?
Big gulps eh?
Holy cow! I can't believe this happened in Utah, especially in Granite District! That's where I went to school. That's where over half of my nieces and nephews went and still attend school. That's where a teacher told me to pick a different career because the one I chose was "really selective." That's where a math teacher marked my work as incorrect, and then had to change it when confronted by an identical worksheet done by my friend. That's where a teacher called my handicapped niece a retard (or something equally derogatory). That's where I personally know a principal whose family is very left-wing, nearing the point of self-hate because they're white. That's where I had a BB gun shot at my head twice. That's where I had a teacher who was known for being drunk on the job. It's also where I had a handful of great teachers.
To have this happen, especially in Granite District is AMAZING. I just have one question: how can a parent like me participate in this type of thing, especially given that I am not on any mainstream social media?
Start networking on your own with your kid's classmate's parents. In all these instances it starts with one voice and courage becomes infectious.
"Contagious Courage"
sounds better (in a world dictated by soundbites)
thats all ...carry on patriots.
I attended Granite K-12 (Woodstock, Bonneville, Cottonwood - Class '06). I may know you?! That'd be cool hahah
I agree, seeing this change here is really unexpected but very, very welcomed.
No, but our timelines match. I knew someone who attended Woodstock at the same time as you before coming to my elementary school. I attended school on the opposite end of the valley.
Jordan school district, class of 99 here.
Wow.. The end of the second video with her explanation gave me chills about what could be taking place.
When she brought up 30 pages of child abuse, I couldn't help but think of the connection to human trafficking that this community awakened me to.
The mask mandates aren't even about the adults anymore. It's control of the next generation during their formative years. They are being programmed to be afraid. And parents are waking up on both sides of the aisle to take back power.... ???
At the end of the day, it is up to us and what we can do, WE ARE THE HABBENING, WE ARE THE GREAT AWAKENING
Democrats are so controlling. They tick the serial killer boxes like no other party.
Hell yea! Take the country back!
Ooohhh I LOVE THAT! This needs to spread like wildfire! AND just as other States are getting their freedoms back, fricken PA has announced opening up by May 31 BUT MASKS ARE REQUIRED UNTIL 70% are vaccinated. ? The creep governor wolf is taking a page out of whitmer’s playbook trying to force vaccination.
Awesome that happened in my home town Tucson, Vail School District!!! They kicked em all out and voted in a new school board and banned masks!!!
Not really. School board is elected, and until there is another election, they are still the duly elected school board.
They did run them out and the elected school board left the building, but the meeting they did after they ran them out, where they elected themselves is not a legally recognized "election".
Probably get down votes, but the truth is the truth.
I like the fact they ran them out and hopefully it does lead to policy change, but they didn't replace the school board, and the policy is still in place.
You sound like you know what’s going on but have nothing to support what you say... that’s called conjecture
Yeah, I keep seeing people saying this actually replaces the school board, but that's not what Robert's Rules of Order.... mean.
In addition, the cops are actually looking at whether to file charges. So the only thing that's actually going to come of this are maybe misdemanors. (I don't imagine they'd actually pursue charges, but just saying that's literally all that's happening)
How many schools have flipped now?
I wish more in CO did this.
Keep taking over schoolboards this is how we stop the propaganda machine
Rinse repeat.........................
This needs to happen on a mass scale in all school districts and local governments.
This is the true spice. Keep it going! Local and state governments everywhere!
I wish this happened in Colorado.
Me too (from Thornton).