It’s not Donald Trump‘s responsibility for what’s happening. Period. Just like it wasn’t his responsibility for what happened that day. We’re all adults we all have decisions to make. Do I agree with what they’re doing to people NO - not in the least, because I was there as well. However, what is he going to do? What can he do? Nothing. He’s not the president anymore, he has no legal authority, and nothing he says or does is going to make any difference because everybody hates him and nobody wants to listen to him anyways. Well people on the left anyway! Every time I see a story about the January 6 event, I get a huge smile on my face. I was there it was the best day of my life and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me. I will never look at a picture of the capital in a movie, in a picture, in anyway being representative the same way ever again! Our voices were heard, and people are still talking about it and they will throughout history. I’m sorry things are not going the right way for a lot of people that were there, but there are always casualties in war, and we are at war!
Yes... But, how was Trump's legal defense paid for his alleged roll in the January 6 incident? A Billionaire can afford top legal counsel, but it was paid for by donations to RNC type funding. Why is that not being done for the alleged Insurrectionists? Even when Trump is concerned there is a two leveled justice system.
It's totally the presidents fault that a bunch of people trespassed at the capital. Sounds pretty MSM of ya.
What happened to personal accountability? Aren't we the crowd for that? Or is this another one of those "its different when we do it because of x, y, and z" kinda things? It's very unfortunate and very unfair that they get hemmed up and pantifa runs free but guess one forced anyone into that building and life ain't fair. Everyone there made choices. It's not on Trump to call in favors or help for every Tom, Dick, and Wayne that made a boneheaded decision. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Considering the amount of automatic comments that flooded this thread all with a "Trump abandoned us and doesn't care" tone makes it all pretty clear the shills are out.
Exactly! I was there, I had an opportunity to go inside, but I did not. I made a decision. I also made a decision to make sure I was back in my hotel room by 6 PM because there was a curfew. Anybody out after the curfew who was arrested, that’s on them. I’m so tired of this victim mentality. Thank you for stating what you said it was perfect
That's fine... At least those Patriots did more than than type out their opinions on a keyboard and shine Trump's ass. They deserve the support of anyone who encouraged the rally at the Capitol because the got caught up in a false flag set-up. As far as I am concerned, until he proves otherwise, Trump has really let us down. This is not TD.
He's got bigger issues at hand right now. Stop shilling, he gets back into office and pardons them all, problem solved, but first he has to take back the white house
Sure? a two level justice system for Trump? He spent the first three years fighting off Russia Russia Russia lawsuits.
Donald Trump is not responsible for what happened at the capital on January 6. The fact that our justice system is broken, and that there’s a fake president in office, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I get so tired of hearing everybody whine and cry about trying to hang everything on him all the time. He’s one human being.
He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders for five years for us, I think that’s enough. Yes I’d like to see him back in office, but I’m tired of everybody thinking that they could hang everything on him when things don’t go right. He’s only one man.
And he’s done more of his fair share for this country and for each and everyone of us. People should be a little bit more grateful.
The more I am on this site, the more I see people sounding like they’re from Reddit, or like they’re a bunch of whiny leftists!
By your logic anyone who does resist the Government gets what they deserve. When the time comes that you are forced by law to go to re-education camp or get the jab, I guess you will just fall into line like a good citizen. Yes, Trump is not going to save us. And cowards like you that think the Patriots at the Capitol are getting what they deserve are Rhino Cucks
I won’t be going to a reeducation camp, or taking the vaccine! If they come for me I’ll take a couple of them with me on my way out.
I didn’t say people should get what they deserve, because people don’t deserve to be going to jail for peacefully protesting out front of the capital.
However; If somebody entered that building, then that’s on them. If they stayed out after curfew, then that’s on them. If they stay after something it’s been called an unlawful assembly, then that’s on them.
What I’m saying is you cannot blame Donald Trump for other people making decisions with their lives.
I vehemently disagree with the fact that people are getting arrested for being there. There’s one person who should be arrested and that’s the person who shot Ashley BABBIT.
Trump could at least condemn what is happening. He has time to write about dozens of other things going on again. Those people did what they did for him, regardless of how you want to look at it. And he has abandoned them.
I am sitting with my father right now. We are both disabled vets, like my grandfather. We are talking about the silver market. I know you think you got it all figured out... Good luck with that. When the SHTF I am going to beware of tools like you as much as everyone else.
Trump did lure his supporters in for the set up. Not saying he’s personally responsible but there are a lot of good people being harmed with stuff like this and Covid, etc
Trump didn’t lure anybody in. I was there. The reason I obtained eight airline ticket to go to the January 6 event was for a scheduled and permitted stop the steel rally, that was not set up by Donald Trump! It was set up by women for trump, and a couple others I think Alex Jones too.
It wasn’t until several days before I was headed to DC, that he even decided to speak at the White House at the ellipse. Who’s speaking engagement was just a bonus for me.
So no he didn’t lure anybody into anything. Get your facts straight. This is the problem with even our site here, people don’t understand what really happened that day. I was there, I do!
It’s not trumps fault that Nancy, our government, antifa, and black lives matter, plan something in advance to entangle us in this drama. And you still bought into it. Wake up!
In closing, nobody Lured me there. I’m an adult, I made a decision, and I stand by that. Anybody who says otherwise is dealing with victim mentality. Anyone else who went to Washington DC that day, chose on their own behalf to do so. Nobody else is responsible for their decisions. Nobody Lured anyone to Washington DC on the sixth.
The only luring done, was my black lives matter and antifa to get people to go inside that building. You might want to direct your frustrations towards those people.
Me too! Best day ever! I’m just so tired of hearing everybody bitch about it like it was a horrible thing. It wasn’t horrible horrible thing! It was the best day of my life! Hats off to you patriot!
I was there 2 but I didn't go to see Trump's speech I went to the Capital because it's NOT about TRUMP. I was on the backside @7a.m. The men on the backside broke the fence LONG before yall even were @ the Capital. I saw the red flares, I saw the young white people dressed in black waiting on the south side of the Capital as the cops open the fence and let them in but kept us out all morning. People that have Major power planned Jan.6th and it was PURE evil. I knew this is a Free Country and I can go to the Capital anytime I want, but after the 6ths I no longer feel this way. Seeing what happen shook my world...
Trump didn’t lure anybody in.
Get your facts straight.
Dec 30th 2020 - 2:06:51 PM EST JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!
Jan 1st 2021 - 12:52:58 PM EST RT @KylieJaneKremer: The calvary is coming, Mr. President! JANUARY 6th | Washington, DC ?????????? #MarchForTr…
Jan 1st 2021 - 2:53:03 PM EST "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!"
Jan 1st 2021 - 3:10:26 PM EST Massive amounts of evidence will be presented on the 6th. We won, BIG!
Jan 3rd 2021 - 10:15:00 AM EST RT @JenLawrence21: We have been marching all around the country for you Mr President. Now we will bring it to DC on Jan 6 and PROUDLY stand…
Jan 5th 2021 - 5:43:07 PM EST I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!
I made my reservations on December 20. As did many I didn’t bother clicking on any of your links because I don’t have time to argue with you about this. I’m an adult, I made a decision to go on my own, and I’m not blaming anybody for it. Maybe you should try that yourself! If anybody could be lured into doing anything, then they’re stupid. Grow up!
This is a 24 seven Trump rally. Either you’re on the train or you’re not. If you think he’s to blame for everything, then go somewhere else.
I think Trump should explain what the purpose was for saying "Be there. Will be wild".
Why did he say that? What was the plan if people didn't "storm the capitol"? Why march to the capitol? What was going to happen on that day? People merely showing up? What would that have achieved?
It had no purpose. Who's idea WAS it really? What was their idea behind it?
People here have explained it away, before it happened, people were dead set that he was going to bring in big screens and show the fraud.
That didn't happen and wasn't even the plan.
They thought that something would happen. That is why people went. They went with a purpose in mind.
What was that purpose? There's been no answer on that.
Post that, people explained away Jan 6 as being needed so that the NG and military could be in control. That didn't happen.
When you break it down, there was no reason as to why people went to D.C or needed to go to D.C that day, on mass.
Now we have people explaining away having to wait forever for the "plan" to come together.
I'm sorry, but at a certain point there needs to be clarity.
You can't blame BLM and Antifa for "luring" people into the Capitol. You have first examine why people were there in the first place, in the position to even BE lured, if you're going to examine personal accountability.
Again - Who's idea was Jan 6's really and what was THEIR purpose?
Did Trump tell his supporters to enter the capital? Those are the only ones being arrested, right? If I was there, I wouldn’t have entered the capital, as everything is recorded and facial recognition is applied. You have to understand that there will be consequences, especially when the left is a weaponized party hell bent on fucking over everything Trump. Is it fair? Absolutely not. But that’s just reality. Trump can’t do it all.
If there was no purpose to bringing people there - i.e you don't intend to do anything, then there was no purpose for people to be there.
It was obvious that it was going to be co-opted or used as a false flag from the outset.
Most people on thought that the heavens would open that day and Trump would reveal it all. That's why they went. They thought it would mean SOMETHING. "Be there, will be wild" is a very leading statement.
I'm not accusing Trump of creating the situation, but come on, you can't be that blind. It smacked of a set up and for that, explanation is required.
I told you that already but you’re too stupid to figure it out. There was a stop the steel rally. We were showing up in mass to a permitted event, to allow our voices to be heard regarding the election. Anything and everything else you’ve mentioned was all speculation. Yes there was all kinds of things that could’ve would’ve should’ve happened, but they were all based on Q and a plan that Donald Trump Never even said he was a part of. Is there a plan I don’t know. But you can’t blame everything that happened on him that day. You might as well just be a leftist talking head to do so.
I was at the capital on January 6, it was the best day of my life. It was full of patriotic people singing songs, hanging around talking to one another, people preaching the gospel, people walking around with speakers on wheels playing patriotic music. It was one of the best days of my entire life. And nothing and nobody will ever take that away from me. Our voices were heard that day, but I’m so grateful to be one of the people that was there.
That day will live on in history forever, and I was a part of it. I’m not ashamed, and I don’t feel bad for anybody, and I don’t feel that anything happened that day was bad outside of a true patriot that was shot - And I do hope for justice for that person Ashley BABBIT!
Get over it! Get over the plan, and stop with the hyperbole. The one thing Trump did for sure it was wake up as Americans from our slumber. It’s up to us to do something about what’s happening in our country. And it starts at the local level. You can whine and cry about what happened on January 6, are you can get over it and move on and do something to affect your community positively. It’s not about Trump it’s about we the people! He said this in his inauguration giving power back to we people. Will be wild!
That's the dumbest, most cucked battered housewife response I could have imagined.
None of what you said, at any point, rebutted or answered what I said.
Muh "Power to the people". Are you really this dumb? It made the situation 10 times worse and always WAS going to. It was obvious from the outset.
The people have no power. Wait and see how the AZ audit turns out. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of upset when it gets yoinked away from us at the end of it.
You were, by someone's design, "lured" there for some purpose. What was that purpose? To walk around and enjoy a carnival atmosphere? Get real. What kinda dope are you?
Why did Trump want people there? He was the one who said "be there, will be wild". Who thought up this genius plan? It was like luring a mouse into a mouse trap. Unless there was a plan of action, then it was the dumbest thing to organize ever.
There was a purpose in asking people to come. But what was it? And who organized it and for what purpose? How did Trump get played so easily?
It smacked of a set up and for that, people deserve a clear explanation.
I hate to tell people this, but we all let it happen. Everyone stood by and cow-toed to liberals for the past 20 or 30 years, and this is what we get. Hopefully, things change.
Trump knew antifa was there and even tweeted about it. He likely showed up to his speech late and kept it going because he knew the exact time and place of the insurrection and he didn't want good patriots tied up in it. The "attack" happened while he was still speaking and before Alex Jones was going to lead the March to the Whitehouse which means trump showing up late fully exposed their FF
Yeah, as absurd as it is, they should have not been as gullible as they were to walk in, period, anyone with the barest minimum of common sense wouldn't have
You see a bunch of people, dressed exactly as Antifa, breaking the windows and shit, and your instinct is "Oh, I should follow these people!", I mean fucking seriously...
I still remember back in jan 6, while it was happening, I was among the VERY few in TDW that was saying "Oh shit these people are stupid, this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened, obviously a set-up", and being attacked for it, the great majority thinking that it was "great and fucking beautiful!!"...
If DJT speaks out for these people now, when the narrative is solidly fixed at "It was a white supremacist terrorist attack!!!!!", you think the optics would be good on that?
Does anyone else see a pattern here? Tucker Carlson tries to throw dirt on one of President Trump’s most tireless defenders, Jim Jordan. Now we have someone trying to diminish President Trump for doing exactly what he needs to be doing. If President Trump speaks out on these people’s behalf, the DS-MSM immediately revives the story he incited an insurrection. You would think Julie Kelly would know that.
Guys, the ignorance in this post is astounding. Feels like a politics forum on Reddit. Personal effin accountability. No one forced these folks to enter the capital building when there was clearly some nefarious characters forcing their way into the capital. Best thing to do would be distance yourself from them.
What do you really think is going to happen to you if A) you’re a Trump supporter B) you’re entering the capital when you know you probably shouldn’t be, and C) you know you’re surrounded by antifa and blm undercover, posing as Trump supporters and being pieces of shit.
You guys think the left is stupid? Look how far they’ve gotten in turning our country into a communist hellhole. Mark smart decisions and don’t expect ANYONE to bail your ass out. Be accountable and vigilant.
I didnt hear trump tell these people to go through the fences and gates or to even enter the building. They knew they were not to be doing things like that. Dont matter what side of this they are on. They knew they werent supposed to enter and they did anyways. Not Trumps problem to help them.they made thier beds.
I dont see why the videos of them being let in by cops isn't immediately getting these people off. If they truly believe it was an "insurrection" wouldnt they also arrest the cops involved for helping?
Wake up...these stories are FAKE and created to pour gasoline on your emotional fire. Just like Babbitt was an actor and did not die, these "solitary confinement without bail" stories are fake bullshit.
I know I know, handshake account. I've lurked here for a while, but can I please see some sauce that Babbitt didn't die, I've got an open mind but I need to see the sauce. I really hope that a patriot didn't die but I have to see the sauce.
Congratulations on winning the battle of viewing everything with an open mind. Prepare yourself for what comes will start to see things that are OBVIOUSLY FABRICATED to manipulate the emotions of the left, right, white, black, etc. The frustration of nobody around you seeing it will be a struggle. Bet you can handle that battle too, good luck!
I think discussing legitimate concerns outside of Qverse is a good one to have. I don't trust Q (sorry not sorry). Ultimately I trust God alone. Calling people shills is just a copout to shut discussion down.
It is OKAY to admit that a 1000 year old cabal with futuristic technology and hidden knowledge might have had some unexpected contingencies in place.
I think there is some sort of plan but it is progressing fairly slow at times and in a near completely hidden way which imo is not the best way to end corruption.
Its entirely possible Q was real but the swamp was too deep.
The concerns that I still have a hard time getting past:
1 - vaccine pushing is never good
2 - why did we do nothing about big tech?
3 - why even wait for legal process to play out if you know election was stolen and have evidence and know how deep the corruption goes?
4 - this is a critical moment in human history and this is when you are seeing the full plan come out. This is when the cabal needs everyone to not act against them because everyone now knows the end game. Convenient timing for sure
It’s not Donald Trump‘s responsibility for what’s happening. Period. Just like it wasn’t his responsibility for what happened that day. We’re all adults we all have decisions to make. Do I agree with what they’re doing to people NO - not in the least, because I was there as well. However, what is he going to do? What can he do? Nothing. He’s not the president anymore, he has no legal authority, and nothing he says or does is going to make any difference because everybody hates him and nobody wants to listen to him anyways. Well people on the left anyway! Every time I see a story about the January 6 event, I get a huge smile on my face. I was there it was the best day of my life and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me. I will never look at a picture of the capital in a movie, in a picture, in anyway being representative the same way ever again! Our voices were heard, and people are still talking about it and they will throughout history. I’m sorry things are not going the right way for a lot of people that were there, but there are always casualties in war, and we are at war!
Yes... But, how was Trump's legal defense paid for his alleged roll in the January 6 incident? A Billionaire can afford top legal counsel, but it was paid for by donations to RNC type funding. Why is that not being done for the alleged Insurrectionists? Even when Trump is concerned there is a two leveled justice system.
It's totally the presidents fault that a bunch of people trespassed at the capital. Sounds pretty MSM of ya.
What happened to personal accountability? Aren't we the crowd for that? Or is this another one of those "its different when we do it because of x, y, and z" kinda things? It's very unfortunate and very unfair that they get hemmed up and pantifa runs free but guess one forced anyone into that building and life ain't fair. Everyone there made choices. It's not on Trump to call in favors or help for every Tom, Dick, and Wayne that made a boneheaded decision. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Considering the amount of automatic comments that flooded this thread all with a "Trump abandoned us and doesn't care" tone makes it all pretty clear the shills are out.
Exactly! I was there, I had an opportunity to go inside, but I did not. I made a decision. I also made a decision to make sure I was back in my hotel room by 6 PM because there was a curfew. Anybody out after the curfew who was arrested, that’s on them. I’m so tired of this victim mentality. Thank you for stating what you said it was perfect
That's fine... At least those Patriots did more than than type out their opinions on a keyboard and shine Trump's ass. They deserve the support of anyone who encouraged the rally at the Capitol because the got caught up in a false flag set-up. As far as I am concerned, until he proves otherwise, Trump has really let us down. This is not TD.
He's got bigger issues at hand right now. Stop shilling, he gets back into office and pardons them all, problem solved, but first he has to take back the white house
If you’re not donating to help their legal defense, get the hell off your high horse.
There was a surplus of 120 million that could be used for their defense.
Sure? a two level justice system for Trump? He spent the first three years fighting off Russia Russia Russia lawsuits.
Donald Trump is not responsible for what happened at the capital on January 6. The fact that our justice system is broken, and that there’s a fake president in office, has nothing to do with Donald Trump. I get so tired of hearing everybody whine and cry about trying to hang everything on him all the time. He’s one human being.
He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders for five years for us, I think that’s enough. Yes I’d like to see him back in office, but I’m tired of everybody thinking that they could hang everything on him when things don’t go right. He’s only one man.
And he’s done more of his fair share for this country and for each and everyone of us. People should be a little bit more grateful.
The more I am on this site, the more I see people sounding like they’re from Reddit, or like they’re a bunch of whiny leftists!
By your logic anyone who does resist the Government gets what they deserve. When the time comes that you are forced by law to go to re-education camp or get the jab, I guess you will just fall into line like a good citizen. Yes, Trump is not going to save us. And cowards like you that think the Patriots at the Capitol are getting what they deserve are Rhino Cucks
I won’t be going to a reeducation camp, or taking the vaccine! If they come for me I’ll take a couple of them with me on my way out.
I didn’t say people should get what they deserve, because people don’t deserve to be going to jail for peacefully protesting out front of the capital.
However; If somebody entered that building, then that’s on them. If they stayed out after curfew, then that’s on them. If they stay after something it’s been called an unlawful assembly, then that’s on them.
What I’m saying is you cannot blame Donald Trump for other people making decisions with their lives.
I vehemently disagree with the fact that people are getting arrested for being there. There’s one person who should be arrested and that’s the person who shot Ashley BABBIT.
Trump could at least condemn what is happening. He has time to write about dozens of other things going on again. Those people did what they did for him, regardless of how you want to look at it. And he has abandoned them.
Let me guess… Your father left you?
I am sitting with my father right now. We are both disabled vets, like my grandfather. We are talking about the silver market. I know you think you got it all figured out... Good luck with that. When the SHTF I am going to beware of tools like you as much as everyone else.
She clearly was not shot.
I have never seen else anything so poorly staged.
PS it’s not by my logic it’s by yours. Everything I say you put through your own filter, and then you spit it out what you think I’m saying.
Trump did lure his supporters in for the set up. Not saying he’s personally responsible but there are a lot of good people being harmed with stuff like this and Covid, etc
Trump didn’t lure anybody in. I was there. The reason I obtained eight airline ticket to go to the January 6 event was for a scheduled and permitted stop the steel rally, that was not set up by Donald Trump! It was set up by women for trump, and a couple others I think Alex Jones too.
It wasn’t until several days before I was headed to DC, that he even decided to speak at the White House at the ellipse. Who’s speaking engagement was just a bonus for me.
So no he didn’t lure anybody into anything. Get your facts straight. This is the problem with even our site here, people don’t understand what really happened that day. I was there, I do!
It’s not trumps fault that Nancy, our government, antifa, and black lives matter, plan something in advance to entangle us in this drama. And you still bought into it. Wake up!
In closing, nobody Lured me there. I’m an adult, I made a decision, and I stand by that. Anybody who says otherwise is dealing with victim mentality. Anyone else who went to Washington DC that day, chose on their own behalf to do so. Nobody else is responsible for their decisions. Nobody Lured anyone to Washington DC on the sixth.
The only luring done, was my black lives matter and antifa to get people to go inside that building. You might want to direct your frustrations towards those people.
i was there, awesome rally. Marched to the capital, favorite part was when the whole crowd sand the National Anthem. I have much video of it all.
Me too! Best day ever! I’m just so tired of hearing everybody bitch about it like it was a horrible thing. It wasn’t horrible horrible thing! It was the best day of my life! Hats off to you patriot!
I was there 2 but I didn't go to see Trump's speech I went to the Capital because it's NOT about TRUMP. I was on the backside @7a.m. The men on the backside broke the fence LONG before yall even were @ the Capital. I saw the red flares, I saw the young white people dressed in black waiting on the south side of the Capital as the cops open the fence and let them in but kept us out all morning. People that have Major power planned Jan.6th and it was PURE evil. I knew this is a Free Country and I can go to the Capital anytime I want, but after the 6ths I no longer feel this way. Seeing what happen shook my world...
Dec 30th 2020 - 2:06:51 PM EST JANUARY SIXTH, SEE YOU IN DC!
Jan 1st 2021 - 12:52:58 PM EST RT @KylieJaneKremer: The calvary is coming, Mr. President! JANUARY 6th | Washington, DC ?????????? #MarchForTr…
Jan 1st 2021 - 2:53:03 PM EST "The BIG Protest Rally in Washington, D.C., will take place at 11.00 A.M. on January 6th. Locational details to follow. StopTheSteal!"
Jan 1st 2021 - 3:10:26 PM EST Massive amounts of evidence will be presented on the 6th. We won, BIG!
Jan 3rd 2021 - 10:15:00 AM EST RT @JenLawrence21: We have been marching all around the country for you Mr President. Now we will bring it to DC on Jan 6 and PROUDLY stand…
Jan 3rd 2021 - 10:27:00 AM EST I will be there. Historic day!
Jan 4th 2021 - 9:46:29 AM EST RT @realDonaldTrump: I will be there. Historic day!
Jan 5th 2021 - 10:27:41 AM EST See you in D.C.
Jan 5th 2021 - 5:43:07 PM EST I will be speaking at the SAVE AMERICA RALLY tomorrow on the Ellipse at 11AM Eastern. Arrive early — doors open at 7AM Eastern. BIG CROWDS!
The people were the massive amounts of evidence that we won BIG. That was the whole point.
Calvary is a proper noun that refers to the hillside on which Jesus was crucified.
Cavalry is a group of highly mobile army troops.
And, he still didn't lure anyone into breaking the law.
You're gonna tear your cervix with all that heaving.
I made my reservations on December 20. As did many I didn’t bother clicking on any of your links because I don’t have time to argue with you about this. I’m an adult, I made a decision to go on my own, and I’m not blaming anybody for it. Maybe you should try that yourself! If anybody could be lured into doing anything, then they’re stupid. Grow up!
This is a 24 seven Trump rally. Either you’re on the train or you’re not. If you think he’s to blame for everything, then go somewhere else.
I think Trump should explain what the purpose was for saying "Be there. Will be wild". Why did he say that? What was the plan if people didn't "storm the capitol"? Why march to the capitol? What was going to happen on that day? People merely showing up? What would that have achieved? It had no purpose. Who's idea WAS it really? What was their idea behind it?
People here have explained it away, before it happened, people were dead set that he was going to bring in big screens and show the fraud. That didn't happen and wasn't even the plan.
They thought that something would happen. That is why people went. They went with a purpose in mind.
What was that purpose? There's been no answer on that.
Post that, people explained away Jan 6 as being needed so that the NG and military could be in control. That didn't happen.
When you break it down, there was no reason as to why people went to D.C or needed to go to D.C that day, on mass.
Now we have people explaining away having to wait forever for the "plan" to come together.
I'm sorry, but at a certain point there needs to be clarity.
You can't blame BLM and Antifa for "luring" people into the Capitol. You have first examine why people were there in the first place, in the position to even BE lured, if you're going to examine personal accountability.
Again - Who's idea was Jan 6's really and what was THEIR purpose?
Did Trump tell his supporters to enter the capital? Those are the only ones being arrested, right? If I was there, I wouldn’t have entered the capital, as everything is recorded and facial recognition is applied. You have to understand that there will be consequences, especially when the left is a weaponized party hell bent on fucking over everything Trump. Is it fair? Absolutely not. But that’s just reality. Trump can’t do it all.
If there was no purpose to bringing people there - i.e you don't intend to do anything, then there was no purpose for people to be there.
It was obvious that it was going to be co-opted or used as a false flag from the outset.
Most people on thought that the heavens would open that day and Trump would reveal it all. That's why they went. They thought it would mean SOMETHING. "Be there, will be wild" is a very leading statement.
I'm not accusing Trump of creating the situation, but come on, you can't be that blind. It smacked of a set up and for that, explanation is required.
I told you that already but you’re too stupid to figure it out. There was a stop the steel rally. We were showing up in mass to a permitted event, to allow our voices to be heard regarding the election. Anything and everything else you’ve mentioned was all speculation. Yes there was all kinds of things that could’ve would’ve should’ve happened, but they were all based on Q and a plan that Donald Trump Never even said he was a part of. Is there a plan I don’t know. But you can’t blame everything that happened on him that day. You might as well just be a leftist talking head to do so.
I was at the capital on January 6, it was the best day of my life. It was full of patriotic people singing songs, hanging around talking to one another, people preaching the gospel, people walking around with speakers on wheels playing patriotic music. It was one of the best days of my entire life. And nothing and nobody will ever take that away from me. Our voices were heard that day, but I’m so grateful to be one of the people that was there.
That day will live on in history forever, and I was a part of it. I’m not ashamed, and I don’t feel bad for anybody, and I don’t feel that anything happened that day was bad outside of a true patriot that was shot - And I do hope for justice for that person Ashley BABBIT!
Get over it! Get over the plan, and stop with the hyperbole. The one thing Trump did for sure it was wake up as Americans from our slumber. It’s up to us to do something about what’s happening in our country. And it starts at the local level. You can whine and cry about what happened on January 6, are you can get over it and move on and do something to affect your community positively. It’s not about Trump it’s about we the people! He said this in his inauguration giving power back to we people. Will be wild!
That's the dumbest, most cucked battered housewife response I could have imagined. None of what you said, at any point, rebutted or answered what I said.
Muh "Power to the people". Are you really this dumb? It made the situation 10 times worse and always WAS going to. It was obvious from the outset.
The people have no power. Wait and see how the AZ audit turns out. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of upset when it gets yoinked away from us at the end of it.
You were, by someone's design, "lured" there for some purpose. What was that purpose? To walk around and enjoy a carnival atmosphere? Get real. What kinda dope are you?
Why did Trump want people there? He was the one who said "be there, will be wild". Who thought up this genius plan? It was like luring a mouse into a mouse trap. Unless there was a plan of action, then it was the dumbest thing to organize ever.
There was a purpose in asking people to come. But what was it? And who organized it and for what purpose? How did Trump get played so easily? It smacked of a set up and for that, people deserve a clear explanation.
Agreed. This has to stop. They are arrested while BLM and Antifa rioters mostly walk free.
Perhaps we need to drag the current pseudo authority out of their caves and toss em in the volcano.
I hate to tell people this, but we all let it happen. Everyone stood by and cow-toed to liberals for the past 20 or 30 years, and this is what we get. Hopefully, things change.
Been telling friends & family the same thing. We became lazy! So it’s now back on our shoulders to help fix this.
Trump knew antifa was there and even tweeted about it. He likely showed up to his speech late and kept it going because he knew the exact time and place of the insurrection and he didn't want good patriots tied up in it. The "attack" happened while he was still speaking and before Alex Jones was going to lead the March to the Whitehouse which means trump showing up late fully exposed their FF
Yeah, as absurd as it is, they should have not been as gullible as they were to walk in, period, anyone with the barest minimum of common sense wouldn't have
You see a bunch of people, dressed exactly as Antifa, breaking the windows and shit, and your instinct is "Oh, I should follow these people!", I mean fucking seriously...
I still remember back in jan 6, while it was happening, I was among the VERY few in TDW that was saying "Oh shit these people are stupid, this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened, obviously a set-up", and being attacked for it, the great majority thinking that it was "great and fucking beautiful!!"...
If DJT speaks out for these people now, when the narrative is solidly fixed at "It was a white supremacist terrorist attack!!!!!", you think the optics would be good on that?
Does anyone else see a pattern here? Tucker Carlson tries to throw dirt on one of President Trump’s most tireless defenders, Jim Jordan. Now we have someone trying to diminish President Trump for doing exactly what he needs to be doing. If President Trump speaks out on these people’s behalf, the DS-MSM immediately revives the story he incited an insurrection. You would think Julie Kelly would know that.
Good point. I hadn't thought of that.
Guys, the ignorance in this post is astounding. Feels like a politics forum on Reddit. Personal effin accountability. No one forced these folks to enter the capital building when there was clearly some nefarious characters forcing their way into the capital. Best thing to do would be distance yourself from them.
What do you really think is going to happen to you if A) you’re a Trump supporter B) you’re entering the capital when you know you probably shouldn’t be, and C) you know you’re surrounded by antifa and blm undercover, posing as Trump supporters and being pieces of shit.
You guys think the left is stupid? Look how far they’ve gotten in turning our country into a communist hellhole. Mark smart decisions and don’t expect ANYONE to bail your ass out. Be accountable and vigilant.
I didnt hear trump tell these people to go through the fences and gates or to even enter the building. They knew they were not to be doing things like that. Dont matter what side of this they are on. They knew they werent supposed to enter and they did anyways. Not Trumps problem to help them.they made thier beds.
Matter of fact i heard trump tell everybody to PEACEFULLY make thier voices heard.
It's already been partially exposed by Johnheretohelp
I dont see why the videos of them being let in by cops isn't immediately getting these people off. If they truly believe it was an "insurrection" wouldnt they also arrest the cops involved for helping?
Wake up...these stories are FAKE and created to pour gasoline on your emotional fire. Just like Babbitt was an actor and did not die, these "solitary confinement without bail" stories are fake bullshit.
I know I know, handshake account. I've lurked here for a while, but can I please see some sauce that Babbitt didn't die, I've got an open mind but I need to see the sauce. I really hope that a patriot didn't die but I have to see the sauce.
Congratulations on winning the battle of viewing everything with an open mind. Prepare yourself for what comes will start to see things that are OBVIOUSLY FABRICATED to manipulate the emotions of the left, right, white, black, etc. The frustration of nobody around you seeing it will be a struggle. Bet you can handle that battle too, good luck!
Thanks bud!
Trust Q and Q+
I think discussing legitimate concerns outside of Qverse is a good one to have. I don't trust Q (sorry not sorry). Ultimately I trust God alone. Calling people shills is just a copout to shut discussion down.
You’re on the wrong site Fren. Try another technique.
I think I'll stay thanks. I have alot of meaningful discussions here than I can anywhere.
Remember we are Q and Trump supporters. WWG1WGA
Oh I'm absolutely with you there.
It is OKAY to admit that a 1000 year old cabal with futuristic technology and hidden knowledge might have had some unexpected contingencies in place.
I think there is some sort of plan but it is progressing fairly slow at times and in a near completely hidden way which imo is not the best way to end corruption.
Its entirely possible Q was real but the swamp was too deep.
The concerns that I still have a hard time getting past: 1 - vaccine pushing is never good 2 - why did we do nothing about big tech? 3 - why even wait for legal process to play out if you know election was stolen and have evidence and know how deep the corruption goes? 4 - this is a critical moment in human history and this is when you are seeing the full plan come out. This is when the cabal needs everyone to not act against them because everyone now knows the end game. Convenient timing for sure
Also, someone please stop this vaccine genocide!!!
makes me sick that he doesn't do anything about them too
Name checks out!