I wonder if they are the Doctors, who have been trained from the CCP Handbook?? I also wonder how many Doctors knew, how harmful shots & medications have been to the human race, for YEARS!
Going to have to be military tribunal for his egregious and unthinkable crimes against humanity, not crooked US court system, which can never again be trusted.
"Firing"???... maybe add "squad" to the end of that and get these tribunals started... and we'll have a deal.
hang a copy of the Hippocratic Oath around his neck and then hang him in a very public place viewable by all .../!
I went to a chiropractor once, and saw the Hippocratic Oath on a sign there.
It is the ONLY place I have ever seen it -- and my family has had enough medical issues that I have been inside plenty of hospitals.
Some medical doctors acutally laugh if you ask about The Hippocratic Oath.
Because the oath hinders with the bottom line.
I wonder if they are the Doctors, who have been trained from the CCP Handbook?? I also wonder how many Doctors knew, how harmful shots & medications have been to the human race, for YEARS!
Wonder if they're the Doctors, who were trained out of the CCP Handbook!
The Dr. Mengele School of Medicine.
Sigh. I really miss the stockade. We need to bring it back.
This was really me being civilised and nice.
What I really want to bring back is "stake them out for the ants/crabs."
I like the old idea of putting a person in stocks out in public. Put him in San Fran in stocks.
Then hang him, with a thick rope.
also add that any violation of said oath by the Director or ANY subordinate will.result in termination
I prefer he be hanged.
Pack ur bags? Like the dem controlled house is gonna pass that...time for the military to fire (or fire on?) him.
I keep saying this. Trail by jury or Mil and death. I suppose we should fire the f'er first.
Going to have to be military tribunal for his egregious and unthinkable crimes against humanity, not crooked US court system, which can never again be trusted.
Bugeyed Pepe FTW