My sister almost died from guillain barre. Yet she believes her immune system was responsible, not the SHOT. AND of course got the jab. It makes me so sad.
Oh yeah, she menopausal for 5 years... gets a horrendous period along with a D&C and thinks it's all normal. Freaks out when I said, that's odd - I have heard many women are saying similar things after the vaccine... ITS NORMAL she yelled.
I go from being so pissed off at her to sad & afraid for pissed again.., it's so messed up
A big part of this scamdemic is the destruction of familial relationships and our support structures. They want you alone. They want you scared. They want you broke. Cowering in your homes, naked and afraid. They want you to have no purpose in life and nobody to turn to but the State.
I was a drug and alcohol counselor for 13 years. Stopped in 2017. My phone has rang off the hook since summer of 2020. There have been numerous suicides, all kinds of calls with people suspecting spouses / family of alcohol or drug issues, divorces, etc. A very close LEO friend says they are averaging 2-3 calls a day for people just freaking out and needing to be taking in for mental care. 2 years ago the norm was 1 / week...if that. We've seen the damage, first hand. You are 100% right imho.
he knew people younger than him who were in the hospitals for weeks with it
Every time someone said that or that they heard/read of someone younger than me dying from it I demanded proof and they immediately backtracked on the claim. Nobody ever produced a link or even tried to show me an article on their phone.
Thank you for relating your experience. This other side of the lockdowns, loss of jobs, and social isolation is never reported. We occasionally read about this in the Real Media (vs the Enemedia) but one cannot get the full horror of the situation unless it's related by someone who deals with this problem often.
Admitting that you were wrong is amazingly hard for many people and at least slightly hard for people in general. When all the BLM crap happened and I was speaking out someone acted surprised at me given how I had a different opinion on cops back during Ferguson and they were shocked when I said "yeah and I was wrong about Ferguson, turned out it was a lie then too."
Well menopause DOES make your period go insane, so does perimenopause. That is normal for women, it’s been happening long before “Covid” or any vaccine. We’re all just not supposed to talk about it because no one can handle women talking about their periods. Go read some women’s forums.
Right, Menopause is not officially menopause until there have been no cycles for 1 year. Having a cycle (AND a D&C?? That's a medical procedure one might get after a miscarriage) after 5 years of no cycles is a huge warning flag.
??? So .... "coronavirus measures" almost totally wiped out influenza ..... but didn't stop millions contracting wuflu and 100,000's dying ... so ... they were actually "influenza measures" ...???
We have 50+ years of actual scientific evidence that unequivocally says that none of that stupid shit is effective against the flu, which is why we never did it for flu pandemics.
Isn't it annoying that these "Scientists" will not admit that due to this scamdemic
they have found effective treatments for influenza,with Ivermectin,HCQ,Zinc,vitamin D,vitamin C.
I suppose with these "new" treatments,the influenza vaccine manufacturers would lose a lotof money.
I totally agree with you,these monsters are actually killing people for the sake of
making money.This Great Awakening can't come soon enough to put a stop to these evil,disgusting monsters that have been preying on humanity for so long.
Not even just flu, seems that Querticin + NAC and Zinc + Vitamin C pretty much cured my latest cold in only a few days. Most symptoms were gone by day 2.
Yes! Using the above remedies, I'm getting over the easiest case of bronchtis I've ever had! I usually come down with it every spring like clockwork. All the allergens, etc. Usually out of work for at least 10 days. Knocked this thing out in 5.
Good news is all the effective therapeutics for the [[[[COVID]]]] (HCQ+zinc, ivermectin, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, Budesonide and others) also cure
the flu.
The flu didn’t disappear. We just weren’t tracking it. Here is my theory. All “testing” centers the docs would send us to if we were sick were mass nasal swab operations for the corona right? So you get swabbed for the corona when you are sick. Came back either positive or negative but that didn’t change the fact you were still sick if it came back negative. I know a lot Of people who were sick but everytime negative and sent on their way. There isn’t a paper trail of flu because they weren’t testing for the flu. The really sick individuals came back and false positive and there were how many who weren’t even sick with positive I personally know 5 who had zero symptoms but came back positive on a routine test.
All you have to do is look at the total death numbers for 2020. They took the big killer numbers like heart disease, flu, cancer , and such and put a percentage of those over into covid. Covid is just a flu strain.
My work made it mandatory to get the flu vax annually. I begrudgingly went through with it all those years, but still ended up with the flu by January.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know they make the flu vax each year to "predict which strain will be worse", but if I'd always end up getting sick anyway I'd rather just skip the shot (which always ended up making me sick for a day after anyways).
I took the flu one for a few years when it was free then stopped bothering as the years I took it I always got it and the years I didn't it was a coinflip if I got through the entire winter without getting sick at all.
Whenever I go to pick up meds or am at the Dr, they always offer a flu vaccine. And I always say, “well, I’ve read that they’re, at best effective 30% of the time and, at worst 10%, so NO thanks. Shuts them right up. I’ve only taken the flu vaccine when I had to in the military and even then we all got sick every year with something worse than a cold anyway. It’s just a money making scheme.
Hold doctors and pharmacists and anyone else pushing this garbage accountable. Ask them, if they offer any type of vax-what is the effectiveness rate? Ask them what the side effects are. Put them on the spot so they wake the eff up. They’re a big part of the problem. I wish with covid, they would have stepped up and had the balls to say what they really know about virology, using the same filthy homemade masks over and over, how obstructing your breathing can cause a myriad of problems, the psychological damage it does to children and many adults, how sanitizers actually create an environment where bacteria like MRSA thrive and how people really weren’t dying from covid. They were dying from comorbidities. And I wish they’d step up and admit that, for some miraculous reason, all colds and flu have disappeared and tell us why that really is! What a disgrace they are for lacking the courage to be honest and flat out greedy and only seeing dollar signs.
The DS is patient (yet another virtue they’ve twisted and corrupted to be the opposite of virtuous). People have suffered adverse effects (and worse) from the flu vaccines. Testing takes years so I’m sure the demons were tracking all of this closely.
As important to them was to get people habituated to vaccinations as adults and also injecting fear into the populace. The yearly flu vaccines have been “useful”, but only to the DS who wanted to get us to this point where terrified and desperate people would allow injections of experimental drugs.
It seems a whole bunch of flu and pneumonia cases are in fact being relabeled as COVID-19 cases and doctors are getting 20% bonuses or $13,000 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for every COVID-19 diagnosis they make and another $36,000 in reimbursement for every one of those COVID-19 diagnosed patients that end up on a ventilator. I've also heard that some states like Illinois have defined a COVID-19 death as "Any patient who dies within 60 days of an initial positive test for COVID-19 regardless of any subsequent tests or conditions present at the time of death.". Last sumer, a Florida man did die in a motorcycle crash a week or so after having fully recovered from COVID-19, yet, the medical examiner still put COVID-19 in part 1 of the man's death certificate despite the man testing negative. There is also a study that looks into the legality of the CDC's March 24th, 2020 guidance on the data collection and reporting of COVID-19 deaths. Institute for Pure and Applied Public Health Policy Initiative study on CDC COVID reporting guidance
This, I found out from a coworker that his spouse does medical billing and what made them suspicious early on was all the pressure to bill everything as COVID for the extra money regardless of what the true cause of death was. Also these same fraud doctors get kickbacks from the vaccine makers for giving the jab, for every X patients fully jabbed their clinic gets some $XX,000 "donation."
Whom ever at the CDC authored this guidance needs to held accountable for all the falsely labeled deaths and cases at a result which I am not sure would ever happen under a corrupt government.
I have only recieved one flu shot in my life. It was free at work and I decided why not. I have a strong immune system and rarely get sick. I caught every illness that came near me for almost a year after getting the flu shot. I never got another one. I'm convinced they have been designed to keep people sick and going to the doctor, where they prescribe things with side effects that require more treatments. It always leads back to money.
so they figured the coronavirus spread like influenza despite evidence that sars-cov-1 spread in aerosols and not with contact(don't quote me on this though). So everyone took measures against influenza virus and of course managed to eradicate it. Too bad it didn't work so well against cov-2...
thing is there is no such thing as a spreadable virus as this video will demonstrate they dont even need a virus to exist they just lie to people that viruses are contagious meanwhile viruses are literally made by the human body to clean itself they are sick liars
Never got the flu shot for the same reason we won't get the covid vaccine. Viruses mutate. By the time, the covid vaxx's were released, the virus they were manufacturing the jab for had already changed.
"Likely" is a weasel word. It doesn't mean anything. It is not scientific. It is not a logical conclusion. It is just an unverified opinion.
"Incorrect" is worse than a weasel word. It is a propaganda word. It has no factual basis. It is also an unverified opinion, but one that attempts to persuade with no substance behind it.
For those who believe the covid jab is to depopulate the earth, why wouldn't they just do it through a non expirimental FDA approved means with something most people trust and already get? (Flu vaccine)
Good counterpoint, they had other less suspicious ways to introduce such a thing.
When did it become common for children to get a flu shot? I did not get a flu shot until I was a adult and while I am not a spring chicken, I am not that old...
My sister almost died from guillain barre. Yet she believes her immune system was responsible, not the SHOT. AND of course got the jab. It makes me so sad.
Oh yeah, she menopausal for 5 years... gets a horrendous period along with a D&C and thinks it's all normal. Freaks out when I said, that's odd - I have heard many women are saying similar things after the vaccine... ITS NORMAL she yelled.
I go from being so pissed off at her to sad & afraid for pissed again.., it's so messed up
A big part of this scamdemic is the destruction of familial relationships and our support structures. They want you alone. They want you scared. They want you broke. Cowering in your homes, naked and afraid. They want you to have no purpose in life and nobody to turn to but the State.
Yes. The social and psychological ramifications of COVID are far more insidious and worrying than the health dangers.
I was a drug and alcohol counselor for 13 years. Stopped in 2017. My phone has rang off the hook since summer of 2020. There have been numerous suicides, all kinds of calls with people suspecting spouses / family of alcohol or drug issues, divorces, etc. A very close LEO friend says they are averaging 2-3 calls a day for people just freaking out and needing to be taking in for mental care. 2 years ago the norm was 1 / week...if that. We've seen the damage, first hand. You are 100% right imho.
Every time someone said that or that they heard/read of someone younger than me dying from it I demanded proof and they immediately backtracked on the claim. Nobody ever produced a link or even tried to show me an article on their phone.
Thank you for relating your experience. This other side of the lockdowns, loss of jobs, and social isolation is never reported. We occasionally read about this in the Real Media (vs the Enemedia) but one cannot get the full horror of the situation unless it's related by someone who deals with this problem often.
This in my opinion was their intent and it is the part of the scam that can fill me with absolute rage. I have to check it.
It's like we were getting a lesson in "how did so many Germans just let the Nazis take control?"
defo. seems like they did it very easily.
People hate being wrong so bad they'll get irate about it. She has regrets but would never ever tell you. Her behavior is a dead give away.
Admitting that you were wrong is amazingly hard for many people and at least slightly hard for people in general. When all the BLM crap happened and I was speaking out someone acted surprised at me given how I had a different opinion on cops back during Ferguson and they were shocked when I said "yeah and I was wrong about Ferguson, turned out it was a lie then too."
Those that actually have/use a functional brain are able to change their opinion in light of new information. That is real science, so congrats!
Yes... it's so maddening what they are doing to people. I'm getting worn out.
The eyes cannot see what the mind refuses to know..............loosely paraphrased.
Getting a period 5 years post menopausal is not normal - it can be a sign of cancer.
Well menopause DOES make your period go insane, so does perimenopause. That is normal for women, it’s been happening long before “Covid” or any vaccine. We’re all just not supposed to talk about it because no one can handle women talking about their periods. Go read some women’s forums.
Periods occur in perimenopause.
Menopause is the cessation of periods altogether. You are not supposed to all of the sudden restart for any reason, other than an unhealthy one.
Right, Menopause is not officially menopause until there have been no cycles for 1 year. Having a cycle (AND a D&C?? That's a medical procedure one might get after a miscarriage) after 5 years of no cycles is a huge warning flag.
Yes, I'm praying she's ok
??? So .... "coronavirus measures" almost totally wiped out influenza ..... but didn't stop millions contracting wuflu and 100,000's dying ... so ... they were actually "influenza measures" ...???
Exactly, somehow the masks stopped everyone from getting the flu buy not covid 19. Sounds dumb
We have 50+ years of actual scientific evidence that unequivocally says that none of that stupid shit is effective against the flu, which is why we never did it for flu pandemics.
The flu is gone for different reasons
All the decades of flu deaths could have been prevented by face rags and poverty? Who knew?
Isn't it annoying that these "Scientists" will not admit that due to this scamdemic they have found effective treatments for influenza,with Ivermectin,HCQ,Zinc,vitamin D,vitamin C.
I suppose with these "new" treatments,the influenza vaccine manufacturers would lose a lotof money.
Exactly! The pharmaceutical companies are out there to make money by keeping you sick, not by curing diseases.
I totally agree with you,these monsters are actually killing people for the sake of making money.This Great Awakening can't come soon enough to put a stop to these evil,disgusting monsters that have been preying on humanity for so long.
Not even just flu, seems that Querticin + NAC and Zinc + Vitamin C pretty much cured my latest cold in only a few days. Most symptoms were gone by day 2.
Yes! Using the above remedies, I'm getting over the easiest case of bronchtis I've ever had! I usually come down with it every spring like clockwork. All the allergens, etc. Usually out of work for at least 10 days. Knocked this thing out in 5.
All vax are bad stop allowing the Government to inject you and your children with these poisons.
Good news is all the effective therapeutics for the [[[[COVID]]]] (HCQ+zinc, ivermectin, nebulized hydrogen peroxide, Budesonide and others) also cure the flu.
The flu didn’t disappear. We just weren’t tracking it. Here is my theory. All “testing” centers the docs would send us to if we were sick were mass nasal swab operations for the corona right? So you get swabbed for the corona when you are sick. Came back either positive or negative but that didn’t change the fact you were still sick if it came back negative. I know a lot Of people who were sick but everytime negative and sent on their way. There isn’t a paper trail of flu because they weren’t testing for the flu. The really sick individuals came back and false positive and there were how many who weren’t even sick with positive I personally know 5 who had zero symptoms but came back positive on a routine test.
All you have to do is look at the total death numbers for 2020. They took the big killer numbers like heart disease, flu, cancer , and such and put a percentage of those over into covid. Covid is just a flu strain.
Like X-22 says, it was a statistical pandemic mostly made by fudging numbers.
My work made it mandatory to get the flu vax annually. I begrudgingly went through with it all those years, but still ended up with the flu by January.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know they make the flu vax each year to "predict which strain will be worse", but if I'd always end up getting sick anyway I'd rather just skip the shot (which always ended up making me sick for a day after anyways).
I took the flu one for a few years when it was free then stopped bothering as the years I took it I always got it and the years I didn't it was a coinflip if I got through the entire winter without getting sick at all.
I never got a shot. Never got the flu. Once ehen working with immune compromised individuals I caught a cold.
Whenever I go to pick up meds or am at the Dr, they always offer a flu vaccine. And I always say, “well, I’ve read that they’re, at best effective 30% of the time and, at worst 10%, so NO thanks. Shuts them right up. I’ve only taken the flu vaccine when I had to in the military and even then we all got sick every year with something worse than a cold anyway. It’s just a money making scheme.
Hold doctors and pharmacists and anyone else pushing this garbage accountable. Ask them, if they offer any type of vax-what is the effectiveness rate? Ask them what the side effects are. Put them on the spot so they wake the eff up. They’re a big part of the problem. I wish with covid, they would have stepped up and had the balls to say what they really know about virology, using the same filthy homemade masks over and over, how obstructing your breathing can cause a myriad of problems, the psychological damage it does to children and many adults, how sanitizers actually create an environment where bacteria like MRSA thrive and how people really weren’t dying from covid. They were dying from comorbidities. And I wish they’d step up and admit that, for some miraculous reason, all colds and flu have disappeared and tell us why that really is! What a disgrace they are for lacking the courage to be honest and flat out greedy and only seeing dollar signs.
The DS is patient (yet another virtue they’ve twisted and corrupted to be the opposite of virtuous). People have suffered adverse effects (and worse) from the flu vaccines. Testing takes years so I’m sure the demons were tracking all of this closely.
As important to them was to get people habituated to vaccinations as adults and also injecting fear into the populace. The yearly flu vaccines have been “useful”, but only to the DS who wanted to get us to this point where terrified and desperate people would allow injections of experimental drugs.
It seems a whole bunch of flu and pneumonia cases are in fact being relabeled as COVID-19 cases and doctors are getting 20% bonuses or $13,000 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for every COVID-19 diagnosis they make and another $36,000 in reimbursement for every one of those COVID-19 diagnosed patients that end up on a ventilator. I've also heard that some states like Illinois have defined a COVID-19 death as "Any patient who dies within 60 days of an initial positive test for COVID-19 regardless of any subsequent tests or conditions present at the time of death.". Last sumer, a Florida man did die in a motorcycle crash a week or so after having fully recovered from COVID-19, yet, the medical examiner still put COVID-19 in part 1 of the man's death certificate despite the man testing negative. There is also a study that looks into the legality of the CDC's March 24th, 2020 guidance on the data collection and reporting of COVID-19 deaths. Institute for Pure and Applied Public Health Policy Initiative study on CDC COVID reporting guidance
This, I found out from a coworker that his spouse does medical billing and what made them suspicious early on was all the pressure to bill everything as COVID for the extra money regardless of what the true cause of death was. Also these same fraud doctors get kickbacks from the vaccine makers for giving the jab, for every X patients fully jabbed their clinic gets some $XX,000 "donation."
Whom ever at the CDC authored this guidance needs to held accountable for all the falsely labeled deaths and cases at a result which I am not sure would ever happen under a corrupt government.
I hope that one day, these lies will become as clear as day to every healthcare professional.
Then why didnt the coronavirus measures stop coronavirus then?
cant stop something which doesnt exist you get to decide when it leaves truly viruses are not contagious
"likely the result of covid measures"
"Breaking news today another outbreak and wave of Covid is sweeping the country"
Which is it MSM?
I have only recieved one flu shot in my life. It was free at work and I decided why not. I have a strong immune system and rarely get sick. I caught every illness that came near me for almost a year after getting the flu shot. I never got another one. I'm convinced they have been designed to keep people sick and going to the doctor, where they prescribe things with side effects that require more treatments. It always leads back to money.
Always have been
so they figured the coronavirus spread like influenza despite evidence that sars-cov-1 spread in aerosols and not with contact(don't quote me on this though). So everyone took measures against influenza virus and of course managed to eradicate it. Too bad it didn't work so well against cov-2...
thing is there is no such thing as a spreadable virus as this video will demonstrate they dont even need a virus to exist they just lie to people that viruses are contagious meanwhile viruses are literally made by the human body to clean itself they are sick liars
I don't think the flu vaccines have been useless.
I think they have been doing the job the were intended to do.
You wonder how (presumable) sane people are living in a fantasy clown world...well???
Dr. Janci Lindsay Sounds the Alarm: “Halt the Vaccine IMMEDIATELY” (AUDIO) By Cristina Laila Published May 21, 2021 at 4:30pm
Consider Pasteur's germ theory vs Bechamp's Terrain Theory:
Never got the flu shot for the same reason we won't get the covid vaccine. Viruses mutate. By the time, the covid vaxx's were released, the virus they were manufacturing the jab for had already changed.
Isn't Covid-19 an influence-like-illness caused by a cronavirus just as the flu is?
"Likely" is a weasel word. It doesn't mean anything. It is not scientific. It is not a logical conclusion. It is just an unverified opinion.
"Incorrect" is worse than a weasel word. It is a propaganda word. It has no factual basis. It is also an unverified opinion, but one that attempts to persuade with no substance behind it.
i love this point
We already knew the flu vaccine is only 50% effective.
Good counterpoint, they had other less suspicious ways to introduce such a thing.
When did it become common for children to get a flu shot? I did not get a flu shot until I was a adult and while I am not a spring chicken, I am not that old...