THE LEFT CANT MEME. They think this would fool us lmao, they can't camouflage for shit.
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Since they will eventually figure it out (maybe not). Here's a hint for you Godless fascists, ONLY YOU GUYS USE EMOJIS THAT OBSESSIVELY.
It's a dead give away, along side the aggressive language. Has the same tone as "The drunk, wife beating, alcoholic racist known as tRu*p".
Didn't see this before my comment but exactly my thoughts. The way the communicate stands out.
yep, it's too forced
but "forced" is the left's favorite method for getting anything so I wouldn't expect them to change that anytime time soon
Forced. That's it exactly.
I view it as them trying to blow a grape through a straw. Constantly. Except there is no grape and no straw... they are going to have some serious aneurism concerns.
I should add the context, saw it on Qult HQ but it was a crosspost from someone calling themselves a "Trolling God". Certaintly wouldn't want to follow a cuck god like that lmao. Remember, anyone who tells you they are cool, isn't.
Just looked at that sub and all the posts are just from that one guy. Man, the Left can’t meme at all. The idea that rainbows would make Trump supporters “cry” is so dumb. The only way you would think that’s funny is if you also had no idea what Trump supporters are like.
It’s just amazing that the same group of people that literally needed Play Doh to cope with the election of someone they didn’t like think they can make fun of any other human beings for any reason.
That's the thing, they don't wanna know because they get "alt right brainwashed".
I know that's what kept me in the dark for a while. Q was right, the choice to know is ours.
also with how they co opted "snowflake" it shows that they think them having a tantrum over not being seen as special and unique is the exact same as someone refusing to become a commie just because they said "muh CIA propaganda and American embargo!"
ah yes, he's one of those who post the same meme in 20 different subreddit without reading the rules, "but it says mildlyinteresting and this is mildly interesting, isn't it?!?!"
Yep. China shills too. Always thicc with emojis.
"What??? Teh Americans no rike Animojis? But we brasted commerciars for it arr over their terevisions!"
Feeling convinced about my emoji use ???
A little bit of emoji use is okay, I sometimes use them too.
But I don't know anyone who does the ? Apple commercial thing of replacing ↩️ every word ? or following ??♂️ every word with an emoji ?
Right, so true haha!!! It is a bit obnoxious!
Based on the Redditor posting it and their definition of "epically trolling" I'm thinking Gen X or older Millenial who thinks trolling simply means annoying people, and is relatively new to the world wide web. Like how they think "snowflake" simply means someone who is annoyed. It would definitely explain why they love emojis so much lmao, but on the other hand they spend so much time on making so many posts that they probably get paid to do it.
And you just know it's a 590 pound chimp saying it
I have never seen the right say things like "tendew wittle skin"
That is lefty talk. It's ridiculous.
yep, furry diaper scat fetish stuff
it's nasty
Not to mention there aren't many of us who refer to all other people as being stupid, so starting out a meme by contemptuously referring to everyone else as "sheeple" is a giveaway.
They went full retard on this one.
Similar to how they have to censor random words, they probably can't bring themselves to simply type "frens" because even they know that if anyone ever caught wind that they even typed it out ironically, they would be shunned and sent to gulag.
Yet they still think they are the Right Side of History^TM
That's why they rely on a wall of text and titling their posts as "I...I can't even...yikes"
They expect everyone to be too stupid to figure it out so they make the entire meme an essay explaining it to plebs, but also see themselves as so important that people will click on their meme simply because they can't even.
Lol why would they care about facial recognition when we carry tracking devices with us 24/7
because they only believe in politically convenient conspiracy theories, "bruh you trust Trump? Bootlicker."
anything else is, "bruh, you dont trust our corporate overlords? Bootlicker."
Lol silly deep state. We don't wanna hide our faces when we are standing proud for what is right.
And what about eye ball recognition. They didn't even think it fully through.
Not to mention id via gait and that damn near everyone pays by card or phone and has their pocket spy enabled to ultra high accuracy with voice recog, WiFi, blutooth turned on..
Nobody's that stupid this has to be a joke.
For me the biggest issue is calling non face diaper people a "false flag" Getting that term out of context shows they are a lefty more than anything there.
its like those ones who only know that one Leviticus verse and try to use it to drive a wedge between Christians, but that method actually has some success
This comes off as if a Canadian typed it.
a millenial cat lady Canadian who thinks being a millenial still makes them "young" like a high schooler
Silly rabbits, they don’t need facial recognition when the car you drive has a computer built into it. Or any cell phone you own made after 1996... yeah, they hardly need facial recognition - that’s just an added bonus at this point.
Does anyone sell new cars anymore with physical, mechanical handbrakes or actual turning keyed ignitions? It seems every new car you have to ask it permission to do anything. Only a matter of time before building your own car becomes illegal.
The left can't meme. They are too uptight, sanctimonious, and self righteous. It just doesn't work. Remember the awesome shitposting our REAL president used to do? It was hilarious. I miss those days. Hopefully we will see it again soon.
no joke, one of the commenters said, "I love your praxis"
are these people fucking serious lmao "Officer, I my COMRADE!!!"
this is the worst meme... ive seen... since the inception of meme
Umm no Spanish influenza deaths were from bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks.
They need more deaths
Especially since it's much more likely that they got a bunch of great new data for the software so they now know what everyone looks like in masks
yep, masks don't help for shit. Just ask Professor Bikelock or Michael Reinoehl if their mask kept them safe from a bunch of internet randys.
On a side note, it's interesting how quickly the Feds caught up to Reinoehl right after he crossed state lines. Dude barely got to his girlfriend's house before they closed in on him. With no help from municipal or state police, either the Feds were watching and waiting to pounce (MI had a file on him) or were able to find him THAT quickly (possibly using help from anons' heavy lifting). I think it was the former, mixed with a bit of the latter.
Low IQ
That meme at the bottom has been fact checked as false. - -
I mean, we knew that for years with Antifa fascist thugs being exposed and all. If 4chan can do it in a matter of hours then every intel agency could too if they wanted (and they do)
infowars is mossad
Yet they’ll get a jab of junk from the Government that tracks their face.
Very retarded attempt at a meme. No one's buying wearing masks
LOL “own the libs”!!! Never heard anyone right of Stalin use that phrase.
Seriously, "muh conservatives only view point is owning the libs". Coming from people whose only principle is "whatever makes me sound superior to the last guy who replied to me" or "win by any means necessary/the ends justify the means" no less.
"Let's have America be world police to own the drumpf supporters" could summarize their reaction to finding out Trump didn't go to war with whatever country they pleaded him to not go to war with. Hypocrites.
*"Meme" created while staring at the front camera of a Chinese brand Android phone.
Let the mask lovers keep their f-ing mask on for all eternity.... they'll be easy to spot instead of having to listen to ANYTHING that comes out of their mouths to find out they're idiots.
They are slaves & worship government over God.
Commies are next.
Crown world more like ??
Yep, 4chan was doing it before Trump was president.
That's also how they found the Reinoehl guy last year too, in only a few hours at that.