I saw those Musk satellites in the early morning sky.
I thought "I am really hoping that's 'us'... because those are traveling in perfect formation, making no sound, at waaaay faster than the speed of sound."
Went inside, found the article about it on the interwebz, and breathed a sigh of relief that the Archons from the Planet Nibiru are not paying us a visit. Yet.
I agree that the UFOs in the news are a distraction, and that a fake alien false flag is probably the Deep State's weapon of last resort, but if you think E.T.s aren't real and haven't been interacting with our governments for 100+ years, you need to go and do your research. There is a lot out there. Look into the Disclosure Project (2001) with Stephen Greer. Hundreds of government eye witnesses, Project Blue Book, Montauk, etc.
You realize they are one in the same, right? Extra terrestrial means not of this Earth. Demons, angels, aliens can all be ETs. Although IMO, a better term is extra dimensional beings.
Alien = Belonging to a foreign nation/foreign intrusion. (China/Russia) Literally that’s the standard textbook definition. It has nothing to do with the common tinfoil that distracts from this simple comm. CIA Job = foreign Infiltration = Alien.
I'm still learning and reading this guy's blog but that's what I've found so far on aliens.
Several years of increasing public disclosures of sightings.
Lota of news about Mars.
(Funny how Amazons show Invincible has the character meet martian aliens the same week Mars in the news...)
Project Blue Beam - fake alien attack as vector for one world government.
HG Wells radio broadcast War of the Worlds was a trial run.
He was a Mason also.
H.G. Wells wrote the novel, but Orson WELLES performed the radio play in 1938. The public panic was not planned. The dramatization was more effective than anticipated.
Look, you don't know anything. You can't even tell the difference between Wells and Welles, so it's unknown who might have been a Mason. We have Welles' statements about the origin of the program (which was announced as a fiction). What do you have? Nothing.
I had a dream decades ago that was so clear-it’s almost like a memory now- “aliens” landed and people were flocking to the ships left & right. Trying to get on for a “better life”. Kinda like the flocking to the jab- and I seen it & I went home. I was told in my head that it’s all a lie. They think they are going to a better future but it’s all a lie & they’re being sent to their detriment- like the Nazi cattle cars & they don’t know it. That dream stuck with me & I told every family member no matter what happens- if this comes to pass we need to all meet up & discuss b4 anyone goes anywhere! If you see this don’t believe it!
When I first got home from 'Nam in 1972 I was already hearing back channel chatter of using hologram projections in psyops. Now we call it Project Blue Beam.
Great meme! I'm confident the next big scare will be aliens.
Recently we have:
1.) Chinese rocket parts "Fail" to launch properly and falls back to earth uncontrollably.
2.) Elon Musk has dozens of mini satellites circling the planet to provide free internet. Strange?
3.) Nasa Launches KiNET-X rocket after multiple days of delays.
Q mentioned "Sky Event" just over 3 years ago. Q Drop 1182
I saw those Musk satellites in the early morning sky.
I thought "I am really hoping that's 'us'... because those are traveling in perfect formation, making no sound, at waaaay faster than the speed of sound."
Went inside, found the article about it on the interwebz, and breathed a sigh of relief that the Archons from the Planet Nibiru are not paying us a visit. Yet.
My buddy is an AF pilot. He sent me a video of that and was kind of shocked and unsettled when it streaked across the sky.
Strange times Fren.
The short hairs on my caveman neck saw them and stood to attention.
"Not from around here....."
Figured that was the China rocket bits
This meme should show: Aliens drinking Corona beer. top kek
Govt won't tell us much. It's simply a diversion...
This is a nice reminder that...
Preferring proven coronavirus treatments like Vitamin D and ivermectin over an experimental vaccine
Believing that an election with more votes than residents was fraudulent
Advocating that burning down businesses in minority communities is harmful and not peaceful
Believing that Hollywood and Washington are full of people who abuse their power for money and sex
...are all considered conspiracy theories.
But aliens are not.
This should have its own post!
Yes the peaceful transdimensional aliens that are billions of years more advanced than us have now all of a sudden decided they're going to attack us.
The cabal is retarded.
If aliens wanted us dead it be over so fast you wouldn't even know what happened.
I'm not buying into the UFO BS until I see tripods coming down my street with their heat ray.
So you have conditions? Bluebeam can make that happen for you!
Truly nice work!
99 out 100 with 100 being the mythical perfect meme that collapses the entire deep state before it is even posted.
I agree that the UFOs in the news are a distraction, and that a fake alien false flag is probably the Deep State's weapon of last resort, but if you think E.T.s aren't real and haven't been interacting with our governments for 100+ years, you need to go and do your research. There is a lot out there. Look into the Disclosure Project (2001) with Stephen Greer. Hundreds of government eye witnesses, Project Blue Book, Montauk, etc.
Demonic beings that have hijacked a physical form? Maybe. Actual ETs? Nah.
You realize they are one in the same, right? Extra terrestrial means not of this Earth. Demons, angels, aliens can all be ETs. Although IMO, a better term is extra dimensional beings.
Speaking of ufo’s https://files.catbox.moe/t85kmg.jpeg
Alien = Belonging to a foreign nation/foreign intrusion. (China/Russia) Literally that’s the standard textbook definition. It has nothing to do with the common tinfoil that distracts from this simple comm. CIA Job = foreign Infiltration = Alien.
I'm still learning and reading this guy's blog but that's what I've found so far on aliens.
Several years of increasing public disclosures of sightings. Lota of news about Mars. (Funny how Amazons show Invincible has the character meet martian aliens the same week Mars in the news...)
Project Blue Beam - fake alien attack as vector for one world government.
HG Wells radio broadcast War of the Worlds was a trial run. He was a Mason also.
H.G. Wells wrote the novel, but Orson WELLES performed the radio play in 1938. The public panic was not planned. The dramatization was more effective than anticipated.
Public panic not planned? ....sure.
Look, you don't know anything. You can't even tell the difference between Wells and Welles, so it's unknown who might have been a Mason. We have Welles' statements about the origin of the program (which was announced as a fiction). What do you have? Nothing.
UFOs and Bill Gates, so hot right now.
I had a dream decades ago that was so clear-it’s almost like a memory now- “aliens” landed and people were flocking to the ships left & right. Trying to get on for a “better life”. Kinda like the flocking to the jab- and I seen it & I went home. I was told in my head that it’s all a lie. They think they are going to a better future but it’s all a lie & they’re being sent to their detriment- like the Nazi cattle cars & they don’t know it. That dream stuck with me & I told every family member no matter what happens- if this comes to pass we need to all meet up & discuss b4 anyone goes anywhere! If you see this don’t believe it!
Does anyone think the black-ass-hats still have control of Alien Invasion hoax technology or do you think Space Force has it?
That's a good question. I'd like to think Space Force is in control.
C’mon...I wanna shoot one & hang it’s head on my wall?!!?!
5 years ago people were saying when the deep state run out of ammunition they will use the alien/ufo story..............was waiting for it!
Hell they were saying it in 1917. Reagan said it on 8 occasions.
When I first got home from 'Nam in 1972 I was already hearing back channel chatter of using hologram projections in psyops. Now we call it Project Blue Beam.
Still waiting to see those murder hornets...
60minutes did a ufo episode just awhile ago and i hear there was some info drop in june.