That said, I can confirm my mother was a tabloid junkie in the 90s, and I recall seeing the occasional Mother Teresa hit piece, and I vaguely recall them being pretty scandalous, along the lines recounted here.
It's not an official source, take it for what it is but there have been rumors about this "saint" for quite a few years.
Again, your point is extremely valid. My mom's addiction to sensational news rarely comes in handy, so I had to mention it, to honor her memory, as it were. ?
Bahaha! I feel ya fren! Just when I think I’ve read it all on this site, something new pops up that makes my ? but then a second later I’m like “yeah, it’s so crazy and absurd it’s probably true”! ??♀️?
I said, "look at a PICTURE of Mother Teresa NEXT TO A PICTURE of Dr. Fauci." I didn't even tell people what they were looking for or what to believe. I made no accusations. I didn't claim any truths to anything. I simply said go look. It went way over your head apparently. God bless.
Well these two particular wrinkly old people happen to look like twins. It's a remarkable coincidence if nothing else. Isn't that what this is all about? Noticing things and bringing attention to them so they can be explored? I found the similarity in appearance stunning and wanted to see if anyone else would see the same thing without being told to see it. Several have. You think all old people look the same and called me pathetic. I'm done. Have a nice day.
Nah, her order may have infiltrated by cabal agents, but Mother Teresa herself was a saint. Any talk against her character is akin to the calumny thrown against Trump. Not buying it.
I agree...The number of people believing gossip and propaganda that says good and saintly people are all evil. This is what the evil one would have us believable. Division is their goal. We are all human beings and can pray for those that are committing evil acts to repent and stop doing evil and seek forgiveness. Too many have believed all the bad things said about Trump. Ignoring anything about Biden or his families corrupt behavior. We must unite for strength. Call out lies when we hear them and evil when we see it.
I'm not ruling anything out. Keep an open mind it'll be easier when the truth comes out. Curious, did you spend a lot of time with her since you refer to her as a saint?
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ's Passion. The world gains much from their suffering," Mother Teresa once told the unamused Christopher Hitchens.
She received billions of dollars in donations and spent essentially none of it on medical care for the poor, which was her primary mission, favoring hospice and unsanitary conditions while watching people suffer and die “as Jesus did”.
Huffpost is poor toilet paper, but these articles are a good jumping-off-point for asking questions. Based on what we have seen the last five years, if the rest of the media unanimously says she is literally a saint, there’s a decent chance she was actually a moral garbage can.
And that’s not even close to touching the theory that the nuns were mostly men (none of them seem to have breasts in photos including Mother Teresa) or the curious resemblance between Fauci and her. At this point, literally nothing would surprise me, given that it seems a certainty that the entire narrative of recorded history and practically every facet of what we think we know about our existence on this planet seems to be a carefully-crafted lie from the cult of lucifer.
Huffpost is poor toilet paper, but these articles are a good jumping-off-point for asking questions
Pick one. Why would a cabal outlet attack a nun? She wasn't a hospitaller, her calling was hospice care for the poorest of the poor. There is no way you're going to open a profitable hospital in the slums of india.
She received billions of dollars in donations and spent essentially none of it on medical care for the poor, which was her primary mission, favoring hospice and unsanitary conditions while watching people suffer and die “as Jesus did”.
I mean you make it sound as bad as possible. This is calcutta in the 1950s, they don't have the fcking logistics and infrastructure to support a high-tech state-of-the-art hospital. And what doctor would want to live there? She takes people off the street that people don't want and cares for them the best she can with what she has. She gives them dignity and lets them know they are loved and cared for. The alternative is to leaving them to rot in the street.
Do your own research before blindly following liberal rags and calumniating that holy woman.
I’m not saying definitely she is either a saint or a depraved scumbag, but rather that it’s not ridiculous that there may be more to the story.
Don’t put your faith in men (or women). Don’t put your faith in Trump or Q or the plan. Put your faith in God. And then don the armor of salvation, pull on your work gloves, and get in the game!
The Huffpost stories I linked are only a STARTING point for further research, no single source can possibly be relied upon, especially regarding something from one of the worst Cabal publications trying to make Christians look bad.
Mother Teresa died in 1997 still very active in her work (whatever that entailed- again, as an adult who understands the finances of this stuff now, it seems super sketchy), she gained prominence in the 1950s but was world-famous for decades and she allegedly had multiple billions of US dollars in donations sitting in Vatican bank accounts for her ministry that went completely untouched. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was a massive cash cow for the Catholic Church- I knew that when I was 10 years old. And she repeatedly gave interviews seemingly joyful about watching poor people die in squalor while deliberately withholding lifesaving medical care that was EASILY afforded by donations to her ministry.
We basically have 2 hard data points regarding her character: 1) she regularly professed that she enjoyed watching poor people suffer and die from what were clearly treatable conditions and 2) she died with astronomical bank accounts that were earmarked for the poor and quite obviously not spent on the poor.
For a reference point, I personally keep Kosher because I want a daily reminder to be more like Jesus, who lived according to Jewish law. This is my own personal expression of faith and I don’t judge anyone else for eating shellfish or pork. She wanted OTHERS to suffer like Jesus so she withheld lifesaving medical care that she could easily afford (not money from her own pocket but money provided to her by hundreds of thousands of supporters explicitly earmarked to help care for these poor) and she instead reveled in watching them die, and when her turn came she flew to the West to get the best treatment money could buy.
The weird rumors of cult and occult stuff, child trafficking, and facilitating sex abuse for what we know now is a very corrupt Vatican power structure are all hearsay at this point, but the two major things we do know are pretty bad.
Romans 3:10-12, Psalm 14:1-3, and Psalm 53:1-3 all say almost exactly the same thing, and I think it’s pretty clear that the many, many verses like this throughout the Bible are referring explicitly to the Luciferians who seem to have dominated the world for millennia (when Lucifer tempted Jesus with the world, I think it was literal- imagine the Rothschild’s boss’s boss sitting down with Jesus):
“ “There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.””
There are three classes of people today: the Deceivers, the Deceived, and the Awake. There are not many Deceivers, but they have held all the levers of power for millennia, and upon my most recent rereading of the Bible I think it’s quite clear that they are explicitly and literally referenced as the primary Adversary of humanity. They “prowl around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” They are the “Jews who are not Jews”, the “Synagogue of Satan”. (Rev 2:9 and 3:9).
Yeah that's right. She was given billions, it's estimated she spent about 7% on the poor and sick. She shouldn't have born false witness is one of the main observations of how she did business.
"Mother Teresa is famed for being one of history’s true altruists. She devoted her life to the poor, opening her first Missionaries of Charity home in 1950s Calcutta, and going on to open hundreds more across the world. As word of her mission spread, it caught the public imagination and millions of dollars began to pour in,
all of which went to help those who needed it most.
At least, that’s the official version.
The reality is far grimmer.
According to those who’ve volunteered there, Mother Teresa’s missions are squalid cesspits run along violent, authoritarian lines.
There are reports of unruly children being tied to beds and beaten, of outdated equipment not being replaced, and of needles being reused in countries with high HIV infection rates (such as Haiti) until they were so blunt they caused pain.
All of this wrapped up in a culture of unquestioning obedience, secrecy, and control that is said to resemble a cult.
This might all be okay if the Missionaries were doing some good, but they’re not.
In 1991, German magazine Stern revealed that only 7 percent of donations to the organization were used for charity.
The rest was funneled into secret bank accounts or used to build more missions.
There are reports that missions won’t even buy bread to feed their inmates, preferring instead to rely only on donated food.
And where does all this money come from?
Well, some of it comes from regular, kind-hearted folk giving what they can. A heck of a lot more came from some of the most evil men who ever lived.
Mother Teresa herself personally took large donations from the psychopathic Haitian dictator “Baby Doc,” publicly defending his blood-soaked rule in return.
In the 1990s, fraudster Charles Keating donated $1.25 million of stolen money to the Missionaries.
When asked to return the fraudulent money, Mother Teresa simply stayed silent.
In 2010, Forbes revealed that the first home she set up had a mortality rate of over 40 percent.
To paraphrase an old saying, if the poor have friends like her, they no longer need enemies."
She was not really that nice a person. She helped the Catholic Church at large steal ENoRMouS sums of money donated to help sick people.
From the wiki write up: "In 2013, in a comprehensive review[8] covering 96% of the literature on Mother Teresa, a group of Université de Montréal academics reinforced the foregoing criticism, detailing, among other issues, the missionary's practice of "caring for the sick by glorifying their suffering instead of relieving it,"
(link below) "Hitchens quoted Mother Teresa: "I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people." The operative words are those last few in which she specifies exactly whose suffering is beneficial to the world. As Hitchens notes, her own suffering was apparently not as beautiful in the eyes of her God, so she checked into "some of the finest and costliest clinics and hospitals in the West" when she had heart trouble in her old age."
"A 2013 study of her life and work, posted by the University of Montreal, found that she had a "rather dubious way of caring for the sick" and a number of "questionable political contacts." Most troubling was the "suspicious management of the enormous sums of money she received." The study cited "a significant lack of hygiene, ... unfit conditions, [and] a shortage of actual care, inadequate food, and no painkillers" at her more than 500 missions across the world at the time of her death. Apparently, God only delights in poor people's pain."
Not surprised. ? I think I might cry though if someone tells me John Wayne was evil. I can't watch regular tv anymore so I've been watching oldies. Bring back the cowboys, indians and gunfights! Men were men back then and women ....well... We're more quiet and wore dresses. ? No confusion portrayed openly at least.
Wonder if there’s a process for revoking Sainthood. Granted I doubt Mother Theresa will be the last one to have such tales and stories crop up.
There’s been gradually mounting evidence that the process of declaring people Saints has for several decades or more at minimum been used to discourage digging into certain individuals private lives. Private Lives that would suggest they were far less Saintly then people have been led to believe.
If the truth comes out, we just as a society refuse to acknowledge her sainthood, in the same way we in the UK now refuse to accept Jimmy Savile's knighthood and dont show his programs anymore and his name is banned pretty much.
You view this as "the narrative is turning on ___ cabal people" where as, it seems to be more crafting a narrative against religion and "cults" - a popular term to blanket over everything social that the left disagrees with.
Beware cheer leading things that confirm your bias, as they are usually not as they seem.
Given media has suddenly done a 180 in the past week, throwing Fauci and Gates under the bus, and now seeming to run stories doing the same to Mother Theresa, I thought it was good to post here to discuss if this means Patriots control the media and the narratives are being shredded and truth is being revealed drip by drop.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
THEY try to make religion and Christianity in particular look like the villain. A religious life need only involve kindness and awareness of the lies. Because once you see the lies and understand their purpose, it’s impossibly easy to “keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
I heard a while ago she ran a child trafficking operation. There will be so many “heroes” that fall.
She accepted money from Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father. I would not be at all surprised.
"i heard"
hearsay and rumor. commies guilty of fake news and calumny but patriots are just as guilty.
Fake news and false witness are THE sins of our time.
You're correct.
That said, I can confirm my mother was a tabloid junkie in the 90s, and I recall seeing the occasional Mother Teresa hit piece, and I vaguely recall them being pretty scandalous, along the lines recounted here.
It's not an official source, take it for what it is but there have been rumors about this "saint" for quite a few years.
Again, your point is extremely valid. My mom's addiction to sensational news rarely comes in handy, so I had to mention it, to honor her memory, as it were. ?
Indeed she did. Watch the shills and leftists go ape when this fake "saint" is touched.
Given we live in a subverted world, anyone they say is benevolent (like Bill Gates) is usually malevolent.
Imagine how bad someone must be to be made a Saint by these demons!
Want to start scratching your head? Look at a picture of Mother Teresa next to a picture of Dr. Fauci.
Lol wut the fuck am I reading. We are in clown world, and sadly this is possible.
Bahaha! I feel ya fren! Just when I think I’ve read it all on this site, something new pops up that makes my ? but then a second later I’m like “yeah, it’s so crazy and absurd it’s probably true”! ??♀️?
hahaha i fucking love you guys xD
Lol, clown world is right.
I'm skeptical, but at this point, anything is possible with these goons.
Yes I do believe mother Theresa was a father Terry
Haha - they look alike!
That's like pointing out Trumps pictures with epstein and the clintons. Not a good look but circumstantial and not dispositive. Pathetic. SMH.
How is thinking Dr. Fauci and Mother Teresa look like blood relatives the same as pointing out a photo of Trump with Epstein?
One of these things is not like the other
I said, "look at a PICTURE of Mother Teresa NEXT TO A PICTURE of Dr. Fauci." I didn't even tell people what they were looking for or what to believe. I made no accusations. I didn't claim any truths to anything. I simply said go look. It went way over your head apparently. God bless.
Old wrinkly people tend to look similar ... so what?
Yeah, and Trump is pictured with clinton & epstein ... now simply go look and draw your own conclusions. I make no accusations.
Well these two particular wrinkly old people happen to look like twins. It's a remarkable coincidence if nothing else. Isn't that what this is all about? Noticing things and bringing attention to them so they can be explored? I found the similarity in appearance stunning and wanted to see if anyone else would see the same thing without being told to see it. Several have. You think all old people look the same and called me pathetic. I'm done. Have a nice day.
Rule of thumb: if you've heard of them, they might be cabal. If you've heard of them and they are religious leaders, they are almost certainly cabal.
Apparently she had a hand in trafficking
Yes hence why if the Cabal is falling and Patriots now control media, the tide could be turning
Nah, her order may have infiltrated by cabal agents, but Mother Teresa herself was a saint. Any talk against her character is akin to the calumny thrown against Trump. Not buying it.
I agree...The number of people believing gossip and propaganda that says good and saintly people are all evil. This is what the evil one would have us believable. Division is their goal. We are all human beings and can pray for those that are committing evil acts to repent and stop doing evil and seek forgiveness. Too many have believed all the bad things said about Trump. Ignoring anything about Biden or his families corrupt behavior. We must unite for strength. Call out lies when we hear them and evil when we see it.
She was a complete hack, it came out just after she died when people started telling about stuff she'd done.
She was crazy and evil as a snake.
I have not seen any reports or proof. Where did you find info? <- - - - ZoGGLe return for ''Mother Theresa not that nice.''
I did the first search for you because you're named "Lady Boothall."
Thank you.
I'm not ruling anything out. Keep an open mind it'll be easier when the truth comes out. Curious, did you spend a lot of time with her since you refer to her as a saint?
“There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ's Passion. The world gains much from their suffering," Mother Teresa once told the unamused Christopher Hitchens.
She received billions of dollars in donations and spent essentially none of it on medical care for the poor, which was her primary mission, favoring hospice and unsanitary conditions while watching people suffer and die “as Jesus did”.
Huffpost is poor toilet paper, but these articles are a good jumping-off-point for asking questions. Based on what we have seen the last five years, if the rest of the media unanimously says she is literally a saint, there’s a decent chance she was actually a moral garbage can.
And that’s not even close to touching the theory that the nuns were mostly men (none of them seem to have breasts in photos including Mother Teresa) or the curious resemblance between Fauci and her. At this point, literally nothing would surprise me, given that it seems a certainty that the entire narrative of recorded history and practically every facet of what we think we know about our existence on this planet seems to be a carefully-crafted lie from the cult of lucifer.
Pick one. Why would a cabal outlet attack a nun? She wasn't a hospitaller, her calling was hospice care for the poorest of the poor. There is no way you're going to open a profitable hospital in the slums of india.
I mean you make it sound as bad as possible. This is calcutta in the 1950s, they don't have the fcking logistics and infrastructure to support a high-tech state-of-the-art hospital. And what doctor would want to live there? She takes people off the street that people don't want and cares for them the best she can with what she has. She gives them dignity and lets them know they are loved and cared for. The alternative is to leaving them to rot in the street.
Do your own research before blindly following liberal rags and calumniating that holy woman.
Yes she did. She took them in instead of letting them die in the street.
I’m not saying definitely she is either a saint or a depraved scumbag, but rather that it’s not ridiculous that there may be more to the story.
Don’t put your faith in men (or women). Don’t put your faith in Trump or Q or the plan. Put your faith in God. And then don the armor of salvation, pull on your work gloves, and get in the game!
The Huffpost stories I linked are only a STARTING point for further research, no single source can possibly be relied upon, especially regarding something from one of the worst Cabal publications trying to make Christians look bad.
Mother Teresa died in 1997 still very active in her work (whatever that entailed- again, as an adult who understands the finances of this stuff now, it seems super sketchy), she gained prominence in the 1950s but was world-famous for decades and she allegedly had multiple billions of US dollars in donations sitting in Vatican bank accounts for her ministry that went completely untouched. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was a massive cash cow for the Catholic Church- I knew that when I was 10 years old. And she repeatedly gave interviews seemingly joyful about watching poor people die in squalor while deliberately withholding lifesaving medical care that was EASILY afforded by donations to her ministry.
We basically have 2 hard data points regarding her character: 1) she regularly professed that she enjoyed watching poor people suffer and die from what were clearly treatable conditions and 2) she died with astronomical bank accounts that were earmarked for the poor and quite obviously not spent on the poor.
For a reference point, I personally keep Kosher because I want a daily reminder to be more like Jesus, who lived according to Jewish law. This is my own personal expression of faith and I don’t judge anyone else for eating shellfish or pork. She wanted OTHERS to suffer like Jesus so she withheld lifesaving medical care that she could easily afford (not money from her own pocket but money provided to her by hundreds of thousands of supporters explicitly earmarked to help care for these poor) and she instead reveled in watching them die, and when her turn came she flew to the West to get the best treatment money could buy.
The weird rumors of cult and occult stuff, child trafficking, and facilitating sex abuse for what we know now is a very corrupt Vatican power structure are all hearsay at this point, but the two major things we do know are pretty bad.
Romans 3:10-12, Psalm 14:1-3, and Psalm 53:1-3 all say almost exactly the same thing, and I think it’s pretty clear that the many, many verses like this throughout the Bible are referring explicitly to the Luciferians who seem to have dominated the world for millennia (when Lucifer tempted Jesus with the world, I think it was literal- imagine the Rothschild’s boss’s boss sitting down with Jesus):
“ “There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. 12 All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one.””
There are three classes of people today: the Deceivers, the Deceived, and the Awake. There are not many Deceivers, but they have held all the levers of power for millennia, and upon my most recent rereading of the Bible I think it’s quite clear that they are explicitly and literally referenced as the primary Adversary of humanity. They “prowl around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” They are the “Jews who are not Jews”, the “Synagogue of Satan”. (Rev 2:9 and 3:9).
The Pope made her a Saint. If the Cabal want you to think she's Holy, then she is demonic.
We live in upside clown world dont forget.
She was crazy as a shit-house rat. SUPER manipulator, child trafficker, terrorizing the interns, you name it she was an evil cult leader.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Yeah that's right. She was given billions, it's estimated she spent about 7% on the poor and sick. She shouldn't have born false witness is one of the main observations of how she did business.
"Mother Teresa is famed for being one of history’s true altruists. She devoted her life to the poor, opening her first Missionaries of Charity home in 1950s Calcutta, and going on to open hundreds more across the world. As word of her mission spread, it caught the public imagination and millions of dollars began to pour in,
all of which went to help those who needed it most.
At least, that’s the official version.
The reality is far grimmer.
According to those who’ve volunteered there, Mother Teresa’s missions are squalid cesspits run along violent, authoritarian lines.
There are reports of unruly children being tied to beds and beaten, of outdated equipment not being replaced, and of needles being reused in countries with high HIV infection rates (such as Haiti) until they were so blunt they caused pain.
All of this wrapped up in a culture of unquestioning obedience, secrecy, and control that is said to resemble a cult.
This might all be okay if the Missionaries were doing some good, but they’re not.
In 1991, German magazine Stern revealed that only 7 percent of donations to the organization were used for charity.
The rest was funneled into secret bank accounts or used to build more missions.
There are reports that missions won’t even buy bread to feed their inmates, preferring instead to rely only on donated food.
And where does all this money come from?
Well, some of it comes from regular, kind-hearted folk giving what they can. A heck of a lot more came from some of the most evil men who ever lived.
Mother Teresa herself personally took large donations from the psychopathic Haitian dictator “Baby Doc,” publicly defending his blood-soaked rule in return.
In the 1990s, fraudster Charles Keating donated $1.25 million of stolen money to the Missionaries.
When asked to return the fraudulent money, Mother Teresa simply stayed silent.
In 2010, Forbes revealed that the first home she set up had a mortality rate of over 40 percent.
To paraphrase an old saying, if the poor have friends like her, they no longer need enemies."
She was not really that nice a person. She helped the Catholic Church at large steal ENoRMouS sums of money donated to help sick people.
She bore false witness. In a major way.
She was already outed. POS
She was truly evil. Why no one saw it, just proof that the media can spin anything
She was sadistic and likened the suffering of the poor and dying to becoming closer to god (which "god", I wonder?).
This info has been out for a while. Its even on wikipedia.
From the wiki write up: "In 2013, in a comprehensive review[8] covering 96% of the literature on Mother Teresa, a group of Université de Montréal academics reinforced the foregoing criticism, detailing, among other issues, the missionary's practice of "caring for the sick by glorifying their suffering instead of relieving it,"
(link below) "Hitchens quoted Mother Teresa: "I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people." The operative words are those last few in which she specifies exactly whose suffering is beneficial to the world. As Hitchens notes, her own suffering was apparently not as beautiful in the eyes of her God, so she checked into "some of the finest and costliest clinics and hospitals in the West" when she had heart trouble in her old age."
"A 2013 study of her life and work, posted by the University of Montreal, found that she had a "rather dubious way of caring for the sick" and a number of "questionable political contacts." Most troubling was the "suspicious management of the enormous sums of money she received." The study cited "a significant lack of hygiene, ... unfit conditions, [and] a shortage of actual care, inadequate food, and no painkillers" at her more than 500 missions across the world at the time of her death. Apparently, God only delights in poor people's pain."
Makes you wonder who her God really is.
Not surprised. ? I think I might cry though if someone tells me John Wayne was evil. I can't watch regular tv anymore so I've been watching oldies. Bring back the cowboys, indians and gunfights! Men were men back then and women ....well... We're more quiet and wore dresses. ? No confusion portrayed openly at least.
When Kappy said Seth Green and Jim Carrey were nonces, I felt the same. Buffy's my fave show and Jim was my entire childhood.
I cant watch these things the same anymore. It's very sad.
Wonder if there’s a process for revoking Sainthood. Granted I doubt Mother Theresa will be the last one to have such tales and stories crop up.
There’s been gradually mounting evidence that the process of declaring people Saints has for several decades or more at minimum been used to discourage digging into certain individuals private lives. Private Lives that would suggest they were far less Saintly then people have been led to believe.
If the truth comes out, we just as a society refuse to acknowledge her sainthood, in the same way we in the UK now refuse to accept Jimmy Savile's knighthood and dont show his programs anymore and his name is banned pretty much.
I've heard about this earlier, turns out the old shrew was evil as a snake.
Hitchens wrote a short book about M. Teresa: "The Missionary Position". Worth reading.
Iikely all true. What you expect? joined the Roman cult.
Fauci's mother
oh wow, really?
You view this as "the narrative is turning on ___ cabal people" where as, it seems to be more crafting a narrative against religion and "cults" - a popular term to blanket over everything social that the left disagrees with.
Beware cheer leading things that confirm your bias, as they are usually not as they seem.
Given media has suddenly done a 180 in the past week, throwing Fauci and Gates under the bus, and now seeming to run stories doing the same to Mother Theresa, I thought it was good to post here to discuss if this means Patriots control the media and the narratives are being shredded and truth is being revealed drip by drop.
James 1:27
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
THEY try to make religion and Christianity in particular look like the villain. A religious life need only involve kindness and awareness of the lies. Because once you see the lies and understand their purpose, it’s impossibly easy to “keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”