Catholic history will always tell the other side of the story that Freemasons present and America is largely under the spell of Freemasonic education and "history" lessons.
You might want to hear what a Catholic historian has to say about the Habsburgs before making a final call.
Again, who is giving you this history lesson? Freemasons and other "secular" historians? Catholic historians?
The puppet masters set up both sides of the conflict so they control the battle and win either way. openly fighting while privately working towards the same goals and serving the same masters.
The pope and catholic church - the same ones that just in recent decades say a personal connection to Jesus is dangerous? (go through them only for 'truth') protecting pedo priests on a mass scale, open embrace communism - and wear red shoes?
They are not the good guys. Anyone even suggesting that has not been following the boards or history - or has been and is trying to misdirect people.
Check out all the links I posted. You're going to like 'em :) It gives a totally different perspective from what we're commonly fed by Freemasonic historians. I was blown away for years learning history from a Catholic perspective.
I'm not saying we'll come to the same conclusion, but if you like to research history, you'll appreciate another perspective from the 99% of stuff out there. I promise.
The first link paints the Jesuit order in a great light.. from what I can see and tell from the Jesuits, they’ve either been infiltrated or have always been a counter catholic order
In Beth Griech-Polelle’s article, we find a similar theme to that of Elmgren’s research: Jesuits and Jews are portrayed as being one and the same entity posing an existential threat, only this time, it is not in Finnish post-Civil War society, but rather in Nazi Germany. Examining the views of various Nazi leaders, Griech-Polelle seeks to show how Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Dietrich Eckart, and others conflated long-standing stereotypes and imagery of Jesuits with stereotypes of Jewish-ness and Bolshevism. In these leaders’ minds, Bolshevism was the product of Jewish materialistic thinking and Jesuitism had been inundated with “Jewish qualities.” Both Jesuitism and Jewish-ness were seen as working together to pose an existential threat to the continued success of the German people.
When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
I'll tell you what's crazy, I brought up the habsburgs to my girl moments before I saw your post and it blew my mind. I've known about them for a long time but I hadn't even thought about them since. I think the reason I brought it up is because I wanted to say something to the effect of "Wait till you find out how stupid the people who rule and fool you really are, it's going to break your heart." And then bring up a good example of how it happened before for 650 years.
I don't know if I stumbled on something here, but it may fit with the questions you are asking.
Not sure if you follow SymbolsAnon's site, but I do and he talks a LOT about 1977 and messages passed through symbolism in pop culture. (An absolute, utter fuckton of consequential shit happened in 1977, BTW.)
Also in 1977? Billy Joel released hit song "Vienna", which on its face seems like a relatable warning about growing up too fast, but which (according to Joel) has a bit more of an inside meaning...
“Why did I pick Vienna to use as a metaphor for the rest of your life? My father lives in Vienna now. I had to track him down. I didn’t see him from the time I was 8 ‘till I was about 23-24 years old. He lives in Vienna, Austria which I thought was rather bizarre because he left Germany in the first place because of this guy named Hitler and he ends up going to the same place that Hitler hung out all those years! Vienna, for a long time was the crossroads. During the Cold War, between the Eastern Bloc, the Warsaw Pact nations and the NATO countries was the city of Vienna… Vienna was always the crossroads – between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire..."
"So the metaphor of Vienna has the meaning of a crossroad. It’s a place of inter…course, of exchange – it’s the place where cultures co-mingle. You get great beer in Vienna but you also get brandy from Armenia. It was a place where cultures co-mingled. So I go to visit my father in Vienna, I’m walking around this town and I see this old lady. She must have been about 90 years old and she is sweeping the street. I say to my father “What’s this nice old lady doing sweeping the street?” He says “She’s got a job, she feels useful, she’s happy, she’s making the street clean, she’s not put out to pasture”. We treat old people in this country pretty badly. We put them in rest homes, we kinda kick them under the rug and make believe they don’t exist. They [the people in Vienna] don’t feel like that. In a lot of these older places in the world, they value their older people and their older people feel they can still be a part of the community and I thought ‘This is a terrific idea – that old people are useful -and that means I don’t have to worry so much about getting old because I can still have a use in this world in my old age. I thought “Vienna waits for you… There is also a lot of inside stuff on the song. The beginning and the end is very Kurt Weill. That kind of sick, middle-European, kinky decadent thing.. cabaret kinda…. there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on. We are seeing the result of it in this ethnic warfare in the Balkans which is a tragedy. This century started out with this Assassination of the Archduke in Sarajevo and that begat World War I which begat the Russian Revolution, then you had the Depression then that begat World War II and then that begat the Cold War and all that’s over but they’re still blowing each other to smithereens in Sarajevo. So this whole thing is going on in middle Europe – it’s Kurt Weill. And some composers, Dvořák, Smetana – they captured it...”
Coincidentally (kek), the song was released about a year after Jeffrey Epstein began working at Bear Stearns, right at the beginning of his meteoric rise.
Is it possible that instead of being an innocent, wistful song about the dangers of growing up too fast, it was actually a threat toward Epstein himself? "You're moving too fast, son, don't want to end up like your family did, do you?"
Slow down you crazy child
You're so ambitious for a juvenile
But then if you're so smart tell me,
Why are you still so afraid? (mmmmm)
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You better cool it off before you burn it out
You got so much to do and only
So many hours in a day (Ay)
But you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want
Or you can just get old
You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through (Oooh)
When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
Slow down you're doing fine
You can't be everything you want to be before your time
Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight (tonight)
Too bad, but it's the life you lead
You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need
Though you can see when you're wrong
You know you can't always see when you're right (you're right)
You got your passion, you got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?
Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true (Oooh)
When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
Slow down you crazy child
Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while
It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two (oooh)
When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
And you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want or you can just get old
You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through (oooh)
Why don't you realize... Vienna waits for you?
January 20, 1977
Jimmy Carter is inaugurated President.
February 2, 1977
President Carter signs the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977.
February 7, 1977
John F. O'Leary is named Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration.
March 24, 1977
The Energy Research and Development Administration announces the establishment of the Solar Energy Research Institute, a federal facility dedicated to finding and improving ways to harness and use energy from the sun, at Golden, Colorado.
April 18, 1977
President Carter announces National Energy Plan in his first major energy speech. His plan calls for the establishment of an energy department.
August 4, 1977
President Carter signs the Department of Energy Organization Act, effectively abolishing the Federal Energy Administration and Energy Research and Development Administration.
August 5, 1977
James R. Schlesinger is sworn in as first Secretary of Energy.
October 1, 1977
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is activated. Bringing together a score of organizational entities from a dozen departments and agencies, the new department is also given responsibility for the nuclear weapons program.
October 5-6, 1977
Secretary Schlesinger signs nine international energy agreements at a meeting of the International Energy Agency in Paris
October 18, 1977
DOE proposes to accept and take title to spent nuclear reactor fuel from utilities on payment of one-time storage fee. In order to implement the policy, DOE will need both interim and permanent spent fuel storage capability
December 21, 1977
DOE establishes Western Area Power Administration with headquarters in Denver, Colorado
I have been looking into the year 1977 also. many famous people died that year and some European prime minsters was born that year. Examples Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen and French prime minster Macron.
in Jewish Gematria 1977 =
"and i beheld when he had
opened the sixth seal"
4000 + 1977 = 5977
Cant really find any reference to number 5977 or year 5977
I had a fun short rabbit hole dig on Gelaine Maxwell’s father and family to try to see how she came out so twisted. Basically folks will do anything to save their own ass financially. ?
Basically he was a Orthodox Jew who escaped Nazi Germany and a decorated member of British parliament. He built and ran a publishing business but he stole 100’s of millions of pounds (British) and his loans were called in upon his death, or close to that. Bankruptcy. The family was affluent but bankrupt. I have a feeling this where Geslaine found her motivation to use other people for money.
On your travels down the rabbit hole, don't forget Empress Elizabeth, a.k.a. Sisi. She was the Princess Diana of her day and was quite an interesting character. Sisi was murdered when she was 60. The details surrounding her murder are intriguing and hint that there may be more to it than the accepted narrative.
Well, what do you know? I was in Vienna in 2008, so I went back and looked at the photos I took. I have several shots of the "Epstein Temple" architecture. There is actually another almost-identical alcove with a statue of a man with a sword above a scene that includes an eagle, snake, and three men.
The alcove statues are quite large. The human figures are greater than lifesize. I have one photo with a man standing in front of one of the alcoves. As a rough estimate, it's about three times taller than the man standing in front.
Do you all know anything about Tartaria/Old republic buildings that exist worldwide? Same construction from New York to San Francisco, New Zealand, China, Japan, and all over Europe, including Russia?
You still need to consider who is giving you this information.
Are you reading history as told by Freemasons? Well then, you still have a problem.
Habsburgs were Catholics and Freemasons have always sought to destroy Catholic monarchies.
French Revolution comes to mind -
Freemasons will always paint Catholic monarchies as horrible, tyrannical, liberty-snuffing, etc.
More here - - The French Revolution: The Background
Catholic history will always tell the other side of the story that Freemasons present and America is largely under the spell of Freemasonic education and "history" lessons.
You might want to hear what a Catholic historian has to say about the Habsburgs before making a final call.
Again, who is giving you this history lesson? Freemasons and other "secular" historians? Catholic historians?
7.3 Occult Catholic Society - Catholic Monarchy -
The puppet masters set up both sides of the conflict so they control the battle and win either way. openly fighting while privately working towards the same goals and serving the same masters.
The pope and catholic church - the same ones that just in recent decades say a personal connection to Jesus is dangerous? (go through them only for 'truth') protecting pedo priests on a mass scale, open embrace communism - and wear red shoes?
They are not the good guys. Anyone even suggesting that has not been following the boards or history - or has been and is trying to misdirect people.
Check out all the links I posted. You're going to like 'em :) It gives a totally different perspective from what we're commonly fed by Freemasonic historians. I was blown away for years learning history from a Catholic perspective.
I'm not saying we'll come to the same conclusion, but if you like to research history, you'll appreciate another perspective from the 99% of stuff out there. I promise.
The first link paints the Jesuit order in a great light.. from what I can see and tell from the Jesuits, they’ve either been infiltrated or have always been a counter catholic order
They were infiltrated by Freemasonry -
The Jesuits began as an anti-communist order.
Entire playlist:
There are 13 videos on that playlist alone about the Jesuits told from a different perspective other than "Jesuits bad!"
Here is more:
The Jesuits were created to destroy the Protestant Reformation, and infiltrated Freemasonry as part of their mission.
You've got it backwards.
I vouch for that. Jesuits ain't good news.
Protestant Reformation was Freemasonic.
I do not have it backwards.
When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
Well I did go to Catholic schools and almost all of my teachers were either nuns or Jesuits.
Was that post 1960?
Then you got post NWO-takeover "Catholic" history.
Just the facts ma'am
Do you notice - the stripe design on/around the doorway is the same as the “temple” on Jeffrey Epstein’s island?
Can't wait to read this all I know about the habsburgs is they were mutant retards that ruled over people for 650 years
I'll tell you what's crazy, I brought up the habsburgs to my girl moments before I saw your post and it blew my mind. I've known about them for a long time but I hadn't even thought about them since. I think the reason I brought it up is because I wanted to say something to the effect of "Wait till you find out how stupid the people who rule and fool you really are, it's going to break your heart." And then bring up a good example of how it happened before for 650 years.
I don't know if I stumbled on something here, but it may fit with the questions you are asking.
Not sure if you follow SymbolsAnon's site, but I do and he talks a LOT about 1977 and messages passed through symbolism in pop culture. (An absolute, utter fuckton of consequential shit happened in 1977, BTW.)
Also in 1977? Billy Joel released hit song "Vienna", which on its face seems like a relatable warning about growing up too fast, but which (according to Joel) has a bit more of an inside meaning...
“Why did I pick Vienna to use as a metaphor for the rest of your life? My father lives in Vienna now. I had to track him down. I didn’t see him from the time I was 8 ‘till I was about 23-24 years old. He lives in Vienna, Austria which I thought was rather bizarre because he left Germany in the first place because of this guy named Hitler and he ends up going to the same place that Hitler hung out all those years! Vienna, for a long time was the crossroads. During the Cold War, between the Eastern Bloc, the Warsaw Pact nations and the NATO countries was the city of Vienna… Vienna was always the crossroads – between the Ottoman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire..."
"So the metaphor of Vienna has the meaning of a crossroad. It’s a place of inter…course, of exchange – it’s the place where cultures co-mingle. You get great beer in Vienna but you also get brandy from Armenia. It was a place where cultures co-mingled. So I go to visit my father in Vienna, I’m walking around this town and I see this old lady. She must have been about 90 years old and she is sweeping the street. I say to my father “What’s this nice old lady doing sweeping the street?” He says “She’s got a job, she feels useful, she’s happy, she’s making the street clean, she’s not put out to pasture”. We treat old people in this country pretty badly. We put them in rest homes, we kinda kick them under the rug and make believe they don’t exist. They [the people in Vienna] don’t feel like that. In a lot of these older places in the world, they value their older people and their older people feel they can still be a part of the community and I thought ‘This is a terrific idea – that old people are useful -and that means I don’t have to worry so much about getting old because I can still have a use in this world in my old age. I thought “Vienna waits for you… There is also a lot of inside stuff on the song. The beginning and the end is very Kurt Weill. That kind of sick, middle-European, kinky decadent thing.. cabaret kinda…. there’s a lot of crazy stuff going on. We are seeing the result of it in this ethnic warfare in the Balkans which is a tragedy. This century started out with this Assassination of the Archduke in Sarajevo and that begat World War I which begat the Russian Revolution, then you had the Depression then that begat World War II and then that begat the Cold War and all that’s over but they’re still blowing each other to smithereens in Sarajevo. So this whole thing is going on in middle Europe – it’s Kurt Weill. And some composers, Dvořák, Smetana – they captured it...”
Coincidentally (kek), the song was released about a year after Jeffrey Epstein began working at Bear Stearns, right at the beginning of his meteoric rise.
Is it possible that instead of being an innocent, wistful song about the dangers of growing up too fast, it was actually a threat toward Epstein himself? "You're moving too fast, son, don't want to end up like your family did, do you?"
Sounds kinda threatening, yes?
Slow down you crazy child You're so ambitious for a juvenile But then if you're so smart tell me, Why are you still so afraid? (mmmmm)
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out You got so much to do and only So many hours in a day (Ay)
But you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want Or you can just get old You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through (Oooh) When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
Slow down you're doing fine You can't be everything you want to be before your time Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight (tonight)
Too bad, but it's the life you lead You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need Though you can see when you're wrong You know you can't always see when you're right (you're right)
You got your passion, you got your pride But don't you know that only fools are satisfied? Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true (Oooh) When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
Slow down you crazy child Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two (oooh) When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
And you know that when the truth is told That you can get what you want or you can just get old You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through (oooh) Why don't you realize... Vienna waits for you?
When will you realize... Vienna waits for you?
Clinton, Bush, got married in 1977.
Yup. Check this post out about the importance of 1977.
MKUltra "killed" same year DOE stood up.
January 20, 1977 Jimmy Carter is inaugurated President.
February 2, 1977 President Carter signs the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977.
February 7, 1977 John F. O'Leary is named Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration.
March 24, 1977 The Energy Research and Development Administration announces the establishment of the Solar Energy Research Institute, a federal facility dedicated to finding and improving ways to harness and use energy from the sun, at Golden, Colorado.
April 18, 1977 President Carter announces National Energy Plan in his first major energy speech. His plan calls for the establishment of an energy department.
August 4, 1977 President Carter signs the Department of Energy Organization Act, effectively abolishing the Federal Energy Administration and Energy Research and Development Administration.
August 5, 1977 James R. Schlesinger is sworn in as first Secretary of Energy.
October 1, 1977 The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is activated. Bringing together a score of organizational entities from a dozen departments and agencies, the new department is also given responsibility for the nuclear weapons program.
October 5-6, 1977 Secretary Schlesinger signs nine international energy agreements at a meeting of the International Energy Agency in Paris
October 18, 1977 DOE proposes to accept and take title to spent nuclear reactor fuel from utilities on payment of one-time storage fee. In order to implement the policy, DOE will need both interim and permanent spent fuel storage capability
December 21, 1977 DOE establishes Western Area Power Administration with headquarters in Denver, Colorado
Yeps something important with the year 1977 for our Satanist enemies just not sure what
I have been looking into the year 1977 also. many famous people died that year and some European prime minsters was born that year. Examples Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen and French prime minster Macron.
in Jewish Gematria 1977 =
"and i beheld when he had opened the sixth seal"
4000 + 1977 = 5977
Cant really find any reference to number 5977 or year 5977
This is for hebrew Gematria
There is something important with this year I just cant figure it out.
But I will just a matter of time
I had a fun short rabbit hole dig on Gelaine Maxwell’s father and family to try to see how she came out so twisted. Basically folks will do anything to save their own ass financially. ?
I’m not good a long info filled posts. Here’s the sauce
Basically he was a Orthodox Jew who escaped Nazi Germany and a decorated member of British parliament. He built and ran a publishing business but he stole 100’s of millions of pounds (British) and his loans were called in upon his death, or close to that. Bankruptcy. The family was affluent but bankrupt. I have a feeling this where Geslaine found her motivation to use other people for money.
nice thank you!
This is great work!
On your travels down the rabbit hole, don't forget Empress Elizabeth, a.k.a. Sisi. She was the Princess Diana of her day and was quite an interesting character. Sisi was murdered when she was 60. The details surrounding her murder are intriguing and hint that there may be more to it than the accepted narrative.
Well, what do you know? I was in Vienna in 2008, so I went back and looked at the photos I took. I have several shots of the "Epstein Temple" architecture. There is actually another almost-identical alcove with a statue of a man with a sword above a scene that includes an eagle, snake, and three men.
The alcove statues are quite large. The human figures are greater than lifesize. I have one photo with a man standing in front of one of the alcoves. As a rough estimate, it's about three times taller than the man standing in front.
Good stuff OP im gonna dive in
Damn, this is good stuff!
This looks interesting. Thanks!
Do you all know anything about Tartaria/Old republic buildings that exist worldwide? Same construction from New York to San Francisco, New Zealand, China, Japan, and all over Europe, including Russia?
A bit to coincidental.
Not able to get a proper vpn country to get a post from last December