I rarely get on Fakebook but a few days ago I was scrolling through and I see this lady I follow showing her 13 yr old after getting her shot. In the comments are hundreds of people talking about how their kids got it too and they were so proud..I was literally sick to my stomach.
How are so many parents so fucking retarded. To give any child of any age an experimental injection for a virus that is not dangerous to them. Absolutely sickens me.
Aside from the irresponsible, brainless parents who are offering up their kids for clinical trials, most sheeple parents are probably totally unaware that all the coof jabs are experimental.
And that's exactly the way the D-S/cabal, big pharma want it to be -- sheep willingly going (running) to the slaughter.
Aside from the irresponsible, brainless parents who are offering up their kids for clinical trials, most sheeple parents are probably totally unaware that all the coof jabs are experimental.
And that's exactly the way the D-S/cabal, big pharma want it to be -- sheep willingly going (running) to the slaughter.
The oligarchy is turning the world's children into defectives.
It's a well-advanced compaign.
Food, "products", filling the mind space with drivel, vitamin starvation, hormonal neutering, indolence, obesity, deprivation of association, forced submission to false authority, reduction of vocabulary . . . it's a long list.
I would NEVER allow some disgusting, greedy, drooling demons to ever experiment on my children. Despicable.
It may be happening and you don't know it, or even have a choice.
Keep following the information that coming out about people that spend time with the vaxxed, reporting problems of clotting, and other symptoms.
It is a matter of fact, that the technology exist to create a jab that self-spreads like the common cold virus.
or vaxx them at school and ya don't even know until it is too late.
I wouldn’t put it past them to try at this point. They’re already trying to move the parents out and move big brother government in.
I did some reading on communism, and the communists believe that the state is the childrens parents. No wonder why the elites want communism.
Every time
I rarely get on Fakebook but a few days ago I was scrolling through and I see this lady I follow showing her 13 yr old after getting her shot. In the comments are hundreds of people talking about how their kids got it too and they were so proud..I was literally sick to my stomach.
It's very sad. And Trump isn't helping by calling the vaccine a miracle that's saving millions of lives. SMH
What's with the avatar of the second commenter? Is that a naked "bunny?"
A furry fag
How are so many parents so fucking retarded. To give any child of any age an experimental injection for a virus that is not dangerous to them. Absolutely sickens me.
Aside from the irresponsible, brainless parents who are offering up their kids for clinical trials, most sheeple parents are probably totally unaware that all the coof jabs are experimental.
And that's exactly the way the D-S/cabal, big pharma want it to be -- sheep willingly going (running) to the slaughter.
Aside from the irresponsible, brainless parents who are offering up their kids for clinical trials, most sheeple parents are probably totally unaware that all the coof jabs are experimental.
And that's exactly the way the D-S/cabal, big pharma want it to be -- sheep willingly going (running) to the slaughter.
And I suppose Pfizer will announce how many of them die or have horrible reactions? Ya RIIIGHT.
Looks like scientist are out of control. A day of reckoning for those losers Making this shit.
Yes they do…join the fight to unmask NY and stop them from mandating vaccines for our kids!
What criminal lunatic is allowing their child to be part of this testing?
"Blind-goyim-shoah" for the pharmco pimps. Tragic.
Come for our children we come for your head.
Hell NO.
Fucking gross! They can't even choose to say no to the Great Reset.
These people are SICK!
The oligarchy is turning the world's children into defectives.
It's a well-advanced compaign.
Food, "products", filling the mind space with drivel, vitamin starvation, hormonal neutering, indolence, obesity, deprivation of association, forced submission to false authority, reduction of vocabulary . . . it's a long list.
Yeah but at least they aren’t in cages or whatever