I believe this as well. For the life of me though, I don't understand why President Trump told us to get the death VAX. I see one of 3 possibilities.
The VAX has been replaced with a placebo, and only the White Hats know it.
The VAX really is a legit vaccine. (Highly doubtful)
When the VAX starts to negatively affect people in mass, White Hats already have a cure ready and waiting. Which will lead to a mass awakening of how China, the Deep State, the Mass Media, and Social Media, all colluded to kill hundreds of millions of people.
Well apparently there is already up to 26,000 dead in US from it and 13,000 reported in EU. So where does that leave the dead people from vaxx? Still dead☹️
As opposed to 0.3% of dying, if you are sick and confirmed to have COVID.
So, doing some quick math, 99.7% survival rate by doing nothing, or taking some shots with ZERO LONG TERM studies done, and a 1.46% chance of dying immediately from the vaccine.
I'm good ... the human species has existed for thousands of years, improving our immune system over time. Don't need to modify anything. Thank you.
it's been talked about on here quite alot. These vaccines and covid itself as the reason for them have been planned by these freaks for years maybe longer. He had to get out in front of it.
I do understand that. But there is getting in front of it and there is creating a VAX that is much worse than the virus. I'm not talking about accidental death by the VAX. I'm talking about intentional death by the VAX in the hundreds of millions. If this is what the VAX is, as many Doctors think, then this was part of the plan or President Trump got played. Either way, that isn't good for the world.
they had always planned to release this fake pandemic and vax. They had also planned for us to be locked down for 3 years or more at minimum. Trump rushed it out so it wasn't FDA approved and thus couldn't legally be forced on anyone and also put a quick end to the reasoning for being locked down. People have free will and nothing Trump would have said would have stopped the most brainwashed from getting it.
Ok. But isn't he supposed to be surrounded by Military Intelligence? With an entire Q team, who can predict events years in advance? Isn't there this very intricate plan that's been put in place from the very beginning? He has an entire team of experts who really know what is going on. Being a businessman has nothing to do with anything. If he doesn't know what's going on, then we are truly fucked.
I still believe it comes down to personal choice and common sense. Trump always followed any talk of vaccines with support for therapeutics as he called them. Specifically, he talked about the cocktail he took to beat the virus which included hydroxychloroquine/zinc/vitamin D, etc. I think this is what it's all about. He's been saying from the start that vaccines are available and you should take them if you want to, yet he never took one himself and constantly referred to the cocktail that has been censored and banned since he began mentioning it. What do you think?
I honestly don't know what to think. I do trust President Trump. I do believe there is a plan and the Military is in control. I've seen to much not to think otherwise. However, I will not voluntarily take the VAX under any circumstance. I genuinely feel there are things we don't know that would explain what's going on with the VAX much better. I guess we will know soon enough.
It will depend on your constitution and how your body handles the jab. Some people drop dead minutes after the shot. Some people in months. It is projected some people will take years.
Meanwhile, the injected are mutating the virus. This will be blamed on the unvaccinated. So they will develop more "vaccines" to kill us.
He pushed for the vaccine and rolled it out under emergency use so they couldn't mandate the jab. The DS made a move and he had no choice but to counter with the lesser of two evils.
Anyone who hasn't been living under a rock should know better than to take any vaccine or jab.
That's a strawman argument. Him pushing to get the vaccines out quicker is separate from him (and Ivanka) telling all of his followers to get the jab, without reservation. "EVERYBODY GO GET YOUR SHOT" is a direct quote from him at the RNC
False dichotomy. You can reluctantly acquiesce to the lesser of two evils without ceaselessly promoting it to your followers via conservative outlets. That was over the top and uncalled for.
Connectivity to the Internet Of Things. They want to monetize your body's activity, with a data mining scheme. And then, they want to reverse the input/output flow of information and control your brain/body activity. This is not science fiction. This is a true horror movie plot being implemented as we write this here.
Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.
“I really don't know what is up but I know for sure that there's something going on with the injections that does not pertain to positive things.“
Absolutely. The fact that they used so much deception in the manufactured Covid-19 Pandemic Operation makes it extremely likely that they are up to no good.
Love me some Tom Massie. Fuk I hope he runs for governor here. He is awesome. Big time self sustainability guy. NOT a lefty ... more like a TRUE Libertarian (not that watered down shit we got now).
Fren we need to get a KY patriots online platform somewhere on here so we can find each other. We number in the millions. We just need to find each other
I have a family member who considers himself a Libertarian but, did not vote Libertarian this past year because, he said that many who were running in the party seemed to be infected with crazy left ideals including Jo.
I hope they are cleaning up their party as well. (do not follow them, only know what the member of my family reports to me about it all and he was rather disgusted on what he was seein) Maybe Tom here could clear their heads for them lol.
If you had a craft brewery, or a cafe, or anything that served.. really any consumable... I think you would be able to sell the 'vaccine' to people.
Have you had the vaccine?
Hell yeah, that was so tasty. Going back for more vaccine next weekend!
Talking about entirely disparate products all supposedly developed independently from each other as though they were the same thing, have the same tests, accreditation and all that is an indicator of how dumb the media has become.
Again... trump pushed out the vax faster then they wanted... heading them off at the pass for the cocktail to be manipulated more, ruining their plan. Is it deadly, yes.... is it the genocide people are saying... no. Trump, the white hats, would never have endorsed the vax if that was the case. By releasing it early, trump curtailed the deep state plan to create the would be killer vax... that would have been released in a year or two....
Their plan was to get it out theitlr fast, that's why they suppressed HCQ. If HQC existed they could not get emergency authorization, they have to wait to get it approved so waiting for approval was clearly not their plan. They used Trump to make it look like getting it out their in less than a year was fine. Use your memory; in the begining of this they were talking about getting it out there really quick, before Op Warp speed. People started saying that that was too soon. They were talked ng about getting it out by spring summer 2021. Trump wanted it out before election day so they started accusing him of what they were doing saying he was trying to get it out dangerously too soon and all of the sudden anything after his term in office seemed reasonable and safe by contrast to Nov2020
Every country on earth wanted to get it out as soon as possible. Russia , and China got it out before the USA. It was not the cabals plant to hold off for FDA approval. I'd that was the plan they would have not suppressed every other treatment.
The FDA only has power to approve and authorize vaccines in the US so all other countries under control of the Cabal would be holding off if that were the case, but they all dove right into it, even authorizing use of vaccines that aren't authorized for use in the US..
The idea that Trump sped it through, calls himself the 'Father of the Vaccine's and brags about how effective it is while encouraging all adults and even specifically his voter base to foil their plan has alot of holes in it. It does not float.
It would be good and better to know why he promotes it, is bad to spread falseness on the subject just to make excuses for him.
The idea that your promoting has no facts or proof supporting it and nothing points to it being true.
They don’t want a true genocide. That would be too extreme and crash civilization.
What they want is a “Soft Genocide”. i.e. Reduce everybody’s lifespan. This would reconcile things like insurance and social security actuarials that people are outliving. This “spike protein cocktail” could possibly do that. Kill thousands outright and injure everyone else on a spectrum from a little to a lot. And if it makes some infertile that’s another win for “them”.
Trump, now is saying Vax for young people (kids) is a NO NO, don't do it, it is not needed and would be more harmful than good for them so, it seems he has drawn the line. I 100% agree with him needing to push it out and take the minimal risk as apposed to the Larger, more deadly outcome if, it went the way DS was intending it to go.
That's basically the same thing that I tell idiots that I'm debating. The data is there and available for anyone to read. If you choose not to read it and rely on your MSM 'Facts' then you can feel free to go fuck yourself, sheep.
To kill us. The NWO wants to depopulate the world by 90%. This is one way.
Yep. Etched on the Georgia Guidestones.
Kill, sterilize, 5G-magnify/zombify...?
All of the above?
I’m surprised some ex-military guys haven’t gone in there at night and C-4’d those “guide stones” from hell.
You could write that about an awful lot of things.
I believe this as well. For the life of me though, I don't understand why President Trump told us to get the death VAX. I see one of 3 possibilities.
The VAX has been replaced with a placebo, and only the White Hats know it.
The VAX really is a legit vaccine. (Highly doubtful)
When the VAX starts to negatively affect people in mass, White Hats already have a cure ready and waiting. Which will lead to a mass awakening of how China, the Deep State, the Mass Media, and Social Media, all colluded to kill hundreds of millions of people.
Well apparently there is already up to 26,000 dead in US from it and 13,000 reported in EU. So where does that leave the dead people from vaxx? Still dead☹️
As opposed to 0.3% of dying, if you are sick and confirmed to have COVID.
So, doing some quick math, 99.7% survival rate by doing nothing, or taking some shots with ZERO LONG TERM studies done, and a 1.46% chance of dying immediately from the vaccine.
I'm good ... the human species has existed for thousands of years, improving our immune system over time. Don't need to modify anything. Thank you.
I know. It troubles me deeply. I just don't know what Trumps end game is with the VAX.
it's been talked about on here quite alot. These vaccines and covid itself as the reason for them have been planned by these freaks for years maybe longer. He had to get out in front of it.
I do understand that. But there is getting in front of it and there is creating a VAX that is much worse than the virus. I'm not talking about accidental death by the VAX. I'm talking about intentional death by the VAX in the hundreds of millions. If this is what the VAX is, as many Doctors think, then this was part of the plan or President Trump got played. Either way, that isn't good for the world.
they had always planned to release this fake pandemic and vax. They had also planned for us to be locked down for 3 years or more at minimum. Trump rushed it out so it wasn't FDA approved and thus couldn't legally be forced on anyone and also put a quick end to the reasoning for being locked down. People have free will and nothing Trump would have said would have stopped the most brainwashed from getting it.
Natural selection at it's finest, except for the kids
He’s a business man. No science background. They gas lighted him bigly.
“Ignorance is a steep cliff with perilous rocks below”
Ok. But isn't he supposed to be surrounded by Military Intelligence? With an entire Q team, who can predict events years in advance? Isn't there this very intricate plan that's been put in place from the very beginning? He has an entire team of experts who really know what is going on. Being a businessman has nothing to do with anything. If he doesn't know what's going on, then we are truly fucked.
I still believe it comes down to personal choice and common sense. Trump always followed any talk of vaccines with support for therapeutics as he called them. Specifically, he talked about the cocktail he took to beat the virus which included hydroxychloroquine/zinc/vitamin D, etc. I think this is what it's all about. He's been saying from the start that vaccines are available and you should take them if you want to, yet he never took one himself and constantly referred to the cocktail that has been censored and banned since he began mentioning it. What do you think?
I honestly don't know what to think. I do trust President Trump. I do believe there is a plan and the Military is in control. I've seen to much not to think otherwise. However, I will not voluntarily take the VAX under any circumstance. I genuinely feel there are things we don't know that would explain what's going on with the VAX much better. I guess we will know soon enough.
I like option #3.
how long before the millions drop dead?
It will depend on your constitution and how your body handles the jab. Some people drop dead minutes after the shot. Some people in months. It is projected some people will take years.
Meanwhile, the injected are mutating the virus. This will be blamed on the unvaccinated. So they will develop more "vaccines" to kill us.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YmDmImxd5O87/
the magnet and 5G lady? seriously?
Where does that put Trump? Did he really sacrifice the country willfully or was his hand forced?
He pushed for the vaccine and rolled it out under emergency use so they couldn't mandate the jab. The DS made a move and he had no choice but to counter with the lesser of two evils.
Anyone who hasn't been living under a rock should know better than to take any vaccine or jab.
That's a strawman argument. Him pushing to get the vaccines out quicker is separate from him (and Ivanka) telling all of his followers to get the jab, without reservation. "EVERYBODY GO GET YOUR SHOT" is a direct quote from him at the RNC
Hey, you could be right.
False dichotomy. You can reluctantly acquiesce to the lesser of two evils without ceaselessly promoting it to your followers via conservative outlets. That was over the top and uncalled for.
This bothers me also.
Connectivity to the Internet Of Things. They want to monetize your body's activity, with a data mining scheme. And then, they want to reverse the input/output flow of information and control your brain/body activity. This is not science fiction. This is a true horror movie plot being implemented as we write this here.
Google Patents - Cryptocurrency system using body activity data
“I really don't know what is up but I know for sure that there's something going on with the injections that does not pertain to positive things.“
Absolutely. The fact that they used so much deception in the manufactured Covid-19 Pandemic Operation makes it extremely likely that they are up to no good.
Why is it so hard to say no? Peer Pressure? Propaganda? Social Anxiety?
I say no because i do not want to be THE EXPERIMENT!
I Say No because it it is my God Given Right.
because sheep go with the flow. This time the flow is leading them to slaughter.
My brother-in-law tells me "I did it because I'm around older people". So now you're shedding shit that will more than likely kill them. smh...
Wow. Who is that? I'm unfamiliar with the face.
Love me some Tom Massie. Fuk I hope he runs for governor here. He is awesome. Big time self sustainability guy. NOT a lefty ... more like a TRUE Libertarian (not that watered down shit we got now).
Fren we need to get a KY patriots online platform somewhere on here so we can find each other. We number in the millions. We just need to find each other
I have a family member who considers himself a Libertarian but, did not vote Libertarian this past year because, he said that many who were running in the party seemed to be infected with crazy left ideals including Jo. I hope they are cleaning up their party as well. (do not follow them, only know what the member of my family reports to me about it all and he was rather disgusted on what he was seein) Maybe Tom here could clear their heads for them lol.
Wow, first I see he voted against Juneteenth because calling it another “Independence Day” was divisive and he wanted it to be named something else.
Then I hear he was against the Jan 6th bill.
And now this!
Other than vaguely knowing he was a Congressperson, I wasn’t aware of him until yesterday, but he’s on fire lately!
“Read the data, motherfuckers!”
He also voted against the covid stimulus package(s) and got a lot of heat for it
Thank you very much!
All reporters think everything is their business.
In reality, nothing is.
Which is why we used to have for-real 'investigative jounalists'. Now we have neither investigations, nor journalists.
If you had a craft brewery, or a cafe, or anything that served.. really any consumable... I think you would be able to sell the 'vaccine' to people.
Talking about entirely disparate products all supposedly developed independently from each other as though they were the same thing, have the same tests, accreditation and all that is an indicator of how dumb the media has become.
Call one the Rona, the other the Vax. You won't sell a single serving of either.
This guy is exactly how I would answer the question
Science is science.....this is the point D-tards are missing. We dont need to be microbiologist to understand their testing protocol is fucked up.
Again... trump pushed out the vax faster then they wanted... heading them off at the pass for the cocktail to be manipulated more, ruining their plan. Is it deadly, yes.... is it the genocide people are saying... no. Trump, the white hats, would never have endorsed the vax if that was the case. By releasing it early, trump curtailed the deep state plan to create the would be killer vax... that would have been released in a year or two....
Their plan was to get it out theitlr fast, that's why they suppressed HCQ. If HQC existed they could not get emergency authorization, they have to wait to get it approved so waiting for approval was clearly not their plan. They used Trump to make it look like getting it out their in less than a year was fine. Use your memory; in the begining of this they were talking about getting it out there really quick, before Op Warp speed. People started saying that that was too soon. They were talked ng about getting it out by spring summer 2021. Trump wanted it out before election day so they started accusing him of what they were doing saying he was trying to get it out dangerously too soon and all of the sudden anything after his term in office seemed reasonable and safe by contrast to Nov2020
Every country on earth wanted to get it out as soon as possible. Russia , and China got it out before the USA. It was not the cabals plant to hold off for FDA approval. I'd that was the plan they would have not suppressed every other treatment.
The FDA only has power to approve and authorize vaccines in the US so all other countries under control of the Cabal would be holding off if that were the case, but they all dove right into it, even authorizing use of vaccines that aren't authorized for use in the US..
The idea that Trump sped it through, calls himself the 'Father of the Vaccine's and brags about how effective it is while encouraging all adults and even specifically his voter base to foil their plan has alot of holes in it. It does not float.
It would be good and better to know why he promotes it, is bad to spread falseness on the subject just to make excuses for him.
The idea that your promoting has no facts or proof supporting it and nothing points to it being true.
They don’t want a true genocide. That would be too extreme and crash civilization.
What they want is a “Soft Genocide”. i.e. Reduce everybody’s lifespan. This would reconcile things like insurance and social security actuarials that people are outliving. This “spike protein cocktail” could possibly do that. Kill thousands outright and injure everyone else on a spectrum from a little to a lot. And if it makes some infertile that’s another win for “them”.
Trump, now is saying Vax for young people (kids) is a NO NO, don't do it, it is not needed and would be more harmful than good for them so, it seems he has drawn the line. I 100% agree with him needing to push it out and take the minimal risk as apposed to the Larger, more deadly outcome if, it went the way DS was intending it to go.
Massie is a gem.
Bad hombres
He fucking executed her, dude. /u/#careerended
Shut that reporter up!
That's basically the same thing that I tell idiots that I'm debating. The data is there and available for anyone to read. If you choose not to read it and rely on your MSM 'Facts' then you can feel free to go fuck yourself, sheep.
It’s about time
#1, you didn't do your homework bitch, if you would have, you would have known I have a science degree from MIT, bam, go home to mama.
Nice, who is that?
They probably took some testosterone.
May God bless him for speaking Truth boldly!