Yay. Using a monopoly to break up another monopoly. Are we just gonna sit here and pretend that government interference isn't responsible for building the big tech monopoly in the first place?
It's the seesaw back and forth that generates the best engagement numbers from the population. User engagement is key to convincing the users that they have any freedoms and that the system is working.
Wow, now that is a NICE catch.
Update - https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1408175943882096643/photo/1 Jim Jordan speaks out.
Sounds like how Obamacare and Net Neutrality were crafted, with input from the very entities its supposed to regulate.
I think you misspelled "every regulatory bill ever"
This guy gets it
Yay. Using a monopoly to break up another monopoly. Are we just gonna sit here and pretend that government interference isn't responsible for building the big tech monopoly in the first place?
Bbuttt...muh updates?!!
It Just Works! ~Todd Howard
I will believe it when I see it. These fuktards should have never been permitted to become a monopoly in the first place.
Civil penalties of up to 30% of last year’s revenues. ?????
117th huh
Its habbening Patriots !
Fakebook Twit Twit Insta Grunt
All the committees are chaired by Dems.
Why would the Dems be working to crack down on their buddies and accomplices?
It's the seesaw back and forth that generates the best engagement numbers from the population. User engagement is key to convincing the users that they have any freedoms and that the system is working.
They should be sticking
If it says more than "shut them down" it's a fraud.