It purports to be a homemade version of quinine, like the kind they put (or least used to put) in tonic water.
Patriots should indeed have hydroxychloroquine in their medicine cabinet and I'm pretty sure they can get it via telemedicine appointment with America's Frontline Doctors.
Patriots should indeed have hydroxychloroquine in their medicine cabinet and I'm pretty sure they can get it via telemedicine appointment with America's Frontline Doctors.
Yes, but only the American Patriots have that luck. :-(
I did a bit of research, it seems cinchona bark is a natural alternative to Hydroxychloroquine, but I found this article that lists some others and thought it might be of interest too, sorry about the misleading title guys.
I also bought several bottles of sweet wormwood because of the anti-cancer effects. It is listed as artemenisin extract. I have a high probability of a mutated gene that increases risk of colon and liver cancer. A sibling had it and has been battling cancer for over a year. I was refused a dna test to verify I have the mutated gene as well, so screw them, I'm doing my own thing. Chemo has been very rough on my sister. Ill pass on chemo. Buy from independently verified and reputable supplement manufacturers. As listed above, I also take quinine and zinc.
FWIW you can buy tonic syrup, just check and make sure it includes Quinine as some are mislabeled. Fun part of this story is that Quinine was regulated from being supplied "for the troops" during a war time. They just kind of slip those things through, that's how it always works.... I suppose I will dig up my evidence of this statement so I hope someone appreciates it. Seriously that just took me 5 minutes I hope someone bothers to click, on pc the key word Quinine will be highlited but on moble you'll probably end up having to read through a bunch of text from 1945
Quinine is in Grapefruit rind as well. Cut(or eat) out the fruit part and boil the rind WITH THE LID ON!! in a glass pan and bring to a simmer until the rind is clear. Add sugar or honey for flavor and store in canning jars. Should last a couple weeks.
Quinine is in Grapefruit rind as well. Cut(or eat) out the fruit part and boil the rind WITH THE LID ON!! in a glass pan and bring to a simmer until the rind is clear. Add sugar or honey for flavor and store in canning jars. Should last a couple weeks.
Off-label for Covid is likely what is against the law- find a condition that doesn’t
require lab tests to confirm and find a based doctor to help you. 58% of doctors admitted in a survey they aren’t vaccinated- it’s probably far more.
Ivermectin is commonly used for rosacea, roundworms, head lice, and many other conditions and side effects are uncommonly rare, especially at normal therapeutic and prophylactic doses. You can also buy it at feed stores for livestock in bulk but it is likely cut with compounds you don’t want in your system. Anything made to treat a horse needs to be handled with extreme caution so you don’t poison yourself. I personally wouldn’t go the livestock route because Covid just isn’t that dangerous for young, healthy people.
This goes for any drugs that are fully or partly metabolized by cytochrome p450 enzymes, which is a large list. Do research and make sure you aren't setting yourself up for an unintentional overdose.
No, Chloroquine is. Quinine and Chloroquine are molecularly similar and have both been used to treat Malaria for the same reason, but we switched to Chloroquine after World War 2 as it's has significantly less side effects. (I just got all of this from wikipedia, I'm no expert).
Wikipedia is commie bullshit. Quinine is in tonic water(84 mg/pint). It's mild as fuck and has minimal side effects in small doses. The fact that HCQ is EVEN MILDER says more about our MSM and the shitstains in the medical industry than it does about HCQ. 320mg of HCQ is the recommended weekly dose for prophylactic use, so if you drink 3 or 4 pints of tonic water a week it will be equivalent.
Man I believe in Q and the deep state and facism and communism taking over but I don't get the leap of logic from all of this to "Wikipedia is commie bullshit". Wiki is an awesome tool, everything is very well documented and sourced. The amount of quinine is tonic water is incredibly low dose and used as a bitter, it's not the amount you would use when medicating something like malaria? The side effects of quinine are documented all over the place, not just wikipedia.
The amount of quinine is tonic water is incredibly low dose and used as a bitter
A liter of tonic water contains 84 mg of quinine. @300 mg of HCQ(or quinine) per week is used as a prophylactic against COVID. Logically, if you drink 4 liters a week, that would account for the same dosage, correct?
Wiki is an awesome tool, everything is very well documented and sourced.
There are literally thousands of legal affidavits alleging fraud in the 2020 election, much which has been posted ON THIS WEBSITE, so I did a search on wikipedia and this came up:
The 2021 Maricopa County presidential ballot audit is an examination of ballots cast in Maricopa County during the 2020 United States presidential election in Arizona contracted by the Arizona Senate Republican caucus and carried out by private firms. The audit stirred controversy due to the involvement of vocal supporters of losing candidate Donald Trump, and due to assertions of rule violations and irregularities in the conduct of the count. In June 2021, it was reported that Trump had told associates that based on the results of the audit, he would be reinstated as President in August 2021.[1] By late June 2021, it was reported by CNN that the audit "hasn't uncovered evidence suggesting widespread voter fraud".[2]**
How the fuck can it be reported BY CNN that they haven't "uncovered evidence suggesting widespread voter fraud" WHEN THERE HASN'T EVEN BEEN A REPORT ISSUED ABOUT ANYTHING YET!!!"
I expect this from CNN, but not a well "documented and sourced" platform.
Read the whole wikipedia page. It's trash.
Here's some high(low)lights:
Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of and promoter of 2020 election conspiracy theories, donated one million dollars to the effort and created a website to raise further funds
The process involves an audit to search for evidence of fraud, and a hand recount of the 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County.[3] The hand recount is managed by Wake Technology Services, which reportedly had been hired for a previous audit in a rural Pennsylvania county by Trump attorney Sidney Powell, who has promoted numerous conspiracy theories about the election. The firm works primarily in the healthcare sector with little to no experience with elections.[7][8]
The Arizona Republic reported in May that because Senate Republicans had given private companies and individuals unfettered and **unmonitored **access to voting machines,
"Unmonitored"? There were LITERALLY 9 FUCKING CAMERAS pointed at the audit 24/7.
The objectivity of the audit has been called into question due to the involvement of Logan.[28] Additionally, Anthony Kern, a former Republican state lawmaker who was present at the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, has been seen tallying votes.[3] Kern, who was himself named on the ballots as a would-be Trump presidential elector as well as running for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives, has since been removed from the group with access to the ballots.[29] Former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican, is advising the audit. Hobbs, the current Secretary of State, has criticized Bennett's efforts, saying he needs to "either do it right, or don't do it at all."[18]
Conspiracy theory issues
As part of the audit, auditors have been looking for secret watermarks, machine-markings, and bamboo fibers within the ballots. The testing for bamboo fibers was intended to prove a conspiracy theory that counterfeit ballots were shipped from South Korea or mainland China to be counted in the election. The audit was supposed to have concluded on May 14, but as of May 9, only 12% of the ballots were counted. The audit was being conducted at the main floor of the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, which was not available for this activity beyond the original target date.[3][30] Consequently, the audit went on hiatus on May 14 and resumed on May 24.[39]
Karen Fann made an allegation, later amplified by Trump in a May 15 post on his blog, asserting that Maricopa County election officials deleted the voting database after the election.[40][41] Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican who oversees elections, tweeted that Trump's post was "unhinged", noting he was looking at the database on his computer at that moment. Richer added, "We can't indulge these insane lies any longer." The auditors later acknowledged they had been examining hard drives the wrong way and the database had not been deleted, though the CEO of a Cyber Ninjas subcontractor, Ben Cotton, later said he was "able to recover all of those deleted files." After he continued to repeatedly characterize the data as "deleted" during a Senate hearing, Fann said she stood by that characterization but said she would not refer the matter to law enforcement because "we never said there was any wrongdoing."[42][43][44]
In June 2021, it was reported that Trump had told associates that based on the results of the audit, he would be reinstated as president by August 2021.[1]
Wikipedia is full of commies. If you want advice on how to build a sand castle or rake your leaves, then by all means, have at it, but NEVER count on them to be neutral or non partisan in their reporting of history or politics. And quinine/HCQ have been made political.
4 Liters of Tonic Water per week?? Have you ever had tonic water lol?
As for the rest, I get what you're saying, but I will keep using wikipedia. I really don't think it's a corrupt source for normal things like this. Sure I wouldn't trust a section about HCQs efficacy against COVID since that's politicized...
...but the section I read was promoting the use of Chloroquine OVER quinine, so it is a pro-HCQ section... so this kind of contradicts your claim, if it was being edited to attack HCQ due to HCQ's now political nature, why would the section on quinine's side effects promote an HCQ precursor and demote quinine which is not in HCQ? Your stance is contradicting itself here. "If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself."
I have written several times in the past about quinine, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Quinine is the natural herbs that was analyzed and then synthesized in a lab. This was patented and distributed as chloroquine. There were some bad side effects from chloroquine, so they redesigned and patented HCQ to be safer. Make no mistake, natural quinine is far safer than either of the synthetics. Quinine has been used in Central and South America where the trees grow natively long before recorded history. The natives still use quinine tea and parts of leaves and bark for a myriad of health benefits, especially as an antimalarial
Thank you for sharing! Too bad the really healthy stuff is in things I don't care for, like tonic water and grapefruit. Blech! I'll use it, but I don't have to like it. :)
Thankyou for this - I am in the UK, pure tyranny rules. Researching the permanent lockdown starting 15 July in the UK email tonight should be fun!
We can't get HCQ or Ivermectin - just the care of NHS Government enablers 'overworked, knacked oh whatever' angels, we get the poison or die.
I have saved this - like another one just like it. If I did get it then I have something natural to boost and something called an immune system. Have used natural in other treatments - don't knock it till you try it!
Just do what my elderly mom started doing when the WuFlu started. Buy tonic water with Quinine, mix with sprite, drink every day. She hasn't had the COVID even once.
What is this bullshit.. We may start needing a downvote button on posts, so much nonsense is getting voted to the front. You need a serious lab to make hydroxychloroquine.
Folks, why bother with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine? They are literally just the synthesized and patented copies of Quinine from the Cinchona Officianalis tree. You can buy natural Quinine online without prescription. It is far safer than the synthetic version and has been used for longer than recorded history as a medicinal herb in Central and South America. I take it daily with a zinc supplement.
Let's be clear with the community what this is.
It is NOT hydroxychloroquine.
It purports to be a homemade version of quinine, like the kind they put (or least used to put) in tonic water.
Patriots should indeed have hydroxychloroquine in their medicine cabinet and I'm pretty sure they can get it via telemedicine appointment with America's Frontline Doctors.
Yes, but only the American Patriots have that luck. :-(
I feel your pain. I'm not in America either and would really really like some hydroxychloroquine too.
I tried to edit the title but I can't, I unfortunately copied it how I found it, thanks for clarifying.
I did a bit of research, it seems cinchona bark is a natural alternative to Hydroxychloroquine, but I found this article that lists some others and thought it might be of interest too, sorry about the misleading title guys.
The bark likely contains artemenisin which is a precursor of HCQ.
Probably, because the article I found also listed wormwood, and wormwood does as well.
I also bought several bottles of sweet wormwood because of the anti-cancer effects. It is listed as artemenisin extract. I have a high probability of a mutated gene that increases risk of colon and liver cancer. A sibling had it and has been battling cancer for over a year. I was refused a dna test to verify I have the mutated gene as well, so screw them, I'm doing my own thing. Chemo has been very rough on my sister. Ill pass on chemo. Buy from independently verified and reputable supplement manufacturers. As listed above, I also take quinine and zinc.
FWIW you can buy tonic syrup, just check and make sure it includes Quinine as some are mislabeled. Fun part of this story is that Quinine was regulated from being supplied "for the troops" during a war time. They just kind of slip those things through, that's how it always works.... I suppose I will dig up my evidence of this statement so I hope someone appreciates it. Seriously that just took me 5 minutes I hope someone bothers to click, on pc the key word Quinine will be highlited but on moble you'll probably end up having to read through a bunch of text from 1945
library of congress refrence
You can do this boiling 6 grapefruit rinds. Cover while boiling to not allow oil steam to evaporate.
In old days grandma made quinine jelly with this to spread on toast in winter time.
You can add lemon peels too.
Real quinine water. Store in fridge... take a swig a day.
I thought the first line referenced making a chichona bark.
Okay...I'm adventurous.
Quinine is in Grapefruit rind as well. Cut(or eat) out the fruit part and boil the rind WITH THE LID ON!! in a glass pan and bring to a simmer until the rind is clear. Add sugar or honey for flavor and store in canning jars. Should last a couple weeks.
Star anise contains shikimic acid, the same as pine needle tea.
Where I live any doctor that prescribes HCQ or Ivermectin faces a fine of over $10,000 or 6 months in prison.
Makes me realize how lucky I am to have it prescribed by my doctor uninterrupted for the past six years.
Where the fuck is that? ?
Quinine is in Grapefruit rind as well. Cut(or eat) out the fruit part and boil the rind WITH THE LID ON!! in a glass pan and bring to a simmer until the rind is clear. Add sugar or honey for flavor and store in canning jars. Should last a couple weeks.
Off-label for Covid is likely what is against the law- find a condition that doesn’t require lab tests to confirm and find a based doctor to help you. 58% of doctors admitted in a survey they aren’t vaccinated- it’s probably far more.
Ivermectin is commonly used for rosacea, roundworms, head lice, and many other conditions and side effects are uncommonly rare, especially at normal therapeutic and prophylactic doses. You can also buy it at feed stores for livestock in bulk but it is likely cut with compounds you don’t want in your system. Anything made to treat a horse needs to be handled with extreme caution so you don’t poison yourself. I personally wouldn’t go the livestock route because Covid just isn’t that dangerous for young, healthy people.
Diabetics, if you're taking metformin, does not get along with quinine..
This goes for any drugs that are fully or partly metabolized by cytochrome p450 enzymes, which is a large list. Do research and make sure you aren't setting yourself up for an unintentional overdose.
Just get some Quercetin or PQQ and zinc. I’m tiiired of worrying I WANT JUSTICE!!!
Quinine is the main ingredient of HCQ, correct?
No, Chloroquine is. Quinine and Chloroquine are molecularly similar and have both been used to treat Malaria for the same reason, but we switched to Chloroquine after World War 2 as it's has significantly less side effects. (I just got all of this from wikipedia, I'm no expert).
Wikipedia is commie bullshit. Quinine is in tonic water(84 mg/pint). It's mild as fuck and has minimal side effects in small doses. The fact that HCQ is EVEN MILDER says more about our MSM and the shitstains in the medical industry than it does about HCQ. 320mg of HCQ is the recommended weekly dose for prophylactic use, so if you drink 3 or 4 pints of tonic water a week it will be equivalent.
Man I believe in Q and the deep state and facism and communism taking over but I don't get the leap of logic from all of this to "Wikipedia is commie bullshit". Wiki is an awesome tool, everything is very well documented and sourced. The amount of quinine is tonic water is incredibly low dose and used as a bitter, it's not the amount you would use when medicating something like malaria? The side effects of quinine are documented all over the place, not just wikipedia.
A liter of tonic water contains 84 mg of quinine. @300 mg of HCQ(or quinine) per week is used as a prophylactic against COVID. Logically, if you drink 4 liters a week, that would account for the same dosage, correct?
There are literally thousands of legal affidavits alleging fraud in the 2020 election, much which has been posted ON THIS WEBSITE, so I did a search on wikipedia and this came up:
Fair enough. Nobody has created a page for it.
So I just searched for the Maricopa Audit. This is what came up:
However, the first paragraph:
How the fuck can it be reported BY CNN that they haven't "uncovered evidence suggesting widespread voter fraud" WHEN THERE HASN'T EVEN BEEN A REPORT ISSUED ABOUT ANYTHING YET!!!"
I expect this from CNN, but not a well "documented and sourced" platform.
Read the whole wikipedia page. It's trash.
Here's some high(low)lights:
"Unmonitored"? There were LITERALLY 9 FUCKING CAMERAS pointed at the audit 24/7.
Wikipedia is full of commies. If you want advice on how to build a sand castle or rake your leaves, then by all means, have at it, but NEVER count on them to be neutral or non partisan in their reporting of history or politics. And quinine/HCQ have been made political.
4 Liters of Tonic Water per week?? Have you ever had tonic water lol?
As for the rest, I get what you're saying, but I will keep using wikipedia. I really don't think it's a corrupt source for normal things like this. Sure I wouldn't trust a section about HCQs efficacy against COVID since that's politicized...
...but the section I read was promoting the use of Chloroquine OVER quinine, so it is a pro-HCQ section... so this kind of contradicts your claim, if it was being edited to attack HCQ due to HCQ's now political nature, why would the section on quinine's side effects promote an HCQ precursor and demote quinine which is not in HCQ? Your stance is contradicting itself here. "If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself."
I have written several times in the past about quinine, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Quinine is the natural herbs that was analyzed and then synthesized in a lab. This was patented and distributed as chloroquine. There were some bad side effects from chloroquine, so they redesigned and patented HCQ to be safer. Make no mistake, natural quinine is far safer than either of the synthetics. Quinine has been used in Central and South America where the trees grow natively long before recorded history. The natives still use quinine tea and parts of leaves and bark for a myriad of health benefits, especially as an antimalarial
Thank you for sharing! Too bad the really healthy stuff is in things I don't care for, like tonic water and grapefruit. Blech! I'll use it, but I don't have to like it. :)
Thankyou for this - I am in the UK, pure tyranny rules. Researching the permanent lockdown starting 15 July in the UK email tonight should be fun!
We can't get HCQ or Ivermectin - just the care of NHS Government enablers 'overworked, knacked oh whatever' angels, we get the poison or die.
I have saved this - like another one just like it. If I did get it then I have something natural to boost and something called an immune system. Have used natural in other treatments - don't knock it till you try it!
Search for Stromectol.
I purchased quinine when we purchased our ivermectin etc...but this is awesome! Thanks for posting!
Just do what my elderly mom started doing when the WuFlu started. Buy tonic water with Quinine, mix with sprite, drink every day. She hasn't had the COVID even once.
What is this bullshit.. We may start needing a downvote button on posts, so much nonsense is getting voted to the front. You need a serious lab to make hydroxychloroquine.
As much as I distrust big pharma and as much as they intentionally poison us with medication...
Don’t make your own concentrated medication at home.
found on telegram
Seems legit.
Folks, why bother with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine? They are literally just the synthesized and patented copies of Quinine from the Cinchona Officianalis tree. You can buy natural Quinine online without prescription. It is far safer than the synthetic version and has been used for longer than recorded history as a medicinal herb in Central and South America. I take it daily with a zinc supplement.
Juniper berries are poisonous!
The Gin and Tonic is a triple threat, alcohol juniper and quinine, better than getting full on malaria though.
Horrible. “3 cups sugar” - yes just poison your body and get diabetes and cancer.
Enjoy the taste without it.