The masks themselves are just virtue signaling at this point and I think the people that are still wearing them A. because it makes them feel important, like a doctor, and B. they know their faces are ugly and this is a convenient way to hide them.
Literally saw one today at the grocery store. I passed by it (actually not sure if it was a he or a she, that's how ambiguous these people are), briefly made eye contact, and that thing stared at me like I was murdering it for not wearing a mask inside, even though masks have not been required for a couple months now. These people have demented minds and souls.
Apparently, the flower pattern on that single layer cloth mask makes it impenetrable to viruses.
It's a form of camouflage. The virus can't see her so he can't attack her.
Might as well put your underwear on your head, oh look she/he already has!!
The amount of people I still see outside in NY with a mask (most probably vaccinated) still on is just repulsive.
Anybody with a brain fled years ago
110+ here and you still see people walking all by themselves down the sidewalk while still wearing one. Clowns.
Like I said, it's a religion. Muslim women wear burkas.
Pod Peeps all... ?
Makes it easy to spot the morons
COVID idiots are out there,
The masks themselves are just virtue signaling at this point and I think the people that are still wearing them A. because it makes them feel important, like a doctor, and B. they know their faces are ugly and this is a convenient way to hide them.
Literally saw one today at the grocery store. I passed by it (actually not sure if it was a he or a she, that's how ambiguous these people are), briefly made eye contact, and that thing stared at me like I was murdering it for not wearing a mask inside, even though masks have not been required for a couple months now. These people have demented minds and souls.
harpie ...
And don’t forget the dumbasses wearing them outside!