He could have pointed to WI or NA or NC at the end when referring to states that are covering up but instead chose to point to MI. Even more so, specifically Detroit, MI.
As I have stated many times on this board, no matter how hard the corrupt elements of the MI Government fight to keep the truth from being exposed, it is going to be exposed.
I can't wait until Americans actually see the sheer scale of fraud that happened in MI. When they learn that not only did Trump win by a huge margin, but also that Sen. Gary Peters is NOT a legitimate sitting Senator and that two members of the MI Supreme Court are also not eligible to hold their seats.
These idiots have no idea that EVERYTHING that happened with the 2020 election is already known. However, the legislatures were STILL given a chance to do their Constitutional Duty and, in MI, not only have they failed to, they have also decided to cast their lot in covering it up.
You will eventually see that MI has been chosen for the purpose of making an example of traitors. There is a reason Trump specifically pointed to Detroit and not just the state of MI.
Thinking more about this, I wonder if there is actually connection between that gun running and Haiti stuff. You know, with these evil people there is no such thing as smuggling just guns or drugs or any one things. These operations always involve children.
This reminded me, Paul Walker. We all know he was doing charity in Haiti when he got Arkancided. But surprisingly, we was also in the move "Fast and the Furious". Coincidence?
Maybe it's from an email mail shot. That would make sense. Then someone updates the blog. It does seem to be in delay. Like you get a few days suddenly all at once. I was trying to keep track here https://www.trumptronic.com/category/35/trump-statements-2021
I live in SE MI just outside the Detroit Metro area. I was talking to my sisters ex husband at a grad party yesterday. Huge Union guy that has always voted in line with the leadership. The two exceptions are Perot and Trump. I asked him how the others in his Iron Workers local felt and he said across the board the membership is all MAGA.
I think you can get a good feeling about where the Union membership is at be rewatching Bidens interaction at the auto plant with UAW guys before the election.
Im a contractor and though we are non union I talk to union guys all the time in other trades. I also have many, many union guys in my personal life. I have yet to find one that isnt MAGA.
The Unions in Michigan hold no power here to effect the legal vote at this time. Im not including the teachers or government unions, of course.
The scale and severity of punishment that is coming for treason against one's country needs to have the support of the majority of the American Public. Unfortunately, more has to be exposed before that point.
Only at the precipice will Americans find the WILL to change.
It is frustrating to see it taking so long, but we are also in the middle of a war. We are currently at the turning point. Think of the 2020 election more like The Battle of the Bulge in WW2. It was the last major effort of a dying enemy but the outcome wasn't that much further away.
Dem operatives have already stalled AZ audit enough, of course, it will happen with other audits too. It all depends on AZ audit results and how much momentum will be gained.
Paul Walker dated a 14 year old and a 16 year old, so why would he expose any pedos? That's like a vampire hunting down vampires. Okay, there's Blade the vampire hunter. But still...
Good point. Also, while he may have been no dummy around cars, he wasn’t driving and the car in question is notoriously dangerous even for skilled drivers.
Yep he was 33 when he dated the 16 year old, so he was 17 years older than her at the time. Just to provide some perspective, the Nickelodeon actor Jared Drake Bell is being sentenced to prison for soliciting a minor when he was 31 and his victim was 15.
Except in Paul Walker's case, he actually did sleep with the girl and even moved in with her. She was not only a minor, he was nearly old enough to be her father too. His daughter was also 8 years old at the time--half the age of his then girlfriend. The creep factor on Walker was extreme.
He could have pointed to WI or NA or NC at the end when referring to states that are covering up but instead chose to point to MI. Even more so, specifically Detroit, MI.
As I have stated many times on this board, no matter how hard the corrupt elements of the MI Government fight to keep the truth from being exposed, it is going to be exposed.
I can't wait until Americans actually see the sheer scale of fraud that happened in MI. When they learn that not only did Trump win by a huge margin, but also that Sen. Gary Peters is NOT a legitimate sitting Senator and that two members of the MI Supreme Court are also not eligible to hold their seats.
These idiots have no idea that EVERYTHING that happened with the 2020 election is already known. However, the legislatures were STILL given a chance to do their Constitutional Duty and, in MI, not only have they failed to, they have also decided to cast their lot in covering it up.
You will eventually see that MI has been chosen for the purpose of making an example of traitors. There is a reason Trump specifically pointed to Detroit and not just the state of MI.
and Haley Stephens did not beat Eric Eshaci
The CIA shill Slotkin did not win in MI CD-8 either. She is reviled in this district.
Wasn't Fast and Furious also the name of the gun running operation Obama was involved in ?
Yeah that’s the first thing I thought he was referencing
Thinking more about this, I wonder if there is actually connection between that gun running and Haiti stuff. You know, with these evil people there is no such thing as smuggling just guns or drugs or any one things. These operations always involve children.
This reminded me, Paul Walker. We all know he was doing charity in Haiti when he got Arkancided. But surprisingly, we was also in the move "Fast and the Furious". Coincidence?
Meanwhile, F9 just released...
And F9 is what i push to pay respects.
"It gets out through the internet an other methods"
Somebody is playing a fiddle. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.7dCoDwkBJrOTiVtY0rZZKgHaEW%26pid%3DApi&f=1
Pointing out the obvious of the internet and a potential blackout, but other methods will carry the message far and wide.
Troller in Chief.
If you hodl GME, you should look at this. http://www.deepthroatipo.com/the-gamestop-narrative-and-post-mortem-vs-hypothetical-reality/
Hypothetical reality down there. Someone is pumping all of these stocks and getting ready for big slam.
Thank you very much for this.
Eat shit Eric Holder. No one is safe.
“People” and facts are coming out. People afraid of consequences. People ready to squeal for a deal.
Why is this post not appearing on the news section of Trump site?
Any ideas?
Yeah, I was looking for it, as well. Not seeing it anywhere but a few places where other people posted, but not an actual link.
Maybe it's from an email mail shot. That would make sense. Then someone updates the blog. It does seem to be in delay. Like you get a few days suddenly all at once. I was trying to keep track here https://www.trumptronic.com/category/35/trump-statements-2021
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe people who are signed up for alerts get stuff first, then it's posted to the website later on?
Ha! Maybe it's time to sign up!
I live in SE MI just outside the Detroit Metro area. I was talking to my sisters ex husband at a grad party yesterday. Huge Union guy that has always voted in line with the leadership. The two exceptions are Perot and Trump. I asked him how the others in his Iron Workers local felt and he said across the board the membership is all MAGA.
I think you can get a good feeling about where the Union membership is at be rewatching Bidens interaction at the auto plant with UAW guys before the election.
Im a contractor and though we are non union I talk to union guys all the time in other trades. I also have many, many union guys in my personal life. I have yet to find one that isnt MAGA.
The Unions in Michigan hold no power here to effect the legal vote at this time. Im not including the teachers or government unions, of course.
Yeah, but we aren't going to punish them then what's the point? We get to spend the next 20 years watching this all erode away.
The scale and severity of punishment that is coming for treason against one's country needs to have the support of the majority of the American Public. Unfortunately, more has to be exposed before that point.
Only at the precipice will Americans find the WILL to change.
It is frustrating to see it taking so long, but we are also in the middle of a war. We are currently at the turning point. Think of the 2020 election more like The Battle of the Bulge in WW2. It was the last major effort of a dying enemy but the outcome wasn't that much further away.
What do feelings matter? It either happened or it didn't. Reality doesn't change based on enough people believing something.
Dem operatives have already stalled AZ audit enough, of course, it will happen with other audits too. It all depends on AZ audit results and how much momentum will be gained.
Obama is homo. Obama execution inbound
You can not stop the signal. Period.
Do you have a link to this statement? I'm not finding this.... thanks.
This thread feels incredibly relevant.
Bet you're right.
Post 3278 Fast & Furious
The twit it links to says "Republicans seek formal investigation into Schiff."
We have more than we know !
Oh wow ! Thank you ! Having fun yet ?
Holder / Hussein gun running
False Flag??
Mandalay gun runner attached to fast and furious
Paul Walker dated a 14 year old and a 16 year old, so why would he expose any pedos? That's like a vampire hunting down vampires. Okay, there's Blade the vampire hunter. But still...
Good point. Also, while he may have been no dummy around cars, he wasn’t driving and the car in question is notoriously dangerous even for skilled drivers.
Yep he was 33 when he dated the 16 year old, so he was 17 years older than her at the time. Just to provide some perspective, the Nickelodeon actor Jared Drake Bell is being sentenced to prison for soliciting a minor when he was 31 and his victim was 15.
Except in Paul Walker's case, he actually did sleep with the girl and even moved in with her. She was not only a minor, he was nearly old enough to be her father too. His daughter was also 8 years old at the time--half the age of his then girlfriend. The creep factor on Walker was extreme.