Trump Speech / CPAC Texas / 11 July 2021 / 21:44 ZULU - 4:44 CT - 3:44 ET
(The radical left and their policies) "They are weak militarily. They fight against the military. Always fight the budget, military. We need a strong military right now. So strong. And having rebuilt the military is one of my greatest achievements. It was a sick and tired military. Their equipment was old and depleted. and now we have those brand new F35s and everything is brand new and we have a great military, or its coming soon and they won't be able to stop it.
But the radical left cheat in elections and the fake news media cheats in polling like having me down 17 points just before the election in Wisconsin."
CPAC Live / full speech / watch starting at 8:32:51 / Be patient and let it load
its an imitation Q drop header... correct unique Q drop signifier, then the date of President Trump's Texas CPAC speech followed by the time (ET) when he starts the paragraph with the phrase:
This is similar in vocabulary and nearly identical in meaning to beginning of Q drop 4951.
Instead of a Q signature at the end of the drop... there is a 17 which, in the speech, comes in the next line after the above...
Trump is a master at getting 17s into his speeches and comments in subtle and unique ways
All that imitation Q style is to make the point of the Q+ followed by the photo of President Trump in Norfolk for the sailing of the U.S.S.Comfort (heading for New York during the epidemic).
Q has stated there would be no Q comms outside his board and that any messaging claiming it was Q would be false.
He never said anything about Q+... and President Trump delivers in spades.
To the Troll Master-in-Chief's right, Secretary of Defense Esper,
bobblehead-nodding, clueless that he has been staged in this
photo/press op to be made a complete fool of.
Not only is 17 repeated 4 times... but,
"Russia has five times, and China is working on five or six times. We have one..."
That's 5 + 5 + 6 + 1 = 17
That's 5 mentions of 17 in 30 seconds of the clip.
The above is almost as good as this Classic Trump Trick Troll:
I was taking notes during the speech and when POTUS said "he wouldn't be able to walk down the street in public", I shouted WOW! Told hubby this movie is really getting explosive! 💥
It was great to see President Trump. He was on fire, dropping bombs 💥💥, and the crowd was going crazy!🐸🐸🇺🇸🇺🇸 He even did a little dance for us! 🎉🐸 It was my first time seeing him! ❤️ It was great! I also saw Mike Lindell, Dr. Ben Carson, Don Jr., Kimberly Guifoyle, the RSBN crew, Ken Paxton, Gov. Kristi Noem, and Matt Gaetz; oh, and Lauren Boebert.
It was awesome though. Can’t wait for the next one. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I heard him say "My fellow Americans...." and my life flashed before my eyes....then he didn't say the rest, and I laughed. That sunuva...he's messing with ((them)) now! Best mood we've seen him in since the rigging.
Did you catch when he said the white house with a lower case "w" and lower case "h" and then repeated it? That tells me it's not the real white house. That Biden isn't in charge.
Is it me. Or does when the President drop clues he repeats them. I almost shit my pants when he said the white house was lower case w and lower case h. Then repeated it.
I’m just gonna throw this out there; no offense to our TDW brothers & sisters. Are they scratching their melons now & thinking, “Dang, POTUS has gone Q-tarded”?!! Uummm...hello; Q not a larp and POTUS always was Q+.
Dry up. God called on Trump. God doesn't mind Trump being called a God. He gave Trump the signal to go forth because he knew Trump would lead the greatest battle of modern man like no other. The rest of you modern men just sit and talk. God wanted a modern to take charge, someone who is not afraid to fail, then turn it around into victory. You'll see......
but they go over there, they’re getting fleeced. They come out, we have a deal. We have a deal. Remember England? We have a deal. You don’t want to get into that. We have a deal. They said they had a deal. 20 minutes later when the radical left heard that Biden agreed to something they went crazy and then Biden said, “We don’t have a deal anymore.”
That's what he said at 1:10 - anyone tell me what "England" means? Is it some reference to the civil war maybe? Did England welsh on a deal back then? Or is he referencing present-day England/UK about something they agreed in a deal and reminding them to hold up their end.
Trump Speech / CPAC Texas / 11 July 2021 / 21:44 ZULU - 4:44 CT - 3:44 ET
(The radical left and their policies) "They are weak militarily. They fight against the military. Always fight the budget, military. We need a strong military right now. So strong. And having rebuilt the military is one of my greatest achievements. It was a sick and tired military. Their equipment was old and depleted. and now we have those brand new F35s and everything is brand new and we have a great military, or its coming soon and they won't be able to stop it.
But the radical left cheat in elections and the fake news media cheats in polling like having me down 17 points just before the election in Wisconsin."
CPAC Live / full speech / watch starting at 8:32:51 / Be patient and let it load (go to 8:32:51 for above section)
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 7/11/2021 15:44:00
Shall we play a game?
[C]oming [S]oon [A]nd [T]hey [W]on't [B]e [A]ble [T]o [S]top [I]t
is the same as
is the same as
"...can't walk down the streets..." 8:37
How do I view the replay?
What's with that 7/11/2021 timestamp? Has Q resumed posting?
"Poetic license..." but with a point.
its an imitation Q drop header... correct unique Q drop signifier, then the date of President Trump's Texas CPAC speech followed by the time (ET) when he starts the paragraph with the phrase:
[C]oming [S]oon [A]nd [T]hey [W]on't [B]e [A]ble [T]o [S]top [I]t
This is similar in vocabulary and nearly identical in meaning to beginning of Q drop 4951.
Instead of a Q signature at the end of the drop... there is a 17 which, in the speech, comes in the next line after the above...
Trump is a master at getting 17s into his speeches and comments in subtle and unique ways
All that imitation Q style is to make the point of the Q+ followed by the photo of President Trump in Norfolk for the sailing of the U.S.S.Comfort (heading for New York during the epidemic).
Q has stated there would be no Q comms outside his board and that any messaging claiming it was Q would be false.
He never said anything about Q+... and President Trump delivers in spades.
A personal favorite: (16 May 2020 / 1 min, 21 sec)
To the Troll Master-in-Chief's right, Secretary of Defense Esper, bobblehead-nodding, clueless that he has been staged in this
photo/press op to be made a complete fool of.
Not only is 17 repeated 4 times... but,
"Russia has five times, and China is working on five or six times. We have one..."
That's 5 + 5 + 6 + 1 = 17
That's 5 mentions of 17 in 30 seconds of the clip.
The above is almost as good as this Classic Trump Trick Troll:
Fawk you got me.
Here's the best part...
Classic Trump Trick Troll
Haha of course I noticed that afterwards
I was taking notes during the speech and when POTUS said "he wouldn't be able to walk down the street in public", I shouted WOW! Told hubby this movie is really getting explosive! 💥
Our President worked his speech like a BOSS!
Caught both of those. Also down 17 points in WI
dauym son get spanked
MOAB speech tonight
Time stamps for the boom boom boom and "A great military is coming soon, and they won't be able to stop it."?
0.30.10 : " We have a great military. It's coming soon and they won't be able to stop it "
and just after that, at 0.30.25 : SEVENTEEN points !
Thank you DJT !!
My favorite line from POTUS! 💥
This speech gave me several Qgasms.
Just a few seconds after the 0:30:00 mark.
Excellent that this is stickied.
Archive link:
I was there and it was great!
It was great to see President Trump. He was on fire, dropping bombs 💥💥, and the crowd was going crazy!🐸🐸🇺🇸🇺🇸 He even did a little dance for us! 🎉🐸 It was my first time seeing him! ❤️ It was great! I also saw Mike Lindell, Dr. Ben Carson, Don Jr., Kimberly Guifoyle, the RSBN crew, Ken Paxton, Gov. Kristi Noem, and Matt Gaetz; oh, and Lauren Boebert.
It was awesome though. Can’t wait for the next one. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I heard him say "My fellow Americans...." and my life flashed before my eyes....then he didn't say the rest, and I laughed. That sunuva...he's messing with ((them)) now! Best mood we've seen him in since the rigging.
But then he proceeded with by far the most Q-centered speech ever
Thank you fren, can’t wait to watch the entire speech!
Interdasting... re: Cognitive test:
"How do you think Joe would do on that cognitive? Hey you never know, maybe he's, underneath there, there's somebody that's very unusual."
I couldn't contain my smile when I heard that. He gave a huge hint just a week ago too
Totally guffawed on that one!
Just realized that the last lines of this Qdrop has a word count of 4, 3, 2, 1
I believe in a week he will give a speech with 4 booms.
<3 your handle!
Much appreciated.
How incredible he is...
Damn i want that gif for collection, but phone won't let me save
A true leader.
At exactly 1:21:49 he says "These people are sick." Those numbers add up to 17
He is phenomenal. Eighteen angry Democrats LOL!!!!!!
Trump rips so hard towards the end you can't keep up!
1:21 great segment on voter ID and a "these people are sick" drop
Did you catch when he said the white house with a lower case "w" and lower case "h" and then repeated it? That tells me it's not the real white house. That Biden isn't in charge.
Yes!!!!! As in the white house aka a fake president and Trump will be back in the real White House!
ahhhh that's what he meant by that!
That was interesting. I was wondering what he meant by lower case letters.
Every time Trump wears his iconic Red Tie, we know it's gonna be a great speech.
Is it me. Or does when the President drop clues he repeats them. I almost shit my pants when he said the white house was lower case w and lower case h. Then repeated it.
good point. He did say that twice. I didn't get what he meant it at the time
Daddy is back.
15:35 “we’re not gonna take it, anymore!” Remember the Q post with the quiet riot song.
I’m just gonna throw this out there; no offense to our TDW brothers & sisters. Are they scratching their melons now & thinking, “Dang, POTUS has gone Q-tarded”?!! Uummm...hello; Q not a larp and POTUS always was Q+.
Timestamp for Military mention in this video is @ 30 minute mark!
Trump is a fucking god among men
I’m not sure he is God, but God is acting and speaking to us directly through Trump.
Dry up. God called on Trump. God doesn't mind Trump being called a God. He gave Trump the signal to go forth because he knew Trump would lead the greatest battle of modern man like no other. The rest of you modern men just sit and talk. God wanted a modern to take charge, someone who is not afraid to fail, then turn it around into victory. You'll see......
That's what he said at 1:10 - anyone tell me what "England" means? Is it some reference to the civil war maybe? Did England welsh on a deal back then? Or is he referencing present-day England/UK about something they agreed in a deal and reminding them to hold up their end.
13.18 suicide watch
15.38 were not going to take it any more
We need the train bot back. Idgaf if it's spammy. I miss it.
Can’t wait to watch this later.
Was "we're not gonna take it" his first q ref in the speech ?