Greek guy here, long time lurker. Finally decided to sign up to give my humble opinion on this topic. Greece is under attack, from within; our own government is our worst enemy. There were gatherings and peaceful (NOT BLM "peaceful") protests all over Greece a couple of days ago, but our tyrants don't even care. They blatantly violate the constitution, as well as the laws voted during the Oviedo convention on bioethics, which apply for the EU. Even worse, there is massive push to replace the population with illegal immigrants, who receive benefits and incentives while being exempt from mandatory vaccinations. If our orange man doesn't pull this off, we're all fucked. People know who won the US election, despite the massive propaganda push and censorship. Keep up the fight people, we have God on our side!
surely god can just snap his fingers and erase all the darkness if he really gave two shits. Stop relying on God, he aint coming to save us. We gotta do this ourselves.
You are correct, God could snap his finger ala Thanos and erase all the darkness, but, he gave us free will. We get to choose what we want to do or not do. With that comes consequences, good or bad. That is what we are dealing with at the moment.
I love you too much not to tell you this truth. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
— John 3:16 (NKJV)
Gods will is done everyday on this earth. A revival of faith is happening across the world, in part because of the tribulation we are facing.
Jesus is the only way to salvation and the only way of winning this war.
Think of humanity as a tree. It grows according its own free will. The divine interventions only happen when the tree has sprouted a ruinous branch. If there is no intervention, it means we can handle this on our own. The goal of humanity is to create a tree that can grow on its own.
Without free will we are not the creation God intended. So there will be no finger snapping.
Nice to meet you Greek guy. I believe all of our countries have been invaded from within and taken over slowly, piece by piece. We will get our world back and these heathens will pay for their crimes against humanity.
Its been most weekends until they had the euro cup. Now that they lost the final, if they dont unlock on Monday as planned, id expect a lot more protests
I really hope it never gets to that point. But I am one lucky lady, if it does. I have an alpha, alpha male. He does everything. I literally just have to sit here and be saved.
This is why I don't understand the people who say war with China isn't gonna happen because of the plan, but the war is going to be the end game. Its unavoidable the CCP, Iran, and the UN are the Cabals army versus the world.
So sanction the CCP to death? Economically fight them? The cabal and the world funds the CCP. You have a pest problem in your home so you do fumigation to one room. The cabal is desperate now they have their agent sowing chaos in different parts on the world, they know they are losing, they just hope to survive while burning it all down to rule over ashes and rebuild the world as they see fit.
It's hilarious to me that we have two opposing ideological groups, each claiming to have been waked up by newly revealed information, and that one chose WOKE (socialists) and the other AWAKENED (patriots) to describe their heightened sense of enlightenment.
Even more strange is that there's no overlap. The "woke folk" love to brag about being woke, and the Great Awakening folks don't.
More than well,that is the truth about them. They were seeing corruption,but become corrupted or followed bad conclusion (marxism) believing socialism (being kind of etatism - statism) is the cure when it was and is really one of the sources of disease.
Greek guy here, long time lurker. Finally decided to sign up to give my humble opinion on this topic. Greece is under attack, from within; our own government is our worst enemy. There were gatherings and peaceful (NOT BLM "peaceful") protests all over Greece a couple of days ago, but our tyrants don't even care. They blatantly violate the constitution, as well as the laws voted during the Oviedo convention on bioethics, which apply for the EU. Even worse, there is massive push to replace the population with illegal immigrants, who receive benefits and incentives while being exempt from mandatory vaccinations. If our orange man doesn't pull this off, we're all fucked. People know who won the US election, despite the massive propaganda push and censorship. Keep up the fight people, we have God on our side!
If Orange man pulls this off it will be God's will. Keep praying all that God will move on the earth and defeat this evil. Every prayer counts.
surely god can just snap his fingers and erase all the darkness if he really gave two shits. Stop relying on God, he aint coming to save us. We gotta do this ourselves.
You are correct, God could snap his finger ala Thanos and erase all the darkness, but, he gave us free will. We get to choose what we want to do or not do. With that comes consequences, good or bad. That is what we are dealing with at the moment.
I love you too much not to tell you this truth. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” — John 3:16 (NKJV) Gods will is done everyday on this earth. A revival of faith is happening across the world, in part because of the tribulation we are facing. Jesus is the only way to salvation and the only way of winning this war.
Okay well lucky for me I don't want everlasting life.
Think of humanity as a tree. It grows according its own free will. The divine interventions only happen when the tree has sprouted a ruinous branch. If there is no intervention, it means we can handle this on our own. The goal of humanity is to create a tree that can grow on its own.
Without free will we are not the creation God intended. So there will be no finger snapping.
So yes, we gotta do this ourselves.
God bless Greece and keep them safe. * Taking the shot = Drinking Cyanide
If we make the effort and crack the door open just a little bit, G-d will step forward and crash it open the rest of the way.
But if we don't make that effort, G-d won't either.
Nice to meet you Greek guy. I believe all of our countries have been invaded from within and taken over slowly, piece by piece. We will get our world back and these heathens will pay for their crimes against humanity.
Image of tweet before it was deleted:
View 1:
View 2:
Credit to aliciatoys and BQnita for the images.
Of fucking course Twitter deleted it. FUCK DORSEY
Thanks frens!
Ireland, Cuba, Greece, France have all erupted.
Keep going !
Australia now is on the march too.
I believe England as well? I know they had some pretty damn big marches but maybe not as sustained.
Its been most weekends until they had the euro cup. Now that they lost the final, if they dont unlock on Monday as planned, id expect a lot more protests
Wait till they mandate it in the US LOL. If you thought the antifa riots were interesting... Just wait
I was telling my brother this, this may sound controversial but I HOPE they mandate it here.
Boy if they do, stock up people, go get all the essentials, grab some popcorn and watch Patriots take our country back. I'm preparing ahead of time.
I really hope it never gets to that point. But I am one lucky lady, if it does. I have an alpha, alpha male. He does everything. I literally just have to sit here and be saved.
Its the only way.
"this tweet is unavailable"
Wonder if tweets are being targeted from being posted here. It has been escalating for a.while now
Found a copy!
You're a naughty one, Saucy Jack!
Heads will roll one way or another before this ends.
This is why the second choice of the elites for depopulation is a nuclear war.
Prepare yourselves and your family, just in case.
This is why I don't understand the people who say war with China isn't gonna happen because of the plan, but the war is going to be the end game. Its unavoidable the CCP, Iran, and the UN are the Cabals army versus the world.
A ground war with China is NOT part of the plan at all.
More an economic war, which is being won from what i can see
I’m in Canada and they are military Exercising in Alberta and BC, their ground troops and god knows what else is already here!
So sanction the CCP to death? Economically fight them? The cabal and the world funds the CCP. You have a pest problem in your home so you do fumigation to one room. The cabal is desperate now they have their agent sowing chaos in different parts on the world, they know they are losing, they just hope to survive while burning it all down to rule over ashes and rebuild the world as they see fit.
Oh no. We're not only aimed at the CCP. It's always been known that the CCP is Satanist Cabal-created and controlled.
How do you catch a very dangerous animal? Q asked this question.
You TRANQ it
Could use the ol and give the link
Oh I think I did it! Thanks!
“WATCH: Aerial shot shows Wednesday’s massive rally against Greece’s mandatory #COVID19 vaccination orders. 🇬🇷“
This was the text and it has an aerial view of the awakened in Greece
Something like this?
Hey thanks fren! Your username is so true 😆
Exactly like that! Beautiful, isn’t it?!
It truly is!
You're absolutely welcome!
People are getting WOKE worldwide and it’s a glorious thing!
Awake, you should know better than to use that damn woke word.
It's hilarious to me that we have two opposing ideological groups, each claiming to have been waked up by newly revealed information, and that one chose WOKE (socialists) and the other AWAKENED (patriots) to describe their heightened sense of enlightenment.
Even more strange is that there's no overlap. The "woke folk" love to brag about being woke, and the Great Awakening folks don't.
Woke is the past tense of awake, meaning they've gone back to sleep :P
Well put
More than well,that is the truth about them. They were seeing corruption,but become corrupted or followed bad conclusion (marxism) believing socialism (being kind of etatism - statism) is the cure when it was and is really one of the sources of disease.
What was it?
The tweet is gone.
The world needed a good kick up the ass.
Sad day when the French are fighting harder for freedom than Americans.
See above - it's been relinked
Been pulled already!
Aaaand it's gone.
"This tweet is unavailable." Uh-huh.
When in the USA?
Snippet/screen for those w/o twitter?