If anyone gets wind of a copy of the files being made available, I would definitely perform a proper analysis and create a report. I'd love a chance to do my bit.
Faking pcaps files is almost impossible with any kind of volume. The timings and packet sequences would be easy to spot if they were out of sequence.
In addition, if there are missing 'retries' then that would indicate that the files had been filtered first etc. (i.e. so not raw).
Faking pcaps files is almost impossible with any kind of volume. The timings and packet sequences would be easy to spot if they were out of sequence.
I'm a qualified expert in the field.
In addition to what you stated (which is 100% true; TCP protocol), the fact that they are all TLS packets with origination certificates and fully decrypted... It's virtually impossible to fake this. How they managed to MITM all of this is really an amazing achievement.
See, this is so far from being my forte, I love it that we have frens here with that type of knowledge. I hope you do get your hands on the info and if you do, that you report back. I would be very interested to hear your take. Thanks.
I'm tempted to tell you the kind of knowledge I have, but it would make it too easy for someone in the know to work out who I was, even without IP logs.
It’s so far from my forte that I don’t even know PCAPS are, lol. Not that I even have a specific skill/forte anyways. I to appreciate the folks here that do have an abundance of knowledge to share. I’m happy to have found this forum, if it wasn’t for everyone here I’d probably have gone crazy by now thinking I was the only one seeing what a clown world we are living in right now.
Well heck I'm 53 now, if I haven't found it yet I don't know if I will, lol. Tried a t-shirt printing business but because of equipment issues from the begining, then my mom passed away (which I had to leave town to be with her for about a month before she passed, then figuring things out afterwards because we didn't expect her to die, she was sick from her chemo, then finding a lawyer to help with estate and grieving...), then hit with the taxes from starting the business even though I hadn't even had a chance to sell anything. I let it go, it was all too much and we had no money left, husband had just retired but ended up having to go back to work. I still have all my equipment that works great (because the company I bought it from made it right in the end, which took a long time), tons of shirts, some bags, printing accessories, ect... So I just print stuff for us or friends. Thinking about selling it all. I can work a bit with graphics but I'm not an artist or a pro at it.
He already revealed all that stuff in his documentaries didn't he? I remember him showing all the internet traffic into and out of the country showing where votes were flipped or at least attempted to flip. He also said for sure that China, Iran, and others were involved, complete with IP addresses and everything. Is this what he's going to release?
I once worked for a firm who performed in-depth packet analysis on 10 gig links, it requires dedicated hardware with large SSD's and multiple 10Gig interfaces, and we'd place them is at least three different places in the network.
Sometimes a problem comes down to one particular process being slightly out of sequence with the rest and can cause an application to get it's knickers in a twist.
I've also seen a lot of weird shit going on on a network link that I wouldn't have thought possible, especially when links start to get saturated.
Wow! Someone is going to take him up on that. Mike will film it and BOOM!!
Pillow man is 'Da man'
guess hes pretty sure....buhahaha
Redpillow Man
Wow, I have experience with pcaps files and packet anaylsis, definitely worth a look.
Oh, it's an invite only event. Bugger.
That's too bad. I was going to ask you to report back with your analysis.
If anyone gets wind of a copy of the files being made available, I would definitely perform a proper analysis and create a report. I'd love a chance to do my bit.
Faking pcaps files is almost impossible with any kind of volume. The timings and packet sequences would be easy to spot if they were out of sequence.
In addition, if there are missing 'retries' then that would indicate that the files had been filtered first etc. (i.e. so not raw).
I'm a qualified expert in the field.
In addition to what you stated (which is 100% true; TCP protocol), the fact that they are all TLS packets with origination certificates and fully decrypted... It's virtually impossible to fake this. How they managed to MITM all of this is really an amazing achievement.
See, this is so far from being my forte, I love it that we have frens here with that type of knowledge. I hope you do get your hands on the info and if you do, that you report back. I would be very interested to hear your take. Thanks.
I'm tempted to tell you the kind of knowledge I have, but it would make it too easy for someone in the know to work out who I was, even without IP logs.
And then you'd hafta kill us.
Not you guys, the other guys ;)
That's alright, fren. It's a shame it has to be that way. Maybe someday .. soon-ish.
It’s so far from my forte that I don’t even know PCAPS are, lol. Not that I even have a specific skill/forte anyways. I to appreciate the folks here that do have an abundance of knowledge to share. I’m happy to have found this forum, if it wasn’t for everyone here I’d probably have gone crazy by now thinking I was the only one seeing what a clown world we are living in right now.
fyi a pcap file is basically a full copy of every data packet on a network that has been captured.
It includes a lot of details that most people aren't aware, including timestamps down to thr millsecond and encryption details etc.
Thanks so much! Learn something new everyday, especially here :)
Yup. But everybody has a forte, maybe you just haven't found yours yet. If so, you will.
Well heck I'm 53 now, if I haven't found it yet I don't know if I will, lol. Tried a t-shirt printing business but because of equipment issues from the begining, then my mom passed away (which I had to leave town to be with her for about a month before she passed, then figuring things out afterwards because we didn't expect her to die, she was sick from her chemo, then finding a lawyer to help with estate and grieving...), then hit with the taxes from starting the business even though I hadn't even had a chance to sell anything. I let it go, it was all too much and we had no money left, husband had just retired but ended up having to go back to work. I still have all my equipment that works great (because the company I bought it from made it right in the end, which took a long time), tons of shirts, some bags, printing accessories, ect... So I just print stuff for us or friends. Thinking about selling it all. I can work a bit with graphics but I'm not an artist or a pro at it.
I can assist with this, DM me if you get your hands on anything and I'd be happy to chip in and do my part as well
I'll bear that in mind, thanks
Over at patriots.win some commentators are saying all this pcap stuff is nonsense. What say you sir?
I haven't checked, but it's a bit suss that he's only making them available during a live event.
History books shall be written about Mike!
This is a pretty genius move
And Mike Lindell will end 2021 without having paid out the $5mil because its real evidence and they cant disprove it.
This is the way.
Can you do that?
He already revealed all that stuff in his documentaries didn't he? I remember him showing all the internet traffic into and out of the country showing where votes were flipped or at least attempted to flip. He also said for sure that China, Iran, and others were involved, complete with IP addresses and everything. Is this what he's going to release?
Whilst wireshark can be used for local packet capture, there are more robust tools out there to capture data streams.
Wireshark is usually used for the analysis of files, The filters can get pretty gnarly when you're zoning in on something (30+ terms are not unusual)
That's more than most people :)
I once worked for a firm who performed in-depth packet analysis on 10 gig links, it requires dedicated hardware with large SSD's and multiple 10Gig interfaces, and we'd place them is at least three different places in the network.
Sometimes a problem comes down to one particular process being slightly out of sequence with the rest and can cause an application to get it's knickers in a twist.
I've also seen a lot of weird shit going on on a network link that I wouldn't have thought possible, especially when links start to get saturated.
For sure there will be some big files :)
Is this an international contest?
If one could communicate with his team I don’t think it matters where they are.
God I love this man and his pillows are awesome? I am a proud owner of a my pillow and its the best pillow I ever had!
Dude, I’m not putting my phone number on some website that’s tracking “free speech”. I prefer to be last in the cattle cars heading to the camps.
No joke. Why does he even need our email and phone numbers anyway? What's he planning on doing with them?
It also captures local broadcast traffic, such as arp requests/responses etc.
I ❤️ your 🧠
I can honestly say that I would hear that nowhere else but here ;) Thanks