I believe that initially we were told not to use masks b/c they are useless, but then told to start using them when it was realized that more harm would come to the people - accelerating the genocide.
Millions of grandmas and grandpas dying alone in hospitals on ventilators in isolation where the families couldn't visit or say good-bye and the nurses barely went in.
I know this because my wife is a nurse.
She did time on covid units and it took so much time to take off all the layers of ppe without touching it that the nurses would plan the care so everything could be done entering the room one time.
Weasels like Fauci and Cuomo did this. Killed them and made them suffer. For their fucking vaccine.
Covid is the pharm industry's gravy train for years to come. First the vaccines, then the vaccine 2.0 boosters, then the "miracle" drug suddenly discovered just in time for the normie realization that the vaccines killed thousands of people and aren't safe or effective. And you know this miracle drug will just be a patentable molecule with the same mechanism of action as ivermectin. Maybe a derivative of some sort. Literally hundreds of billions of dollars on the table
But no one is getting anything if the disease is cured by common generics.
Not sure that it would be Trump executing the masterstroke. He was "asked" to run. He played his part in the "show". The only question now is "Will he be returning for a 2nd season?"
True. But Trump's move also prevented the "JAB" from being made mandatory. As an 'experimental' only injection, could only be administered under Emergency Approval. As an emergency approval treatment, it could not be mandated for everyone.
In the end, the lemmings got / will get the JAB. Regrettably, many/most of my extended family (but NONE of our immediate family - thank goodness) got the JAB. Standing by for the medium term fallout....
And here;s Google's answer to an important question:
"Is hydroxychloroquine effective in treating COVID-19?
No. There is no evidence that taking hydroxychloroquine is effective in preventing a person from contracting the coronavirus or developing COVID-19, so people who are not already taking this medication do not need to start it now.Oct 29, 2020"
If face masks actually worked, they'd have been banned, too. 😷
Strongly underrated comment
Meme material 👆🏼
ppl were actually told not to use masks at the beginning, then suddenly they were told to start using them.
I believe that initially we were told not to use masks b/c they are useless, but then told to start using them when it was realized that more harm would come to the people - accelerating the genocide.
DEFUND the NIH and CDC Level 4 positive pressure suit bio-labs. Just give them a box of surgical masks. Tell them to Go For It!
And the result of it:
Millions of grandmas and grandpas dying alone in hospitals on ventilators in isolation where the families couldn't visit or say good-bye and the nurses barely went in.
I know this because my wife is a nurse.
She did time on covid units and it took so much time to take off all the layers of ppe without touching it that the nurses would plan the care so everything could be done entering the room one time.
Weasels like Fauci and Cuomo did this. Killed them and made them suffer. For their fucking vaccine.
<— Millions died of the 2020 flu strain, repackaged and rebranded for a coup ?
<— Millions died of a Chinese nano-bot ?
<— The nano-bot was just released as a vax ?
Correct. Upvoted
BTW it's HCQ.
HCG = human chorionic gonadotropin, the molecule that produces morning sickness in pregnant women
It's not just that.
Covid is the pharm industry's gravy train for years to come. First the vaccines, then the vaccine 2.0 boosters, then the "miracle" drug suddenly discovered just in time for the normie realization that the vaccines killed thousands of people and aren't safe or effective. And you know this miracle drug will just be a patentable molecule with the same mechanism of action as ivermectin. Maybe a derivative of some sort. Literally hundreds of billions of dollars on the table
But no one is getting anything if the disease is cured by common generics.
yep. Gravy train... Vaccine Antibodies May Start to Fall Six Weeks After Second Shot: UK Study https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/vaccine-antibodies-may-start-to-fall-six-weeks-after-second-shot-uk-study_3913811.html
Why hasn't Cancer been cured yet?
Diabetes? (the American Diabetes Association - not established to cure it - established to SPREAD IT!)
You already know the answer. There is NO MONEY to be made in curing you.
Are we positive there is a masterstroke ? I am in arguably one of the freer states and walls are closing in again …
Not sure that it would be Trump executing the masterstroke. He was "asked" to run. He played his part in the "show". The only question now is "Will he be returning for a 2nd season?"
Mic Dropped.
We've known this since last year. The message isn't exactly getting through
So now that it's been proven that Ivermectin and HCG are effective against CV-19, that should be the end of it, right? No emergency approval? Right.
Nah, that'd be the right/ethical thing to do.
Now that they have all so much "good data" from the jabbed guinea pigs, they'll ignore alternatives and move straight to requesting full FDA approval.
This draws Trumps move on the vax into question even more since he already knew they worked months before the talk of a vaccine.
Trump told us from the start about therapeutics.
Msm and social media are the ones who kept it from people to this day.
True. But Trump's move also prevented the "JAB" from being made mandatory. As an 'experimental' only injection, could only be administered under Emergency Approval. As an emergency approval treatment, it could not be mandated for everyone.
In the end, the lemmings got / will get the JAB. Regrettably, many/most of my extended family (but NONE of our immediate family - thank goodness) got the JAB. Standing by for the medium term fallout....
Wish he'd fixed his typo.
How they work isn't science fiction, either
The above hexapeptide has the same purported mechanism of action.
And you know the CDC and FDA have to be in on it, since there was plenty of evidence out there for them to review before the vaccine was approved.
You mean the organizations that have not yet approve "The JAB" for human use yet?!?!?!?!
NC BON is going down!
And here;s Google's answer to an important question:
"Is hydroxychloroquine effective in treating COVID-19?
No. There is no evidence that taking hydroxychloroquine is effective in preventing a person from contracting the coronavirus or developing COVID-19, so people who are not already taking this medication do not need to start it now.Oct 29, 2020"
Thanks Google! Unfreaking believable.
Is that why Trump pushed hqc? He wanted to fast track the vaccines.