There is more and more evidence that Ivermectin can reduce the severity of Vaccine adverse reactions
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I found this link from the medscape site
If you know someone with vaccines suffering from the adverse reactions, please point them to this.
Has anyone here who took Ivermectin seen any evidence of having a parasitic infection? Like dead parasites in the toilet? I've heard many say that after taking ivermectin, they feel better than they have in years. Since it is an antiparasitic, it might make sense that they've been dealing with an unknown parasite problem. Just curious.
Cats have a regular parasite schedule. Dogs too. So do horses, cows, goats, sheep, pigs. Why dont humans?We are all mammals. We all suffer equally from parasitic infections.
I took Ivermectin when I was suffering from a 2 week long ear infection I suspected came from covid I got from vaxxed individuals that are close to me. For over a year I walked around unmasked, entering what should have been virus factories like grocery stores and such, and never got sick. Within two weeks of my elderly parents getting the second shot, they, my wife and I and my aunt and uncle who go to dinner with my parents twice a week, all had covid symptoms. The ear infection was gone within 24 hours of the first dose and I felt better than I had in a decade. Now that I am no longer on it I am beginning to feel the same malaise I had previously.
Parasites make us sick and big pharma and big medicine is interested in keeping us sick so that we need their services. From office visits to prescriptions to OTC drugs they make bank from our ailments. Curing us is not in their best interests. They only want to treat the symptoms.
We do, it's called an election cycle.
Wow, very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to respond. 💯 Agree with the medical industry only wanting to treat our symptoms.
I just finished my 5 day dose yesterday, but I am still getting over sickness so hard to tell. No parasites in toilet as far as I can tell, but we'll see how I feel in a day or two when I can venture back into the world again.
Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the response.
If viruses are actually parasites, they are probably microscopic and would not be visually detectable. Regular medical personnel would have seen/detected parasites, if they were easily seen. There may be some correlation between parasitic medications and anti-viral meds, but since it is easy to get, easy to administer, I'll reap the rewards until based professionals can come out with the whys and how's.
Just get a prescription - it takes 5 min. Americas Frontline Doctors. I have plenty of ivermectin pills on hand.
Not in Australia :(
I am sorry. I do have the ivermectin horse paste as well - but haven't needed to give that a try yet.
Wish I knew before I ran so low on cash. You need to take the whole prescription for one person..... How much do they charge? 90?
My Dr. originally prescribed it to me and the cost for the 5 days was about $60 (no insurance here). I got two more 5 day cycles and a z-pack from America's First and it was more expensive - around $300.
Does anyone know where to buy some that isn't an injectible and isn't from Amazon?
Why not the injectable? It's the purest form. Just squirt it on something fatty or in a shot of alcohol and toss it down your gullet.
My ignorant self thought that it couldn't be taken orally and had to be taken with a syringe. So I could take it with an avocado, olive oil, or coconut oil?
It’s not “injectable”. It’s in a syringe which is why it’s confusing but it’s either an edible or spreadable (on your skin) paste or gel.
Ohhh gotcha. Thanks for that clarification fren
It's 1% and the dose conversion equals .1ml per 10lbs body weight.
So, a 100lb person would take 1ml dose.
The best value is the 100ml bottle, If you can find it. 500ml is good, too.
You'll end up paying too much if you get the small bottles.
Walmartpetrx or tractor supply.
Wonder if it would do anything for my movement disorder I've had since I was 2? From a strep infection that went to scarlet fever to rheumatic fever. Sadly think I'm stuck w this crap forever..been forever now anyway.🙄 Ahh a gal can dream...right?
I hear from too many people (including my wife and my mum) of chronic conditions that no western doctor has been able to pinpoint no matter how much they diagnose. My mum got her 30 years of eye condition treated by a herbalist. I think natural medicine is the way to go. Trying to find one where I live, but its hard to know who is good and who is a scammer.
For you, I would suggest the same thing - find some holistic practitioner. Perhaps try more than one, and see who feels like the right fit for you. Listen to your instinct. I believe this will help.
As for Ivermectin - not sure if it would do anything, but I guess there is no big risk there - people have been using it prophylacticall all the time. Just getting hold of one is the hardest. If you are in US, try the frontline doctors.
Found this question on the site you posted...
Ok so this treats vaxx damage. What about the claims saying it cures cancer. Is this all snake oil hype?
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug
Use of the Anti-Parasitic Drug Ivermectin to Treat Breast Cancer
For anyone interested.. have a friend, has AML Luekemia, 10 days ago blood count .08. Started on heavy doses of ivermectin injectable taken orally, today blood count 7. If you know what I'm talking about then you know what that means
Hey, thanks this is the most helpful support for these statements
I never heard that except in joking way "If the Cabal is trying to hide this drug so badly, perhaps it cures cancer also!"
Yep. Us plebs need to die vaxxed lol.
The paste sounds gross, has anyone used the injectable in their juice?
Cmon. Horse apple flavored paste is where its at.
Maybe "Apple flavored horse paste"?
That's what I've been buying from Tractor Supply. "Apple" flavor is too kind. I think it has a pretty yucky taste, so I take it with peanut butter. Also, not a horse so can't vouch for their preferences in fake flavors. As someone else here pointed out if you use the paste, take it out of the syringe and mix it well before taking it so the doses will be even.
You're welcome.
Crackers flavored Ivermectine paste....check..its the official post covid date night meal!
For reference....
Yes 1 ml per 100 lbs body weight. Works..
Just bought some online from tractor supply store, just in case we end up needing it.
Thx...I’m trying to figure out if there are any fillers or extra ingredients to be aware of in the injectable (drinkable) formulation.
Just mix/spread it on some toast with Jelly or Peanut Butter.
Also works good on a cold sore on your lips. It goes away in a couple days
It's not that bad. It's like swallowing a toothpaste size amount of Vaseline. Not great, but not too bad because the amount is small. If you have something to chase it with, it's a piece of cake.
People are going to read your comment and start eating ivermectin with cake.
Cakes with ivermectin laced cream and/or frosting?
You could save tons of people! 😀
I ate it with a muffin, does that count?
Just put it on the back of your tongue, and wash it down. You will barely taste it.
User name doesn't check out.
u ok bro?
Not poison. Do you work for big pharm?
You should be called dumb guy