Restaurants suck. They use the shittiest ingredients and product possible. You can buy top shelf meat and vegetables which genuinely take very little effort to cook at home and have a much better meal without having to drive anywhere or deal with communist waiters.
I don’t even care about going to restaurants anymore. Find an amazing butcher and fish market and you’re all set.
If you do this for a while and then try to eat restaurant food your stomach will blow up because it’s such shit.
This right here. During the shutdown I realized how much money I was throwing away by going out all the time. Now when I go out I usually think “I can make better than this at home.”
I really don't get the need to go to a restaurant. Well, I'm a soviet from a poor family, so I guess this concept never entered my system. So much money and you never know what they put in your dish
This is a very interesting comment for me; thanks for sharing. It makes me consider how going to a restaurant does in fact have a cultural component which I didn’t consider. Meaning, now I am even more convinced that it is a shitty thing to do, and people are just indoctrinated into doing it!
In Italy people would have dinner at home with family and friends cooking amazing meals, and then go walk around the street and mingle with people. There is even a word in Italy for this activity.
In the United States people go to a restaurant to eat and watch people, then drive home and watch tv.
thank you for the attention. When we immigrated I was amazed that it's common for locals to invite friends and family for a visit and serve only a cup of coffee and a cookie. We always had dinners with guests for birthdays and holidays and visitors often got a full dinner served. Which of course had it's own problems - like boasting about cutlery, dinnerware and deficit foods the hosting family was able to "procure" which was rather... how do I put it... disgusting but a natural sign of times.. Also for women who worked full time such extensive cooking or rather the process of "procuring" ingredients (which was often the women's job and took hours of standing in lines) was a very stressful process. In fact, years after immigrating my soviet relatives happily ditched the traditions of cooking for holidays/birthdays and now eat at restaurants. I myself liked eating out at some point, but I haven't done it in the last 10 years and I don't miss it one bit.
I personally wouldn’t f with people who are preparing your food. The above scenario is begging for food to be spat on. Especially if they acquiesced and showed proof. I’d just boycott the establishment, hit them where it hurts. There are more of us than them.
Yes, but the point of this exercise is throwing their bullshit right back at them in hopes to jar a couple braincells in to working again. You can always opt to not eat there after the exercise is complete.
Sometimes it takes thickly drenched sarcastic confrontations like this to get people to think again. Why I have a triple black belt in Eastern, Western and ancient Tibetan Sarcasm-Fu. Shit works so well, I feel like Bruce Lee in "Enter the Dragon" when I walk into a room full of people.
I guess this idea is good if you just want to make a point and since they won't provide papers and still demand to see yours you can go away leaving them with a feeling of loosing money from a 5 people table
They would likely let you know that all their monkeys are vaxxed and anything else, they would simply tell you to leave. They are fully prepared to let you walk away. That’s where we are at with these nut jobs. They want everyone who is not vaxxed to starve and be shunned.
So, at this point, we support the businesses that are not doing this crap, and we boycott those that do.
I think there’s less of these types than you think. Trust God, I’ve talked with more people this week that I thought would have the mindset you described that turned out to be awesome instead.
Many of these people looked like Antifa types that you see on the news, but were totally against mandates. More of our brothers and sisters are coming around, send love to those you may hate!
Nah just pull out your fake vaccine card and do a "pretty women" on them as you show them the pile of cash you aren't going to spend there because they support nazi and kkk type tyrany segregation against your fellow Americans who you feel do not need papers to be able to freely move around in society. Doing the OP s suggestion just gets you shown the door and they will feel like they won in shunning you.
Also can you make sure my server is not on any antidepressants or antipsychotics.
While you are at, make sure their hormones are in check, don't want any PMS ruining my din din
This is what one Aussie did with his lawyer in response to being pressured to do the vax
I made it clear through my lawyer I would begin to demand the status of all other employee's health condition in regards to other forms of communicable diseases. We would be demanding information on employees with AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, flu, STD, measles, mumps, and so on. My lawyer had the paper already drawn up so I could serve him (the employer) the first day he tried it, and part of the suit would be to force the company to immediately section off employees who had any Illness they could spread including the common cold. If they were going to take responsibility in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the building, they were now liable for the spread of anything else. Within 24 hrs we were all informed that they would no longer demand to see our papers.
Will also need to see proof of legal status to be in this country and proof of no outstanding warrants.
That is awesome!
Thank you! This concept could also be used against all businesses, employers etc.
Pro-tip I learned from covid:
Restaurants suck. They use the shittiest ingredients and product possible. You can buy top shelf meat and vegetables which genuinely take very little effort to cook at home and have a much better meal without having to drive anywhere or deal with communist waiters.
I don’t even care about going to restaurants anymore. Find an amazing butcher and fish market and you’re all set.
If you do this for a while and then try to eat restaurant food your stomach will blow up because it’s such shit.
This right here. During the shutdown I realized how much money I was throwing away by going out all the time. Now when I go out I usually think “I can make better than this at home.”
You could not be more correct. Half the price twice the value v
I really don't get the need to go to a restaurant. Well, I'm a soviet from a poor family, so I guess this concept never entered my system. So much money and you never know what they put in your dish
This is a very interesting comment for me; thanks for sharing. It makes me consider how going to a restaurant does in fact have a cultural component which I didn’t consider. Meaning, now I am even more convinced that it is a shitty thing to do, and people are just indoctrinated into doing it!
In Italy people would have dinner at home with family and friends cooking amazing meals, and then go walk around the street and mingle with people. There is even a word in Italy for this activity.
In the United States people go to a restaurant to eat and watch people, then drive home and watch tv.
thank you for the attention. When we immigrated I was amazed that it's common for locals to invite friends and family for a visit and serve only a cup of coffee and a cookie. We always had dinners with guests for birthdays and holidays and visitors often got a full dinner served. Which of course had it's own problems - like boasting about cutlery, dinnerware and deficit foods the hosting family was able to "procure" which was rather... how do I put it... disgusting but a natural sign of times.. Also for women who worked full time such extensive cooking or rather the process of "procuring" ingredients (which was often the women's job and took hours of standing in lines) was a very stressful process. In fact, years after immigrating my soviet relatives happily ditched the traditions of cooking for holidays/birthdays and now eat at restaurants. I myself liked eating out at some point, but I haven't done it in the last 10 years and I don't miss it one bit.
If you go eat at a restaurant having not for so long I guarantee you that you will have massive diarrhea for days.
That tells you something…
I personally wouldn’t f with people who are preparing your food. The above scenario is begging for food to be spat on. Especially if they acquiesced and showed proof. I’d just boycott the establishment, hit them where it hurts. There are more of us than them.
Never mess with the people handling your food.
Yes, but the point of this exercise is throwing their bullshit right back at them in hopes to jar a couple braincells in to working again. You can always opt to not eat there after the exercise is complete.
Sometimes it takes thickly drenched sarcastic confrontations like this to get people to think again. Why I have a triple black belt in Eastern, Western and ancient Tibetan Sarcasm-Fu. Shit works so well, I feel like Bruce Lee in "Enter the Dragon" when I walk into a room full of people.
I guess this idea is good if you just want to make a point and since they won't provide papers and still demand to see yours you can go away leaving them with a feeling of loosing money from a 5 people table
Also, is Jill a convicted pedophile? I certainly don't want any pedophiles serving my kids.
That is a keeper!
They would likely let you know that all their monkeys are vaxxed and anything else, they would simply tell you to leave. They are fully prepared to let you walk away. That’s where we are at with these nut jobs. They want everyone who is not vaxxed to starve and be shunned.
So, at this point, we support the businesses that are not doing this crap, and we boycott those that do.
I think there’s less of these types than you think. Trust God, I’ve talked with more people this week that I thought would have the mindset you described that turned out to be awesome instead.
Many of these people looked like Antifa types that you see on the news, but were totally against mandates. More of our brothers and sisters are coming around, send love to those you may hate!
I don't hate it at all but they'd just point you to McDonalds or something.
The scenario on paper really does get the point across though, doesn't it?
Nah just pull out your fake vaccine card and do a "pretty women" on them as you show them the pile of cash you aren't going to spend there because they support nazi and kkk type tyrany segregation against your fellow Americans who you feel do not need papers to be able to freely move around in society. Doing the OP s suggestion just gets you shown the door and they will feel like they won in shunning you.
It would sting them more if you simply turned around and left.
That’s really good!
Also can you make sure my server is not on any antidepressants or antipsychotics. While you are at, make sure their hormones are in check, don't want any PMS ruining my din din
Dis not know cochise, meth and fentynal were recreational drugs? Lol...
This is what one Aussie did with his lawyer in response to being pressured to do the vax
Kikkin AZZ & takin names 😎💥
All the supportive comments; BUT what was the outcome?