I’m going to piggyback here to say this: late at night there are some quality decodes on /new that most people never see because they don’t get a lot of upvotes at night and don’t get stickied.
"bullshit stickies to me considering what is going on in the world today."...I would say that "Taliban" and "Afghanistan" are pretty relevant...wouldn't you...?
I would agree that sometimes good research is overlooked but I put that down to the time of day when certain people post...I've seen that for myself with my own posts....A lot more people see them at different times...Some of us are in real different time zones... IMO
Yes,but well - while shills are trying to make it bigger than it is to cause panic indeed we do less of it now, I don't like saying it but I must say it.
PLEASE tell me what is Not Quality about the Taliban and Afghanistan posts...??
They Are 100% Relevant...!! and I tend to agree with /U/Ssue1216 that some people get pissed off if their posts which THEY think should be stickied arent...!
I don't see your connection with CatsFive and his posts and him being a shill...
The fact that the exodus debacle was over George News - a news source used by Ron Watkins (who now claims the “cyber ninjas” all have Covid and pins everything on Jovan Pulitzer) is the biggest tell.
I chalk a lot of this up to youthful exuberance, tbh. Evspra and Catsfive both. It's why I'm inclined to not be too hard on c5 - I appreciate the passion... Until it becomes an overwhelming problem.
^^THIS^^ is pretty much textbook for why I place virtually zero weight on posts like these. I do not lose sleep over these sorts of opinions. It's a zero sum, no-win situation. I'm here to serve the sidebar. And it has to end there.
LOL, how is that not fun. This place can get serious as a heart attack, sometimes. We need HIGH ENERGY. But, when the chips are down, say, when the audit drops, do you think I'm going to be stickying garbage? Nope. I'm going to make way for our decoders and researchers to do what they do. But, till then... go with the flow.
meh, he may post some low tier shit, but he works hard to keep this place clean of junk. If you're not looking past the stickies, you aren't looking at GAW.
Because faggots gonna faggot. I think this kind of post is healthy to have. But, is it warranted? Let's review the above screenshot:
News. Panic at the CIA. We all know the CIA has been running Afghanistan. Now, they're cut off. What was the meeting about?
Discussion. One of our pedes has the balls to step off the sidelines and throw down a theory. Not much going down, let's discuss.
Everything woke turns to shit. NEXT.
Request by someone INSTEAD OF A MOD asking people to at least put some effort into your post titles. And what's with people posting URLs in their titles, now? Is the URL box too far a mouse click for some of you?? Guys. Jesus. I'm going to start handing out vacations on this shit. Nice to know it's not just bugging a mod (who runs through NEW every two hours)
THAT'S your big "this forum is doomed" reveal?? <deflating sound> Please. I'll add your "this is the end!" post here to the huge pile of similar predictions over the past year.
If y'all can't have fun, feel free, bois. There's lots of other places to spend your weekly allowance, u/Restore. I've been doing this for five years straight now and, hey, the old adage STILL hasn't changed: You can't please any of the people, any of the time. Look around you. Most people are having fun. We just went through a disappointing (SOME booms, but) fraud symposium. The CyberNinjas have COVID. We need hype and fun. And it's gonna be fun for me, too.
I think anyone who has issues with the forum should volunteer to be a mod and check out the job. I can only imagine how many bots and shills have to be throttled to let the pertinent material stand. I appreciate the mods and recognize that if it weren’t for them, I would spend a lot of time reading filth.
Because it's my Yahoo, Flickr, it's literally me. You can Google to see pictures of me. My mom. I literally D-G-A-F. I stand by being against these pedo elite rat bastards. While everyone else picks IDs they hope don't identify them, I picked the ID that was literally the name of my company (back before I retired).
As for the ID, it was 30 years ago. I was living in Atlanta. It was Cats (a song by "Cat Stevens" was playing at the time) and Five (because I was reading Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut). Not really exciting, but, that's the story. :)
Can you explain me for example why you chose "catsfive" as a login ?
Allright then. In this part you are cleared. Bit bit unfortunate despite cats and fives are good. Both are good except the time when shilling is concern (Chinese is tonal language on west we fuck up tones - don't change thing you were using so much however,laugh of it)
But catsfive, for god sake next time when I say that you fuck up some subliminal message trust me more than I trusted you.
Noted. This reminds me of, "Who watches the watchmen?" It's a relief (not being sarcasting) knowing that the mod team—were it ever so inclined, which it isn't—can't get away with anything.
You have 27 post score on this WIN. Can YOU maybe get a focus on getting off your butt and actually making posts that are more relevant to the purpose of this forum?
While Im here. You are sure virtue signalling LOUDLY about all that work your doing. Wanna know how mods can wreck a board. Just like this. Demoralizing everyone on the board that takes issue with you. Dont care how much you post or what your karma is. Its all a false front if you are going to jump on everyone who dont like your tactics.
Its also telling that you have rampped things up here recently.
Virtue signaling is fake? Dont know many that would agree. Im not one who does. Putting people down cause their karma level is not as high as yours. When you get to sticky your own stuff.
Also curious about the hit on my post count. Am I supposdd to feel bad that I am not further inundating this forum with BS unrelated stories or repeat dops of stories that are weeks old?
No, I much prefer.my method of not adding to the BS just to artificually up my karma count.
I guess I never considered tbis a olace where you are only respected if your karma is high or that everyone here is in direct competition with a mod tbat can sticky their own stuff at will.
Yes, virtual signaling is fake. Have you been on the Internet longer than a week?
A score as high as mine? There ISN'T one as high as mine. I'll send you $200 in BTC if you can find a legit user posting posts like we are that has a higher score than me. It's not the points. Who cares. It's the EFFORT.
I guess I never considered tbis a olace where you are only respected if your karma is high or that everyone here is in direct competition with a mod tbat can sticky their own stuff at will.
Then make up your mind. Who's making this into a competition? I'm not the one that brought this up, YOU did. It's not MY content; it's LINKS. I never considered this place a place where people give a shit who's posting what, as long as it's high quality. You're the one that's making this about "catsfive," not me. You want that sweet, sweet invisible internet points? Fine. Post something quality. And watch what happens. I know it sounds far-fetched. But, try it.
And we've already established that this isn't the WIN for karma-harvesting.
And no, I'm not putting you down for your extreme and pathetic lack of any effort whatsoever (LOL—that right there is a fucking joke, mate, lighten up). You seriously don't see the comedy in you joining in with the criticisms of my modding here and yet you clearly have no real, demonstrable stake in the overall health of this forum?
BS doesn't add karma around here. It must be something else.
You seem to like to contradict yourself. Saying its about effort but constantly pointing to karma, which I care nothing about. And I personally dont see any of this as a competition at all. Karma is in the eye of the beholder. But you seem to want to keep using that as some sort of sign from the all mighty that you do more for this board than anyone else. Being a MOD I dont doubt at all that you put a ton of effort into what you do, I just dont see how that is representative of upvotes.
And for the record. I was joining in as sarcasm. Maybe Ill use that tag more often.
But no.one should be treated less than by a mod or anyone else here. There sbould be no room for the constant personal attacks. Even if we dont all agree on somethong at all times.
Holy shite is your post score NOT humongous. And yet you're complaining? HOORAY, you brought your pitchfork. Now, where's your shovel, mate? Or do you think this is some posh union gig where everyone's a foreman and only one guy does all the digging?
This is exactly the kind of loser BS that makes me give virtually ZERO weight to complaints like these.
No. I am ill-minded and paranoic so you wouldn't like me. Power corrupts.
And because it is NOT problem with one moderator or moderators really. It is problem with community control about moderators. Again,again and again.
If you are just talking : become moderator or shut up I say to you: "you shut up anon".You. Is great awakening really about keeping new people in power and not doing your job ? Not thinking for ourselves ? About being quiet ?! No.
Anons, I don't trust both u/catsfive and u/Restore. Why ? Research for yourself both users if you can do any useful research.
It was a facetious comment, along the lines of Moose Turd Pie --- https://youtu.be/0zb1qsVqjwg. Don't get triggered. I didn't come close to telling you to shut up.
You have a point: food critics and movie critics alike can serve the public well without producing the goods they critique. And it is good to monitor the monitors: not doing it collectively in our political life is what got us to the present danger.
On the other hand, this site is free, so mods deserve a little slack. I personally haven't seen any sinister bias or bad sliding from the stickies, but I also mostly ignore the sticky indicator. If you know of other similar forums it would be great. I value the politeness here compared to poal or 8kun, but it does get shilly here.
I don't care about catsfive stickes really. I don't fucking care also if he likes points. But if he would seriously fuck something it is also my job to take care. Despite I am not mod - and also because I am not mod.
Other things were looking like concerning. I am not meme-making specialist of course but I know theory about memes - theory how little boy could become tzar or how tzar just could become only fat man. Sharing it is dangerous unfortunately. We are observed. I am not interested in points (oh,except it help me do my job) I am interested in job being done,about patriots being safe and communists and other tyrants losing. In Q&operators winning this war with God's and our help.
Recently catsfive did some mistakes too. Big ones I think so I entered this post.
I don't trust u/Restore too. Maybe he is good guy,maybe not.
SHILL FEST TIME. U/restore has pulled out the old bitch list!! First, jump on mod catsfive for his selection of stickies, next criticize posters, next everyone downvotes all around in a race to the bottom. Ad hominem and butthurt recriminations galore, oh my.
I've Never quite seen a thread like this with SO many Butt- hurt pussies Who don't seem to contribute a lot but are VERY quick to judge a MOD....You guys really need to get a life....
You could have messaged catsfive privately to voice your expectations and ideas for better moderation and better content management. Usually if your ideas are good on their own merit, people will listen.
Why would I ban you for this comment? I don't ban people for disagreeing with me, or even for getting into my grill. I ban people for being childish tards. But this, this is great to see.
Not everything I do works. I'm no USMC sniper. But, take a look at my post karma. NOBODY here is outworking me. If I'm posting "my own" posts—man, I can't even keep typing this reply. What TF does that even mean? If I'm posting my own posts YOU guys should be the ones feeling embarrassed, not me. How am I modding this place AND outworking y'all in bringing in new content?
For the upboats? If I wanted the high score, son, I'd be over at PW. You think I got 1.5M post karma posting dinky little 200+ posts here on GAW? You might want to sort me by top before laying that BS allegation.
LAWL, son.
Why I post my own shit? First off, it's not "mine." They're LINKS. And I refuse to use alts. I stand by my work. Period. Here's the process: I leave GAW (most people fail at this critical first step). I see content relevant here. I come back, search to see if anyone's posted it. 50/50, they have. It gets stickied. If not, I post it, sticky it, and y'all should get digging.
If you think I'm fame-fagging (or care one whit about any of this drama), you haven't been around very long.
Do you know of other forums that are worth a look? Other than 8kun or 4Chan. I swear someone said Q Strategy set up his own gig or something after he left.
I actually started with The Donald before I found out about GA. This forum was a lot more level headed while The Donald was freaking out post election. I haven't really gone back since. I might start perusing their content again based on your suggestion.
I disagree. The donald/patriots is well worth looking at. There are many more things posted about things like the audits. Just ignore the haters and understand that some people just aren't capable of having the 20,000 foot view of all this like we are.
I rotate between here, pol, patriots, and Superstonk for 90% of my information.
After a few rounds skimming through it doesn't look like much has changed. Although some make for good entertainment. They are good at finding normies making fools of themselves.
Something weird is definitely going on. These seem like bullshit stickies to me considering what is going on in the world today.
I’m going to piggyback here to say this: late at night there are some quality decodes on /new that most people never see because they don’t get a lot of upvotes at night and don’t get stickied.
Nothing weird about owning FiveCats. /sarc
"bullshit stickies to me considering what is going on in the world today."...I would say that "Taliban" and "Afghanistan" are pretty relevant...wouldn't you...?
Relevant indeed,but u/Restore also have a point about that. 1 of 2: or research is not noticed or we are NOT doing quality research here...
I would agree that sometimes good research is overlooked but I put that down to the time of day when certain people post...I've seen that for myself with my own posts....A lot more people see them at different times...Some of us are in real different time zones... IMO
Yes,but well - while shills are trying to make it bigger than it is to cause panic indeed we do less of it now, I don't like saying it but I must say it.
Not in the fucking least. I don't give a flying fuck about those countries.
They are a planned distraction. And you people are being distracted.
inb4 "can't think about two things at once?"
That is not the point. If you think it is, I cannot help.
Let me guess..we should be KeEpiNg EyEs oN tHe AuDitZ even though no information has been released.
YOU might not give a fuck but I have news for you....ITS NOT ABOUT YOU....
Yes. I think some peeps are jealous, envious, and butthurt they don’t have stickies posts.
PLEASE tell me what is Not Quality about the Taliban and Afghanistan posts...?? They Are 100% Relevant...!! and I tend to agree with /U/Ssue1216 that some people get pissed off if their posts which THEY think should be stickied arent...! I don't see your connection with CatsFive and his posts and him being a shill...
You know that it looks like freudian slip men ? u/Michelleobamasnuts were NOT mentioning WHO.
Evspra was the clearest good guy I’ve seen here.
The fact that the exodus debacle was over George News - a news source used by Ron Watkins (who now claims the “cyber ninjas” all have Covid and pins everything on Jovan Pulitzer) is the biggest tell.
I chalk a lot of this up to youthful exuberance, tbh. Evspra and Catsfive both. It's why I'm inclined to not be too hard on c5 - I appreciate the passion... Until it becomes an overwhelming problem.
He was more of a loose cannon than I am, dude.
^^THIS^^ is pretty much textbook for why I place virtually zero weight on posts like these. I do not lose sleep over these sorts of opinions. It's a zero sum, no-win situation. I'm here to serve the sidebar. And it has to end there.
LOL, how is that not fun. This place can get serious as a heart attack, sometimes. We need HIGH ENERGY. But, when the chips are down, say, when the audit drops, do you think I'm going to be stickying garbage? Nope. I'm going to make way for our decoders and researchers to do what they do. But, till then... go with the flow.
I did.
The question is... DID YOU?
DAB as comms. Lol.
BS like that makes it hard to believe ANY Q stuff, if that shit gets lumped in with it.
meh, he may post some low tier shit, but he works hard to keep this place clean of junk. If you're not looking past the stickies, you aren't looking at GAW.
Why is this not stickied?
Because faggots gonna faggot. I think this kind of post is healthy to have. But, is it warranted? Let's review the above screenshot:
News. Panic at the CIA. We all know the CIA has been running Afghanistan. Now, they're cut off. What was the meeting about?
Discussion. One of our pedes has the balls to step off the sidelines and throw down a theory. Not much going down, let's discuss.
Everything woke turns to shit. NEXT.
Request by someone INSTEAD OF A MOD asking people to at least put some effort into your post titles. And what's with people posting URLs in their titles, now? Is the URL box too far a mouse click for some of you?? Guys. Jesus. I'm going to start handing out vacations on this shit. Nice to know it's not just bugging a mod (who runs through NEW every two hours)
THAT'S your big "this forum is doomed" reveal?? <deflating sound> Please. I'll add your "this is the end!" post here to the huge pile of similar predictions over the past year.
If y'all can't have fun, feel free, bois. There's lots of other places to spend your weekly allowance, u/Restore. I've been doing this for five years straight now and, hey, the old adage STILL hasn't changed: You can't please any of the people, any of the time. Look around you. Most people are having fun. We just went through a disappointing (SOME booms, but) fraud symposium. The CyberNinjas have COVID. We need hype and fun. And it's gonna be fun for me, too.
The end—let the tendies hit the floor.
Too many bullshit pins from one mod.
I think anyone who has issues with the forum should volunteer to be a mod and check out the job. I can only imagine how many bots and shills have to be throttled to let the pertinent material stand. I appreciate the mods and recognize that if it weren’t for them, I would spend a lot of time reading filth.
You ever hear of moose turd pie? https://youtu.be/0zb1qsVqjwg
I like catsfive! I enjoy the dialogue and appreciate a mod who communicates.
How do you come to the conclusion that /U/catsfive is a "Shill"...? WHY...? Because he stickies his own posts...?
A shill? Quite the long con, bro. I was a mod over at Reddit's r/GreatAwakening. Quite the master plan, mate. :D
Well those argument would be against you as well u/catsfive ... XD
LOL—I can't deny your logic. But, until recently we had three of those mods working here
And this were ? Really I have doubts also about you.Sorry,but I am paranoic.
Can you explain me for example why you chose "catsfive" as a login ?
Because it's my Yahoo, Flickr, it's literally me. You can Google to see pictures of me. My mom. I literally D-G-A-F. I stand by being against these pedo elite rat bastards. While everyone else picks IDs they hope don't identify them, I picked the ID that was literally the name of my company (back before I retired).
As for the ID, it was 30 years ago. I was living in Atlanta. It was Cats (a song by "Cat Stevens" was playing at the time) and Five (because I was reading Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut). Not really exciting, but, that's the story. :)
Allright then. In this part you are cleared. Bit bit unfortunate despite cats and fives are good. Both are good except the time when shilling is concern (Chinese is tonal language on west we fuck up tones - don't change thing you were using so much however,laugh of it)
But catsfive, for god sake next time when I say that you fuck up some subliminal message trust me more than I trusted you.
Noted. This reminds me of, "Who watches the watchmen?" It's a relief (not being sarcasting) knowing that the mod team—were it ever so inclined, which it isn't—can't get away with anything.
I think qstrat is back but I couldn't tell you what his new name is. I could definitely be wrong though.
God, Q strat was an annoying fuck
Dear Cats5, can we get a focus.on things getting stickied that are more relevant to the purpose.of this forum?
Dear u/CherokeePede:
You have 27 post score on this WIN. Can YOU maybe get a focus on getting off your butt and actually making posts that are more relevant to the purpose of this forum?
While Im here. You are sure virtue signalling LOUDLY about all that work your doing. Wanna know how mods can wreck a board. Just like this. Demoralizing everyone on the board that takes issue with you. Dont care how much you post or what your karma is. Its all a false front if you are going to jump on everyone who dont like your tactics.
Its also telling that you have rampped things up here recently.
But hey, August is HOT right?!?!?!?
One problem. Virtue signaling is fake. How about we define "loud" as a function of what you actually contribute around here?
Until you reach the epic milestone of your second post ever, I'd think twice about whingeing and complaining about how this place is run.
Virtue signaling is fake? Dont know many that would agree. Im not one who does. Putting people down cause their karma level is not as high as yours. When you get to sticky your own stuff.
Also curious about the hit on my post count. Am I supposdd to feel bad that I am not further inundating this forum with BS unrelated stories or repeat dops of stories that are weeks old?
No, I much prefer.my method of not adding to the BS just to artificually up my karma count.
I guess I never considered tbis a olace where you are only respected if your karma is high or that everyone here is in direct competition with a mod tbat can sticky their own stuff at will.
Yes, virtual signaling is fake. Have you been on the Internet longer than a week?
A score as high as mine? There ISN'T one as high as mine. I'll send you $200 in BTC if you can find a legit user posting posts like we are that has a higher score than me. It's not the points. Who cares. It's the EFFORT.
Then make up your mind. Who's making this into a competition? I'm not the one that brought this up, YOU did. It's not MY content; it's LINKS. I never considered this place a place where people give a shit who's posting what, as long as it's high quality. You're the one that's making this about "catsfive," not me. You want that sweet, sweet invisible internet points? Fine. Post something quality. And watch what happens. I know it sounds far-fetched. But, try it.
And we've already established that this isn't the WIN for karma-harvesting.
And no, I'm not putting you down for your extreme and pathetic lack of any effort whatsoever (LOL—that right there is a fucking joke, mate, lighten up). You seriously don't see the comedy in you joining in with the criticisms of my modding here and yet you clearly have no real, demonstrable stake in the overall health of this forum?
BS doesn't add karma around here. It must be something else.
Move along.
You seem to like to contradict yourself. Saying its about effort but constantly pointing to karma, which I care nothing about. And I personally dont see any of this as a competition at all. Karma is in the eye of the beholder. But you seem to want to keep using that as some sort of sign from the all mighty that you do more for this board than anyone else. Being a MOD I dont doubt at all that you put a ton of effort into what you do, I just dont see how that is representative of upvotes.
And for the record. I was joining in as sarcasm. Maybe Ill use that tag more often.
But no.one should be treated less than by a mod or anyone else here. There sbould be no room for the constant personal attacks. Even if we dont all agree on somethong at all times.
Interesting that you see me pointing out the dry, barren, deserted wasteland that is your post history as a "personal" attack.
You brought your pitchfork to this, but... what, no shovel?
Holy shite is your post score NOT humongous. And yet you're complaining? HOORAY, you brought your pitchfork. Now, where's your shovel, mate? Or do you think this is some posh union gig where everyone's a foreman and only one guy does all the digging?
This is exactly the kind of loser BS that makes me give virtually ZERO weight to complaints like these.
ok, honestly. Given your sense of humor..not sure if your joking.
Oh leave CatsFive alone! We love our mods and we thank them for their time and dedication. Feel free to read more on GAW then just whats stickied. 🙃
Thank you mods!
Will C5 pin/stickie this thread? That would be hilarious.
This would be a fantastic time to post that Chinese circle jerk meme for all the shills posting in this thread.
Are you volunteering to be a mod?
No. I am ill-minded and paranoic so you wouldn't like me. Power corrupts.
And because it is NOT problem with one moderator or moderators really. It is problem with community control about moderators. Again,again and again.
If you are just talking : become moderator or shut up I say to you: "you shut up anon".You. Is great awakening really about keeping new people in power and not doing your job ? Not thinking for ourselves ? About being quiet ?! No.
Anons, I don't trust both u/catsfive and u/Restore. Why ? Research for yourself both users if you can do any useful research.
It was a facetious comment, along the lines of Moose Turd Pie --- https://youtu.be/0zb1qsVqjwg. Don't get triggered. I didn't come close to telling you to shut up.
You have a point: food critics and movie critics alike can serve the public well without producing the goods they critique. And it is good to monitor the monitors: not doing it collectively in our political life is what got us to the present danger.
On the other hand, this site is free, so mods deserve a little slack. I personally haven't seen any sinister bias or bad sliding from the stickies, but I also mostly ignore the sticky indicator. If you know of other similar forums it would be great. I value the politeness here compared to poal or 8kun, but it does get shilly here.
Fair points.
I don't care about catsfive stickes really. I don't fucking care also if he likes points. But if he would seriously fuck something it is also my job to take care. Despite I am not mod - and also because I am not mod.
Other things were looking like concerning. I am not meme-making specialist of course but I know theory about memes - theory how little boy could become tzar or how tzar just could become only fat man. Sharing it is dangerous unfortunately. We are observed. I am not interested in points (oh,except it help me do my job) I am interested in job being done,about patriots being safe and communists and other tyrants losing. In Q&operators winning this war with God's and our help.
Recently catsfive did some mistakes too. Big ones I think so I entered this post. I don't trust u/Restore too. Maybe he is good guy,maybe not.
SHILL FEST TIME. U/restore has pulled out the old bitch list!! First, jump on mod catsfive for his selection of stickies, next criticize posters, next everyone downvotes all around in a race to the bottom. Ad hominem and butthurt recriminations galore, oh my.
Why don't my posts appear?
There is a minimum 'karma' level required. I'm unsure of the specific number.
Don't care. Only leftists care about labels.
You should delete this post, you look like you're karmawhoring or posting for clout.
All peoples will work together to build a better future after the deep state that drives the hatred between us is eradicated.
Didn't get your post stickied, did you?
I've Never quite seen a thread like this with SO many Butt- hurt pussies Who don't seem to contribute a lot but are VERY quick to judge a MOD....You guys really need to get a life....
This one thing is indeed good. Founding fathers created rules to control government. Why there are no some rules for mods ?
Lotta rats samefagging in here.
Infighting! That’s what they want. You are now part of the problem
You are the problem. Not catsfive
You could have messaged catsfive privately to voice your expectations and ideas for better moderation and better content management. Usually if your ideas are good on their own merit, people will listen.
Are you a community division glowie?
Why would I ban you for this comment? I don't ban people for disagreeing with me, or even for getting into my grill. I ban people for being childish tards. But this, this is great to see.
Not everything I do works. I'm no USMC sniper. But, take a look at my post karma. NOBODY here is outworking me. If I'm posting "my own" posts—man, I can't even keep typing this reply. What TF does that even mean? If I'm posting my own posts YOU guys should be the ones feeling embarrassed, not me. How am I modding this place AND outworking y'all in bringing in new content?
Stickies don't mean "good". They mean DISCUSS.
For the upboats? If I wanted the high score, son, I'd be over at PW. You think I got 1.5M post karma posting dinky little 200+ posts here on GAW? You might want to sort me by top before laying that BS allegation.
LAWL, son.
Why I post my own shit? First off, it's not "mine." They're LINKS. And I refuse to use alts. I stand by my work. Period. Here's the process: I leave GAW (most people fail at this critical first step). I see content relevant here. I come back, search to see if anyone's posted it. 50/50, they have. It gets stickied. If not, I post it, sticky it, and y'all should get digging.
If you think I'm fame-fagging (or care one whit about any of this drama), you haven't been around very long.
Research. Decode. Or prepare to be moved along.
It's really simple. I'm not doing that, everyone knows I'm not, aaaaand scene.
Do you know of other forums that are worth a look? Other than 8kun or 4Chan. I swear someone said Q Strategy set up his own gig or something after he left.
There's poal. Good Q section. Haven't been there in a while, but it's like the chans.
I actually started with The Donald before I found out about GA. This forum was a lot more level headed while The Donald was freaking out post election. I haven't really gone back since. I might start perusing their content again based on your suggestion.
it really isn't worth it. it's just constant dooming and Q hate. they're addicted to blackpills
I disagree. The donald/patriots is well worth looking at. There are many more things posted about things like the audits. Just ignore the haters and understand that some people just aren't capable of having the 20,000 foot view of all this like we are.
I rotate between here, pol, patriots, and Superstonk for 90% of my information.
After a few rounds skimming through it doesn't look like much has changed. Although some make for good entertainment. They are good at finding normies making fools of themselves.
That is because none goes on, and Q adherents get ridiculed.
There's something wrong with you and your logic....