Protesting in front of a Government site will only get you labeled as an insurrectionist and the Officials who you're trying to reach are either blackmailed or bought and paid for anyways.
If you're gonna protest, do it in front of any MSM headquarters. Even local satellites. They'll have to report on it since they can't get out their front doors to do their precious hit pieces on anything else.
Let the World see just how much we hate these lie factories.
The Corporate Media is the biggest threat to the Nation right now.
It's time WE start acting appropriately.
The Corporate Media is the biggest threat to the World right now.
yes, and they use corporate media and companies in the classrooms...local high school has kids watching CNN every Friday...Protest by going to school board meetings to give your 5 minute speech...they are recorded and watched by people at home on's a great way to get messages out to the public that would otherwise be unheard....
Amen to that!
What if patriots flood their parking lots of the local fake news talking head puppet traitors with their own vehicles during the off hours until they have no where to park? They would each need some legitimate reason as to why they are there but it would start messing with them. Just a thought. Start asking them if they think they will be able to walk the streets when this is over. Start interviewing them on their way into work like they do when they set up Patriots for hit pieces. All peacefully. They understand how video editing and image manipulation can sway the masses. Maybe we should peacefully give them something to be afraid of?
good idea of protesting at local satellites
A group in my city have been protesting fake news at the local ABC affiliate
They would come out to instigate to get footage they could edit and run with. I don't think some of us could contain ourselves.
Or they may pull a Jan 6th and send some BLM/Antifa dressed as Patriots to create another false flag.
MSM are responsible for so much death and suffering. How would we react to be face to face with the very demons responsible for all of the world's biggest atrocities now and in the past.
Who here could stand toe to toe with someone trying to kill you and yours and let them walk free ?
Of course they loop that ass whoopin footage 24/7 to support their " insurrectionists " narrative.
It'd be hard to instigate if the protest was 50k people just sitting on the ground around the building. I still think sit-ins are a very effective method of protest.
Yup....singin’ Bob Marley & shit
Here is a fun play list
Pat Benetar- Invincible
We Shall Overcome
Rescue the Prisoner: Twila Paris
Spirit of the Age: Michael Card
It would be no different than what they've already been doing in front of Government places.
The only possible difference is, now they'd have to explain why people are upset with them and not the Government.
Or in front of local Big Tech offices, like the Google HQ protests in London
Happened in the UK, they just ignored it. So they went inside instead. Still, the media apparently failed to notice the horde of protesters and focused instead on a missing pet or some-such other important event.
Lobby Power. Protesting is fine if you want to send a message of encouragement to other citizens that there is support for an issue but if you want to get something done you've got to go to the public meetings to engage with your County Supervisor. Lobby him/her to utilize their power to pass ordinances removing all COVID 19 Mandates in your County and to levy taxes and fines and fees against any entities in your county that violate the law by discriminating based on medical status.
Jim Acosta might start crying.
make him ruin his eyeliner
Hell just say you live in your moms basement. That’s all pathetic Jim has got. Saw it watching mark dice.
Based comment.
Reminds me of that one time blm protest in front of cnn and they had no choice but to record it
That was actually funny ngl. Protesting against the people they supported.
Let those you are strong and willing be seen and heard. Show our numbers. We can't/ won't have a Tieneman Square.
Screw them labeling us insurrectionist. Protest where we need to.
airheads 1994
I love this idea! Let's do it.
AZ AUDIT PHUQ BIDEN NO JAB HUNTERS LAPTOP make signs with things that they lie about or just don't talk about.
You might onto something bro