Fat stores excess toxins to isolate them. You detox faster in "flu season" because you burn more fat. The main cause of obesity is iron poisoning. Every country which mandates iron fortification of wheat has an obesity epidemic, but neighboring countries with high-wheat diets have no health issues.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

• Why did heart disease deaths rise in Tunisia after their diet shifted from wheat to meat while smoking and inactivity declined? The diet likely promoted iron overload.
• Why does Northern Ireland have a CHD death rate 4 times higher than Toulouse, France, despite almost identical coronary risk factors? Northern Ireland fortifies its foods, but France does not.
• Why did the Pima Indians stay healthy for millennia eating beans, squash and maize but quickly became obese and diabetic from government-supplied flour? The government gave them white flour fortified with iron.
• Why is Nauru one of the most obese nations on Earth? They eat excessive quantities of meat and rely on fortified foods imported from their trading partners. Their entire lifestyle promotes iron overload.
• Why is obesity a major problem in New Zealand? They eat excessive quantities of meat and they have very low dairy consumption. Dairy is one of the only inhibitors of heme iron found in meat. Their diet promotes iron overload.
• Finland, Sweden and Sardinia are lean, but have very high incidence of diabetes and Finland has the highest levels of Alzheimer’s in the world, with very high levels of CHD. How is this possible? Scandinavian populations have high incidence of hereditary hemochromatosis and high levels of stored iron have been linked to heart attacks in Finnish men. High iron and copper in Scandinavian drinking water has been linked to heart attacks. However, one hypothesis speculates that airborne metals from finely ground high-latitude glaciation and mining soil heaps are easily inhaled and bypass the liver, allowing them to directly harm organs. This would appear to explain these paradoxes.
• Why are the Japanese, who eat lots of fish, slender with such great longevity? Fish is a low-iron meat and they balance their iron intake with sources of manganese. They also drink plenty of green tea, which chelates iron. Recent increases in diabetes in Japan are attributed to increased meat and fat consumption which promotes increased iron absorption.
• Why does South Africa have a terrible obesity problem despite having relatively low meat consumption? They have mandatory flour fortification of iron. Some Africans may also be more susceptible to iron overload.
• Why are fad diets popular in some countries? Countries where fad diets are popular tend to have fortified flour. In all cases, these fad diets all have one thing in common: avoidance of fortified flour. The diets invariably stop working the moment people return to a diet that includes fortified foods.
• Why did Sir Robert McCarrison observe extremely healthy cultures thriving on a diet high in whole wheat while some modern countries cannot tolerate gluten? The wheat McCarrison’s cultures consumed was not fortified. The countries that have trouble with gluten and the ones that fortify their flour.
• Why does beer promote beer bellies? Excessive alcohol consumption increases iron absorption, while red wine has iron inhibitors and antioxidants to scavenge free radicals.
• Why do excessive fruit juice consumption promote metabolic disfunction in US children but children in Germany have no issues with excessive fruit juice consumption? In the US, the schoolchildren eat their lunches with iron-fortified flour. The Vitamin C, fructose and HFCS all enhance the absorption of the high levels of iron and thereby promote metabolic issues. In Germany they don’t fortify their food with iron, so the fructose, HFCS and Vitamin C have no such effect.
• Why were chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes much rarer 100 years ago? Flour fortification was invented in the 1920s and became widespread after WWII—promoting iron overload and chronic disease.
• What caused diseases of civilization before fortification existed? If iron overload is the culprit, than a combination of refined sugar, high fat and high muscle meat consumption would have promoted iron overload. Incidentally, sugar used to be boiled in cast iron kettles during the refining process. Queen Elizabeth I’s teeth turned black from excess sugar consumption, which is a telltale sign of iron overload.
• What causes the Northern Ireland paradox where Belfast has a coronary artery disease death rate that is more than 4 times higher than in Toulouse, France, despite almost identical coronary ‘risk factors’. Northern Ireland fortifies flour with Iron and France does not.
• Why did CHD and mortality increased by more than 100% in Beijing between 1984 and 1999? The great majority of the increase was explained by a five-fold increase in intake of meat. That would have contributed to iron overload.
• Why do Blue Zones, have low chronic disease and increased longevity? Their diets are low in heme iron and they practice iron inhibition of non-heme iron. They consume low levels of meat, no fortification, high manganese intake, and high levels of anti-nutrients such as legumes and moderate wine phenolics. Their diets tend to have lots of fiber, which binds to and inhibits iron absorption. Some Blue Zones have very high levels of calcium in their drinking water, which inhibits both heme and non-heme iron absorption.
• How did this individual lose 50kg eating whole grains, fibers and herbs? Every aspect of the diet inhibited and chelated iron.
• Why are high fiber diets therapeutic and health promoting? Fiber is fermented by our microbiota into health-promoting metabolites. Some fibers binds to iron, and have the ability to inhibit and chelate iron.
• Alzheimer’s is far less prevalent in countries with unsanitary conditions. How does this relate to iron? Alzheimer’s has been linked to iron. Hookworms, which protect against iron overload, are ubiquitous in countries with poor sanitation.
The excessive iron intake hypothesis is interesting, could you please share whatever research materials you have so that I might read and understand?
There's a massive amount of research and wealth of information on the iron theory here: https://www.freetheanimal.com/2015/06/enrichment-theory-everything.html (you need to make a free account to see it)
Almost like all food production supplies are modified by design. Fortified with stuff that isn't necessary, removal of iodine and so on. Everything is ultra processed for convenience, and a work force on-the-go.
Shouldn't be surprising that they remove Iodine, since it helps decalcify your Pineal Gland and other organs, which would negate many of the negative effects of the Flouride they poison everyones water with.
They remove some other things which have a much worse impact on health though, such as Vitamin B17, which a deficiency of results in cancer. It never gets added food. Levels found in fruit is minimal due to selective breeding. They tell you not to eat the seeds which contain it. Regulators also restrict the synthetic supplement form of it.
Thank you.
Also, the Japanese consume massive amounts of sweets and fried foods. Before pandemic, they have hundreds of festivals in a single summer, all surrounding sugary snacks and fried street food. Japanese people also consume a very high sodium diet. Staples at home include white rice, curry, fried shrimps and chicken, etc
the average retard health nut in the US would bitch about sugar and tell you white rice is evil, meanwhile the Japanese laughs at your malnourished gaijin self while eating a massive bowl of curry rice and eating a melon pan for breakfast..and still outliving you by 20 years with no real disabilities
Non heme iron is incredibly difficult to absorb. Even with a citric acid buffer, you're not getting most of it.
If there truly was a nefarious plot to poison people through fortified foods, then the most popular cereals like Cheerios and Frosted Flakes would be high in non heme iron and sugar.
On the other hand, the only cereals on the market with 90% Iron or more are Total and Quaker Oat Squares, both which are way lower in sugar/corn syrups than every other low iron cereal
I had a small bout of iron deficiency earlier. My solution was half a serving of Total everyday. Surely enough my light anemia symptoms disappeared
Americans are fat and sick because of the obsession with processed red meat and the fast food culture, combine that with a sedentary lifestyle and the high stress of a normie life style (wage slaving, no Jesus, woke indoctrination, poor taste in media, unfulfilling relationships, etc)
And there is your answer to why Westerners are so sick.
I heard it's from combining carbs and fats. Now I stick to lettuce wrapped burgers
There are many toxins causing disease, but there's overwhelming evidence that the most common one causing obesity (and related diseases) in America is the mandated iron fortification.
It is now known that anemia can also manifest as anemia of chronic disease where the body intentionally stops absorbing iron and stores it in tissues in order to keep iron levels low in the bloodstream—to avoid feeding iron-loving pathogens and cancer. It can be counterproductive to give iron to someone who has anemia of chronic disease.
The countries that fortify their foods with iron are the very countries that have the most problems with their wheat and carbohydrates. The demand for “gluten free” has skyrocketed in these iron-fortified nations. Mysteriously, other developed, non-fortified countries don’t seem to have problems with their carbohydrates.
One recent study connected fortification trends to obesity, but overlooked iron as the culprit.
Gluten sensitivity was rare in the US before 1950, when widespread fortification was instituted. Sweden and Finland had voluntary fortification up until 1995, and Denmark fortified until 1987, when they banned it due to health concerns and low bioavailability. After de-fortification, iron deficiency anemia was virtually unchanged in those countries, proving that the iron fortification actually did very little to prevent anemia.
Coincidentally Sweden’s gluten sensitivity epidemic ended in 1996, within one year after they stopped fortifying flour. The Netherlands doesn’t fortify their flour and has virtually no issues with gluten. France does not fortify their flour and gluten sensitivity is very rare there.
The French are technically “undernourished” by modern standards; they eat roughly 40% more wheat than Americans do—a tradition dating to at least the 1800s—they’re “addicted” to antibiotics, have no interest in exercise, and yet they have 1/3 the obesity.
While iron is an essential trace element, it’s not a safe one. Iron easily oxidizes—it rusts—and excess iron has been strongly linked to virtually every major chronic disease that has plagued developed nations over the 20th century: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, AMD, arthritis, chronic liver diseases, and endocrine disorders. Even heart disease markers, such as homocysteine, may simply be an indirect marker of iron stores.
Whatever isn’t absorbed passes directly to the colon and causes damage and disrupts the microbiota, ushering in a host of downstream health consequences.
Iron can affect the structural and immunological integrity of the gastrointestinal tract and its microflora, potentially promoting invasion by pathogenic enteric bacteria, as well as increasing gastrointestinal inflammation. [4] For developing countries, iron supplementation resulted in higher incidence of or higher mortality from infections.
When iron is added to food, they have to add a significant amount because only a fraction of fortification iron is absorbed and most of the given dose passes into the lower small intestine and colon. Iron negatively affect crypts in the colon, increases free radical production in fecal material, and increases lipid peroxidation in the mucosa of the large intestine. Phytic acid, which inhibits iron absorption, suppresses colonic cancer, which has been linked to iron.
calories in/ calories out is the formula for weight loss/ gain. I agree with your assessment, the average person you come across has no rhyme or reason to what they are eating and in what quantities as well as lack of any physical activity/ training and sitting at a desk all day. In addition to all the other factors you listed I would add poor sleep and social media creating depression and unrealistic standards for achievable health goals among many other things. Lack of any of these healthy habits and the understanding of proper nutrition/ training is probably the leading factor for obesity, not that this iron thing couldn't be a contributor as well but probably not as big, I'll admit I haven't looked into it much.
Used to work on at a bloodbank with an odd clinical aspect, doctors would send in patients with hemochromatosis and iron overload to slough it off by being bled, being a regular blood donor not only helps to lower iron overload, it also is shown to lower cholesterol as well, sidenote: a lot of our iron overload "therapeutic" donors were men on testosterone shots, the testosterone always affected their iron levels, and high iron is bad for the system over extended periods of time, the complications are so numerous I'm not going to list them, since I already wrote a book. Sufficed to say, if you are healthy enough to donate blood, go do it, a whole blood donation can help up to three different people, and benefit yourself while doing it, especially men and smokers. Not to mention good karma.
Interesting, and it'll likely be difficult to be able to donate blood nowadays without a coof card
Not really, unless the FDA gets their villainous hands in there, after all they control the blood supply since it's considered a drug once it leaves your body and gets processed for transfusion. There's a long history of nefarious blood supply issues, especially with the red cross, there's a book called Blood, I believe the author is Douglas Star (possibly Starr?) that goes into a surprisingly interesting history of transfusion and blood banking, a lot of people prefer AABB accredited bloodbanks because of it.
If you have low T stop eating garbage and cross train cardio and lift weights. Exogenous testosterone is mostly unnecessary.
also sleep and maintain a healthy body fat %
I also didn't realize iron poisoning was such a big factor before.
Glyphosate contamination is definitely the biggest cause of disease though. There are so many charts which correlate the rise of chronic diseases with increased glyphosate use, as well as overwhelming anecdotal evidence from farmers and other people who work with glyphosate and live off the contaminated crops. Just look at how close this chart tracks glyphosate quantities vs autism in 6 year olds.
I feel for you as a home baker, since even the most organic wheat will have a lower level of contamination. Much of Europe is also contaminated these days, though not as badly yet.
Yep and it’s terribly difficult to offload excess iron except through blood donation or other means.
Thanks for this.
Are prenatal iron supplements a part of this as well?
Most iron supplements contain inorganic iron, which is the same iron filings found in fortified grain, supplements and water. They are not metabolized by your body the same way that organic iron found in nature is, and are usually coupled with Vitamin C, fructose and HFCS which enhance iron absorption and poison you even more.
Your best option would be to eat food which has a high level of organic iron in it naturally instead.
The high levels of iron in baby formula appears to have negative consequences on development.
It has been hypothesized that the extreme levels of iron in baby formula, combined with the high levels of iron in the food supply may be a direct cause to the rise in autism. Autistic children have decreased levels of major antioxidant serum proteins, namely transferrin (iron-binding protein) and ceruloplasmin (copper-binding protein), which lead to increased oxidative stress. Incidentally, the French, who do not fortify flour, have very low incidence of autism and ADHD.
Italians don't fortify their iron either. Would be a good correlation study, autism incidence mapped against countries with flour fortification.
The prenatal supplements have been pushed heavily since at least the 90s. I imagine that it's a contributing factor along with vaccines. The definition of autism, or lack of specificity in the definition, makes it very difficult to research.
I'm sure there will be a correlation. The biggest correlation I've seen between a toxin and autism in children is Glyphosate, the increase of which tracks so closely to autism at age 6, that it's hard to believe it's a coincidence.
Thanks. Would you say that's from roundup residue, or from vaccines?
Autism is a difficult study for a lot of reasons, especially that it's a wide spectrum, with financially incentivized diagnosis. Anecdotally, I know many who connect it with vaccines simply because of the onset of symptoms.
There's more than enough evidence showing that many vaccines have caused autism, and the damage caused by many of the toxins we know they've put into vaccines is also understood, so no one can deny any of that.
You need to realize is that the only fundamental difference between Glyphosate poisoning and a vaccine, is the toxin and delivery method. We are poisoned every day from many sources, but vaccines allow them to deliver a concentrated dose of poison directly into our blood. All vaccines contain toxic substances, but they have been known to put some really bad toxins into vaccines which they probably wouldn't be able to deliver via any other method.
They put Flouride in the water, Glyphosate in all the food, Aluminum in the air "to fight global warming" and also in most vaccines. Aluminum makes you more conductive of electromagnetic energy which lowers your oxygen absorption and damages your cells, as well as allowing parasites to pass the blood brain barrier and enter your brain.
Much of the damage caused by Glyphosate has been studied and the pathways understood. There's reason to believe there are even worse effects which may be impossible to reverse, but no one who can conduct those kinds of studies has any motivation to even look at it.
The increase in Glyphosate use tracks very closely to many different diseases which are known to be caused by Glyphosate poisoning. Autism tracks so closely in that example that I'd be surprised if there wasn't a link.
Never mind on my last question. Just started reading your other post. Thanks.
Which means...the US fitness industry is lying to you about everything. They will tell you sugar is evil so you don't eat whole grains or fruit. They will tell you a vodka is better than a soda so they can control you through alcohol. They will convince you about keto/paleo/mayr/whatever fad diet is in this week so your kidneys and liver are shot by the time you're 50. BMI and blood pressure are the #1 metrics used by Americans for "fitness" and that's where the con truly begins.
Every day I find a whole new level of lies surrounding health, nutrition, and biology. They are lying to us about almost everything we think we know.
Exactly. How do you think fasting plays into this?
I've kicked diabetes by fasting which is opposite of the dr advice.
Intermittent fasting gives you metabolic flexibility, and allows your body burn fat to produce energy. That has many benefits, including reducing acidity, allowing metabolic clean up processes to function correctly, starves parasites which need glucose to survive, and also helps you eliminate the excess toxins which have been stored in fat cells to isolate them from your blood stream.
Thanks. B17 I started taking. Why? My wife is a recent cancer survivor. I asked the breast surgeon about b17. She rolled back in her stool and folded like a lawn chair on the subject. So I took that as good advice. Lol
Haha! I imagine she would really not like the truth about B17 to get out.
This documentary explains B17 in detail and breaks down how and why it works: https://archive.org/details/health_movies/A_World_Without_Cancer.avi
This link should have it's own post. Great Video!
It made me think of this Jerry Seinfeld bit at the end...
How and where do you get B17? My husband and I have looked far and wide and to our knowledge it’s not available in the states
The synthetic form is most commonly sold as Laetrile, but the FDA banned that because it became too popular and Big Pharma was losing too much money
Selective breeding has eliminated most of it from natural sources because it is bitter, but there are still some natural sources which you can get it from: http://www.vitaminb17.org/foods.htm
well not everything... A vodka IS better than a soda if we're talking about calorie consumption which is the fundamental nature of weight loss/ gain. (also should be staying away from Coke and pepsi products because of the corn syrup. Sodas without it would be much better but should still treat them like a dessert) Some people find success with the fad diets but they key when considering those types of things should be "can I keep this up for the longterm and keep the weight off FOREVER?"
YoYo dieting is really discouraging and a waste of time, you want to keep the weight off and stay healthy for the long haul. BMI or body fat % IS an important thing to know. Too much excess body fat is obviously bad for a variety of reasons. Men should be looking to stay and maintain somewhere in the 10-20% range and women somewhere in the 20-30%. Most methods for testing for body fat however come with a bit of error, some are better than others so should be looking to stay in those ranges. :)
I’ve always noticed I feel like crap when I drink water with added minerals. Also it tastes awful.
Yes!!! Flu seasons occur because of climactic changes which induce detoxes when they are favorable. This is why you can get sick when you go on vacation in the tropics not because you caught a bug or anything its literally just ur body like wow this is amazing I dont have to spend any fat keeping warm? Lemme FLU!!! In cold climate your body must spend more fat to achieve the same stasis so its healthier to live in warm climates and you can get by with more unhealthy lifestyle. My source: (Aajonus Vonderplanitz explains flus)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odj1IwJA8Cs
Study Aajonus Vonderplanitz you will understand nutrition i agree with this post insofar as flus being in relation to detox but all the rest of the stuff is nonsense and based on theory not empirical testing. This post muddys the waters needlessly and uses just enough truth to get you. Fortified food is totally unhealthy but that is besides the point anything fortified is therefore pasterurized, cooked etc it is transformed. The transformation whether chemical or by heat is what destroys food. If you eat raw meat and raw dairy you have everything you need you can supplement that with vegetable juices but this post is borrowing from mainstream food pyramid acting like undigestible plant vegetation will actually help human health it is so confused. It tries to put the blame on iron and wheat and random stuff that doesnt even make sense its like the gluten diet scam people brainwash people into believing they are allergic to certain things and keep them in a constant state of searching for the next placebo. Its ironic you bring up fad diets because this post is basically just another fad diet to drag people along and keep them retarded and never finding the truth. THE TRUTH IS RAW MEAT CURES ALL DISEASES THIS WILL NEVER CHANGE. EVERY BABY EATS RAW MILK AND EVERY HUMAN CAN EAT RAW MEAT AND BENEFIT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jGskhLkwaQ Watch this dont even waste time with this post
So what's the solution for Americans?
Try to eat minimal food which is fortified with vitamins and minerals.
When they say your cereal is "fortified with iron", it literally means they have added iron filing to it. That inorganic iron which is also found in supplements and water is metabolized by the body very differently to organic iron found in nature. They also add Vitamin C, Fructose and High Fructose Corn Syrup to most fortified foods, to increase the iron absorption, which poisons you even more.
Should I discard my cast-iron skillets? I thought that iron fortified cereal came about when Teflon became popular and folks replaced their iron skillets for them. That led to an iron deficiency in the population.
You probably don't want to use iron skillets very often. Iron deficiency in almost all cases is caused by an absorption issue caused by other deficiencies or overloads, not due to lack of organic iron intake. Taking in non-organic iron just makes things worse, and can even lead to an iron absorption issue itself.