Oh I’m sure the other mods will want to tear into it. I put the orig and link into the mod Discord so they can sift it over! I bet they’ll be thrilled to help! Thank you so much.
I saw and dumped the pieces of C#.net code when that was shared, i think there were totally 2 or 3 posts with it, seems to generate and print an output, but input variables looks random stuff, trying to get some text bytes from the NFTs or the blog post images, not sure e it will give anything useful, but if that can help, in a while (going out for a while now, will be back in 2-3 hours), i can load it up in visual studio and look at it in the IDE / compile it, what kind of key does it ask on the file side? normal passphrase like a rar or any specific charset/hash?
I prefer visual studio as i use since over 10 years, but yep doesn't use complex libraries so yep you can compile it online, here is the full source that compiles, now i'll try to figure out the steps it does, the only change i did was correcting the syntax as it was wrong
BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + " Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ
Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class Program
public static void Main()
//MD5: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0
//DATA: Q Society
string collectiondescriptiondecoded = "Q Society";
MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create();
byte[] md5 = md5Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(collectiondescriptiondecoded));
Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ
byte[] testkey0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("rustyshackleford");
byte[] testkey1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Q H7^PZBVTpZ7302");
byte[] testkey2 = HexStringToByteArray("978ea96f-2740-4ea6-b1d0-288f11a48ff7".Replace("-", ""));
I might be ay behind or off course here, but [Q Society] is in square brackets, and the MD5 of which is suggested to be a key or IV. The Q drops themselves have various phrases in square brackets. Are we to look for a key in the Q drops themselves?
Wait, there was something originally floating around if i remember well, had something to do with the WACKD contract, was said it was the key, but not sure it has to do with this files, i'm looking tru all the posts again, those text boxes that were showing one by one on the portal? Nothing useful popped up there?
I'm trying up and down with values related to the NFTs, or found on the multiple McAfee channels, but still nothing, i also tried to rewrite the whole aes encryption and decryption routines, can get multiple hexes output, but no clear string that looks like a passphrase
i was looking in parallel, at the public PGP key that's posted in the channel, has something to do with a protonmail address, not going to share it here until we get some more clues (we don't know if it's a legitimate address, honeypot, nothing burger, i think it's better to avoid having people bomb it with emails), but it's fairly easy to extract, here's the key
This used to be on the Ingersol Lockwood count down:
"Countdown 2021 What day was the US Constitution signed?" 9/17
"Who was born (many years later) the next day?" McaFee was born on 9/18
"Now the same page has replace it with Countdown 2021
The Answer to the ONE Question you ask yourself every day"... Maybe the key has something to do with his birthday as the countdown ends on the 19th?
OMG! After reading the comments below this post....I am SO lost and clueless! I have no clue what you guys are talking about...GREEK to me...aka no Geek.
Based as fuck bros, I have a job coding and some sorting my own life shit out to do. Hopefully this is it boys, I'm praying you can do it! I would be interested in helping but I don't know what I could do.
Congratulations! I'm not tech savvy, so I especially appreciate your accomplishment and efforts to make this available to the rest of us.
Nobody "managed" nothing: that was just on "McAfeeAfterLife" Tg two days ago and... no passwords for the final files kek.
Leddit/l/conspilacy was all about it as well.
No congratulations needed here.
Hiding this link for us mods to check
Oh I’m sure the other mods will want to tear into it. I put the orig and link into the mod Discord so they can sift it over! I bet they’ll be thrilled to help! Thank you so much.
I saw and dumped the pieces of C#.net code when that was shared, i think there were totally 2 or 3 posts with it, seems to generate and print an output, but input variables looks random stuff, trying to get some text bytes from the NFTs or the blog post images, not sure e it will give anything useful, but if that can help, in a while (going out for a while now, will be back in 2-3 hours), i can load it up in visual studio and look at it in the IDE / compile it, what kind of key does it ask on the file side? normal passphrase like a rar or any specific charset/hash?
I prefer visual studio as i use since over 10 years, but yep doesn't use complex libraries so yep you can compile it online, here is the full source that compiles, now i'll try to figure out the steps it does, the only change i did was correcting the syntax as it was wrong
BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + " Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();
using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class Program { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("https//opensea[.]io/collection/contingency-protocol-44924"); Console.WriteLine();
//CONTINGENCY PROTOCOL 44924 COLLECTION DESCRIPTION //MD5: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 //DATA: Q Society string collectiondescriptiondecoded = "Q Society"; MD5 md5Hash = MD5.Create(); byte[] md5 = md5Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(collectiondescriptiondecoded)); Console.WriteLine("Verified: [Q Society] = " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "") + "PLACEHOLDER"); // Initialization Vector or Key or Who the fuck knows? LULZZZ Console.WriteLine();
//SQME KEYS TO TEST byte[] testkey0 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("rustyshackleford"); byte[] testkey1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Q H7^PZBVTpZ7302"); //https//www[.]britbonglogpost[.]com/978ea96f-2740-4ea6-b1d0-288f11a48ff7.jpg byte[] testkey2 = HexStringToByteArray("978ea96f-2740-4ea6-b1d0-288f11a48ff7".Replace("-", ""));
//NFT IMAGE DESCRIPTIONS - BASE64 ENCODED DATA //https[:]//opensea[.]io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42715653451494116278904116357368839356782358833774246712130390239617933639681 string epsilon_b64 = "mbhD5klu/+mMNw6nN8bmE7+m4MWKp9ZMzO61R83YPGc23pCnwNXl6XnRPizFWi+k35YtNRsXiT20P7KNiV6Bz/jwBGq3PjQv2Zd14gORArKA6Cz30JEU9Sa6GGCEpJIufbFJuWWxaI9NTnGCrshcDDvIne9DvhwSTvcJHMOCAkeBNiRwxb/tCK17mclpwgV1fKXDhrCfzddOW2bTO14c0w==";
//https[:]//opensea[.]io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/42715653451494116278904116357368839356782358833774246712130390238518422011905 string omega_b64 = "QWIn8NzJMuDZIfibj/MqK1CPK32YXf3KuzCsf4HohUPSmUgyqAdY6moE98U6v3wVGTu2g1+ZziW+tqk9cVif41v+GC91bgnym7NlX9URAY/LLE9X9amJw3Qxa4PyNWat/dVkEOUFoa3vAE6TCVgk/gfWzB8085VW7A6hBcoR0D1tv9U5HrylObyNdm2I6ljim5XVXA9XRkLKffQReXWkAS7R34IQYsipc9jOaf/LlaCPputybuz5cKWaq/q6kbRksksbPL6v4F/omjkBHOJiqWxKHRkEgSIOEEEgIQHqk5h5Tnf7O7I5/eyDXGPAYBS2I7IwMmykLp7CG9nFLg5FDHmNgQZD4vOFrJcjoYcH3mg=";
//DECODE BASE64 var epsilon = Convert.FromBase64String(epsilon_b64); var omega = Convert.FromBase64String(omega_b64);
//AES CRYPTO var crypto = new AesCryptographyService();
Console.WriteLine("B64 Decoded: " + BitConverter.ToString(epsilon).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(epsilon)); Console.WriteLine();
var decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey0, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey0).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();
decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey1, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey1).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();
decrypted = crypto.Decrypt(epsilon, testkey2, md5); Console.WriteLine("Trying Key: " + BitConverter.ToString(testkey2).Replace("-", "") + " IV: " + BitConverter.ToString(md5).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("Decrypted: " + BitConverter.ToString(decrypted).Replace("-", "")); Console.WriteLine("To String" + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted)); Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine();
public static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(String hex) { int NumberChars = hex.Length; byte[] bytes = new byte[NumberChars / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2) bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16); return bytes; } }
public class AesCryptographyService { public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] iv) { using (var aes = Aes.Create()) { aes.KeySize = 128; aes.BlockSize = 128; aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;
-- here also the output
Verified: [Q Society] = 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0PLACEHOLDER
Epsilon: mbhD5klu/+mMNw6nN8bmE7+m4MWKp9ZMzO61R83YPGc23pCnwNXl6XnRPizFWi+k35YtNRsXiT20P7KNiV6Bz/jwBGq3PjQv2Zd14gORArKA6Cz30JEU9Sa6GGCEpJIufbFJuWWxaI9NTnGCrshcDDvIne9DvhwSTvcJHMOCAkeBNiRwxb/tCK17mclpwgV1fKXDhrCfzddOW2bTO14c0w== B64 Decoded: 99B843E6496EFFE98C370EA737C6E613BFA6E0C58AA7D64CCCEEB547CDD83C6736DE90A7C0D5E5E979D13E2CC55A2FA4DF962D351B17893DB43FB28D895E81CFF8F0046AB73E342FD99775E2039102B280E82CF7D09114F526BA186084A4922E7DB149B965B1688F4D4E7182AEC85C0C3BC89DEF43BE1C124EF7091CC382024781362470C5BFED08AD7B99C969C205757CA5C386B09FCDD74E5B66D33B5E1CD3 To String: ��C�In��7�7�����Ŋ��L��G��<g6ސ�����y�>,�Z/�ߖ-5�=�?���^����j�>4/ٗu�����,�Б�&�`���.}�I�e�h�MNq���\;ȝ�C�N� ÂG�6$pſ��{��i�u|�Æ����N[f�;^�
Trying Key: 7275737479736861636B6C65666F7264 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 05EB21006F8A14EEDDB14BB2C75861CD028E9897F697D1B04DB8FBF5096E4BE66411AB0B21FFFED067AB9BA78B9276133B1ACE3A40C4BB048028698062706014AD4BAE365622A5F6B73939F968242908AD69A3FC84ACCCDD986DFF2D321B4FE1C80FBCCEA2150F71507B20B1CBB07BE9C67780B25FFE9B30A8F76D76F12F41061D84483DF1A260405D405739E12BA4ECB2D6DD4CA90623EE1AABBE2871C0FB18 To String�!o��ݱK��Xa������ѰM��� nK�d�!���g�����v;�:@Ļ�(i�bp
�K�6V"���99�h$)�i�����ݘm�-2O���qP{ �˰{��w��_��0��mv�/A�H=�
@]@W9�+����L�#���(q��Trying Key: 512048375E505A425654705A37333032 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 0A74B97E443A4848352C8FA8A36DFB15AAA33E05BF617002C81C650672969009AB1EB0C952DF2F278CB4ACC0C5FEF1AFA49F9F050B8EE7310BFF91FB9A4608FB26F9AC416D6A64E6FA0E278D693F9EAB3DE4878D5F4A013317A7DB38329925A8EA34E410DC7CCB219A029518B19200CFAEB3FCFFB7E40C3090D2A2C8E04227E2328145BA78DB257CF7DBB6AD89F0CB3017A2534B3FFA31B25C77423CC562380F To String t�~D:HH5,���m���>�ap�er�� ���R�/'���������1����F�&��Amjd��'�i?��=䇍_J3��82�%��4��|�!����Ϯ�����0�Ң��B'�2�E�x�%|�۶����0�SK?�1�\wB<�b8
Trying Key: 978EA96F27404EA6B1D0288F11A48FF7 IV: 346257E94DA2E0D0D0F54AA397D291F0 Decrypted: 89323C94A93FB4E1A06C36760BFE424E634E4C1603A3A6E26BEA4122E1CD1812BE771993397040355D933FC193521D8C90843B8A0383557212CFE41DD2AD590257323A32CBBBAEBC75673121F33F7BB00217A6EBEF89B1732D0848A623ADD111D8C85729DBC75B0C09885CF874CE2E3589ACBAA54B1E675A3E07A6B0BFB2ECB5143995E70C871D3AAEB46F9B33616C15EE42F29FB04F81CD949113992B5B4DE5 To String�2<��?��l6v�BNcNL���k�A"���w�9p@5]�?��R���;��Ur��ҭYW2:2˻��ug1!�?{���s-H�#����W)��[ �\�t�.5����KgZ>�����9���:��o�3al�B�O�͔��+[M�
You guys are my heros🤍
I might be ay behind or off course here, but [Q Society] is in square brackets, and the MD5 of which is suggested to be a key or IV. The Q drops themselves have various phrases in square brackets. Are we to look for a key in the Q drops themselves?
Wait, there was something originally floating around if i remember well, had something to do with the WACKD contract, was said it was the key, but not sure it has to do with this files, i'm looking tru all the posts again, those text boxes that were showing one by one on the portal? Nothing useful popped up there?
I'm trying up and down with values related to the NFTs, or found on the multiple McAfee channels, but still nothing, i also tried to rewrite the whole aes encryption and decryption routines, can get multiple hexes output, but no clear string that looks like a passphrase
i was looking in parallel, at the public PGP key that's posted in the channel, has something to do with a protonmail address, not going to share it here until we get some more clues (we don't know if it's a legitimate address, honeypot, nothing burger, i think it's better to avoid having people bomb it with emails), but it's fairly easy to extract, here's the key
xjMEYSVIzxYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdA3p7s7oz8X2OwHATFKWShQjLexcaBWyGM mHq5ok1npy3NNW9yaWdpbmFsMTdAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20gPG9yaWdpbmFs MTdAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20+wo8EEBYKACAFAmElSM8GCwkHCAMCBBUICgIE FgIBAAIZAQIbAwIeAQAhCRDrGND1ys+qQxYhBE0TIiXzefF0KP6ddesY0PXK z6pDMqcBAJnyeAkqLkVtE2xer2x9Wg48rQntO9HdrYFuFy9MCpeZAQCHBYEX hWJR0K9PkatNV+4m+ZZ/2Zyw7jsQdL8Ze84xAc44BGElSM8SCisGAQQBl1UB BQEBB0BZd4GGFk1whTWyY60+CyvHQITb43Rw3nfDdmgVJaC+DgMBCAfCeAQY FggACQUCYSVIzwIbDAAhCRDrGND1ys+qQxYhBE0TIiXzefF0KP6ddesY0PXK z6pDUyEA/RPdRQaylsyL81JCB0ZdPnwuhSVmtEHQK3e/OAwQuZDzAQDqanbp ii6GYCEodsnjiLP6x0+mCupghml+3kXOX4HmDA== =efCK -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
OpenSea is a NFT marketplace.
I know this might sound like a reach, but have you tried 1234?
That’s a noob password. Try 1235.
1776 has a better ring
This used to be on the Ingersol Lockwood count down:
"Countdown 2021 What day was the US Constitution signed?" 9/17
"Who was born (many years later) the next day?" McaFee was born on 9/18
"Now the same page has replace it with Countdown 2021 The Answer to the ONE Question you ask yourself every day"... Maybe the key has something to do with his birthday as the countdown ends on the 19th?
HunterCrack maybe
Watch the glowies here on that! They’d track you with a vengeance to get hands on.
Sticky this shit and keep it up until it gets cracked
This sounds stupid. Why would he release this and not the password with it? Someone created an encrypted 31 TB file of dick pix.
It’s a 40k upscale of Never Gonna Give You Up
Too big for that.
It's probably 100K upscale 3D time travel format where you can go into the video and proceed to not give them up with him
I think you should ping Ron Watkins on Telegram. No way he wouldn't want a piece of this.
Yeah, let’s not let codemonkeyz larp this one up too.
Fixed that for ya
Password is: "Epstein didn't kill himself" (no quotes)
Dang, wish I could help. The Seti folder definitely peaking my interest!
Thank you. Wish I could help. So glad there are those of you with skill and knowledge.
Look up John the ripper software if you can find the password hashes
OMG! After reading the comments below this post....I am SO lost and clueless! I have no clue what you guys are talking about...GREEK to me...aka no Geek.
I know C#
Count me in I like puzzles
Interesting...there's a SETI folder.
Understood. The website doesn't provide a live burn count, though. It updated when the burn count reached this value, and hasn't updated since.
Based as fuck bros, I have a job coding and some sorting my own life shit out to do. Hopefully this is it boys, I'm praying you can do it! I would be interested in helping but I don't know what I could do.
We get one of these posts every two months.
Taking away resources....
Why C#? Why not Python, C++, Java, Go, etc?
Also to add is the encryption algorithm known or what are you trying to do ?
Because Bill Gates :)
Lol. Except Bill Gates didn't invent C#. Anders Hejlsberg did. Bill Gates invented BASIC.
But what % of OS-es does C# run on? (Not trying to be cheeky, I really don't know ... been decades since I walked away from MSFT)
Theres an open source project that makes it available on Linux. So not a windows thing only now
I did not know that. Thanks for the info :)
No problem :) also, it's a known secret that many engineers at Microsoft use Linux workstations.
qbasic to be precise
Ohh. That explains the C#. Thanks! Is there a discord or something someone started that I can drop in to help?
Oh wow. Did not know that. Well, feel free to loop me in if you guys need help.
Why are you all wasting your time with this I will never know, can't wait for your NOTHING BURGER
hmmmm I smell a UN drone with a star of david tattooed on his forhead groyping that people are actually onto you.... deport!
Galatoires should be interesting next time