Please understand that the choice of getting vaccinated, for adults, is their own to make. You cannot make that choice for them, you can only show them the information and let them decide.
In the same way, once they are vaccinated, you can only show them the information on how best to protect themselves, but beyond that it is their choice.
We cannot control other people. We are responsible only for our own actions, thoughts and beliefs.
If you start at 42 min mark, they discuss how best to save vaccinated people. The best you can do is to show this to your loved one and hope they make the right choice.
Absolutely, it’s the right thing to do. So many posts similar to this one get lost in all the new content posted. People need help and emotional support during these troubling times. Remember, WWG1WGA… We stand together, during good times and bad times.
Not everyone’s going to die from the vaccine. Don’t let the fear porn break you down into a pile of nothingness. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back to life. This is what they want you debilitated, afraid, and mentally unhealthy. They will lower your frequency, and keep you in a state of perpetual fear. Anybody who dies, whether it be from the vaccine, or Covid, or any other physical ailment, is in the Lords time. Do you think he was surprised when people died of cove it 19 this year? NO! We all have an appointed time to die, the most important thing is to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and to make sure that your family does as well. If you focus on God, he will direct your path, and your family members as well. Pray for their salvation, not to keep them alive to make you happy. So if they do die, you’ll be able to see them again in heaven
there's much more we don't know than we do know. while most on this board agree the vax is bad, we are surrounded by family and friends who took it.
I have urged them, next time they feel they might be coming down with something, at the first sign of feeling poorly, don't wait, call your doc. explain to them the vax might 'overstimulate' their immune system.
I'm also encouraging them to a daily baby (low dose) aspirin (unless it's not safe for them) or nattokinase -- both can help prevent clots. and remind them since they might still get covid, to maintain their Vit D and other immune boosters.
when we get through this war, we all know there are so many suppressed cures that a whole new paradigm of medicine will emerge. I don't doubt much of this evil can be cleansed. in the meantime, promote healthy thinking as much as healthy habits and never give in to fear of death. the Father can and does work miracles, and it really IS up to Him if we allow Him to work in our lives.
Sounds to me like you're hurting over being lied to. Get ready for worse. The mental gymnastics just get more wacky as their health deteriorates further. Do what you need to feel strong and stable in body, mind and spirit. That way you can help if you want to, when the time comes.
They will not die if they use ivermectin or HCQ prophylacticly. The determental effects of the vaccine subside over time, this is why they are pushing booster shots. Your innate immune system will clear most of the vaccine crap from your body over time. Sorry for any typos, Im mobile atm.
Agreed on the prophylactic, not so sure about the detrimental effects, you can't untrain the immune system for instance, the muscle cells of the heart do not regenerate for another, prion desease is terminal... they might not die as quickly but they will likely have very reduced their lifespan.
Not everyone develops cardiomyopathy. Go to Rumble, find the Stew Peters show, he has 3 episodes with Dr Judy Mikovitz, she is the one who said over time the effects of the vaccine will fade although you will still need to take HCQ the rest of your life.
I think its a little too early to suggest not everyone develops anything personally. They need more death this winter to keep this shitshow going, it really didn't scare most people enough last year, mostly just really old people who were already shut away in some "retirement" home in 5 of 50 states died. We know the goal is population reduction from Bill Gates own mouth. I put Judy in the Alex Jones and Toe Rogan category, and Stew is not a good listener, I didn't really care about his long and needlessly detailed interuptions when he interviewed Dr. Zelenko, or was it Dr. McCullough or Dr. Merritt, I don't remember which. No one is perfect, I get that, I'm wrong plenty too, and I don't have a qrystal ball. Thank you for passing along their information, it saves me having to actually watch it and perhaps it will help a passer by more open than me.
Thank you guys so much for the comments. It means so much. They won’t tell me if they got vaccinated or not now, they’ve changed their answer, but I just hope to God that all my vaccinated loved ones will be okay… this is so hard. This is the hardest battle I’ve ever fought in. Mentally, physically, spiritually. It has taken a toll on my mental health tbh.
It's okay to take a break from the news and researching for the sake of your mental health. You want to be prepared, but thisincludes being mentally healthy and strong. It's overwhelming what happening, we can't always process it. It helps me to remember that we really do not know what the vaccines will do long term or what antidotes might be available. There's no point in getting so worked up over something that may not ever happen. You should be ready for the worst, but remember it may not happen. In the same sense, =none of us actually knows how many days we have left on earth. We should be ready to face eternity with a clean conscience every day without obsessing over every danger. The vaccine is just one more risk in a world full of uncertainty.
The only people I worry about are those under child-bearing age.
I think some of the most dire scare stories are just that (although I like morbidly joking that it’s a death jab, and it very well could be, and I’ll take a bullet before I put it into my body), but how some could take this when they’re young and healthy, and there is zero data (and many very concerning anecdotes) on what these genetic experiments will do to fertility and reproductive health… it’s evil-driven lunacy.
I've been through what you're going through right now. Entire family dumb and vaccinated. It's a roller coaster of emotions and you can hardly believe it. Please take care of yourself and have faith that truth will get out. What we aren't taught is that this entire world, this life we live, is a constant battle and war. We've always had to fight for our freedom. The matrix gives us the illusion that life is easy and good: eat, work, sleep. But the reality is that Nuremberg wasn't that long ago. There's always a new battle. We were disillusioned. Now that you are awake and the ones around you aren't, you need to fight hard for the future generations. Be strong and courageous.
Indeed. My wife decided to take the Pfizer shots "so I can travel". I'm prepared for the worst but so far she's fine and not attracted to magnets. And she's away, travelling.
Fren, it is my belief that there is a picture being painted, we are the paint, and the canvas is this earth.
God paints with purpose, with intention.. each stroke of the brush is a story, a lifetime for us, sometimes beautiful sometimes hardship.
Every wave, brings us closer to each other… just like paint, when mixed new colors emerge.
I don’t understand why He paints the way He does, or why sometimes our stories can be so hard, our experiences so harsh. But just know that at the end, the picture will be one of Wonder…
Everything will be fine, one day we will fully see the full picture of His creation and it will all make sense, until then we have those around us, each other and new brothers and sisters waiting to be part of our stories.
I'd add that to the pine needle , zinc, and hcq often suggested.
Someone here posted baby aspirin and NAC (nattokinase) that is an excellent idea. I'd also add turmeric for further anti inflammation help
Also, key, for exercise we want ONLY liss
Low impact steady state cardio only
The inflammation is killing a lot of young people (under 60) when they do hard labor or exercise heavy. Football season this fall and marathon season next year will be very dangerous
Sorry about all this fren. Same thing happened to me with my son being coerced by the army. I’ve was distraught at first like you, but then I decided to dig in on how best to counter the graphene oxide and spike proteins in the vaxx. Still working it out, but I’m close to deciding on the cocktail. Now on to convince a young knucklehead to take it. So refocus yourself and get back in the fight!
I feel really stupid now for buying into the fear and decided to just delete my post. Thank you everyone who commented and reassured me. It made me feel better. But now I just feel retarded for buying into the fear not knowing if it’s true or not. I overreacted. And now my loved one won’t tell me if they did get it or not.
I hear you. Felt the exact same a few months ago. Praying that they are right and I am wrong. Cried for a few days because I would love to have grandkids someday. Figure God will sort this all out. “Justice is Mine”, sayeth the Lord.
I was reading someone on here's post that said Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine may help mitigate the side effects of the vaccine- so perhaps there's some hope. Also, see if you can make sure they don't get the 3rd shot or any further boosters. Hope this helps! Cheers friend. We are with you in spirit.
Hey man listen, dont buy the fear not matter which side it comes from. And not only that but people dying from the jab 3 years from now is not a foregone conclusion. Theyll probably be fine. All you can do is try to show them how to take care of their body and health which is a good thing regardless
I am someone extremely educated in medicine and this mRNA genetic vaccine. I really doubt and there is no good evidence to suggest people will die in the coming years. If anything it will be a powerful escape mutant that could be a big threat if covid continues to strengthen but this would be a risk for a lot of us. I really wouldn't freak out too much, this was created as a tool to provide temporary immunity to soldiers against bioweapons because they can be created so quickly but these vaccines aren't the killer IMO they are just about creating the vaccine passport and digital ID system so they can reconfigure international borders. Don't sweat it there legitimately isn't anything out there that has me too worried besides possible cardiovascular events like increased risk of stroke and heart attacks but that still is unlikely especially if your partner is healthy.
This guy does a lot of decodes on comms, read all that he says about covid and the vaccines and make up your own mind.
How many of these vaccine deaths are a psy op to get us in fear just like covid is a psy op to get the left in fear. The deep state doesn't care how they get us into fear, just that they get us into fear. I'm not saying to go and get the vaccine, but there's something deeper than we realize happening here.
Remember Q never said not to get this vaccine, take that for what you will, read through the decodes of the comms and decide for yourself.
As we speak my daughter, mother, sister, niece her husband and my nephew , cousin who's more like a sister to me and who knows how many other of my family members have been vaccinated I am the only holdout as far as I know.
So I stand to lose a lot if these people are correct about the vaccine killing people off etc. I have to believe that the white hats were in control even in this and they didn't allow big pharma to kill us all off, and that this is just another way to actually bring down big pharma.
So far everyone in my family is ok. You're not the only one with a horse in this race, in fact I have everyone I love in it, and if you're being dishonest then shame on you, if you're not then we are with you.
Please understand that the choice of getting vaccinated, for adults, is their own to make. You cannot make that choice for them, you can only show them the information and let them decide.
In the same way, once they are vaccinated, you can only show them the information on how best to protect themselves, but beyond that it is their choice.
We cannot control other people. We are responsible only for our own actions, thoughts and beliefs.
Please watch this video :
If you start at 42 min mark, they discuss how best to save vaccinated people. The best you can do is to show this to your loved one and hope they make the right choice.
They are not going to die.
We all are going to die. Always has been.
Forgive yourself. Love them. Accept Jesus.
Be brave.
Stickied for exposure/help for an hour. let’s offer some comfort and guidance for a fellow fren
Very nice of you
Absolutely, it’s the right thing to do. So many posts similar to this one get lost in all the new content posted. People need help and emotional support during these troubling times. Remember, WWG1WGA… We stand together, during good times and bad times.
Thank you again. The care and concern is crucial for so many of us right now!
Not everyone’s going to die from the vaccine. Don’t let the fear porn break you down into a pile of nothingness. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get back to life. This is what they want you debilitated, afraid, and mentally unhealthy. They will lower your frequency, and keep you in a state of perpetual fear. Anybody who dies, whether it be from the vaccine, or Covid, or any other physical ailment, is in the Lords time. Do you think he was surprised when people died of cove it 19 this year? NO! We all have an appointed time to die, the most important thing is to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and to make sure that your family does as well. If you focus on God, he will direct your path, and your family members as well. Pray for their salvation, not to keep them alive to make you happy. So if they do die, you’ll be able to see them again in heaven
Take it easy. Get right with God.
there's much more we don't know than we do know. while most on this board agree the vax is bad, we are surrounded by family and friends who took it.
I have urged them, next time they feel they might be coming down with something, at the first sign of feeling poorly, don't wait, call your doc. explain to them the vax might 'overstimulate' their immune system.
I'm also encouraging them to a daily baby (low dose) aspirin (unless it's not safe for them) or nattokinase -- both can help prevent clots. and remind them since they might still get covid, to maintain their Vit D and other immune boosters.
when we get through this war, we all know there are so many suppressed cures that a whole new paradigm of medicine will emerge. I don't doubt much of this evil can be cleansed. in the meantime, promote healthy thinking as much as healthy habits and never give in to fear of death. the Father can and does work miracles, and it really IS up to Him if we allow Him to work in our lives.
Sounds to me like you're hurting over being lied to. Get ready for worse. The mental gymnastics just get more wacky as their health deteriorates further. Do what you need to feel strong and stable in body, mind and spirit. That way you can help if you want to, when the time comes.
They will not die if they use ivermectin or HCQ prophylacticly. The determental effects of the vaccine subside over time, this is why they are pushing booster shots. Your innate immune system will clear most of the vaccine crap from your body over time. Sorry for any typos, Im mobile atm.
Agreed on the prophylactic, not so sure about the detrimental effects, you can't untrain the immune system for instance, the muscle cells of the heart do not regenerate for another, prion desease is terminal... they might not die as quickly but they will likely have very reduced their lifespan.
Not everyone develops cardiomyopathy. Go to Rumble, find the Stew Peters show, he has 3 episodes with Dr Judy Mikovitz, she is the one who said over time the effects of the vaccine will fade although you will still need to take HCQ the rest of your life.
I think its a little too early to suggest not everyone develops anything personally. They need more death this winter to keep this shitshow going, it really didn't scare most people enough last year, mostly just really old people who were already shut away in some "retirement" home in 5 of 50 states died. We know the goal is population reduction from Bill Gates own mouth. I put Judy in the Alex Jones and Toe Rogan category, and Stew is not a good listener, I didn't really care about his long and needlessly detailed interuptions when he interviewed Dr. Zelenko, or was it Dr. McCullough or Dr. Merritt, I don't remember which. No one is perfect, I get that, I'm wrong plenty too, and I don't have a qrystal ball. Thank you for passing along their information, it saves me having to actually watch it and perhaps it will help a passer by more open than me.
Thank you guys so much for the comments. It means so much. They won’t tell me if they got vaccinated or not now, they’ve changed their answer, but I just hope to God that all my vaccinated loved ones will be okay… this is so hard. This is the hardest battle I’ve ever fought in. Mentally, physically, spiritually. It has taken a toll on my mental health tbh.
It's okay to take a break from the news and researching for the sake of your mental health. You want to be prepared, but thisincludes being mentally healthy and strong. It's overwhelming what happening, we can't always process it. It helps me to remember that we really do not know what the vaccines will do long term or what antidotes might be available. There's no point in getting so worked up over something that may not ever happen. You should be ready for the worst, but remember it may not happen. In the same sense, =none of us actually knows how many days we have left on earth. We should be ready to face eternity with a clean conscience every day without obsessing over every danger. The vaccine is just one more risk in a world full of uncertainty.
The only people I worry about are those under child-bearing age.
I think some of the most dire scare stories are just that (although I like morbidly joking that it’s a death jab, and it very well could be, and I’ll take a bullet before I put it into my body), but how some could take this when they’re young and healthy, and there is zero data (and many very concerning anecdotes) on what these genetic experiments will do to fertility and reproductive health… it’s evil-driven lunacy.
I've been through what you're going through right now. Entire family dumb and vaccinated. It's a roller coaster of emotions and you can hardly believe it. Please take care of yourself and have faith that truth will get out. What we aren't taught is that this entire world, this life we live, is a constant battle and war. We've always had to fight for our freedom. The matrix gives us the illusion that life is easy and good: eat, work, sleep. But the reality is that Nuremberg wasn't that long ago. There's always a new battle. We were disillusioned. Now that you are awake and the ones around you aren't, you need to fight hard for the future generations. Be strong and courageous.
Everyone I know who got the jab is fine. Relax. I think the "everyone who took the jab will die soon" stories are propaganda.
Indeed. My wife decided to take the Pfizer shots "so I can travel". I'm prepared for the worst but so far she's fine and not attracted to magnets. And she's away, travelling.
Have a laugh - - Sam Hyde: Shallow People Love To Travel
Fren, it is my belief that there is a picture being painted, we are the paint, and the canvas is this earth.
God paints with purpose, with intention.. each stroke of the brush is a story, a lifetime for us, sometimes beautiful sometimes hardship.
Every wave, brings us closer to each other… just like paint, when mixed new colors emerge.
I don’t understand why He paints the way He does, or why sometimes our stories can be so hard, our experiences so harsh. But just know that at the end, the picture will be one of Wonder…
Everything will be fine, one day we will fully see the full picture of His creation and it will all make sense, until then we have those around us, each other and new brothers and sisters waiting to be part of our stories.
Godspeed fren, be at peace.
My mom and dad did as well. It hurts but all we can do is pray. Is anything too hard for our God?! ❤️
Pray that they had an angel nurse or were goven a placebo, thats what i do...
Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide
Ester C Pomegranate Magnesium
I'd add that to the pine needle , zinc, and hcq often suggested.
Someone here posted baby aspirin and NAC (nattokinase) that is an excellent idea. I'd also add turmeric for further anti inflammation help
Also, key, for exercise we want ONLY liss
Low impact steady state cardio only
The inflammation is killing a lot of young people (under 60) when they do hard labor or exercise heavy. Football season this fall and marathon season next year will be very dangerous
Sorry about all this fren. Same thing happened to me with my son being coerced by the army. I’ve was distraught at first like you, but then I decided to dig in on how best to counter the graphene oxide and spike proteins in the vaxx. Still working it out, but I’m close to deciding on the cocktail. Now on to convince a young knucklehead to take it. So refocus yourself and get back in the fight!
I feel really stupid now for buying into the fear and decided to just delete my post. Thank you everyone who commented and reassured me. It made me feel better. But now I just feel retarded for buying into the fear not knowing if it’s true or not. I overreacted. And now my loved one won’t tell me if they did get it or not.
I hear you. Felt the exact same a few months ago. Praying that they are right and I am wrong. Cried for a few days because I would love to have grandkids someday. Figure God will sort this all out. “Justice is Mine”, sayeth the Lord.
Vladimir zelenko they can live taking some medicines.
I was reading someone on here's post that said Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine may help mitigate the side effects of the vaccine- so perhaps there's some hope. Also, see if you can make sure they don't get the 3rd shot or any further boosters. Hope this helps! Cheers friend. We are with you in spirit.
Hey man listen, dont buy the fear not matter which side it comes from. And not only that but people dying from the jab 3 years from now is not a foregone conclusion. Theyll probably be fine. All you can do is try to show them how to take care of their body and health which is a good thing regardless
I am someone extremely educated in medicine and this mRNA genetic vaccine. I really doubt and there is no good evidence to suggest people will die in the coming years. If anything it will be a powerful escape mutant that could be a big threat if covid continues to strengthen but this would be a risk for a lot of us. I really wouldn't freak out too much, this was created as a tool to provide temporary immunity to soldiers against bioweapons because they can be created so quickly but these vaccines aren't the killer IMO they are just about creating the vaccine passport and digital ID system so they can reconfigure international borders. Don't sweat it there legitimately isn't anything out there that has me too worried besides possible cardiovascular events like increased risk of stroke and heart attacks but that still is unlikely especially if your partner is healthy.
This guy does a lot of decodes on comms, read all that he says about covid and the vaccines and make up your own mind.
How many of these vaccine deaths are a psy op to get us in fear just like covid is a psy op to get the left in fear. The deep state doesn't care how they get us into fear, just that they get us into fear. I'm not saying to go and get the vaccine, but there's something deeper than we realize happening here.
Remember Q never said not to get this vaccine, take that for what you will, read through the decodes of the comms and decide for yourself.
As we speak my daughter, mother, sister, niece her husband and my nephew , cousin who's more like a sister to me and who knows how many other of my family members have been vaccinated I am the only holdout as far as I know.
So I stand to lose a lot if these people are correct about the vaccine killing people off etc. I have to believe that the white hats were in control even in this and they didn't allow big pharma to kill us all off, and that this is just another way to actually bring down big pharma.
So far everyone in my family is ok. You're not the only one with a horse in this race, in fact I have everyone I love in it, and if you're being dishonest then shame on you, if you're not then we are with you.
I know plenty of vaxxed and so far all are fine. Also there is a chance they got the placebo.
It is okay to worry but we don't know the full story yet and they may have treatments for vaxxed to help reverse.
Panicking for 3 years does you no good because none of us can see the future pray and love them like everyone else
Everyone close to me took it. I’m angry. Just hope nothing happens in the next couple of years. You’re not alone.
Look up detox protocols