Steve Bannon - "The Q Guys" ...
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When it comes to Q, I like Bannon because afaik he never bashed us openly and he always talks about "No coincidences" while also saying he is not a conspiracy theorist
Same here. Plus, a few months ago, he mentioned our site saying we provide good links.
Yes, because he knows it's not a theory and instead it's a conspiracy to retake the world from demons.
We traffick in conspiracy FACTS 'round these parts
Yes but hastily denying being a "conspiracy theorist" is at the same time buying into the idea that (a) "conspiracy theorist" is a real thing and is always stupid and bad, and (b) postulating or remarking about a real felony that one is observing called conspiracy does indeed make one look like a "conspiracy theorist," and that's to be avoided and disavowed! (As if criminals never get together and plan, or conspire, to commit crimes.)
Neither of these accepted post-hypnotic suggestions is factual.
For those new to the Awakening, the term "conspiracy theory" was created by the C_A in the 1970s as a clever tool with which to mock and discredit anyone questioning their activities. Anyone believing the C_A would EVER be involved in, say, running crack cocaine or 9/11 or arming N Korea must be a tinfoil hatter believing in nutty...conspiracy theories!
The deceptive ploy continues to work with dazzling, flawless perfection.
He plays the role of nudging the overton window towards the "conspiratorial" side.
Exactly, his position is identical to ours, while niether bashing us nor talking about us directly. I wish others would do the same. Just leave us alone.
Bannon's "The Q guys" statement, in meme form
what a crazy journey... internet helped saved us all
This^^^ And before that on other sites; most no longer exist and the ones that do have lomg since been infiltrated. In a lot of ways Q found us, and I believe that was always the intention as well as forcing the enemy to expend ammo. Flynn called us the digital army as if it existed for many years. We are part of something greater. No one person is above another whether you woke up 30 years ago, 3 years ago or 3 months ago.
Yeah. On 8chan and voat with Q. Lol?
You think the_donald was the only place it was discussed? I used to hang on 8chan where this shit was openly talked about weeks, even months before it ever came to the_donald.
And on the open web for literally decades. First I heard of it was about 2005 from a trafficking survivor who did an interview. That interview was just traumatic - everyone in my family heard and were deeply troubled and remained that way for a long time. It shifted our entire world view and nothing was the same after that.
Welcome aboard?
When you’ve got the coof and can’t sleep after dropping my first dose of horse paste, this is my first stop. What a welcome surprise.
Don't forget the zinc, Mr Ed!
Heather Mullins Interview on The John Fredricks Show
Partial transcript / Link to full interview below.
"They have terabytes and terabytes of footage and data that they have had to comb through with three sets of analysts. And these people are professionals. They're nobody that has gone on the record and said anything. They've been doing this, all of this, you know, experts in the industry, combing through the footage, combing through the data and they're finally getting ready to release it and you're going to see, from what I've been told, footage, doing things like pulling stacks of ballots out of back packs and shoving them into the drop boxes, which is, as you know, in Georgia law, if you are living with someone, like your husband, you can bring his ballot to the drop box for him, but it is very strict, you know, and plainly obvious that you can not go door to door and collect people's ballots and put them in the drop boxes, its illegal. So, by the average, a person, of the two hundred they suspect are trafficking these ballots, went to about 23 different drop boxes. And they also went to some other government locations, right, so they just didn't set up geo-sensors around the drop boxes. They also set up points of interest around things like UPS stores, government agencies and other non-government agencies and they can see that these people were going from this place, to this place, to this place, and then to the drop box, right. So the other thing they can actually figure out is how many people went to a certain drop box, so that in a certain time period you track the cell phone ping, so the chain of custody document shows that within this two day span, since they picked up the ballots, emptied them, and picked them up again, Well, the chain of custody document show that 19,000 ballots were put into this drop box but the cell phone data show that only two hundred people walked up to that drop box. Well, what does the footage show? These are all the questions in the digging they have been, you know piecing together over the last eight months and they are finally getting to a place where they are going to start releasing it."
Fredricks - "And Heather, what is the organization that is doing this?"
Mullins - "They're True The Vote, kinda like the Election Integrity Group that kind of spearhead it but the lead contractor is a group called OPSEC. So, its like, Operations Security Group. So, they really doing incredible work and they are independent of.... (Fredricks talks over Mullins at this point)."
Fredricks - "You see the Democrats never thought we'd do this. This is why the whole gig is up now. See, they never thought there would be law suits, they never thought we'd find the counterfeit ballots. They thought just get the Bidens in and the (missed) Republicans would cave like a cheap suit in the rain. Now they will go on to 2022, they'll try to win that. They want to keep their corner offices. Right, they never ever in a million years thought that we would be pursuing this."
Operations Security Group?
Geo-sensors with satellite up-links?
Who is doing this?
Think MI.
Read this.
Don't skim it.
Patriots in control. (55 sec) (10 min)
I always found it interesting between trump and bannon. Bannon said at the start of potus’ term that he and trumps goal is to destroy the media (paraphrasing). Then there was this falling out and name calling. I think that was their plan… stage a kabuki theatre and keep that enemy guessing…
I remember when Bannon left his position in August 2017. He said something to the effect that he was "going to war against the media".
Then Bannon went out with a boom, disappeared for a bit, turned up with a Chinese renegade billionaire and a plan for a free China.
One this of migrant children lost by the administration.
Need context. What was the star he was talking about?
One this of migrant children lost by the administration.
What was he talking about?
At this point Steve Bannon could be Q or part of the Q group.
He did try though! lol
I could easily see him as one of the 3(?) non-military
Indeed he is smart and look like shit like the rest of us that have seen a fractions of these sickos handy-work!
isnt he just a radio dude? i dont know much about him
Ye... we are the, hey, you know, the spoiler.
Anyone have a link to the axios article being referenced?
how would he know? is he not just some radio host?
Worked for POTUS, by request
Oh ok. Well then it's worrying when he says Q isnt real lol