PatelPatriot Categorically Denounces Sept 18 Rallies for Jan 6 Political Prisoners Due to Overwhelming Odds of FBI Entrapment/ False Flag Potential

Note that DC is currently occupied by the enemy. If you want to peacefully protest, do it in front of local government and local media outlets. Make the local reps feel the heat so they can pass it up the chain.
I support this.
Local protests all over the country would be more productive.
Washington DC is the capital of a foreign nation currently occupying the United States of America.
Yeah. Add o you can recapture your own local commie cities back.
Agree. Local is the way - yet film everything for accountability! Used gopros are cheap. Wear it all day. Having footage could save you in court.
My local government is the swamp |: (
It's a trap.
Yes dont go anywhere near that FBI/CIA entrapment operation
9 18/2 = 9 + 9
I'm 100% sure they would be trying their usual shit against patriots and innocent people
PatelPatriot is legit amazing and a fucking S Class anon. With that said, any dumbass frog loving autist could have seen this is a FF from 3 light years away. Carry on frens, get cozy and watch fed fags rat on other fed fags.
I agree completely, but it's important for us to have as many voices as possible pointing these events out as being F&G right from the jump.
Watching the media hype up this event should be the massive red flag warning along with other talking heads. Who said ANYTHING about doing nothing? Please, copy and paste exactly where I said that. I'll wait.
Our point and purpose is local change. Grassroots movement where we focus on taking back school boards, local government, state government and up. Not going to fed fag meet ups where any anon with 2 brains cells can see this is gonna be a huge false flag.
Psst. You’re glowing
It's a leftist charade. It's obvious.
I have a friend who's son is a Marine currently in Afghanistan. He told his not to travel and stay close to home on 9/11. Clearly he could not tell him why but he was adamant to his father with those instructions.
Obviously not the 9/18 J6 BS, but it needs to be blasted everywhere that Trump supporters are staying home and are not involved or planning anything.
Leave you know who out there exposed for what they are, traitors to our nation.
There are no marines or other service members, outside of JSOC, left behind in AFG as of 31 Aug.
They should just hold the rally in america,not DC
That's a false dichotomy. There are lots of things that we can do and are doing.
Go to your school board meeting. Contact your local representatives. Talk to your neighbors. Focus on your health and fitness. Work to get out of debt.
Just a few examples off the top of my head.
There's a meme here. Insurrection part deux. With the spiderman pointing at each other with fbi labels on all of them. Too bad I missed the meme class.
Fuck it, we are going. Right guys, who’s with me?
Yeah everyone let’s all go I’m sure no feds will be there this is it!
Now we're forever silenced, can't protest because Feds may infiltrate. Nothing is going to happen, no one is going to tolerate some guy agitating. If you're in the area and want to protest, go join! Just keep your head on a swivel and shut down any calls for violence or violent actions.
"Until the FBI rids themselves of their obvious political bias, Americans are not safe to peacefully and patriotically voice our concerns."
I don't think you understand how freedom works... patriot patel
Note: Sept 18 is the next date of the World Wide Rallies for Freedom.
some 250+ cities around the world.
These are big. Also, by making the rallies for freedom the focus, patriots in the USA would be showing solidarity with freedom movements all around the world, and not play into the political dimensions of the J6 issue.
Even if its not a false flag, it certain sounds like someone is trying to hijack the worldwide freedom movement and use that for their own direction, re: J6.
At this point, we should only be going there to bust those people out. Otherwise they're going to have to wait until either Devolution concludes or another Waco or Ruby Ridge occurs popping off another civil war.
I do not like what is happening and while I am angered that Trump hasn't done anything to at least help those people, they did choose to go there and to do so following the Unconstitutional rules.
Hi Glown. https://youtu.be/7WmG6fcdmqA?t=18
Your Camaro has a false flag on the hood.
Ooohhh you have been practicing!!
Wow. An IQ measured in two digits. Speaks in Curse-ive. The gaudier the marquee, the more boring the movie.
Since you know me about as well as you know a Martian, I am not even amused. You are pathetic. I notice you have no refutation of my remarks. That happens so often, and you guys don't even notice. Enjoy your fantasies. They are all you have.
Lol this fucken guy
Ya no shit. What did J6 accomplish for us at all? Even if all the nonsense hadnt happened, what purpose did it serve? If trump wanted to speak and knew about it why the fuck not call it off or change location, or force the national guard to be there as security with or without anyone elses permission? Im so sick of being drug down this road again and again. Just saw something today "gonna be a big week!" Just like the one before that and that and that and that. At some point we're going to have to find a way to come to grips with the fact that either there never was a plan, or its been so totally fucked that there may as well have not been one. Maybe we are in a fucking cult. We keep doing and saying the same shit over and over again. Are we supposed to wait til the rope is being pulled tight around our necks to say "oh shit we should probably do something"? I know im going to get a bunch of shit for this but i dont care anymore. If there is a plan ill be the first to thank god i was wrong but as of now, we're fucked people. Fucked.
This has been my mood lately. I just focus on what I can control in my own life. What can I do today that will make tomorrow easier for me/my family. In the future what will I wish I had done, when I look back to this time in my life.
Or #3, there is a plan and we don't know what it is, or where we are in it. God has plans, too. Do we curse Him out because of option #2?
And you sound a lot like a leftist. Whenever something happens you claim nothing happened and then say it must be fake because nothing happened.
Oh so now we are scared of the FBI? I say we need to stand up if you are scared stay home. If everyone is told to be afraid of the feds then we already loose. Stand and fight at every opportunity.
It feels more more like a plot to keep people docile. The FBI is not impeding on the right to protest? I say fuck that noise. Stand up.
What you talking about Willis?