I've tried to be cordial, I've tried to present her with the actual facts. She has drank so much of the kool-aid it all falls on deaf ears and yet another day in groundhog world prrsents itself. I know in my heart we will absolutely not join in on this experiment but at the same time i have to keep her within arms reach to maybe enlighten her with somw random wisdom that just happens to be the statment that gets her off the kool-aid. Should i just keep on keeping on. PS. The kool-aid is so thick she thinks bidumb is doing a great job.
Comments (20)
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Shake the dust from your sandals.
Keep her at distance and don't divulge too much. She'll turn you into the authorities the first chance she gets "for your benefit and good of society."
yep, we're at the point that lefties would rather die than admit Trump supporters were right about anything
Good luck. It's psychosis / hypnosis so you are outgunned. Facts do not matter to those with a mental disease. They're wired for emotion only and are generally a weak people. They will almost ALWAYS choose the path of least resistance. Feel good lies will win over hard truths most of the time.
Even if u may some progress they will go back that night to their msm heroin needle and it will negate any little progress you made.
Never under estimate the power of planting a seed tho. However it's also very important to be able to recognize a fence sitter and a straight up zombie, to properly manage your energy.
Doesn't matter if she gets the truth from you. In time it will be forced on her.
Just tell her that you found out you were allergic to it. If she asks you what it is you’re allergic to, tell her you’re allergic to blood clots
Tell the person it is a private medical decision you will undertake with your physician. PERIOD.
Just tell them you are delaying for awhile. To see if it's going to be a repeated solution. People usually understand that.
Ask her to give up consuming news/tv for two weeks and if she feels the same way, you'll consider it. Chances are she won't feel the same, and if she does, well...consider it. If she doesn't think giving up news is worth it, then she isn't really that serious about it (tell her this). Verbal Judo.
Part of covid is showing people that friends and family mean nothing and are just words we have used to describe people we know. The importance we put on them is a lie
Show her these side-effect videos:
I stand with the 99.95% by choice, not force or coercion https://www.bitchute.com/video/nNbAdQ0tcIyX/
Ask her what is he doing a great job over. Gas prices are skyrocketing, grocery prices are sky rocketing, He allowed thousands of Americans to get trapped in Afghanistan. The suicide bomber that killed 13 military could have been taken out they had a drone on him but Biden gave the order not to shoot. There are no jobs there is mandatory poison vaccination in most work places. Your job now has access to your medical records. There are so many terrorists and child traffickers coming through the border it will take a 100 years to clean up the mess. Ask her what the hell Biden has done for anyone at all. As far as the vaccination she sounds like it would be no loss when she dies.
Use the Rogan v De La Hoya contrast. Then ask why would the media vilify a medication that clearly is superior to the vax. Then turn on the MSM and wait for commercial.
Tell her you'll wait till the trials are over, and then point out she is the trial.
Tell them you're not part of the Covidian Cult.
Sounds like you need new friends. If she thinks Biden is doing great, she is beyond helping. I would cut ties from this demon.