The exact location of a recently completed renovation that reinforced the structure in that section of the building.
We have the greatest spy satellites in the world, and we're to believe the most compelling footage we can be shown from our countries military HQ is about as high quality as any big foot sighting???
Yup... one big money laundering scam, insurance fraud on the buildings, loss of rights in the name of safety and a reason to bring us to war with a country that didnt even do the so called attack. Nothing about 9/11 was what we were told
I used to think in 2018 you guys were nuts that believed that. I was the one that was delusional as I had no idea the extent of evil that existed in our own government. I don't doubt it a bit now.
Don’t forget about all the gold in the basement of building 7 that was never found,.... except for the one semi load that was caught up in falling debris when they were trying to make their getaway.
I first heard about it on “911 loose change” the documentary. There were links to watch it for free on YouTube but those have recently gone away with the anniversary. You can pay to watch it on most options (Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, etc.
Here is the website (now found on page 2 of google searches). It does appear you can watch it for free.
That amount ended up to $4.2 billion dollars. Building 7 had something to do about it also. There was no reason for Building 7 to be razed other than to add to the coverup.
It is always the same individuals doing all this corruption and crimes. They have been getting away with their criminality against us and the world for decades.
Someone tell me, what did the government do with that 2.3 billion? What did they use it/spend it on? Was it one big lump sum at once, or bit by bit over many years or decades? Meaning, were they siphoning money out of the system to fill their own pockets? I don't doubt it at all, I'm just wondering if anyone knows what it was used on.
Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan on Sept 06 2001 ( edit: corrected date - thnx ythehorses
Largest SEC investigation in US History was happening in WTC 1 - where the plan hit exact floor
Pentagon hit in accounting Data Center exactly by a missile. I confirmed this first hand with multiple people MYSELF. They delivered a couple plane parts. Lol
And the Missile// plane... Hit the exact location of the pentagon- where the books/accounting was...
Also building 7
The exact location of a recently completed renovation that reinforced the structure in that section of the building.
We have the greatest spy satellites in the world, and we're to believe the most compelling footage we can be shown from our countries military HQ is about as high quality as any big foot sighting???
These people are stupid.
Yup... one big money laundering scam, insurance fraud on the buildings, loss of rights in the name of safety and a reason to bring us to war with a country that didnt even do the so called attack. Nothing about 9/11 was what we were told
Hell hath no fury……..
Check the sofa and under the car seat.
I am trying to find this video of a guy talking really fast going through different facts about 9/11 back to back anyone know of it have a link?
I used to think in 2018 you guys were nuts that believed that. I was the one that was delusional as I had no idea the extent of evil that existed in our own government. I don't doubt it a bit now.
Ditto. The past 18 months changed everything.
Don’t forget about all the gold in the basement of building 7 that was never found,.... except for the one semi load that was caught up in falling debris when they were trying to make their getaway.
I want to know more about this
I first heard about it on “911 loose change” the documentary. There were links to watch it for free on YouTube but those have recently gone away with the anniversary. You can pay to watch it on most options (Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, etc.
Here is the website (now found on page 2 of google searches). It does appear you can watch it for free.
Didn't Roberts get some of that?
i do
larry silverstein
Would be better without “something happened”
WE haven't forgotten.
I remember
That amount ended up to $4.2 billion dollars. Building 7 had something to do about it also. There was no reason for Building 7 to be razed other than to add to the coverup.
It is always the same individuals doing all this corruption and crimes. They have been getting away with their criminality against us and the world for decades.
Pepe Farms remembers!
Do we have a video of this press Conference?
If I recall correctly, there was a YouTube video of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney questioning Rumsfeld. I don't know if it can still be found.
If you want to know who really did it look up “Israeli art students 9-11”
Some people did something...
The Deep State really knows how to change the subject, does it not? How far will they go for the snowball coming? Worse than 9-11?
They must be made to give it back to the people
Wonder what that money was spent on. Does anyone have any ideas? I imagine its impossible to audit and always has been
it was 9 Trillion Missing
Just more looting of the US BY ISREAL.
Someone tell me, what did the government do with that 2.3 billion? What did they use it/spend it on? Was it one big lump sum at once, or bit by bit over many years or decades? Meaning, were they siphoning money out of the system to fill their own pockets? I don't doubt it at all, I'm just wondering if anyone knows what it was used on.
Bush authorized the invasion of Afghanistan on Sept 06 2001 ( edit: corrected date - thnx ythehorses
Largest SEC investigation in US History was happening in WTC 1 - where the plan hit exact floor
Pentagon hit in accounting Data Center exactly by a missile. I confirmed this first hand with multiple people MYSELF. They delivered a couple plane parts. Lol
Typo, you said Sept 06 2021. You mean 2001?