Today we remember the day the Deep State took down the twin towers. I used to think that idea was crazy. But after the 2020 steal, I don't doubt anything. I question everything. God help America.
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸

One of the biggest PsyOp’s ever...
3 buildings- 2 planes
There are 3,000 architects along with investigators and leading forensic structural engineers that have proven 911 was caused by demolitions. See architects and engineers for truths site.
They provided all the evidence to Barr and he remained silent and did NOTHING with the information. In April of 2020, Bar refused to release documents citing national security concerns.
On March 25, 2020, researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks issued the final report of a four-year computer modeling study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.
The 47-story WTC 7 was the third skyscraper to be completely destroyed on September 11, 2001, collapsing rapidly and symmetrically into its footprint at 5:20 PM. Seven years later, investigators at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded that,
Unlike the government sponsored NIST report, the UAF data is open for all to see. There is complete transparency for anyone interested in examining all the data and models for themselves. The ZIP file alone is over 250GB and the opened file contains more than 600GB so you'll need at least 900GB of free space to download it all. 900GB ZIP FILE IS HERE FOR DOWNLOAD.
If you are just interested in their report and not all the data, here is a pdf file to their report.
This video should be seen by everyone. It's not tin foil hat BS. It's from the first responders that were there and engineers that have studied the evidence. It was originally streamed live on Sep 11, 2019, the 18th anniversary of the September 11th attacks presented by 9/11 first responder Christopher Gioia, a commissioner of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District in New York
Here's the BBC video reporting on the collapse of building 7 before it actually collapsed.
Fireman just after the collapse of one of the towers explaining how they heard explosions.
Link to the only Successful Modeling data that mirrored the actual collapse of building 7
Trump shortly after 9/11 saying a plane by itself without some kind of aid should not have been able to penetrate the steel beams. He reminds people of the structural strength of the building and how it survived a bombing at its foundation.
It was more than 3 buildings (there are 7 WTC buildings) - watch Judy Woods 911.
7 buildings but, who is counting.
It's incredible how the third building fell. With all the devastation and chaos no one even paid attention. I lived in long island at the time and there were funerals every week for a year near my home and they would close the streets near the church. It was devastating, we were so close to the city. it was a year long constant problem. With folks losing their businesses and homes. Such sadness and lose. It was life changing for sure. Then all these folks that came to help with the clean up in the city. They came from all over the country. How people united and supported each other in time of a national crisis. That's the America we know and have come to love. Not this disgraceful divisive way of life the Dem so called elites are trying to shove down our throats. We are the heart and soul of what is good and wonderful about this United States of America. That will rise again and once again be the greatest country on earth. It will not be too long from now I pray This event was my awakening. When my brother said you know this was an inside job. I didn't believe such and evil act would be done by our own government. I started reading and researching and to my surprise my eyes were opened to the truth and knowledge of what is truly going on .NCSWIIC #MAGA
If you want a real eye opener, have a look at how the Dems actually tried to kill of most of the Republican voters in WW2.
This picture was on the cover of this months Limbaugh letter. Got it in the mail yesterday. Just standing at the mailbox staring at it in sadness and anger.
😥 Never Forget the people who had no choice. The Jumpers Of 9/11
This picture has always haunted me. I remember the shock the first time I saw it and the realization. There was that documentary that had the first responders in the lobby if one of the towers and they keep hearing these 'BANGS!' startling them. It took a couple of minutes for them to realize it was the jumpers landing on the lobby rooftop.
I have now accepted that 9/11 was an inside job. It fucking hurt me inside, so much so that I drank whiskey while taking antibiotics, and considered smoking a cigarette for the first time in my life, and I just felt empty.
The attacks against The United States of America have been ongoing since it's beginnings. VIOLENT, hateful attacks; mostly unprovoked and unreasonable. MONSTROUS insider attacks, sabotage and corruption - not for vengeance but for betrayal. The great people of this nation have suffered under OUTRAGEOUS mismanagement and wretched "leadership" but, the ordinary citizens do very little to evoke retribution. The ordinary citizens of the USA just want to live their lives, to pursue their dreams and to be left in peace.
What then, drives the ambition for destroying the USA and everything represented by it?
For one thing, I think it is the INCREDIBLE capability of free-people, from ALL OVER the world to think freely, to innovate and to create new ideas, new products and new perspectives. Slaves here, and in other places don't experience such opportunities.
For another thing, I think it is the ideal of the rule of law as opposed to rule by dictates. Our Constitution and our founding principles are the envy of MILLIONS. AND, that foundation bears revisiting - often; lest we forget the price that has been paid for it and lest we forget where we should keep it in our stores of common treasures.
For another thing, I think is is our support for freedom - though our incredible military prowess has been misdirected far too many times - and our precious, patriotic warriors have been TOO OFTEN SACRIFICED in the names of mere idols - this great nation is STILL an affront to arrogant tyranny.
AND, the main thing, I think is the CONTINUED support for the dissemination of the Word of The Only Living God in Christ. Our support for Israel? Sure - but the REAL threat to collectivist-totalitarianism is Christ Jesus, our Lord - and His Holy Spirit that quickens the souls of those who long for and truly seek freedom in Him. There really is no other Name above His Holy Name. Since the fall of Satan, despots have seethed that it is GOD who rules and they cannot compare.
If we would just tune in to Disney - and just allow ourselves to be enslaved by the many idolatrous temptations that would silence the spoken/written/prayed and declared truth of Christ - then maybe our enemies would cut us some slack. But until that silence has shrouded us, let us do all in our power to fearlessly 'provoke' the enemy and his minions by uplifting the ONLY ONE who is freedom, truth and light - for as long as breath is ours. MAY. JESUS CHRIST. BE. PRAISED!!
Building 7 also. Tri-Towers, not twin towers. Don't let them memory hole Building 7. They dropped that one for a reason.
My red pill day
It's a good thing I don't have the launch codes every time I see that... DC would be gone.
Yep. It ushered in the surveillance state.
Eyes can be opened in many ways. Once find one big lie, you realize, everything could be a lie.
It was the Jews Mossad.
Each tower weighed 500,000 TONS.
One Boeing 767-200 at max take-off weight is 315,000 pounds.
500,000 Tons = 1000,000,000 pounds
315,000 pounds = 157.5 Tons.
Saudis have been funky for a very long time.
The CFR 's
Project for a New American Century
“Rebuilding America's Defenses" document
And the Operation Northwoods document is/was enough to require an investigation IMO.
Edited : was / is
Inside job explanation
🙏🙁🙏 Rest in peace to all of the victims of that horrendous day.🙏🙁🙏
I think this is a metaphorical picture of where all of us are headed, unless the Plan is unveiled soon.
Thought it was called “The Falling Man”.
I don’t know what that is. Tarot? A movie service?