Honestly yes. With these political types - also ban them from all hair dressers and stylists. Would be wonderful to see them show up with bald spots and curling iron burn face. They would look like lepers overnight.
In all honesty we should have televised drug tests administered by private citizens on the tele. I would actually own one just for that.
“Tonight in The Real Hunger Games we have Edgar White from Hollifax, New Jersey testing the Senate Homeland Security Council for Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Steroids, Dimentia Drugs, and for the lulz PCP and Heroin! Our winners will win a day of televised withdrawal and an audit of their entire lives as they are ousted from office and replaced in a snap runoff!!!”
Don't hold you breath on these types of things. I gave up on talking about this stuff when the election was over because that's when I thought we'd be out of the woods.
Treason on her part too. Why would any idiot think Trump would launch a nuclear strike? At the time I thought she was just having a delusional TDS moment.
The coup is unravelling.
Nancy must be held accountable
I so want to see her perp marched through the streets!
I just wanna make the skunt watch poor colored kids eat her ice cream.
Nothing would upset her more
Light her alcohol collection on fire and check her into rehab
Honestly yes. With these political types - also ban them from all hair dressers and stylists. Would be wonderful to see them show up with bald spots and curling iron burn face. They would look like lepers overnight.
In all honesty we should have televised drug tests administered by private citizens on the tele. I would actually own one just for that.
“Tonight in The Real Hunger Games we have Edgar White from Hollifax, New Jersey testing the Senate Homeland Security Council for Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Steroids, Dimentia Drugs, and for the lulz PCP and Heroin! Our winners will win a day of televised withdrawal and an audit of their entire lives as they are ousted from office and replaced in a snap runoff!!!”
There are no hair salons in prison...
no braids bitch!!!
Hands down.
Father God Help Me with my feelings for this … “woman”.
Like Circei.
Are we getting to the part of the movie that's juicy?
Plot twist coming soon?
hope so my wife thinks im kinda nutty at this point lol we need some plot twist here!
Don't hold you breath on these types of things. I gave up on talking about this stuff when the election was over because that's when I thought we'd be out of the woods.
But who would the civilian puppet be? Or maybe @Jack has double meaning... 2 Jacks.
@Jack is the civilian puppet
I think it is referring to Jack. Twitter is a nongovernmental entity, so they do the censorship for the deep state.
The list of people on that call could easily be a who's who of the Cabal.... Wow.
Treason on her part too. Why would any idiot think Trump would launch a nuclear strike? At the time I thought she was just having a delusional TDS moment.
Twitter's Vijaya Gadde was the driving force behind the ban. She's a skunk.
It's a good thing nukes aren't real!
damn, i wonder if that f15 i bought to protect myself is fake too…
Check your tracking number mine was mis-delivered to some Taliban address
I try to tell others this and they think I’m crazy. Look into the history of nukes people!
So..what do you think it was that people could witness or hear back during tests in the desert?