What really pisses me off is the maskless mothers at the grocery store with 3 little ones following behind her all masked up. I make it a point to say child abuse as I pass one of these monsters.
A Volusia County School Board member talked at last week's meeting about how there's now first graders and second graders who are behind the curve educationally, socially, and cognitively because of the mask wearing. It denies the children the proper tools needed for a life long interest in learning and also denies them the facial recognition skills needed to be productive, happy members of society because they can't see their teacher's faces and can't hear them all that well thru the mask. Her voice started quivering when relaying this info. She is a lifelong educator and truly wants to do right by the children, but she keeps relenting to the 3 libs on that Board. It's sad, really. She wants to help, but has told us parents that with the current make up of the School Board, she's too ineffective and needs our help in booting the libtards off the Board.
It's a direct threat on children and it's The Most Disgusting Thing I Have Seen In My Life.
These kids are being targeted in way that Only DARKNESS ITSELF Could do.
When we deny these kids developmental milestones there is no way to go back and make it better.
Take Autism ( Which to be candid is where my family sinks countless resources into as we are a special needs family )
Autism prevalance is exploding and No - it's NOT from "better diagnosis". That's a bullshit farce. Saying "Well people prob had autism before and nobody knew" is insulting. Not only is autism more common - it's more common in poor communities and the severity is eclipsing what it was. it's toxicity. It's caused by Toxicity in multiple ways.
Arrested Development ( people getting to a maturity level and never growing past that )
They Seek to get kids addicted to consumption in all ways as soon as possible. From CAMEL Cigarattes putting ads in stores at toddler height to slapping any and every kid on Amphetamines when they are tiny.
No offense. But that's NOT how you get them to stop. If you want them to stop. You have to PHYSICALLY stop them. No amount of demanding is going to do it.
My 10 year old grand daughter is in a middle school within Hartland (MI) Community Schools. While masks are optional, the covid fear is pounded every day.
My granddaughter started school on August 30th. They made it through the entire week but on Friday her class had a "covid case" requiring quarantine of the entire class for 10 days. They went to virtual while in quarantine from the 7th to the 16th.
They went back to school on Friday the 17th but by the end of the day they had another "covid case" so back to quarantine for 10 days.
I feel this back and forth is to pressure the school board to reinstate the mask mandate that they rejected in August. My granddaughter has gone to school on 6 of 15 total school days and begins another 10 day quarantine today.
My 7 year old grandson in the same school has had 1 10 day quarantine.
Fucked up shit.
My son has been transfered to Kentuck on the Tennessee border and they have bought a house in Tennessee. The kids will begin school there shortly before Christmas. I truly hope for their sakes Tennessee isnt as messed up as Michigan.
People have forgotten they have rights, the schools have NOT been teaching children about the Constitution anymore so they believe the Gov't is there to solve all our problems.
I feel your pain. One child and his family in South Dakota, one child and family in the western part of PA. PA is also a mess, but their school won't mask the kids.
Children need more oxygen than adults. This is because their higher metabolism requires more oxygen.
Air is composed of 20.95% oxygen, 78% Nitrogen, and 0.04% Carbon Dioxide.
Our exhale consists of 16% Oxygen and 4% Carbon Dioxide. All Nitrogen is exhaled and not used.
This means that only 4.95% Oxygen is normally used by the human body at any given moment. This is without a mask. It is interesting humans have the least efficient lungs of any mammal.
The dead space in a face mask traps Carbon Dioxide and is inhaled back into the lungs. OSHA states if a mask restricts Oxygen less than 19.5% (a mere 1.45% drop), it starts to damage the internal organs including the brain.
People wearing masks will not recognize the damage being done to their organs until it is too late. An increased level of Carbon Dioxide in the red blood cells causes 'acidosis'. Acidosis is directly linked to cancer.
These children forced to wear face masks are being murdered. As they grow, cancers, heart disease, and organ-associated diseases will take their toll like never witnesses before in human history. Their IQ will be significantly lower than normal children.
Even a hugely incompetent administration knows allowing these sporting events to be packed houses is bad optics. But even in California they are permitting capacity crowds.
Then when you stop to consider the supposed 14 day covid incubation period has long passed the start of football with no corresponding spike in cases, the narrative should no longer be accepted by anyone.
My school just gives me what I want because" he is annoying with his constitution and law knowledge " principal to my wife who they think is like minded to them fracking idiots she just plays dumb...ummm lib plays lib lol
Nothing’s stopping them from reducing capacity to one person ever 6 seats left right front center! It might reduce capacity to hundreds in total, but everyone will be safe because this virus is totally legitimately a threat and we will....Excuse me, just a moment, getting word from Scientists TM right now, looks like Covid is actually blocked from Stadiums because um, it doesn’t have tickets! So it can’t get in. Oh phew, now we can have full stadiums again!
But we must still limit schools, because covid can just walk in!
I heard on the news that one of the big Pharmas is going to be putting out covid shots for children. They mentioned trials used to adjust the dosage to cause least side effects vs "effectiveness". My question is, who were these children used for the trials? What parent would allow their own child to participate in such a trial?
Where's CPS when you need them? Those are the worst kind of parents; they use their children as some kind of status symbol, bragging rights, vicarious living, etc.
Masking children is 100% child abuse and must stop. Everywhere. Now.
What really pisses me off is the maskless mothers at the grocery store with 3 little ones following behind her all masked up. I make it a point to say child abuse as I pass one of these monsters.
It’s a direct attack on the intelligence of the children.
Read again.
This doesn’t even show the IQ loss from limiting Oxygen - it’s purely socially denying children normal growth through human experience.
Can you see it?
I show this to EVERYONE and tell them “you’re literally irreversibly damaging an entire generation with your FEAR - DAMN YOU”
They have shit to say. It devastated them.
A Volusia County School Board member talked at last week's meeting about how there's now first graders and second graders who are behind the curve educationally, socially, and cognitively because of the mask wearing. It denies the children the proper tools needed for a life long interest in learning and also denies them the facial recognition skills needed to be productive, happy members of society because they can't see their teacher's faces and can't hear them all that well thru the mask. Her voice started quivering when relaying this info. She is a lifelong educator and truly wants to do right by the children, but she keeps relenting to the 3 libs on that Board. It's sad, really. She wants to help, but has told us parents that with the current make up of the School Board, she's too ineffective and needs our help in booting the libtards off the Board.
It's a direct threat on children and it's The Most Disgusting Thing I Have Seen In My Life.
These kids are being targeted in way that Only DARKNESS ITSELF Could do.
When we deny these kids developmental milestones there is no way to go back and make it better.
Take Autism ( Which to be candid is where my family sinks countless resources into as we are a special needs family )
No offense. But that's NOT how you get them to stop. If you want them to stop. You have to PHYSICALLY stop them. No amount of demanding is going to do it.
Yup. My sister does it to my nephew and I honestly despise her for it.
No do the Grammy’s and Hussein’s b-day
They are killing our children mentally and medically
My 10 year old grand daughter is in a middle school within Hartland (MI) Community Schools. While masks are optional, the covid fear is pounded every day.
My granddaughter started school on August 30th. They made it through the entire week but on Friday her class had a "covid case" requiring quarantine of the entire class for 10 days. They went to virtual while in quarantine from the 7th to the 16th.
They went back to school on Friday the 17th but by the end of the day they had another "covid case" so back to quarantine for 10 days.
I feel this back and forth is to pressure the school board to reinstate the mask mandate that they rejected in August. My granddaughter has gone to school on 6 of 15 total school days and begins another 10 day quarantine today.
My 7 year old grandson in the same school has had 1 10 day quarantine.
Fucked up shit.
My son has been transfered to Kentuck on the Tennessee border and they have bought a house in Tennessee. The kids will begin school there shortly before Christmas. I truly hope for their sakes Tennessee isnt as messed up as Michigan.
I will miss them terribly.
People have forgotten they have rights, the schools have NOT been teaching children about the Constitution anymore so they believe the Gov't is there to solve all our problems.
Damn. Could you imagine doing this when flu used to exist?
And considering there is no c 19 test no delta epsilon llamda or mu tests. They are making up all these medical fear porn numbers
I feel your pain. One child and his family in South Dakota, one child and family in the western part of PA. PA is also a mess, but their school won't mask the kids.
I’d like to move to Tennessee
PRAY! This is a spiritual battle - pray for people to rise up, speak out and resist!
Yup, and it’s also interplanetary/interdimensional if you know what I mean.
Children need more oxygen than adults. This is because their higher metabolism requires more oxygen.
Air is composed of 20.95% oxygen, 78% Nitrogen, and 0.04% Carbon Dioxide.
Our exhale consists of 16% Oxygen and 4% Carbon Dioxide. All Nitrogen is exhaled and not used.
This means that only 4.95% Oxygen is normally used by the human body at any given moment. This is without a mask. It is interesting humans have the least efficient lungs of any mammal.
The dead space in a face mask traps Carbon Dioxide and is inhaled back into the lungs. OSHA states if a mask restricts Oxygen less than 19.5% (a mere 1.45% drop), it starts to damage the internal organs including the brain.
People wearing masks will not recognize the damage being done to their organs until it is too late. An increased level of Carbon Dioxide in the red blood cells causes 'acidosis'. Acidosis is directly linked to cancer.
These children forced to wear face masks are being murdered. As they grow, cancers, heart disease, and organ-associated diseases will take their toll like never witnesses before in human history. Their IQ will be significantly lower than normal children.
It's a crime against humanity.
Good argument for homeschooling if I’ve ever heard one.
Sadly the pushback we get on this is "the kids are all unvaxxed and will go home and infect grandma."
Even a hugely incompetent administration knows allowing these sporting events to be packed houses is bad optics. But even in California they are permitting capacity crowds.
Then when you stop to consider the supposed 14 day covid incubation period has long passed the start of football with no corresponding spike in cases, the narrative should no longer be accepted by anyone.
Why aren't the football players wearing masks during the game? I know the answer, but I want to hear it from you.
My school just gives me what I want because" he is annoying with his constitution and law knowledge " principal to my wife who they think is like minded to them fracking idiots she just plays dumb...ummm lib plays lib lol
Nothing’s stopping them from reducing capacity to one person ever 6 seats left right front center! It might reduce capacity to hundreds in total, but everyone will be safe because this virus is totally legitimately a threat and we will....Excuse me, just a moment, getting word from Scientists TM right now, looks like Covid is actually blocked from Stadiums because um, it doesn’t have tickets! So it can’t get in. Oh phew, now we can have full stadiums again!
But we must still limit schools, because covid can just walk in!
Still think American education is for the kids?
Greedy unions and lazy teachers. Broke dick as fick.
It's easier for them to push children around.
I heard on the news that one of the big Pharmas is going to be putting out covid shots for children. They mentioned trials used to adjust the dosage to cause least side effects vs "effectiveness". My question is, who were these children used for the trials? What parent would allow their own child to participate in such a trial?
There have been parents in Canada on social media talking about how proud they are of their child for joining the experiment.
Where's CPS when you need them? Those are the worst kind of parents; they use their children as some kind of status symbol, bragging rights, vicarious living, etc.
It's hard enough growing up normally. It makes me sick to think that we're manufacturing a maladaptive upbringing for children.
its mostly about them brainwashing kids china style
Outdoors shoulder to shoulder, no mask. Indoors 6 feet apart, mask. It’s not logical especially when the survival rate is 99%. Stupidity is stupidity.
So now germs can’t past between people standing next to each other? Your logic is subjective to your fear.
The bottom line is it is idiotic to take these sort of extraordinary measures for a virus that has a 99% survivable rate. Outside or inside.