OK, I think this is good. By making statements like this it shows they have some confidence in the audit and its results, albeit they think it is in their favor. So when the real results come out, it will put them in position to defend why the audit was good when they thought Biden won by a wider margin, but bad when they find out he really lost in landslide.
Derogatory words like "sham" or "putative", words in quotes ('audit'), associating it with certain people (Trump allies)...
Honestly, these should be case study in any school of journalism as to how not to write. A long time ago, I realized how bad the media lied when I compared a raw letter vs how the media spun it. Said two completely different things. The normies have to wake up to how to actually read through their lies and filth. Literally reading crap from the Father of Lies.
Biden won the count with all illegal votes? What about after subtracting all the illegal votes? What about if you only count the legal votes? (These may be 3 different numbers)
Nice post. Thanks. My fear is this: FF and/or blackout, and these misleading statements linger as the narrative. So... we pray... God, please guide the Truth forward to be seen.
IDK if this was the best strategy on the part of whoever leaked the audit draft. With MSM posting their fake news to the sheeple, what will turn them on to the truth if/when it is revealed? There will be no reason for them to tune in to the truth and if the military steps in because fraud trumps everything, then they will be even more confused....IDK, this is making me very nervous. I keep telling myself Q isms to remain calm..."think mirror" & "disinfo is necessary" but damn, it's hard.
The base needs a constant barrage of truths. I’m surrounded by sleepers and they are suddenly asking a lot of questions. Now if we can keep up a barrage of truths with an occasional cattle prod, we are getting close!
It's hard to fathom how the media are so willing to make complete idiots out of themselves. How can being so wrong ever serve them? They must have known the truth about the Maricopa County numbers if they have any institutional memory of being real journalists. They're just digging their graves deeper at this point.
What was leaked says 'Here are the purported vote totals' (this is where everyone stopped reading), 'Here is where we found illegal ballots', 'Here is evidence that proofs were deleted', and 'Jovan will be along shortly with evidence of fraudulent ballots'. Even the leaked version states: 50,000+ illegal ballots; criminally erased and withheld evidence of adjudication tampering on top of that; and proof of fraudulent ballots now certain, but still being analyzed for kinematic artifacts.
We criminally investigate and bring criminals to justice, is what we do.
it's a good one. well said.
That's not how vaccines work. Vaccinations genetically modify you to get fewer symptoms of truth exposure. That's the new definitions.
OK, I think this is good. By making statements like this it shows they have some confidence in the audit and its results, albeit they think it is in their favor. So when the real results come out, it will put them in position to defend why the audit was good when they thought Biden won by a wider margin, but bad when they find out he really lost in landslide.
100% correct. They fell for the "leaked report" bullshit and ran with it. Total narrative collapse incoming
MSM: Biden won by a wider margin.
Well, yeah, idiots....he CHEATED!
You have to somehow lure them in to cover the story, lol. Well they'll definitely be covering it, but it just may not end up the way they think.😏
Best way to tell if the media is lying?
Derogatory words like "sham" or "putative", words in quotes ('audit'), associating it with certain people (Trump allies)...
Honestly, these should be case study in any school of journalism as to how not to write. A long time ago, I realized how bad the media lied when I compared a raw letter vs how the media spun it. Said two completely different things. The normies have to wake up to how to actually read through their lies and filth. Literally reading crap from the Father of Lies.
Biden won the count with all illegal votes? What about after subtracting all the illegal votes? What about if you only count the legal votes? (These may be 3 different numbers)
Those are not going to age well...
Nice post. Thanks. My fear is this: FF and/or blackout, and these misleading statements linger as the narrative. So... we pray... God, please guide the Truth forward to be seen.
I have a feeling that's been taken care of. Need popcorn!
Right into the trap. idiots
Go ahead and deny it,
It'll feel a lot sweeter proving you wrong once and for all
As 45 says, let's see what happens.
"We'll see."
IDK if this was the best strategy on the part of whoever leaked the audit draft. With MSM posting their fake news to the sheeple, what will turn them on to the truth if/when it is revealed? There will be no reason for them to tune in to the truth and if the military steps in because fraud trumps everything, then they will be even more confused....IDK, this is making me very nervous. I keep telling myself Q isms to remain calm..."think mirror" & "disinfo is necessary" but damn, it's hard.
Being scared doesn't change anything.
Instead ask yourself what the truth is, and accept that we may fail today but no amount of failure can ever change the truth.
I for one will never accept defeat.
The base needs a constant barrage of truths. I’m surrounded by sleepers and they are suddenly asking a lot of questions. Now if we can keep up a barrage of truths with an occasional cattle prod, we are getting close!
They took the bait of "leaked report" and ran with it. Ohh boy this is going to be fun to watch when the rug is pulled out from underneath them!
RIP Taiwan when audit results are released, they will need a big distraction.
It's hard to fathom how the media are so willing to make complete idiots out of themselves. How can being so wrong ever serve them? They must have known the truth about the Maricopa County numbers if they have any institutional memory of being real journalists. They're just digging their graves deeper at this point.
That’s loser talk
Since when does the media report the truth? We like to call headlines like the ones posted above "narratives", also known as propaganda.
So, grab your popcorn and just enjoy the show!
It will not. Watch the livestream today @4pm eastern and see for yourself.
What was leaked says 'Here are the purported vote totals' (this is where everyone stopped reading), 'Here is where we found illegal ballots', 'Here is evidence that proofs were deleted', and 'Jovan will be along shortly with evidence of fraudulent ballots'. Even the leaked version states: 50,000+ illegal ballots; criminally erased and withheld evidence of adjudication tampering on top of that; and proof of fraudulent ballots now certain, but still being analyzed for kinematic artifacts.
We criminally investigate and bring criminals to justice, is what we do.