my friend-
"Just got back from my yearly visit with my Dr. Needless to say it didn't go well, she ended up walking out on me.
It got nasty when she started telling me how hard it was on the staff when people who refuse the vaccine get covid and then take up all the resources.
That really Pissed me off.
So are you telling me vaccinated aren't getting covid?
she said no they are getting it too.
Well then aren't they taking up resources too?
That's when she got mad and walked out. She never even checked me over. Just got up and walked out. On her way out the door she told me my prescription will be sent to WalMart. lol
I knew then exactly how she would treat me if I ever got Covid. No thank you. I'll be looking for a new doctor."
Most doctors think their high and mighty. After living for for 70 some years, I have observed medical doctors are some of the most 'boxed in' and close minded thinkers of any professional I've met. To get them to think outside of the box is like trying to coax a lizard out from under a rock. It's Plato's Cave with these people.
I have found this to be true. I used to insist I didn’t need statin drugs and she would frown and shake her head. Eventually, she got a heart disease risk calculator on her computer and she typed in my numbers and viola—I had a 5% chance of developing heart disease. She about fell out of her chair. See, I had done research outside of the mainstream medical stuff. It’s just exactly like what we are finding out with Covid. You have to do your own research and advocate for your own health.
Good for you. Those statins are bad news and aren't worth it unless you REALLY need them.
One of my best friends is a doctor and I asked him about the "variants":
Me: (asking about people he brought up who died recently) "Can the current tests determine which variant that they died with?"
Him: "Well none of those ppl were vaccinated. But if a vaccinated person died you just look at their vaccine card to know which they got."
Me: "Sorry, I should've asked it more clearly. Did the test differentiate what variant they died from?"
Him: "Oh I do not know that. I’m guessing there are tests to determine that."
Me: 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
IMO most drugs are bad especially the ones they give "in case you need it". Last time I went for a checkup (about six weeks ago), the nurse used a digital BP device, and my BP was freaking high. I had been prescribed meds for it, but for the most part hadn't used them. I asked the nurse to check it with a manual device and it was way, way lower. This didn't surprise me because I'm a nurse and mostly worked in long term care. I occasionally used the digital BP but the readout was nearly always suspiciously high, so I'd revert to the manual one and it was, of course, much lower. So, I asked the nurse why they were using digital and she said she didn't know, but agreed the reading was usually much higher. Of course they use the one that gives a higher reading, then prescribe meds for it. Problem reaction solution in a nutshell.
They also generally check your blood pressure the minute you get in the exam room. This, too, will pretty much guarantee a high BP. Insist they do it at the end of the exam after you've been seated for awhile and have relaxed. A lot of people get "white coat syndrome" from being nervous about seeing the doctor, plus they've rushed around to get to their appointment. Both will raise your BP.
That is SHOCKING. Thank you for letting me know about this.
They've been treated like saints for far too long. How many of them forget the human in their patients, merely clocking in and out with no regard for the outcome?
I used to really admire doctors until I found myself shouting at one in the clinic in the patient hallway.
I wouldn’t pay for the office visit.
I tried that approach. My insurance company asked me if I saw the Dr? I said yes, she gave me an ultimatum, and unless I took the PCR test she stated that I would not be getting any treatment from her.
They stated, that while they supported my rights; contractually - I had spoken to a MD.
Just find another MD, they won't last long without patients. Bear in mind, their malpractice insurance payments alone are almost on par with their salary - if their contracting company is getting patients dropping her, she will be on her own.
"Pay her whatever you want, but I'm not paying you."
No matter what happens, pharma gets paid.
The house always wins.
If you were in my area, I'd recommend my own doctor. I went to see her yesterday, and she never mentioned the virus or shots, and I wasn't wearing a mask either.
Good news is that I lost weight.
It's pretty scary when your doctor can no longer be an objective advocate. They've been threatened all over the country by their employers, their medical boards and the government.
I have lost every bit of respect I had for doctors and the medical community. In fact, I think they have become murderers, not giving people with covid the therapeutics that actually work, instead giving them either a drug that causes renal failure, or no treatment at all except a ventilator until they die.
I pray they repent and ask God for forgiveness, and confess their murders. I am not holding my breath tho.
Leave a nasty review wherever you can. She isn't going to treat patients equally and people should know so they can choose to use her or not.
Either she's stupid, or she's evil. Either way, no good.
She is mad that she couldn't get you to take a jab there which means she couldn't get the bonus.
This reminds of of those "NPC gets angry" memes.
She drank the kool aid
Report her.
I'm starting to think about doctors the same way I think about judges: Unless I have a good reason to vote FOR you (with doctors I vote with my feet), I'm voting AGAINST you. Keep the scum stirred up.
It's stunning to see how people truly treat us when they disagree with us or describe a reality that crushes their world view.
GOOOOOOOOOOD FOR YOU. I got a DO- doctor of osteopathy. He never even asked, so I immediately liked him!
Just got a notice in the mail this morning that my primary caretaker Dr. (whom I never used), is leaving the network. Never had a notice like this in the last couple decades that I can remember. I don't if it's because he is fed up or Fed up, but it's definitely a novel event.
You might find this interesting:.
I'd like to think that it was this testimony which was key in the Governess signing off on the no mask, no vaccine mandates/passports bill passed by the MI Legislature. Then I realize that it's an election cycle and That Woman is trailing her GOP challenger. Once she's re-installed all bets are off.
Your information must have come from the "TV actors" that some people call "news reports". I have a liberal friend who has many friends across the country due to the job she held for many years. Over the past year, at least 20 of her vaccinated friends have died in the hospital of COVID. She doesn't understand why my friends with COVID are living, and hers are not. Mine take zinc, HCQ and ivermectin. I've tried to explain that the hospital protocol is what is killing everyone - show up with the cov, get remdesivir that causes kidney failure and lungs to fill with fluid, get put on ventilator, die, hospital gets $44,000. Rinse and repeat. Maybe it will work next time. When will people understand doing the same thing over and over expecting different results is the first sign of crazy? They won't, as long as doctors get a bonus for every jab they give, and hospitals get dizzy amounts of money for putting someone on a ventilator. Whether the patient lives or dies is not important to them, they only want the money, and this is how to make it fast.
I got sick going into a vaxed persons house after she got sick. Took Ivers, Zinc,D,C,Pine tea, my oxygen saturation today is better than before. And the using up resources lie, hospitals have been laying off staff and ours closed an entire floor due to lack of use
Shill detected. Go get another booster shot faggot.