My friend just got out of the hospital because of pneumonia. He came home after 9 days being on oxygen and now he's back in the hospital because of sharp pains. They found blood clots in his lungs.
He has never admitted to me that he got the shot because of how outspoken I am.
lol blood clots in lungs is an incredibly rare occurrence in young people, usually attributed to genetic defect.
it doesnt just happen to young people, there has to be a cause. he got the shot. definitely. and now he is having clotting issues resulting in pulmonary embolism.
cause and effect. he needs to start taking aspirin daily. his life expectancy is probably half what it should be now. hes got the cardiovascular system of an old man, or a young man with a genetic defect.
I told my coworker to tell the people when he goes in to get the shit that hes only there because of the immense social pressure and see what they say. They just said glad your here roll up your sleeve.
Yesterday, this clown ridiculed the NBA player who is standing out against the shot, in a Twitter post. Later that day he has a heart attack. Sometimes karma comes at you hard and fast.
I'm starting to think some of these stories are to wake people up. Some of them are just so overly red-pilling. Like on "The View" last week... before commercial break the four host women are talking shit about anti-vaxers, and about how great the shot is, etc. They come back from commercials and do this super phony thing where someone (director, producer, whoever) tells two of the women (both vax'd) that they need to leave the set, because they both tested positive, lol.... Ok, seriously, if that was real it would have been handled off camera. They intentionally did that to wake up their dipshit lib women viewers.
I'm seeing more and more of these things, and outright truth-bombs, being introduced into the mainstream media lately. It sure seems like a coordinated effort to slowly wake people up. Who's really in charge? Hard to say.
This guy was loud and obnoxious and skated around questions when I saw him on air 10 years ago, but I wouldn’t wish medical harm or any harm to the guy, just because I disagree with him.
This sucks and it affects everyone unless we can get these mandates repealed.
Not soon enough. They have no problems blasting unvax death and shaming nonvaxed deaths. I believe it’s just accumulating data so we know the truth. Nothing wrong with that. In the name of science.
I know a guy who has been MIA recently because out of nowhere he lost his ability to see almost entirely. The cause is said to be “something” blocking the vessels (I assume a clot) to his eyes. I don’t know the whole story but from what I have heard, it was very sudden and very serious.
My boss, who is vaxxed, had to go to the hospital where they found she had blood clots.
Surprise, surprise. Time is ticking. People are starting to show the effects and if there is a whole group of people who are healthy things are going to get pretty bad.
So, I mean we all know the realities here of the clot shot, but I wanted to add in here, about 15 years ago I ruptured/tore my achilles tendon, and a day later I was blacking out, I had deep vein thrombosis, it was directly related to the achilles. I was told if I didn't get to the ER when I did, I'd have had a stroke.
We know how F'ed the shot is, but I think this is a legitimate coincidence.
I don’t know why the article mentions former CNN, He’s a host on BET.
Last week, Lamont-Hill hosted a segment on BET where a pulmonary specialist and Nation of Islam representative debated the importance of getting the COVID vaccine. The Nation of Islam representative argued that Americans should be free to do the research and make their own choices about which type of preventative or alternative COVID treatments they take, and should not be forced to take a vaccination that pharmaceutical companies are pushing.
I was just at the grocery store this afternoon and I asked the young male employee stocking in the frozen food section what was going on with the shelves not all being stocked like normal?
Him ... labor, mostly from the main warehouse getting shipments out, we are having issues like every other business to find people to work.
Of course he’s wearing a mask (all the employees are)
Me ... it has nothing to do with any vaxx mandates then?
Him ... no, they encourage it but it’s not mandated.
Me ... that’s good because if it was I’d have to shop somewhere else..
Him ... looked a little surprised
Me ... I don’t agree with the vaxx mandates. No one should tell you what to put in your body.
Him ... I agree.... I got the shot but that was my choice.
Me ... and I’m on the other side where I won’t get the shot, I’ve already had it so now have the antibodies.
Him ... hasn’t had it yet.
Me ... you know even though you got the shot it doesn’t mean you can’t still get sick, right?
Him ... yeah I know you can have break through covid.
Me ... (in my head 🤦♀️) I said .. yeah, there’s no such thing as “break through covid.” Being he was shocked I said .. you do know that the PCR tests are not accurate right?
Him ... what do you mean?
Me ... well they can’t tell whether you have covid, the flu or a cold, so the CDC told doctors/hospitals they will have to find other means to check for covid after Dec.
Him ... complete shock.
Me ... well it was nice talking to you I’ll let you get back to work.
At least he doesn’t think badly of other people deciding not to get it and it’s everyone’s own personal choice. Maybe he will do some researching of his own now. I was tempted to say more, like what doctors to look up for information, but I left it alone. I didn’t want to freak him out more than I already did, figured I gave him enough to dig for info himself if he’s curious. It seemed like he was interested in what I was saying, probably because he hadn’t heard any of it before now.
I work in a grocery store and we have trouble getting all sorts of stuff. We have almost no juice boxes for months now and are also totally out of all cream cheeses, just to name two. It's weird. I suspect it will continue and will probably get worse as time goes on. Good news is, I work for a major East Coast supermarket chain and I have not one inkling of a vax mandate. Other than friendly talk among my crew, no one has ever mentioned the vaccine to me. We are also having alot of trouble getting people to work, but that is for many reasons and is across the board.
It's going to come a time when this vaxed vs unvaxed is going to be changed to we the people are going to need to take care of each other. We're going to have people in real health crisis early in life, earlier then when it should be. The real target for our attention is the makers of the mRNA vaccines. When there are sharp metal objects and things that seem to be alive and move around in the vaccine there is something sinister and evil behind the pressure to get vax'd. Our politicians are in on it. All of them. They are exempt from having to take the jab. Those that did it's all for show, theatrics an illusion that they are like us. I call BS. Don't watch CNN but like those before don't wish this on nobody. We got to come together on the side of the people. God Bless Us All
My friend just got out of the hospital because of pneumonia. He came home after 9 days being on oxygen and now he's back in the hospital because of sharp pains. They found blood clots in his lungs.
He has never admitted to me that he got the shot because of how outspoken I am.
You know what I think?
lol blood clots in lungs is an incredibly rare occurrence in young people, usually attributed to genetic defect.
it doesnt just happen to young people, there has to be a cause. he got the shot. definitely. and now he is having clotting issues resulting in pulmonary embolism.
cause and effect. he needs to start taking aspirin daily. his life expectancy is probably half what it should be now. hes got the cardiovascular system of an old man, or a young man with a genetic defect.
Kind of my hunch
Yes then he started stuttering incoherently. That was crazy.
Almost like he wasn't at all confused/demented for a bit. This behavior seems VERY odd. Either -
a) the actor forgot to bumble and mumble,
b) the slick fraudster POS who's pretending to be extremely demented in order to avoid prosecution forgot about it, or
c) the demented sob had a moment of clarity.
Perhaps a "Biden's moments of clarity" repository is in order?
Tell him you think you're going to get jabbed because of the social pressure! See what he says!
People are so brainwashed that he'll probably encourage you.
I told my coworker to tell the people when he goes in to get the shit that hes only there because of the immense social pressure and see what they say. They just said glad your here roll up your sleeve.
Not that I wish harm on anyone buttttttt… stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Yesterday, this clown ridiculed the NBA player who is standing out against the shot, in a Twitter post. Later that day he has a heart attack. Sometimes karma comes at you hard and fast.
I'm starting to think some of these stories are to wake people up. Some of them are just so overly red-pilling. Like on "The View" last week... before commercial break the four host women are talking shit about anti-vaxers, and about how great the shot is, etc. They come back from commercials and do this super phony thing where someone (director, producer, whoever) tells two of the women (both vax'd) that they need to leave the set, because they both tested positive, lol.... Ok, seriously, if that was real it would have been handled off camera. They intentionally did that to wake up their dipshit lib women viewers.
I'm seeing more and more of these things, and outright truth-bombs, being introduced into the mainstream media lately. It sure seems like a coordinated effort to slowly wake people up. Who's really in charge? Hard to say.
This guy was loud and obnoxious and skated around questions when I saw him on air 10 years ago, but I wouldn’t wish medical harm or any harm to the guy, just because I disagree with him.
This sucks and it affects everyone unless we can get these mandates repealed.
Not too soon.
Not soon enough. They have no problems blasting unvax death and shaming nonvaxed deaths. I believe it’s just accumulating data so we know the truth. Nothing wrong with that. In the name of science.
Dooooo iiiitttt....
I'm not even a little bit sad.
Karma is a bitch
Blood clots happen regularly with Achilles tears, yea right Marc
I know a guy who has been MIA recently because out of nowhere he lost his ability to see almost entirely. The cause is said to be “something” blocking the vessels (I assume a clot) to his eyes. I don’t know the whole story but from what I have heard, it was very sudden and very serious.
My boss, who is vaxxed, had to go to the hospital where they found she had blood clots.
Surprise, surprise. Time is ticking. People are starting to show the effects and if there is a whole group of people who are healthy things are going to get pretty bad.
Not too soon for Marc. Couldn't have happened to a better faggot
all those evil racist crakkkas saved a niggas life
Perfect timing.
So, I mean we all know the realities here of the clot shot, but I wanted to add in here, about 15 years ago I ruptured/tore my achilles tendon, and a day later I was blacking out, I had deep vein thrombosis, it was directly related to the achilles. I was told if I didn't get to the ER when I did, I'd have had a stroke.
We know how F'ed the shot is, but I think this is a legitimate coincidence.
You can see here how prominent it is.
Deadly clotting is skyrocketing. How much involves injury to the achilles? Quarter of a percent? Tops? It wasn't worth mentioning even if true.
We should encourage Marc to get the booster.
Awesome... I love karma.
I don’t know why the article mentions former CNN, He’s a host on BET.
Last week, Lamont-Hill hosted a segment on BET where a pulmonary specialist and Nation of Islam representative debated the importance of getting the COVID vaccine. The Nation of Islam representative argued that Americans should be free to do the research and make their own choices about which type of preventative or alternative COVID treatments they take, and should not be forced to take a vaccination that pharmaceutical companies are pushing.
You know what? Start that website, I've got a few people to add to it.
Yeah, this winter is going to suck.
One of the Cabal's own CRT Talking Heads.
More, please.
I was just at the grocery store this afternoon and I asked the young male employee stocking in the frozen food section what was going on with the shelves not all being stocked like normal?
Him ... labor, mostly from the main warehouse getting shipments out, we are having issues like every other business to find people to work.
Of course he’s wearing a mask (all the employees are)
Me ... it has nothing to do with any vaxx mandates then?
Him ... no, they encourage it but it’s not mandated.
Me ... that’s good because if it was I’d have to shop somewhere else..
Him ... looked a little surprised
Me ... I don’t agree with the vaxx mandates. No one should tell you what to put in your body.
Him ... I agree.... I got the shot but that was my choice.
Me ... and I’m on the other side where I won’t get the shot, I’ve already had it so now have the antibodies.
Him ... hasn’t had it yet.
Me ... you know even though you got the shot it doesn’t mean you can’t still get sick, right?
Him ... yeah I know you can have break through covid.
Me ... (in my head 🤦♀️) I said .. yeah, there’s no such thing as “break through covid.” Being he was shocked I said .. you do know that the PCR tests are not accurate right?
Him ... what do you mean?
Me ... well they can’t tell whether you have covid, the flu or a cold, so the CDC told doctors/hospitals they will have to find other means to check for covid after Dec.
Him ... complete shock.
Me ... well it was nice talking to you I’ll let you get back to work.
At least he doesn’t think badly of other people deciding not to get it and it’s everyone’s own personal choice. Maybe he will do some researching of his own now. I was tempted to say more, like what doctors to look up for information, but I left it alone. I didn’t want to freak him out more than I already did, figured I gave him enough to dig for info himself if he’s curious. It seemed like he was interested in what I was saying, probably because he hadn’t heard any of it before now.
I work in a grocery store and we have trouble getting all sorts of stuff. We have almost no juice boxes for months now and are also totally out of all cream cheeses, just to name two. It's weird. I suspect it will continue and will probably get worse as time goes on. Good news is, I work for a major East Coast supermarket chain and I have not one inkling of a vax mandate. Other than friendly talk among my crew, no one has ever mentioned the vaccine to me. We are also having alot of trouble getting people to work, but that is for many reasons and is across the board.
He’s a demonic piece of shit!
It's going to come a time when this vaxed vs unvaxed is going to be changed to we the people are going to need to take care of each other. We're going to have people in real health crisis early in life, earlier then when it should be. The real target for our attention is the makers of the mRNA vaccines. When there are sharp metal objects and things that seem to be alive and move around in the vaccine there is something sinister and evil behind the pressure to get vax'd. Our politicians are in on it. All of them. They are exempt from having to take the jab. Those that did it's all for show, theatrics an illusion that they are like us. I call BS. Don't watch CNN but like those before don't wish this on nobody. We got to come together on the side of the people. God Bless Us All