I'm just gonna assume anyone that buys that many guns buys the ammo at the same time, at least that's been my experience. You got to have ammo to practice.
Yes I thought this type of picture is poor opsec too, but then again could you argue the image is photoshopped with all the weapons added with post processing?
Either way, I see no reason for firearm owners who think about the 2nd amendment to be posting pictures of their weapons. Heck, images on the internet (like Facebook) can give would be thieves insight into what the might get robbing your house while you are away.
Not everyone needs to attend college. I've thought for a long time that parents should let their children pay for college working at the same time. Hell, I did it with a family. Builds work ethic. People don't always value materials over freedom.
I’m making more without a college education than any of my 4 brothers (2 of which have master’s degrees) I’m not paying my kids way through indoctrination- I mean college.
I did the same, but I wasn't able to do so until I was older. It still benefitted me even then, but those that got a boost from mom and dad early on got even further ahead.
Putting yourself through college might build character but you are still behind in the race.
But even with that said, that was not the main point of my post. Hoarding shit loads of guns just to be hoarding is stupid, and expensive. What you really need is a sufficient number of guns. Something like two AR or similar platforms, a couple of shotguns, and few pistols in standard calibers and gauges. More than anything you need a lot of ammunition that will fire for those you do have, and preferably multiple guns that take the same ammunition. I don't know how many guns they have in the picture, but one well placed bullet puts them all in someone else's hands.
That picture fits the steroetype the left loves of a red-neck hill-rat with hardly two nickels to rub together living in a dump, but has a gun for every crevice in their shack.
Well guns are a great way to store value when the currency collapses. What you bought it for is pretty much what it will sell for if it's unused or lightly used. So there is that.
The house could be a good size and nice - you have no idea. I’d bet you’re judging because of the way the people look. Sad. Even if it is “fairly modest” maybe it is all they need/want.
It’s really not a waste of money - guns hold value very well. It could also be family hobby, maybe they run a gun store, you have no idea. Either way, not your business and here you are acting like you know what’s best for them. These people could have a lot more money than you.
You sound like a commie. Acting like you know what’s best for others without actually even knowing anything about them.
Nothing is wrong with their appearance - I never said anything was wrong with it. But I do know how people are often judged. I see it all the time.
I come from a very rural, blue collar area and now live in much more urban/wealthy area. I hear snarky comments constantly about people who look/live like my family, friends, and others where I grew up. The people in the photo look similar. They don’t look like your typical LA yuppies, I can assure you that.
If they were in front of a cosmopolitan mansion, would you have made the same comment about them wasting their money, or hoping they have other stuff of theirs together? Of course not. Don’t try to wiggle out of your own shitty judgment.
You don’t appreciate being called a commie but here you are acting like you know how someone should spend their money better than themselves. Maybe they could give it to you to redistribute in a better way. Sounds like something. It’s really too bad that you don’t appreciate being labeled as such, but here’s a cute quote for you:
“ I can make whatever comment I want on the internet. When you post yourself on the internet, you open yourself to criticism. Free speech.”
You say that then immediately are butt hurt about getting called a name. So others are supposed to accept that you can say whatever you want since they posted on the net, but it’s oh so offensive to you if someone says something that YOU don’t like. Rules for thee but not for me. Another dose of commie thought. At least you’re consistent.
Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been here since the inception of ga. Td.win before that, r/the_d before that. I’m not some newbie, but uhh, thanks! Does it make you feel good to think you’re above me somehow? Had to throw what you thought was a little jab in there eh? Consistent.
You’re backtracking. Your comments earlier were clearly because you thought they couldn’t afford it or were being stupid with their money, when in reality they could be multi millionaires and just really like guns. You have no idea and why do you care? You said it was a waste of money and you hope they have other stuff in order. That’s not what you say when you’re criticizing someone for flaunting wealth. Get real. You’re bullshitting at this point.
You weren’t called a commie because of disagreement. You were called a commie because you’re acting as if you know what’s best for these people and how they spend their money as well as getting butthurt for being called a name immediately after saying if you say something on the net, prepare for criticism. So everyone should listen to and understand that when you yourself cant? Rules for thee but not for me - just like a commie.
Also, I’m in a conservative area but have exposure to other areas in close proximity, According to yourself, you live in a blue state - why would you do that to yourself? Judging others for what you yourself are doing. Again. Hypocritical comment after hypocritical comment from you. Consistent.
Dang they found ALL the guns from our boating accidents 🤣
Oh you mean the first trip?
Eh maybe some of them.
I hope they have a huge pile of ammo, otherwise they are all useless pieces of metal.
I'm just gonna assume anyone that buys that many guns buys the ammo at the same time, at least that's been my experience. You got to have ammo to practice.
Also have to have ammo to enjoy it
Bet this dude owns a gun range and is an avid reloader...
Layout all your firearms neatly for the mandatory government buyback scheme?
Yes I thought this type of picture is poor opsec too, but then again could you argue the image is photoshopped with all the weapons added with post processing?
Either way, I see no reason for firearm owners who think about the 2nd amendment to be posting pictures of their weapons. Heck, images on the internet (like Facebook) can give would be thieves insight into what the might get robbing your house while you are away.
The 'least likely to be stolen' BBQ in the world.
It looks home made from an old propane tank and 1" inch tube. Way under sized for anything serious.
I love guns. I have a lot of them, but my thoughts when I see something like that are; there lies the kids education, a new home, and so much more.
Not everyone needs to attend college. I've thought for a long time that parents should let their children pay for college working at the same time. Hell, I did it with a family. Builds work ethic. People don't always value materials over freedom.
I make 75,000 a year driving a truck with 3 months of CDL school that the government paid for because I was on food stamps.
I’m making more without a college education than any of my 4 brothers (2 of which have master’s degrees) I’m not paying my kids way through indoctrination- I mean college.
I make more, without even a GED, then my 3 college educated sisters, combined and doubled.
It's not about the indoctrination you buy but how you apply the talents God gave you.
I did the same, but I wasn't able to do so until I was older. It still benefitted me even then, but those that got a boost from mom and dad early on got even further ahead.
Putting yourself through college might build character but you are still behind in the race.
But even with that said, that was not the main point of my post. Hoarding shit loads of guns just to be hoarding is stupid, and expensive. What you really need is a sufficient number of guns. Something like two AR or similar platforms, a couple of shotguns, and few pistols in standard calibers and gauges. More than anything you need a lot of ammunition that will fire for those you do have, and preferably multiple guns that take the same ammunition. I don't know how many guns they have in the picture, but one well placed bullet puts them all in someone else's hands.
That picture fits the steroetype the left loves of a red-neck hill-rat with hardly two nickels to rub together living in a dump, but has a gun for every crevice in their shack.
Well guns are a great way to store value when the currency collapses. What you bought it for is pretty much what it will sell for if it's unused or lightly used. So there is that.
can you see the hidden 300 hands that fit those triggers? someone has to keep those instruments fed.
LOOOOOOL the son definitely plays counter strike and/or MW2
You can never own enough guns.
Good eye, I did not see that.
How come I feel like Gollum when I look at this. I wants it...
That little girl is like "man, never have I been more proud to not be able to ride my bike"
Funny thing is ... they don't own a single bullet..
Moderately armed....what’s the big deal?
I’m living all wrong
That guy looks weird. Photoshopped faces? They don’t belong together having kids lol...
There’s a lot of vacant real estate on the roof you democrat!
Just kidding. That is a great collection.
This is why the cowards in the Democratic Party want to force the employers to do it.
Need to send some of those to the Ausses
I hope they aren't loaded. That girl is getting muzzled 50 times over.
He should start arming his neighbors. When shtf je only needs six weapons. A rifle for he Nd his wife and a shotgun for his son and pistols for all.
Reminds me of the old Halo montages where they'd spell out the clan names with guns.
Should say, FUCK YOU. Written in gun.
"LOL! You think these are somethin'? Wait until our neighbors and kin-folk show you THEIR 'little' collections..."
seems like a nice, well adjusted family...
They can arm their frens. Many frens
Hoping their neighbors are just as loaded, too.
The house could be a good size and nice - you have no idea. I’d bet you’re judging because of the way the people look. Sad. Even if it is “fairly modest” maybe it is all they need/want.
It’s really not a waste of money - guns hold value very well. It could also be family hobby, maybe they run a gun store, you have no idea. Either way, not your business and here you are acting like you know what’s best for them. These people could have a lot more money than you.
You sound like a commie. Acting like you know what’s best for others without actually even knowing anything about them.
Nothing is wrong with their appearance - I never said anything was wrong with it. But I do know how people are often judged. I see it all the time.
I come from a very rural, blue collar area and now live in much more urban/wealthy area. I hear snarky comments constantly about people who look/live like my family, friends, and others where I grew up. The people in the photo look similar. They don’t look like your typical LA yuppies, I can assure you that.
If they were in front of a cosmopolitan mansion, would you have made the same comment about them wasting their money, or hoping they have other stuff of theirs together? Of course not. Don’t try to wiggle out of your own shitty judgment.
You don’t appreciate being called a commie but here you are acting like you know how someone should spend their money better than themselves. Maybe they could give it to you to redistribute in a better way. Sounds like something. It’s really too bad that you don’t appreciate being labeled as such, but here’s a cute quote for you:
“ I can make whatever comment I want on the internet. When you post yourself on the internet, you open yourself to criticism. Free speech.”
You say that then immediately are butt hurt about getting called a name. So others are supposed to accept that you can say whatever you want since they posted on the net, but it’s oh so offensive to you if someone says something that YOU don’t like. Rules for thee but not for me. Another dose of commie thought. At least you’re consistent.
Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been here since the inception of ga. Td.win before that, r/the_d before that. I’m not some newbie, but uhh, thanks! Does it make you feel good to think you’re above me somehow? Had to throw what you thought was a little jab in there eh? Consistent.
You’re backtracking. Your comments earlier were clearly because you thought they couldn’t afford it or were being stupid with their money, when in reality they could be multi millionaires and just really like guns. You have no idea and why do you care? You said it was a waste of money and you hope they have other stuff in order. That’s not what you say when you’re criticizing someone for flaunting wealth. Get real. You’re bullshitting at this point.
You weren’t called a commie because of disagreement. You were called a commie because you’re acting as if you know what’s best for these people and how they spend their money as well as getting butthurt for being called a name immediately after saying if you say something on the net, prepare for criticism. So everyone should listen to and understand that when you yourself cant? Rules for thee but not for me - just like a commie.
Also, I’m in a conservative area but have exposure to other areas in close proximity, According to yourself, you live in a blue state - why would you do that to yourself? Judging others for what you yourself are doing. Again. Hypocritical comment after hypocritical comment from you. Consistent.
Sometimes all your friends have to do is look intimidating.
It's why the AntiFA trash that don't use plateless vests are much more believable and why they end up intimidating normies.
Also, when you're being shot at you're going to high tail it even if you aren't being hit.
Finally, their friends may not be able to afford it... But they can certainly be trained with all that gear if shit hits the fan.