I haven't mentioned this to anyone else, but I have a gut feeling that Ryan Cohen may have some hand in GA stuff. Particularly around the creation of a fractionalized NFT system on ETH Layer 2 (eliminating the insane gas fees) by partnering with LoopRing.
It could be a decentralized finance (DeFi) system that could still run parallel to the traditional fiat world systems while they slowly die out. As the people see the power in OWNING where they place value, further outside of gov and corporate influence/corruption, I feel like a market like this would catch on like wildfire. Particularly with Gamestop positioning itself to take on Amazon in some capacity (they've been adding TONS of new product to their site)
Maybe super distaff/parallel but these worlds are colliding more and more to the point of it being coincidence is rapidly vanishing.
*** For those not following this saga, MSM has, unsurprisingly, been bought and paid for by the hedge funds that these stonk traders (myself included) are about to fuck harder than ever before. They're almost certainly one of the cabal's most valuable assets, farming the working class here and abroad for decades. For 9-10 months now we've been hit with piece after piece of propaganda, all claiming that the hedge funds are paid up and we should just sell since it's over.
Stonk traders have a literal library of due-diligence that's cited and researched to hell and back saying otherwise.
We're also getting close to this thing popping; stonk traders have figured out how to expose these short hedge funds (SHFs) by locking their shares up in their own name (as oppposed to their brokerage, which lists you as a beneficiary of any held shares, allowing them to do fuckall with them--some more reputable than others; I am with Fidelity and like them, YMMV)
In GameStop's case, with the original company's stock-issuing registrar. this company is Computershare, who also issues stocks for companies like MSFT, AMZN etc. They are not small potatoes.) As stonk traders lock up GameStop's shares in this verifiable, hard-capped pool of shares (capped at ~79.6mil shares) the amount of shares SHF's can use to suppress the price decreases, likely manifold since it's well-spoorted that one real share of GME has been shorted multiple times over, creating synthetic shares with the belief that Gamestop and other retail stocks will tank, letting them collect gains ALL the way down, while never closing the position. The icing on the cake: them never closing the position allows them to NEVER PAY TAX ON THE GAINS (billions, easily) because they're "unrealized" by the position still being open (and likely sitting at a fraction of a cent in value)
So yes, this can be equated to counterfeiting money, and it's likely been fucking a LOT of companies and their people over for decades.
Mind if I ask you a question? I’ve got my GME through Charles Schwab, is that A good place? I saw something today about “DRS your shares!”
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a total noob to all this, with a very smooth brain when it comes to knowing all the ins and outs. Am I good in Schwab? Do I need to DRS?
If you have a stock brokerage account with any broker, and you don't do anything special, then the stocks are held "in street name." That means they are registered as if they are owned by the broker, even though the broker's account shows they are owned by you.
Stocks held in street name can be borrowed from the broker and shorted.
By registering the stocks in your own name with the Direct Registration System (DRS), the stock is then in your name and not the broker's name. Those stocks cannot legally be shorted.
The fewer shares owned in street name, the fewer shares available to be shorted (legally), and the worse it is for the short sellers.
So this is not financial advice but just what I've been seeing across the communities here: Schwab is a known PFOF (Payment for Order Flow) contributor, meaning that they have an established relationship with larger hedge funds in order to have those Hedge Funds (HF's) service the original broker's transactions for speed and a secret ingredient that makes the whole shebang worth it for these institutions. That's right, many brokers outsource their order flow to HFs with the tech to come out on top, and I'll explain how as best I can.
The tech behind PFOF at places like Citadel is likely more advanced and proprietary than anything we're used to seeing regarding trades and that's what brokers pay for. When a HF like Citadel can essentially "see into the future" regarding trades, they can act as they're supposed to as a Market Maker (MM) and influence price and keep things generally afloat but the tech has allowed them to hedge so far in advance within the settlement time (usually trading time + 2 days (T+2)) that it's been revealed that they've gotten quite greedy and can essentially perform alll kinds of magical fuckery within that T+2 period and longer depending on how much of an opportunity they see. For example with retail stores HFs thought would be dead by now, but instead got a glow-up and are now exposing all this bullshit and catching these short Hedge Funds (SHFs) with their pants down while assuming essentially infinite risk by creating synthetic shares like I explained previously.
**ANYWAY all that to say I can only really recommend Fidelity but have seen/head less negativity around Schwab than almost all the other usual suspects (TDA, Etrade, WeBull, etc.) I would def not use any of those myself and if you can, get your assets out if this and further personal research indicates that you should! **
Schwab is the second largest broker in the US measured by raw Assets Under Management (AUM), coming in second ($6.7T) only to Fidelity ($11.1T) but remember, Fidelity is the choice of a TON of workplace retirement programs and the like, but they also seem have the assets to walk the walk, and are most likely to stay solvent during MOASS/market crash.
I'm still learning too friend, and hopefully you can use some of my wrinkles to help make decisions for yourself, but Fidelity has been the only broker I've seen to execute DRS transfers within a week, where most others are starting to push timeframes further and further back indicating that they are likely having trouble securing the actual shares, or flat out don't want to pay what they're likely trading for in dark pools, which is likely ~5 figures by now based on some glitch-outs and smoothbrain theorycrafting.
They are the “successful” black Americans who are given positions as Judas goats to everyday black folk. Great way to divide and conquer. It’s plantation politics. Nothing has changed.
A good lawyer or a team of good lawyers would be able to piece together the conspiracy like they did in the Charles Manson case to convict Charles Manson.
In knowing the case against Charles Manson, it was done by showing the conspiracy using his followers to paint the picture even despite their best efforts to protect their leader.
Thank you Mr. President for doing so much to return some measure of integrity to our judicial system.
As it happens, this particular judge has been on the bench for decades, but your judicial appointments have already improved numerous outcomes. There are some things that only those in positions of power can accomplish, and unlike nearly everyone who gains power, you came through for us.
I'm not sure why, but this case of a judge acting properly -- even though he isn't one you appointed -- really struck a chord with me and reminded me of how grateful I am that you did so much to fix America, even with almost the entire power structure working against you.
Thank you again, Mr. President, from the bottom of my heart.
I have a feeling when everything is finished and every corrupt person is punished and the entire system replaced with clean honest patriots, we will be crying for days - it will be happy tears.
The charges against Smollet are bullshit. He's charged with filing a false police report. He should be charged with conspiracy to commit a hate crime and terrorism.
This is a tremendously choreographed sequence of staged events. It really is a masterpiece of a show, planned out years and years ago, right down to each and every day, what will be revealed, in what order, when, and how much attention it will receive.
The brightest tacticians in our country devised this plan, the top experts in every field of unconventional warfare, military and civilian law, macro-economics, sociology, psychology, logistics, and so many more fields it makes the head spin. They are using cutting edge algorithms on the most advanced, A.I. computer systems designed to predict and model outcomes and responses to those outcomes.
It is "taking so long" in order to expose and catch everyone, wake up the maximum number of sheep with the minimum number of global casualties.
When this is over, we will be watching documentaries on the history channel of the hidden aspects of this operation for the rest of our lives.
You of course are a voice of reason in a sea of desperate hopium. I think eventually the charges will be dropped and this shitstain will walk free while the deepstate puts another notch on it's bedpost.
Michelle Obama's former chief of staff reached out to the Cook County State Attorney’s Office asking for the investigation to be handed over to the FBI.
This is one convoluted plot. White Hats are going to need to Peter Jackson this bad boy into three parts. I don't know where Jussie's Mullet fits in but it sounds important.
This is a big thing according to Q. He posted quite a few posts on smollet: https://qalerts.pub/?q=smollet
Kim Foxx husband is linked to Loop Capital I do remember that..
Holy crap, and Loop Capital is linked to Citadel, Federal Reserve and MOASS !!!!
What a spider web !
More like the mold that grows behinds walls in the dark.
Yeah holy shit I’m like… wait a fucking minute
I haven't mentioned this to anyone else, but I have a gut feeling that Ryan Cohen may have some hand in GA stuff. Particularly around the creation of a fractionalized NFT system on ETH Layer 2 (eliminating the insane gas fees) by partnering with LoopRing.
It could be a decentralized finance (DeFi) system that could still run parallel to the traditional fiat world systems while they slowly die out. As the people see the power in OWNING where they place value, further outside of gov and corporate influence/corruption, I feel like a market like this would catch on like wildfire. Particularly with Gamestop positioning itself to take on Amazon in some capacity (they've been adding TONS of new product to their site)
Maybe super distaff/parallel but these worlds are colliding more and more to the point of it being coincidence is rapidly vanishing.
Loop Capital, the same place openly sending Jim Chumbawumba to "Sell [Gamestop], ask questions later" and valuing it repeatedly as a "$10 stock."
Check it out : https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/09/sell-the-stock-first-ask-questions-later-loop-capitals-chukumba-on-gamestop.html
*** For those not following this saga, MSM has, unsurprisingly, been bought and paid for by the hedge funds that these stonk traders (myself included) are about to fuck harder than ever before. They're almost certainly one of the cabal's most valuable assets, farming the working class here and abroad for decades. For 9-10 months now we've been hit with piece after piece of propaganda, all claiming that the hedge funds are paid up and we should just sell since it's over.
Stonk traders have a literal library of due-diligence that's cited and researched to hell and back saying otherwise.
We're also getting close to this thing popping; stonk traders have figured out how to expose these short hedge funds (SHFs) by locking their shares up in their own name (as oppposed to their brokerage, which lists you as a beneficiary of any held shares, allowing them to do fuckall with them--some more reputable than others; I am with Fidelity and like them, YMMV)
In GameStop's case, with the original company's stock-issuing registrar. this company is Computershare, who also issues stocks for companies like MSFT, AMZN etc. They are not small potatoes.) As stonk traders lock up GameStop's shares in this verifiable, hard-capped pool of shares (capped at ~79.6mil shares) the amount of shares SHF's can use to suppress the price decreases, likely manifold since it's well-spoorted that one real share of GME has been shorted multiple times over, creating synthetic shares with the belief that Gamestop and other retail stocks will tank, letting them collect gains ALL the way down, while never closing the position. The icing on the cake: them never closing the position allows them to NEVER PAY TAX ON THE GAINS (billions, easily) because they're "unrealized" by the position still being open (and likely sitting at a fraction of a cent in value)
So yes, this can be equated to counterfeiting money, and it's likely been fucking a LOT of companies and their people over for decades.
Mind if I ask you a question? I’ve got my GME through Charles Schwab, is that A good place? I saw something today about “DRS your shares!”
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a total noob to all this, with a very smooth brain when it comes to knowing all the ins and outs. Am I good in Schwab? Do I need to DRS?
If you have a stock brokerage account with any broker, and you don't do anything special, then the stocks are held "in street name." That means they are registered as if they are owned by the broker, even though the broker's account shows they are owned by you.
Stocks held in street name can be borrowed from the broker and shorted.
By registering the stocks in your own name with the Direct Registration System (DRS), the stock is then in your name and not the broker's name. Those stocks cannot legally be shorted.
The fewer shares owned in street name, the fewer shares available to be shorted (legally), and the worse it is for the short sellers.
How do I go about registering the Stocks?
Call your broker.
Thanks for that info!
So this is not financial advice but just what I've been seeing across the communities here: Schwab is a known PFOF (Payment for Order Flow) contributor, meaning that they have an established relationship with larger hedge funds in order to have those Hedge Funds (HF's) service the original broker's transactions for speed and a secret ingredient that makes the whole shebang worth it for these institutions. That's right, many brokers outsource their order flow to HFs with the tech to come out on top, and I'll explain how as best I can.
The tech behind PFOF at places like Citadel is likely more advanced and proprietary than anything we're used to seeing regarding trades and that's what brokers pay for. When a HF like Citadel can essentially "see into the future" regarding trades, they can act as they're supposed to as a Market Maker (MM) and influence price and keep things generally afloat but the tech has allowed them to hedge so far in advance within the settlement time (usually trading time + 2 days (T+2)) that it's been revealed that they've gotten quite greedy and can essentially perform alll kinds of magical fuckery within that T+2 period and longer depending on how much of an opportunity they see. For example with retail stores HFs thought would be dead by now, but instead got a glow-up and are now exposing all this bullshit and catching these short Hedge Funds (SHFs) with their pants down while assuming essentially infinite risk by creating synthetic shares like I explained previously.
**ANYWAY all that to say I can only really recommend Fidelity but have seen/head less negativity around Schwab than almost all the other usual suspects (TDA, Etrade, WeBull, etc.) I would def not use any of those myself and if you can, get your assets out if this and further personal research indicates that you should! **
Schwab is the second largest broker in the US measured by raw Assets Under Management (AUM), coming in second ($6.7T) only to Fidelity ($11.1T) but remember, Fidelity is the choice of a TON of workplace retirement programs and the like, but they also seem have the assets to walk the walk, and are most likely to stay solvent during MOASS/market crash.
I'm still learning too friend, and hopefully you can use some of my wrinkles to help make decisions for yourself, but Fidelity has been the only broker I've seen to execute DRS transfers within a week, where most others are starting to push timeframes further and further back indicating that they are likely having trouble securing the actual shares, or flat out don't want to pay what they're likely trading for in dark pools, which is likely ~5 figures by now based on some glitch-outs and smoothbrain theorycrafting.
Look up the black boule.
They are the “successful” black Americans who are given positions as Judas goats to everyday black folk. Great way to divide and conquer. It’s plantation politics. Nothing has changed.
Think about this.
A good lawyer or a team of good lawyers would be able to piece together the conspiracy like they did in the Charles Manson case to convict Charles Manson.
In knowing the case against Charles Manson, it was done by showing the conspiracy using his followers to paint the picture even despite their best efforts to protect their leader.
Sometimes you dont even need good lawyers, just good media propaganda - like what happened with Chauvin's trial.
Its all true, but we have to wait and see that the Plan is still working inspite of all these seemingly impossible hurdles.
I pray you are right.
I hope Kameltoe's and Spartacus' involvement is revealed.
More of THIS is what we've all been waiting for.
Thank you Mr. President for doing so much to return some measure of integrity to our judicial system.
As it happens, this particular judge has been on the bench for decades, but your judicial appointments have already improved numerous outcomes. There are some things that only those in positions of power can accomplish, and unlike nearly everyone who gains power, you came through for us.
I'm not sure why, but this case of a judge acting properly -- even though he isn't one you appointed -- really struck a chord with me and reminded me of how grateful I am that you did so much to fix America, even with almost the entire power structure working against you.
Thank you again, Mr. President, from the bottom of my heart.
I have a feeling when everything is finished and every corrupt person is punished and the entire system replaced with clean honest patriots, we will be crying for days - it will be happy tears.
The charges against Smollet are bullshit. He's charged with filing a false police report. He should be charged with conspiracy to commit a hate crime and terrorism.
This is a tremendously choreographed sequence of staged events. It really is a masterpiece of a show, planned out years and years ago, right down to each and every day, what will be revealed, in what order, when, and how much attention it will receive.
The brightest tacticians in our country devised this plan, the top experts in every field of unconventional warfare, military and civilian law, macro-economics, sociology, psychology, logistics, and so many more fields it makes the head spin. They are using cutting edge algorithms on the most advanced, A.I. computer systems designed to predict and model outcomes and responses to those outcomes.
It is "taking so long" in order to expose and catch everyone, wake up the maximum number of sheep with the minimum number of global casualties.
When this is over, we will be watching documentaries on the history channel of the hidden aspects of this operation for the rest of our lives.
It truly is a masterpiece.
At least it would mean History Channel returns to showing history content.
A whole 5 year 2 hour-week series on the corruption, how far it went, who it touched, etc.
Should be an interesting watch. Looking forward to it. A reminder and warning for further generations on how close to hell we came.
Hopefully. That would be cool if true.
It's what this whole thing is about. It is why we have all been woken up, and assembled here.
This is no random act. 👍
It's called The Storm and it's coming for them! Just one of many reminders that DJT is influencing the events that are happening in our Nation!!
Keep the hopium to pacify a little longer
I mean this was what 5 years ago, this should have a,ready been resolved. At the least he should have some jail time and pay a ridiculously high fine
You of course are a voice of reason in a sea of desperate hopium. I think eventually the charges will be dropped and this shitstain will walk free while the deepstate puts another notch on it's bedpost.
I remember this from a while back.
Michelle Obama's former chief of staff reached out to the Cook County State Attorney’s Office asking for the investigation to be handed over to the FBI.
He's got some friends in high places.
This silly bitch Smollet.
It has taken long enough............
Jussie didn't Epstine himself.
Good! This whole thing made me furious.
Justice for Juicy!
I was just wondering about this turd
This is one convoluted plot. White Hats are going to need to Peter Jackson this bad boy into three parts. I don't know where Jussie's Mullet fits in but it sounds important.