Anyone who imagines that leaving a job they've had for years or decades and starting their own business based on their "passion" is going to be anything other than a grueling gauntlet of towering expenses, nightmarishly long days and sleepless nights, unforeseen challenges and unimaginable pressure, where they now have half a dozen jobs including CEO, CTO, CMO, COO, CFO, and janitor, for years before light appears at the end of the tunnel, and imagines they'll get to "keep the income generated for themselves", is in for a great awakening indeed ;)
Absolutely accurate. Businesses should be started and nurtured ON THE SIDE while you work your normal job. If you think you’re going to pay your mortgage and feed your family with the income from a brand new business, you’re wrong.
No shit. And good luck filing the paperwork needed without a vax. Jesus this was the first big control squeeze destroying the small hustler/entruepeneur.
Are you a fellow Canuck? This is so on point. I've been camping in a tent for 114 days now. I've been gardening and going for long walks in the fresh air. I've never felt closer to nature and God. Thanks Covid passport.
What if we lived in America and didn't have to have a passport to travel or go into businesses? The other countries can do what they want, we should stand up for the ability for Americans to travel and go to stores in their own country with or without the VACCINE.
These commies who want all these passports and control have no respect for OUR CONSTITUTION and believe it to be a piece of trash to be put in the ash can and burned or taken to the dump.
The only thing they deserve is to be hanging at the end of noose.
There's a huge problem with these: Most imply being forced to do these things, and not having a choice.
It is our right to choose whether we do these things or don't, and THAT is what we're fighting for right now. Screw becoming second-class citizens in our own country, we deserve much better than that!
And what if someone goes to the vaccine database and compares against the citizen database and sends the new vaccine Nazis to your door to take you to your new home behind barbed wire and guard towers? What happens to those rose colored glasses then?
Frankly, I'm getting tired of fantasies. The Soviets used to tell people standing in line for hours to get a loaf of bread how lucky they were while all the people at the top were eating caviar and drinking champagne. We're an overweight society so starving us would be good for our heath, a wonderful way to lose pounds and inches, right?
People have lost the ability to see what is right in front of their eyes. I see a country in dire need of action, not fantasy thinking. Action as in arrests of traitors, vax nazis, corrupt politicians but my wishes end at the knowledge that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt and that our military is focused on pushing poison into the arms of everyone in uniform and being conversant in CRT.
Sorry but picking the spec of wishful fly shit out of a huge pile of stinking reality isn't my thing these days.
imagine first a world without IRS tax fucking rat bastards
without central banks and interest payments. without property taxes and government schools, without a CIA or roman CATHOLIC church a world without the BOLSHEVIK jew, a world without war.
What if you cut all the BS and I live free to do what I choose and rely upon a proper foundation of ethics and morals not corrupted by a f'd educational system, society, and government
It's amusing how people who'd call themselves patriots are virtue signalling a perfect happiness with being denied access to the things that made america great and generally made life after 1900 superior to life before it
I'm willing to go back to the old days when life was much simpler and we only had 5 channels to watch which meant we played outside after school every day instead of being behind the boob tube.
I tried to make the point that Covid was a gift from God for similar reasons. It's a complete non-threat that's bringing up all these wonderful opportunities and shining a light on all the darkness in the world. Lots of wins going on imho.
Sorry, Communists never leave you alone to enjoy your life and the fruits of your labor. In the Soviet Union, they went into the most remote towns of Siberia to hunt people down and force them to submit. We can do the things on this list now, but if we don't fight back and win, they will make these things impossible or illegal for those who don't comply with their ever-increasing and increasingly oppressive mandates.
I understand the sentiment behind this post, but it's ultimately a concession accepting the loss of our civil, private, and constitutional rights to corrupt and murderous people. Finding the bright side is good, but the concession is something I can't get behind.
Maybe in 10 years. There isn't just farm fresh nearby food for millions of people.
Also no flying is gay. I'd rather 3 million people die in a new air war than just be a class of man not allowed to travel. Especially since trains will be as vaccinated gay
Also you need money for almost all of those and most Americans are in debt.
Thank you, I could give you a big hug!!! I'm so tired of the doomers. This is a sad time in human history, but those who survive the trials will live to see an amazing future. Meet you on the other side. WWG1WGA
Anyone who imagines that leaving a job they've had for years or decades and starting their own business based on their "passion" is going to be anything other than a grueling gauntlet of towering expenses, nightmarishly long days and sleepless nights, unforeseen challenges and unimaginable pressure, where they now have half a dozen jobs including CEO, CTO, CMO, COO, CFO, and janitor, for years before light appears at the end of the tunnel, and imagines they'll get to "keep the income generated for themselves", is in for a great awakening indeed ;)
Still go for it, of course, just....get ready
Also having to still deal with a bunch of government bs
Dont forget that any corporate clients (thats unfortunately where the moneys at) will ask for the v pass.
Absolutely accurate. Businesses should be started and nurtured ON THE SIDE while you work your normal job. If you think you’re going to pay your mortgage and feed your family with the income from a brand new business, you’re wrong.
No shit. And good luck filing the paperwork needed without a vax. Jesus this was the first big control squeeze destroying the small hustler/entruepeneur.
This was worth the repost as I never saw this until then. Thanks, Fren!🙏🏻
You're welcome...
Are you a fellow Canuck? This is so on point. I've been camping in a tent for 114 days now. I've been gardening and going for long walks in the fresh air. I've never felt closer to nature and God. Thanks Covid passport.
Never fetishise oppression. Ever.
What if they put you in a gas chamber and fuck your kids.
Yeah this whole thresds gay
Comparing anything on this list to being put in a gas chamber and having your kids raped is incredibly, astonishingly, monumentally idiotic.
Do you even know why we're fucking here.
Apparently to compare things that are arguably good and desirable anyway with your kids getting raped and getting yourself thrown in a gas chamber.
I am a firm believer in mining the silver lining. This is beautiful!
I'm working on massively upgrading my garden for the spring.
Same - we have 2 1/2 acres, think another acre should go to veggies and fruits
Yup, I'm also going to trellis all my vine veg as well. They seem to produce more that way.
What if we lived in America and didn't have to have a passport to travel or go into businesses? The other countries can do what they want, we should stand up for the ability for Americans to travel and go to stores in their own country with or without the VACCINE. These commies who want all these passports and control have no respect for OUR CONSTITUTION and believe it to be a piece of trash to be put in the ash can and burned or taken to the dump. The only thing they deserve is to be hanging at the end of noose.
What if the people decided that enough is enough……
Excellent post. Perhaps this is the real habbening.
Doesn't mean I have to accept vax mandates or passports. I can do all those things and not give in to tyranny.
There's a huge problem with these: Most imply being forced to do these things, and not having a choice.
It is our right to choose whether we do these things or don't, and THAT is what we're fighting for right now. Screw becoming second-class citizens in our own country, we deserve much better than that!
It's the principle of it. If they can force you out of all these things, they'll come for the rest of our freedom in time.
Rejecting the 'vaccine' is rejecting their entire system.
Own your decision and all the consequences it entails.
What if... I am expected to give up everything I like, just to make other people pleased with themselves?
Don't give an inch, MAKE them have to pull it from you.
And what if someone goes to the vaccine database and compares against the citizen database and sends the new vaccine Nazis to your door to take you to your new home behind barbed wire and guard towers? What happens to those rose colored glasses then? that all you take from this...?
Frankly, I'm getting tired of fantasies. The Soviets used to tell people standing in line for hours to get a loaf of bread how lucky they were while all the people at the top were eating caviar and drinking champagne. We're an overweight society so starving us would be good for our heath, a wonderful way to lose pounds and inches, right?
People have lost the ability to see what is right in front of their eyes. I see a country in dire need of action, not fantasy thinking. Action as in arrests of traitors, vax nazis, corrupt politicians but my wishes end at the knowledge that our FBI and DOJ are corrupt and that our military is focused on pushing poison into the arms of everyone in uniform and being conversant in CRT.
Sorry but picking the spec of wishful fly shit out of a huge pile of stinking reality isn't my thing these days.
A rosy take until they're at your door taking you to camps for the unvaxxed.
Look on the bright side, but be prepared, and get out of Canada
What if 1776 part 2?
imagine first a world without IRS tax fucking rat bastards without central banks and interest payments. without property taxes and government schools, without a CIA or roman CATHOLIC church a world without the BOLSHEVIK jew, a world without war.
🎹 Imagine theres no taxes...
I wonder if you can...
I will only patron small business. I don't care about flying, I can take a car ride. I will not comply. Thank you for posting this.
YES yes and yes x a million
What if you cut all the BS and I live free to do what I choose and rely upon a proper foundation of ethics and morals not corrupted by a f'd educational system, society, and government
It's amusing how people who'd call themselves patriots are virtue signalling a perfect happiness with being denied access to the things that made america great and generally made life after 1900 superior to life before it
I want the freedom of choice to do all of those things whenever, wherever I want without a 'passport.'
What if we found the beauty of the interior of the train cars as we’re being shipped to Auschwitz
All true
I'm willing to go back to the old days when life was much simpler and we only had 5 channels to watch which meant we played outside after school every day instead of being behind the boob tube.
What if you needed a u.s. passport to come to the u.s.
What if I stop paying taxes...Can’t go to jail, don’t have a vax.
What if I want to live my life like I always have and don't want change a fucking thing?
What if I want to be able to travel the world freely without being stopped by the vaxpass Nazis?
What if I want to go into any store or restaurant I want to because this is a free fucking country and we have God given rights to do so?
I tried to make the point that Covid was a gift from God for similar reasons. It's a complete non-threat that's bringing up all these wonderful opportunities and shining a light on all the darkness in the world. Lots of wins going on imho.
Sorry, Communists never leave you alone to enjoy your life and the fruits of your labor. In the Soviet Union, they went into the most remote towns of Siberia to hunt people down and force them to submit. We can do the things on this list now, but if we don't fight back and win, they will make these things impossible or illegal for those who don't comply with their ever-increasing and increasingly oppressive mandates.
I understand the sentiment behind this post, but it's ultimately a concession accepting the loss of our civil, private, and constitutional rights to corrupt and murderous people. Finding the bright side is good, but the concession is something I can't get behind.
Maybe in 10 years. There isn't just farm fresh nearby food for millions of people.
Also no flying is gay. I'd rather 3 million people die in a new air war than just be a class of man not allowed to travel. Especially since trains will be as vaccinated gay
Also you need money for almost all of those and most Americans are in debt.
Yes a noun and adjective to mean "i dismiss the legitimacy on the grounds of some absurdity or intolerable affront."
So this would fit that definition?
Yeah thus "gay" to just cede an entire dimension of human achievement to gangsters because they are gangsters. Better millions die
It was also prohibitively expensive for most!
This is what devolution is about
Thank you, I could give you a big hug!!! I'm so tired of the doomers. This is a sad time in human history, but those who survive the trials will live to see an amazing future. Meet you on the other side. WWG1WGA