If someone buys a share, that counts as 1 volume. If they sell it, that counts as 1 (for a total of 2). So some people are day-trading it (buying and selling in the same day, perhaps multiple times).
I was day trading this and doing well and got a notification that day trading could suspend my account. Like wtf.. I’ve never gotten that message before. I’m holding now :)
You need to be setup as a day-trader to day trade. What you did was sell shares with cash that wasn't yet settled, and it could result in you receiving a bath faith violation.
Seriously though, where would people recommend for setting up an account, preferably something I can set up and use quickly without waiting days and days for paid money to be usable. Fidelity won't let me buy for six days after deposited.
I just bought a bunch so I'm expecting it to come crashing back down any second.
Story of my life. I only buy GME at peaks.
Those are my favorite shares tbh lol.
You too?
Ah, the Al Bundy theory....any good luck must be followed by x5 bad luck. :)
Trading was just halted by numerous platforms and entities. Just saw it hit $52 and now it's frozen at $44.10 with the halt notification.
Tomorrow morning that shit will be higher than GME!
LFG 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
yea it's at 48.74 now lmao
It closed at $65 after bumping as high as $75 in after hours trading.
My post on patriots.win last night.
Truth Social is genius, please read the post to see why.
This is being gamed big time.
400M shares traded as of 2pm EST, only 30M exist.
If someone buys a share, that counts as 1 volume. If they sell it, that counts as 1 (for a total of 2). So some people are day-trading it (buying and selling in the same day, perhaps multiple times).
I was day trading this and doing well and got a notification that day trading could suspend my account. Like wtf.. I’ve never gotten that message before. I’m holding now :)
Brokers have their own rules for day-trading, but if your account is worth more than $25K, you have more flexibility with day-trading.
That being said, if I have an opportunity to invest, financially, in Trump, I'm going to buy & hold as long as possible.
Wise words my friend. I have a feeling it may explode tomorrow morning and settle again through out the day. Not financial advice just opinion!
You need to be setup as a day-trader to day trade. What you did was sell shares with cash that wasn't yet settled, and it could result in you receiving a bath faith violation.
I saw my moment and I took it lol
Good faith violation*
Yup, I suppose I should have been more clear on what I meant by "gamed".
Huge daily amounts exceeding available float several times could also mean one thing - naked short selling..
Massive short selling.
Hopefully Marge comes calling
Taking profit never felt so good.
wait what? Who's selling?
Brothers and Sisters as Trump and the Patriots take out big tech companies this stock will keep soaring.
Patriots and Apes are in control.
Im in at 12$! Diamond handing the trumpet stock 🤘🏼🤘🏼
My dumbass didn't see the post until after the market closed. Probably gonna buy some tomorrow.
I didn't have much $$ freed up today, but did buy a few shares just the same. Got in under $15. Yeee haw :D
Me like stock.
How me buy stock?
Where me go?
Seriously though, where would people recommend for setting up an account, preferably something I can set up and use quickly without waiting days and days for paid money to be usable. Fidelity won't let me buy for six days after deposited.
But I'm impulsive NOW lol.
I wire the money from my bank,takes about an hour to clear. I actual go to the bank with cash or money in the acc.
I use Webull. They make 1k available immediately for trading usually.