Given that blue eyes is a recessive trait and that the vast majority of people have brown eyes, it's rather remarkable that all of these different cultures depict someone with blue eyes.
Even the Bible was edited by Rome. Chrisianity is ABSOLUTELY BADASS but thats not what its known for and shouldnt be. Rome couldnt control them so they took it over. That is why the church is the antichrist. WE are the masters of this world and we submit to Jesus only. God gave us this world to rule over. Not a select group, not the pope. Thats why communism HATES Christianity.
Yes! We are the legitimate rulers. I say we round up all the current rulers and like, masacree they asses, then take their place. First thing Ima mandate is a big f'n wall around Australia. Boomarang they asses!
Where does it ever say Jesus said his followers were the real masters of the world? Don't forget he was born a new and died a new and never had any interest in starting a new religion but breathing life into one that had lost meaning and was just empty ritual.
Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
It’s hard for me to say church is the Antichrist, I know what you mean though. Jesus Is the church, as you say we submit to Him only. The buildings are places of worship and for fellowship. Be careful saying this to Catholics though, they get all pissy.
Before Rome, there was no real hierarchy in the church, other than deacons and/or perhaps a bishop. Everyone gathered in each other's homes to worship and all worshippers were on the same level and equal participants. It was Rome who introduced the divide between priests and congregants. The priests now became the main worshippers and the congregation was merely a passive witness. Priests and congregants were even physically separated from one another by a railing and the altar. No longer were they meeting as equals -- a huge mistake, but a very intentional one.
Yes, they do. I know they mean well and theyre in the right direction. But shirley i answered before is right. Christ didnt come to start a new religion or church. The spirit of irganised religion is not the spirit of Christ [edit] and yes thats the old "war" between Catholic and Protestant. Been going since the church began. I'm protestant obviously
Not real Catholics, but they have to be mostly red pilled. Rome didn't do all the damage though, most came later. Regardless, more will realize that we will have to return to sacraments at homes, like it all began.
You sort of argued against yourself, though- commies, masons, deep state, etc al have always thrown themselves against the Catholics hardest. Still do, even when it's obviously totally compromised.
I learned something interesting this week about where the "six million" Jewish Holocaust death-toll came from:
It all started during the Nuremberg trials when Russians presented wartime propaganda claiming that four million Jews were executed in gas chamber showers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
That four million number was increased to six million to accommodate other death camp gas showers like the ones at the Dachau concentration camp.
However, the Polish government officially corrected the Auschwitz gas chamber shower death toll down to 1.1 million.
Multiple teams later forensically tested the showers at Auschwitz and Dachau for residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas with the walls and soil and found nothing.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz or Dachau.
And that's how gas chamber shower holocaust of zero Jews became 1.1 million and then four million and was later rounded up to six million.
Using forensic chemical analysis, zero residual traces of Zyklon B was found within the physical structure and soil of Auschwitz's "gas chamber showers"... whereas the building that were used to sterilize lice infected clothing using the same gas, definitively showed significant traces of the deadly gas when their structures were testing using the same forensic chemical analysis.
The showers at Auschwitz were forensically and definitively proven to never have been used to gas anyone.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz, including your neighbor's parents.
Here's an interesting video that goes into those specific details, if you're interested:
We've all seen those photos of German prison guards filling burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners, but most people don't realize those photos were taken two years after WW2 ended.
Your neighbor may be shy about admitting that his parents remained in Auschwitz after the war ended because they were not released as prisoners of war, but were legitimate criminals who participated in the German Jewish Communist Party (KPD) coup of 1933 and were tried and found guilty of treason.
He may be shy about admitting his parents were the treasonous communist who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933.
"There are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud. Gittin 57b claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gitting 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans." - Judaism's Strange Gods (Michael A. Hoffman II) page 51
Although these tales are clearly bullshit (especially the four billion claim because that number represented many times more than the entire human population of the world at that time)... the chilling bit is that Jews demanded compensation for these imagined holocausts in the form of mass murdering the Roman people. The Jews literally demanded the execution of four billion Romans as payback.
San Blas (Panama) flag has the Pinwheel of Peace on it. When asked if they were going to change it they said "No, we had it before the Germans and we're not changing our flag."
And it's a symbol for the Navajos, there is even a building with swastikas on it in downtown Farmington, NM that dates to the 1910s or 1920s and resisted all attempts to remove the symbols throughout the years
Given that blue eyes is a recessive trait and that the vast majority of people have brown eyes, it's rather remarkable that all of these different cultures depict someone with blue eyes.
I thought the exact same thing.
Wow good catch , wonder what the reason is ,,,they sure do like their eyebrows
Even the Bible was edited by Rome. Chrisianity is ABSOLUTELY BADASS but thats not what its known for and shouldnt be. Rome couldnt control them so they took it over. That is why the church is the antichrist. WE are the masters of this world and we submit to Jesus only. God gave us this world to rule over. Not a select group, not the pope. Thats why communism HATES Christianity.
Yes! We are the legitimate rulers. I say we round up all the current rulers and like, masacree they asses, then take their place. First thing Ima mandate is a big f'n wall around Australia. Boomarang they asses!
Where does it ever say Jesus said his followers were the real masters of the world? Don't forget he was born a new and died a new and never had any interest in starting a new religion but breathing life into one that had lost meaning and was just empty ritual.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne."
Our job is to tend to his creation.
All the while worshiping God.
It’s hard for me to say church is the Antichrist, I know what you mean though. Jesus Is the church, as you say we submit to Him only. The buildings are places of worship and for fellowship. Be careful saying this to Catholics though, they get all pissy.
Before Rome, there was no real hierarchy in the church, other than deacons and/or perhaps a bishop. Everyone gathered in each other's homes to worship and all worshippers were on the same level and equal participants. It was Rome who introduced the divide between priests and congregants. The priests now became the main worshippers and the congregation was merely a passive witness. Priests and congregants were even physically separated from one another by a railing and the altar. No longer were they meeting as equals -- a huge mistake, but a very intentional one.
Yes, they do. I know they mean well and theyre in the right direction. But shirley i answered before is right. Christ didnt come to start a new religion or church. The spirit of irganised religion is not the spirit of Christ [edit] and yes thats the old "war" between Catholic and Protestant. Been going since the church began. I'm protestant obviously
Not real Catholics, but they have to be mostly red pilled. Rome didn't do all the damage though, most came later. Regardless, more will realize that we will have to return to sacraments at homes, like it all began.
You sort of argued against yourself, though- commies, masons, deep state, etc al have always thrown themselves against the Catholics hardest. Still do, even when it's obviously totally compromised.
History backs me up my friend
I learned something interesting this week about where the "six million" Jewish Holocaust death-toll came from:
It all started during the Nuremberg trials when Russians presented wartime propaganda claiming that four million Jews were executed in gas chamber showers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
That four million number was increased to six million to accommodate other death camp gas showers like the ones at the Dachau concentration camp.
However, the Polish government officially corrected the Auschwitz gas chamber shower death toll down to 1.1 million.
Multiple teams later forensically tested the showers at Auschwitz and Dachau for residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas with the walls and soil and found nothing.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz or Dachau.
And that's how gas chamber shower holocaust of zero Jews became 1.1 million and then four million and was later rounded up to six million.
I agree there were significant deaths.
We've all seen the photos of German prison guards filling massive burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners... but few people realize those photos were taken two years AFTER WW2 ended: ten million German civilians and one million prisoners starved to death between 1945 and 1947 (mostly) because of punishing allied sanctions. This irrefutable fact is referred to by historians as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
Those prisoners remained incarcerated after the prisoners of war were released in 1945 because most were legitimate criminals who declared a holy war against German Christians and participated in the treasonous communist coup of 1933 ... and created Antifa in 1930.
Using forensic chemical analysis, zero residual traces of Zyklon B was found within the physical structure and soil of Auschwitz's "gas chamber showers"... whereas the building that were used to sterilize lice infected clothing using the same gas, definitively showed significant traces of the deadly gas when their structures were testing using the same forensic chemical analysis.
The showers at Auschwitz were forensically and definitively proven to never have been used to gas anyone.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz, including your neighbor's parents.
Here's an interesting video that goes into those specific details, if you're interested:
Have you considered the story your neighbor told you is only a half truth?
Perhaps your neighbor's parents did die in Auschwitz but they weren't gassed but starved to death in 1947, two years after the war ended, during what historians refer to as "Eisenhower's Holocaust". Ten million German civilians and one million Jewish prisoners starved to death during this time, which was caused (mostly) by allied sanctions.
We've all seen those photos of German prison guards filling burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners, but most people don't realize those photos were taken two years after WW2 ended.
Your neighbor may be shy about admitting that his parents remained in Auschwitz after the war ended because they were not released as prisoners of war, but were legitimate criminals who participated in the German Jewish Communist Party (KPD) coup of 1933 and were tried and found guilty of treason.
He may be shy about admitting his parents were the treasonous communist who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933.
The six million figure seems to have a long history.
"Hold my beer." - Jewish Talmud
Although these tales are clearly bullshit (especially the four billion claim because that number represented many times more than the entire human population of the world at that time)... the chilling bit is that Jews demanded compensation for these imagined holocausts in the form of mass murdering the Roman people. The Jews literally demanded the execution of four billion Romans as payback.
See bible book of Esther .... same playbook.
Look up the "Oera Linda" book/codex. Its the oldest book in western civilization and has been heavily censored since the 1800s!
Are you talking about Tartaria?
Tartaria is like flat earth theory, don't pay it much mind. Atland and the "Oera Linda" book are much more real censored history
Tartaria is a ruse to distract from Atland which Plato called Atlantis.
Look up the "Oera Linda" book/codex if you want some real hidden history.
Happen to have links to any first edition scanned books?
Look up the "Oera Linda" book / codex
If you want to look at a yotuber that goes over secret societies with a biblical, Christian angle, look at this channel
Most of them have blue hair and eyebrows too. Maybe some of it Spectacle?
San Blas (Panama) flag has the Pinwheel of Peace on it. When asked if they were going to change it they said "No, we had it before the Germans and we're not changing our flag."
And it's a symbol for the Navajos, there is even a building with swastikas on it in downtown Farmington, NM that dates to the 1910s or 1920s and resisted all attempts to remove the symbols throughout the years
Aryan ....
The Tibet symbol in this graphic is actually Hindu. This is all wrong.
Last row third mask looks like Biden