If only other nations did this.
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Amen, Amen, Amen. It only takes one person to start the house of cards tumbling down. Who will be next?
Hungary is doing basically the same. Banned all pedo and trans propaganda for kids
Ironically, Russia and China see trannyism for what it really is : a mental illness
Weimar —-> Weimerica
And an abomination
A mental disorder should never be PUSHED, FORCED, OR TAUGHT.
...and moved it to the chapter entitled "Mental Illness and Perceived Gender".
As well it should be. The kids/adults doing this because it's "cool" and a fad are idiots who need a good blanket party to get them to see sense. The ones doing it because they honestly believe it are in desperate need of psychiatric help instead of having their psychoses fed and nurtured.
good. If we don't start standing up for morality and truth too, Russia and China are going to kick our ass.
lol.. Putin is waaaay more respectable than resident king sniffy.....
Symbolically this is a great gesture, but blank pages don’t help anybody. I’d much rather they print information that will actually acknowledge the people with this mental illness (in a health textbook!) and help them recover.
We need mote Biblically based groups and clubs that kids can join and be part of also. YMCA was originally based on biblical principals
Welp, looks like my kid's going to be speaking Russian first
What other dangerous ideas should be censored?
The idea that you were born a racist
The ideas that undermine traditional America and contribute to the destruction of Heritage Americans’ way of life.
Yeah, I'm not just going to become pro-censorship just because the "good guys" are doing it. Does it really solve anything, or pour petrol on the fire?
Yes, you are reading it wrong.
Perhaps we both interpreted the headline and article differently. The article doesn't make reference to this book being used in schools. It's mainly about the publisher's right to publish, under Russian law.
I agree that children shouldn't be fed this crap. After what we've been through, though, I hope you can understand why I might be hesitant to support direct censorship rather than removing this material from schools. Nevertheless, there may be more context to this that the article doesn't provide (in particular, it didn't really explain the law itself), and in general the push against the globohomo agenda is a welcome sight.
I’m not pro murder either but in some situations we would all kill. I won’t die early or let the world doom itself just to be able to say “at least I kept my principles!”
“The Constitution is not a suicide pact “ — Justice Robert Jackson, 1949
Not all killing is murder.
From children's books?
A whole bunch of them.
Simply removing it is lazy and supresses debate. This particular idea is a really easy one to win. Win the debate and remove it from school curriculum. The reason it was put there in the first place was because debate was stifled (censorship). So again, I ask, what other dangerous ideas do we need to censor?
We win every test and debate, and have ever since the Reagan years. Yet the rot endures and the decline continues. Arguing won’t MAGA, power will.
Every cell in our body has DNA coded with xx or xy. They are only following science.
Lemme make this simpler
Everyone's a female
Feel better now, cupcakes and snowflakes?
Amen-now for America to repent, turn back to God and He will bless us. Until then, we will continue falling further and further
The thing I have with transgenderism is that God doesn't make mistakes. If He made you a man, then He intends for you to be a man. Now, if a man likes some more effeminate things and activities, I'm all for letting him engage in those and being happy, with the understanding that most others will likely think him strange.
The future is Russian btw unless we Western nations have a cultural revival.
America, the politically correct commie states. We are in sad, sad shape.
Russia doesn’t have a 1A,
But beyond that, not everything that you feel like saying, is worthy of a captive audience
Can’t falsely yell FIRE in a crowded theater,
Can’t falsely claim people can change their gender in a classroom
I don’t recall reading about yelling fire in a theater in the first amendment.
Are you sure you aren’t just confusing someone’s harebrained opinion with the actual language of the first amendment?
Do you honestly believe that someone who was born with a penis can just change their sex to female if they want to?
You are still making monthly payments on that “liberal education” aren’t you?
Should teachers be able to falsely claim that cis gender is merely a social construct, and that trans gender is an immutable biological fact?
Just because something is not "worthy of a captive audience" does not mean people lose the right to say it. The Bill of Rights applies to all people in the USA, not to just those that agree with the government of the day. Otherwise, we'd all be shut down pretty quickly around here.
Just because someone “might” get hurt by me falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater, does not mean i lose the right to say it?
Yelling fire in a theater is a direct threat to the people's health. That is not arguable, it is a plain fact that doing so would put people into danger.
As much as we'd like to believe that "trans is a mental illness" is a fact, it is actually NOT an inarguable plain fact like the previous example. And thus it is protected speech.
Rights are rights even when you disagree with them. As a matter of fact, it is MORE important that they are held up as rights when you disagree with them. Because if they are not, it is that much easier to smash them then next time the 'correct way of thinking' changes hands.
It doesn't accomplish anything.
We've got to fix the people that think they should rely entirely on the state, giving control of everything to the state.
The people who think devoting everything to a company who gives you diminishing spending power is good, giving their children to the state.
Quit being a slave. Raise your kids.
Being scared of people having access to information... where have I seen that before?
Just FYI, nowhere in the article does it say the book was a textbook or part of a school curriculum. It's just a book about periods. Not that I disagree with your underlying point... It's just that little misinterpretations like this give [them] ammunition to attempt to silence and discredit us.