I can believe this. Another factor to consider is that she's used to spreading her legs to get what she wants, but now she's trying to play in the same league as people who will murder you for being an inconvenience. She can't possibly be sleeping well.
Heels Up vs Killary? No one's in doubt about how that ends.
There are rumors right now about Biden, Kamala and Pelosi leaving office. Nothing substantiated, but the rumors are there nonetheless. That's why I'm wondering about the President Pro Tem. Third in line of succession. D controlled now. Used to be Grassley (and could be again).
It wouldn’t. The graphic is incorrect. Both Missouri senate seats are held by Republicans, although Greitens would be a big upgrade over Blunt who is a swamp rat through and throughout
I want to see those responsible for charging him for BS be arrested and tried for the over throw of a governor. It's ridiculous and treasonous what happened to him.
If this happens will a new president pro tem be selected? It's Patrick Leahy (D) right now but was Chuck Grassley when Rs controlled senate. President pro tem is third in line of succession for POTUS just after speaker of the house.
But it shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be red vs blue. Republicans vs Democrats. We all vote one way, your side the other. This is the thinking that got us here in the first place. If we get to ever fix our elections in this country, Senate reps MUST represent the state that placed them their. Stop party voting. Stop with selfish thinking. You work for the people of your state...act like it.
I can believe this. Another factor to consider is that she's used to spreading her legs to get what she wants, but now she's trying to play in the same league as people who will murder you for being an inconvenience. She can't possibly be sleeping well.
Heels Up vs Killary? No one's in doubt about how that ends.
This is who she slept with: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3b/b2/b3/3bb2b38ef56c67a6ee05a2be5857b0e2.jpg
That poor bat.
There are rumors right now about Biden, Kamala and Pelosi leaving office. Nothing substantiated, but the rumors are there nonetheless. That's why I'm wondering about the President Pro Tem. Third in line of succession. D controlled now. Used to be Grassley (and could be again).
I don’t agree with your characterization. I believe she loves being in politics and doesn’t care who her choices affect. It’s about power.
I could ask you all the same questions lol I guess we just don’t know one way or the other
What option do they have? If Kamala ends up as President, the VP pro temp ore can not cast tie breaking votes. As I understood it.
Why would it switch the balance? Blunt is a republican.
It wouldn’t. The graphic is incorrect. Both Missouri senate seats are held by Republicans, although Greitens would be a big upgrade over Blunt who is a swamp rat through and throughout
Yeah OP's graphic doesn't make a bit of sense, but at least it's good to be aware this guy could replace Blunt.
I'd complain about the number of up-doots made in ignorance if I hadn't up-dooted it myself this morning...
Blunt is also a RINO
Does anyone honestly believe in "elections", still?
Based and Thunderdome-pilled.
because Blunt is a RINO pos? we already have two R senators in MO… not understanding the math on this one, is it common core?
Some of those red dots are more blue than red though.
Love Missouri.
Just saw a guy yesterday in Walmart with his gun on his hip! Missouri ftw!
Probably was me
I want to see those responsible for charging him for BS be arrested and tried for the over throw of a governor. It's ridiculous and treasonous what happened to him.
Dominion says ‘not so fast’
The open Senate seat had been occupied by a Republican. Not sure this is accurate.
If this happens will a new president pro tem be selected? It's Patrick Leahy (D) right now but was Chuck Grassley when Rs controlled senate. President pro tem is third in line of succession for POTUS just after speaker of the house.
Leahy is about half a commie.
Leahy is also more than halfway to being a Good Commie, he's like a walking corpse right now.
But it shouldn’t be this way. It shouldn’t be red vs blue. Republicans vs Democrats. We all vote one way, your side the other. This is the thinking that got us here in the first place. If we get to ever fix our elections in this country, Senate reps MUST represent the state that placed them their. Stop party voting. Stop with selfish thinking. You work for the people of your state...act like it.
We can do better than this.
Repeal 17th Amendment.
That just puts some RINOs in a good position to make demands to flip.
If "Rachel" Levine sits down in the wrong place, that's the one seat to end Kamala.
Oh yea! I am voting for Eric Greitens. I have met him and he is Patriot! Loves our America.
That seat is held by a Republican, so we have to hold it
Riggers gonna rig.
hes going for a senate seat
how does it have anything to do with Kamala's control over congress? =D
I think he meant over senate.
Ok, how is this seat open???? a Democrat is leaving? Blunt is a RINO but still a republican.
Fix 2020 first
When is this?
Next year. The seat is already a republican Roy Blunt but he's a rino and said he won't run for reelection.
Doesn’t she get to settle ties though?
This post should be deleted by the OP due to being completely inaccurate.
However.. go Eric. I’ll be voting for him.