Cut and pasted from an earlier post this is a good direct source compilation of young people having serious heart and blood clot problems - some dying - after the jab. It's not about the very young, but still should be alarming wake up call:
We as a community can provide all of the evidence and experiences in the world. The problem is are your children willing to be open minded and present themselves to what you are trying to share? I honestly pray this be the case. Good luck with this precarious situation. I will absolutely pray for you after posting this.
They have a 99.9% chance to survive covid if they catch it, why the hell would they want to take an experimental vaccine that has produced more deaths worldwide than all other vaccines brought to market combined?
That is the thing with me you want to take it fine but how the hell can you put an experiment into your kids? How the hell did people become so dumbed down they gladly take an experiment when everyday there is a lawsuit on tv
More people can tell you who Kim Kardashian sucked off last week than can repeat any part of the bill of rights, constitution, or even name 1 victim of 9/11. Let alone the correct date of 9/11. A lot of people have become consumers of useless bullshit. I could go on but I know you get the point. Never thought I'd see the day and I'm only 37.
Yesterday I watched on Rumble Sen Ron Johnson's panel on the effects of the vax by doctors and people experiencing them. I went into tears of one dad's testimony about what happened to his son.
Ask them to let you know the when they are vaccinated as you are re-writing your will and need to tell the attorneys the child's name. Both child and parent will be written out of the will. The last one unvaxed gets it all.
If everybody gets the vax proceeds go to the charity of your choice or the Donald J Trump election fund, whichever will annoy them the most.
I know where you are coming from. I have two grand children I am also concerned about. The best advice, I can give is "Give it to God". Pray continuous with belief & faith. Prayer & our relationship with our Lord is our best weapon we have. God loves our children! God hears our prayers! God wins! I am praying for your grand kids & your kids, your whole family. Please keep mine in your prayers, also. God bless my friend. WWG1WGA
Cut and pasted from an earlier post this is a good direct source compilation of young people having serious heart and blood clot problems - some dying - after the jab. It's not about the very young, but still should be alarming wake up call:
Two West Indies Players – Chinelle Henry, Chedean Nation Collapse on Field: Dembele, 29, Atletico Madrid striker collapses in training, requires medical attention Alex Apolinario, 24, Brazilian soccer player dies after collapsing on pitch during match: Britain's Jack Draper, 19, collapses at Miami Open: Mirko Kido, 36, Olympic gold medalist dies of heart attack during game: Ghanaian referee collapses during AFCON Match: Referee Bert Smith collapses on court due to blood clot during Gonzaga-USC men's Elite Eight game: Josh Downie, 24, cricketer dies after heart attack at practice: Giuseppe Perrino, 29, ex-Parma footballer dies at memorial match after collapsing Raymond van Barneveld collapses and receives paramedic attention during PDC Championship: Devaraj Anchan, 33, volleyball player collapses during game, dies: Garissone Innocent, 20, fell unconscious due to abnormal electrical impulse in heart during game: Ethan Jovani Trejo, 16-year-old soccer player, collapsed on the field during training: Samuel Kalu, 24, Bordeaux star collapses minutes into football game: Roy Butler, 23, Irish footballer Watford FC dies after Jansen: FA Youth Cup - player suffered sudden cardiac arrest on the field: Vinny Curry, 33, out for season due to blood clots: Cameron Dale, 29, Australian sailor dies after catastrophic stroke: Two young Columbia High school footballers die: Bollywood’s star, 40, dies following heart attack Tom Felton, 34, collapses during golf game: Francis Perron, 25, Ottawa footballer dies after game: Parys Haralson, 37, former Saints line backer dies: Jimmy Hayes, 31, former Bruins player unexpectedly dies: Kjeld Nuis, 31, Dutch professional skater admitted to hospital with inflamed heart: John Stokes, 21, athlete at Tennessee Uni hospitalized with heart inflammation: Jake Ehlinger, 20, found dead - cause unknown: Jeremy Chardy, 34, tennis pro cannot train or play after vaccine: Francesca Marcon, 38, volleybal professional can’t play, has pericarditis post vaccine: Yusuke Kinoshita, 27, baseball pro dies 7 weeks post vaccine: Alex Stalock, 34, NHL Oilers goalie out for the season due to heart condition: Ceylin Alvarado, 23, pro cyclists out for season due to blood complications: Greg van Aevermat, 36, pro cyclist, loss of form since vaccine: Three young Belgian cyclists suffer heart issues following race: Kamila Label-Farrel, 19, Uni Basketball Star died unexpectedly: Jacob Downey, 19, Queens Uni Hockey player passes away after medical emergency: Christian Eriksen, 29, Collapses at Euros due to heart issue Josh Archibald, 28, Oilers hockey forward out indefinitely due to myocarditis: Jen Gouveia, 38, suffered cardiac arrest during a run: Kyle Warner, pro BMX cyclist has pericarditis post vaccine: 16 year old youth suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting: Brandon Goodwin, 26, Atlanta Hawks star, career over due to blood clots: Ewan Fraser, 30, Glasgow hockey player suffered cardiac arrest, passes away: David Jenkins, 31, Olympic silver medalist diver unexpectedly passes away: Paul Zisper, 27, Munich basketball pro, has emergency surgery after brain hemorrhage related to J and J: Filip Ingebrigsten, 28, Norwegian runner suffers loss of form post vaccine: Avi Barot, 29, Saurashtra cricketer suffers cardiac arrest, passes away: Abou Ali, 22, professional footballer collapses on pitch during game: Fabrice NSakala, 31, Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game: Jens De Smet, 27, footballer collapses on field, passes away of heart attack: Jente van Genechten, 25, footballer collapses on field due to heart attack: Frederic Lartillot, French footballer collapses in changing room, passes away due to heart attack after game: Benjamin Taft, 31, German footballer collapses after game, passes away due to heart attack: Rune Coghe, 18, Belgian footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch: Helen Edwards, referee taken off court during World Cup qualifier due to heart issues: Dimitri Lienard, 33, FC Strasbourg midfielder collapses during game: Sergio Aguero, 33, Barecelona star striker admitted to hospital for cardiac exam after match: Emil Palsson, 28, Sognal midfielder collapses due to cardiac arrest during game: Antoine Méchin, 31, French triathlete suffers pulmonary embolism following Moderna: Luis Ojeda, 20, Argentine football player unexpectedly passes away: Greg Luyssen, 22, Belgian pro cyclist ends career due to heart issues: Pedro Obiang, 29, ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis post vaccine: Cienna Knowles, 19, equestrian star hospitalized due to blood clots:
We as a community can provide all of the evidence and experiences in the world. The problem is are your children willing to be open minded and present themselves to what you are trying to share? I honestly pray this be the case. Good luck with this precarious situation. I will absolutely pray for you after posting this.
Expected vs Observed cases of myocarditis - for boys 100x, for girls 12x
Cardiac MRI Findings of Myocarditis After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Adolescents
Myo and pericarditis rates in 12+
Experts warn UK against 'blindly' following US in jabbing healthy five-year-olds against Covid
The rate of vaccine-induced heart inflammation in children
They have a 99.9% chance to survive covid if they catch it, why the hell would they want to take an experimental vaccine that has produced more deaths worldwide than all other vaccines brought to market combined?
That is the thing with me you want to take it fine but how the hell can you put an experiment into your kids? How the hell did people become so dumbed down they gladly take an experiment when everyday there is a lawsuit on tv
More people can tell you who Kim Kardashian sucked off last week than can repeat any part of the bill of rights, constitution, or even name 1 victim of 9/11. Let alone the correct date of 9/11. A lot of people have become consumers of useless bullshit. I could go on but I know you get the point. Never thought I'd see the day and I'm only 37.
Your comment is what I say too. Never believed I would see this crap so soon and I am 54. We are in bad times fren
Yesterday I watched on Rumble Sen Ron Johnson's panel on the effects of the vax by doctors and people experiencing them. I went into tears of one dad's testimony about what happened to his son.
This entire video should be REQUIRED VIEWING by every American, especially those pushing the mandates.
Ask them to wait a year to see the vaccine effects on others. It's the smart move. Why use their own children as guinea pigs?
Thanks for this comment. One of the most logical yet loving responses without overwhelming them with data they probably won't read/believe
I pray they chose to wait.
I will add your family to my prayers. Please let us know if they do.
I'm sorry to hear this. I pray the parents will come to the realization of the truth. Those kids don't need it. No one does!
(I hope you and your wife are well.)
The stickied post about the Pfizer whistleblower in the BMJ is a solid place to start
I know this probably wont make you feel much better but at least they made smaller doses for the kids... prayers for your family fren
Ask them to let you know the when they are vaccinated as you are re-writing your will and need to tell the attorneys the child's name. Both child and parent will be written out of the will. The last one unvaxed gets it all.
If everybody gets the vax proceeds go to the charity of your choice or the Donald J Trump election fund, whichever will annoy them the most.
They can avoid death and serious injury by avoiding specific lot numbers
I know where you are coming from. I have two grand children I am also concerned about. The best advice, I can give is "Give it to God". Pray continuous with belief & faith. Prayer & our relationship with our Lord is our best weapon we have. God loves our children! God hears our prayers! God wins! I am praying for your grand kids & your kids, your whole family. Please keep mine in your prayers, also. God bless my friend. WWG1WGA
The most powerful ammo I have for you is prayer and I will pray for you and your grandchildren. I am so sorry 😞
Our prayers are with you. The other poster is right we can show everything but will they even listen or look at it with an open mind
Praying for you and the kids. My heart is breaking thinking about this. 🙏💔🙏💔🙏😪
If this doesn't convince them nothing will.
Boy after Covid-19 shot:
13-year-old boy dies seconds later from the second dose of the covid 19 vaccine, Brazil:
Baby after Covid-19 shot:
Newborn whos parents are vaccinated:
Serious Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects Reported on Social Media (Caution Advised):
Severe Adverse Reactions After Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccine:
This set is not Covid shot, but this male RN was participating in a vaccine for Tdap. This shows what happened to him:
One and a half years ago:
9 months ago:
Last video:
If they must be vaxxed for school, HOME SCHOOL.
Welcome, fren. Good luck.
How horrible. I will pray for you.