If self-defense is terrorism in this fictional country where they want to live.. well I guess they would not be alive for long.
Village idiots. Even the bot is probably higher IQ than the shit-for-brains people who consent for their twitter accounts to publish such utter pablum.
I went on to Twitter to just confirm this and looked up George Takei and could not find the tweet but to your credit I could not spend much time on his page. Dear god those liberals are clinically crazy! They are brain washed beyond belief. I heard this and completely agreed with it, if the White House came out today and said that they stole the election and it was for your own good 20% of the country would support it.
Look how every name looks exactly the same: Normal first and last name, normal name following the @ too, nothing like @ MemeWarriorFromHell. A couple names in all lowercase tossed in, just to make it look more natural.
Do they just copy-paste each other? That looks like what moronic cult-members would do.
Guessing they have a company run their Twitter account, probably the DNC.
This. Probably in an agreement to help boost their numbers and popularity, they occasionally will become another loud speaker for the establishment.
Inactive accounts turned into bots?
I have. Just wondering if they could take over inactive accounts and use them for it.
Colin Kaepernick is no hero he is a POS
All known people and famous people.
We are SUPPOSED to notice this, folks.
Question is, where are these people, actually, and why do they allow this blatant copy pasta on their accounts?
If self-defense is terrorism in this fictional country where they want to live.. well I guess they would not be alive for long.
Village idiots. Even the bot is probably higher IQ than the shit-for-brains people who consent for their twitter accounts to publish such utter pablum.
Thinking there might be a shortage of rope coming soon...
I went on to Twitter to just confirm this and looked up George Takei and could not find the tweet but to your credit I could not spend much time on his page. Dear god those liberals are clinically crazy! They are brain washed beyond belief. I heard this and completely agreed with it, if the White House came out today and said that they stole the election and it was for your own good 20% of the country would support it.
this is crazy. and a good one to share, hard to deny they're all the same.
Twatter must have a name and photo generator to give these bot posts a verisimilitude of truth.
And look at that, they all have checkmarks.
The want to live in a country where THEIR growing up and joining the slavery, child molester party,
means YOU grew up and joined the slavery, child molester party.
Look how every name looks exactly the same: Normal first and last name, normal name following the @ too, nothing like @ MemeWarriorFromHell. A couple names in all lowercase tossed in, just to make it look more natural.
In other words, screaming fake.
Such a depth of intellectual culture.
hopefully its code and all these people are taken down and replaced by bots.
Oh maiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's called China
Then move to Canada you jackasses.
Gtfo then?
Gitmo then?
Get off Twitter.