Baldwin was comms to hit Newsome
🤔💠Theory 😲💡
No way would Newsome get the jab or booster. He would use 'prop guns with blanks' and pretend everything is fine.
Someone slipped a live round in the booster shot this time and we haven't seen him since.
The whole Baldwin thing was comminicating a 'GO' for hitting Newsome, his usefulness has run its course.
In the case of Newsome, these people ARE sick.
Kek....they like to live dangerously. But what they misunderstood their own comms 😂🤣 whoops...mah baaad
Nellie got hers hacked; they’ve been forced out into the open.
Did you see the dead body?
It's kinda like the movie Argo where they marketed an elaborate fake Hollywood movie as pretext to send an exfiltration team to Iran. If you have infinite money, why not make your comms overly elaborate? Provides more plausible deniability anyway. Why would they .... ?
I think someone switched out the placebo for the real. Any info on the person that gave the shot? (I'd love to buy them a beer)
Valid questions... to which my answer is "yes". They absolutely would go that far. Not saying they did, but the possibility is not as far fetched as it seems especially if you don't agree with the official 9/11 narrative.
Movies have lots of fake deaths. Not even very complicated.
I think he sees dead ppl
It's amazing what people come up with.
Makes more symbolic sense than a lot of the theories around, but the motive for (the left) hitting him with a real vax after just frauding him through the recall election... is kinda inconceivable.
what did they do to Andrew Cumho
Did he ever get arrested?
Why? It's an opportunity to milk sympathy.
I agree that Newsom has outlived his usefulness, but I do not think it is in any way related to the Baldwin incident. Newsom is also messaging to the rest that no one is beyond the reach of the cabal. Several members of the Patriot movement have been targeted recently. I wonder what Newsom did to piss off the puppet masters? Everyone is expendable. Watch the Clinton's health.
Newsom & Poisonous Pelosi are related I believe.
Yeah, he's her Nephew. Nepotism is a hot line in politics. Relationships all have connections, hence, the incestuous nature of sprawling bureaucracy.
That's for sure fren!
Bear in mind,'s as clear as day and everyone knows the recall on Gruesome was tampered with. They saw the real vote tallies before they had to tabulate how many votes it would take to get him reasonably over the finish line. It's entirely believable that Gavin's so incredibly unpopular, the writing was on the wall. Time to find some fresh meat to replace him.
After all, you're spot-on that to (((them))), anyone is expendable.
this is a post designed to throw dirt in the air and obscure two events that are not related.
wow. . .gonna pass on this take.
Hard or soft?
I just love how his wife gets extremely defensive over him. I mean, just pull off a Ruth Baser Ginsburg and post a "recent" selfie with him to dispel all of the rumors. It takes 2 seconds! Something is going on and they have no clue what to do. This probably wasn't planned and I guarantee you they are all in a meeting room contemplating doing something like this, but then they would need to still address the possibility that Newsome might be permanently damaged.
He spoke at a conference about 3 hours ago. I’m not sure why we’re falling for this, but it’s fake news.
Apparently he skipped the Climate thing to go trick or treating.
Whatever dude. And don't hide behind your kids.
Updoot for the humor.
Hi, but how did you connect the Baldwin case to Newsom? Not getting it, seems like a stretch.
calling bullshit, will need you to provide source.
Nice Hollywood fantasy narrative.
On the tweet where Gavin Grusome is getting the jab, the hashtag reads "#iunderstoodtheassignment" (I Understood The Assignment)
I thought that odd.
Odd indeed! Good catch pede
Could be right. GN was taken and told his captors he was supposed to get a placebo.
there has to be a connection to newsome for that to be the case...
No proof anything bad happened to Newsome yet. Could just be playing games to gin up conspiracy theories to later debunk.
Not that I wouldn't like him to die a slow and painful death.
But can you imagine how pissed he is about getting a real clot shot? (If that's what happened.)