Imagine being scared of peer-pressure, economic pressure, or being limited access to concert venues when previous generations braved gun shots on end to save us all from tyranny. Vaxxers are really a bunch of spineless pussies
Yes it really is a pretty silly tweet. We're willing to risk all manner of insult, ostracization, job loss, financial pressure etc etc. and he thinks it's accurate to deride us with such terms.
One more thing... people like this who are making these statements do so to stay in good standing with their peers and contemporaries. They are virtue signalling in an echo chamber, where they all march in lockstep, no matter what the chant of the hour is.... RUSSIA COLLUSION.... ORANGE MAN BAD .... SCREW YOUR FREEDOMS.... GET THE VAXX OR ELSE.
Yeah, I had thought so too. But like a dog returning to its own vomit, the Progs just can't seem to help themselves. Unencumbered by the thought process.
He's trying to project our motivation onto us. That we aren't getting vaccinated because we are afraid of the needle, or we are afraid of the risk.
Neither is true.
It is about not bending down to the will of bureaucrats. They have no right to demand I get that unsafe shit injected into me.
They have no right to tell me I can't go inside a store, or fly on a plane, or have a beer at the pub unless I'm injected with a poison.
Injected with a poison. The mRNA vaccine causes your own body to manufacture the deadly spike protein. The protein that causes blood clots, heart problems and nervous system problems. If you are lucky, the spike proteins stay in your arm muscle. If you aren't, then you are fucked.
Say that to my face, snowflake. All these progs prattle on and on about "vaxx hesitancy" and "ignorant anti-vaxxers" without even ONCE considering that just maybe we've done our due diligence and know a thing or two about "informed consent" and our Constitutional freedoms. But they (and Piers in particular) are immune to facts and honest debate, so.... Fuck you, Piers, just fuck you.
I've been noticing a growing trend where the more pompous and sanctimonious a person's tweet is about how safe the vaccine is, the higher the likelihood that they die within only a couple weeks after their booster shot.
All I can say is if he got a placebo great for him, but if he didn't the truth will be known to him soon enough. Perfect example of someone being totally out of touch with reality.
Also we aren’t “anti-vaxxers” we’ve all had vaccines which were our choice.
This isn’t a vaccine and they are trying to not give us the choice.
It’s admitted by the manufacturers that it is essentially installing a new “operating system”, their words, how many vaccines are operating systems?
The patents for these shots also admits they are gene therapy delivery mechanisms.
So, Piers, please tell me more about these alleged vaccines.
I think PM is the scared pussy. Scared by the MSM for a fake pandemic, falsified covid deaths, frightened into taking the jab. A real cuck if you ask me. Plus he is fucking stupid for believing the MSM false narratives.
Imagine not having the spine to turn down a vaccine that's actually gene therapy with risks for myocarditis all for a virus with an extremely high survival rate.
Piers, Please be quiet. You are proving to everyone how incredibly stupid you are every time you express yourself. Try talking to a mirror, at least the person you see there may care.
PS I am not a pussy. Mess with me or someone I care about and you will find out just how strong and determined me and other people who are restraining themselves really are. Remember, do not poke a tiger with a stick.
Imagine being Piers Morgan?
Just got done watching another compilation video of professional athletes going into cardiac arrest while out on the field after getting the vax.
I dare Piers' to go up to teammates who declined the procedure and call them a pussy.
Hes going to be another "why didn't anyone warn us?" butthead
Time to start the Piers Morgan death watch thread
My sentiments exactly
You cant use "pussy" to mean coward except heteronormatively as a tell for underlying misogyny and in service of patriarchal oppression: triggered.
Balls are weak...pussies can take a pounding....just sayin
Ha! Ha!
Wel yes but im using Wokespeak to explain why lol
You can only even imagine Pussy = Weak if you think of man and womanhood as opposing forces and Male as superior basically in Wokespeak
Can you translate that for simpletons in English, please
No lol i already did
Yea...I was gonna say that.
Imagine being scared of peer-pressure, economic pressure, or being limited access to concert venues when previous generations braved gun shots on end to save us all from tyranny. Vaxxers are really a bunch of spineless pussies
Yes it really is a pretty silly tweet. We're willing to risk all manner of insult, ostracization, job loss, financial pressure etc etc. and he thinks it's accurate to deride us with such terms.
Ohh Piers you slow mother fucker. When you die from the vax I'm sure this tweet will be your epitaph.
I’m ok with that
One more thing... people like this who are making these statements do so to stay in good standing with their peers and contemporaries. They are virtue signalling in an echo chamber, where they all march in lockstep, no matter what the chant of the hour is.... RUSSIA COLLUSION.... ORANGE MAN BAD .... SCREW YOUR FREEDOMS.... GET THE VAXX OR ELSE.
Piss off, snowflakes.
Piers was moving more toward center-right lately, but this tweet was a a very sad, ignorant, and disappointing one for sure!
Yeah, I had thought so too. But like a dog returning to its own vomit, the Progs just can't seem to help themselves. Unencumbered by the thought process.
Never could stand the asshat.
Piers goes whichever way the wind is blowing. He uses the exact word - Spineless
Probably wilful misinterpretation of the facts on his part because he's worried about what he's done to himself.
Yes he is right. The only reason we are not taking the vaccine is because we are scared of the ouchie. Who cares what it does after that, right?
He's trying to project our motivation onto us. That we aren't getting vaccinated because we are afraid of the needle, or we are afraid of the risk.
Neither is true.
It is about not bending down to the will of bureaucrats. They have no right to demand I get that unsafe shit injected into me.
They have no right to tell me I can't go inside a store, or fly on a plane, or have a beer at the pub unless I'm injected with a poison.
Injected with a poison. The mRNA vaccine causes your own body to manufacture the deadly spike protein. The protein that causes blood clots, heart problems and nervous system problems. If you are lucky, the spike proteins stay in your arm muscle. If you aren't, then you are fucked.
From 1993
Sooo Im supposed to display the bravery of a WWi or 2 vet? who LITERALLY KNEW THEY FACED DEATH??? to face something supposedly super duper safe?
Eat a dick Piers (Probably already has one in his mouth n ass)
Say that to my face, snowflake. All these progs prattle on and on about "vaxx hesitancy" and "ignorant anti-vaxxers" without even ONCE considering that just maybe we've done our due diligence and know a thing or two about "informed consent" and our Constitutional freedoms. But they (and Piers in particular) are immune to facts and honest debate, so.... Fuck you, Piers, just fuck you.
I've been noticing a growing trend where the more pompous and sanctimonious a person's tweet is about how safe the vaccine is, the higher the likelihood that they die within only a couple weeks after their booster shot.
So start the countdown on Piers, I guess...
I think you left out the word "die" and I agree, this seems like a setup for yet another wake up call.
Thanks for the heads-up! Edited.
Morgan is a cabal agent. I’d bet good money he hasn’t rolled up his sleeve. He’s a member of that club Carlin spoke about....the one we’re not in.
All I can say is if he got a placebo great for him, but if he didn't the truth will be known to him soon enough. Perfect example of someone being totally out of touch with reality.
If this was a booster (presumably poke number 3), the odds are not so in his favor.
the difference beween taking a vaccine and taking a bullet? the bullet can be removed.
Also we aren’t “anti-vaxxers” we’ve all had vaccines which were our choice. This isn’t a vaccine and they are trying to not give us the choice. It’s admitted by the manufacturers that it is essentially installing a new “operating system”, their words, how many vaccines are operating systems? The patents for these shots also admits they are gene therapy delivery mechanisms.
So, Piers, please tell me more about these alleged vaccines.
It seems like those who publicly talk the most trash about purebloods are the ones that Karma hits the hardest. This tweet may not age well.
I'll listen to him after he braves some gun shots himself.
I'm think'n cyanide pills should be made available to everyone who wants to save the planet from over population.
They would take it!
I'd like to see him on set with Alec Baldwin... kekkity kek
I'm gonna save this one for when it comes back to bite him
T minus 40 days.
This tweet will be plastered everywhere when he “dies suddenly” from one of his string of jabs.
well at least he has the time frame of how long the vaccine (shot) works... 4 secs, then you need a booster
I think PM is the scared pussy. Scared by the MSM for a fake pandemic, falsified covid deaths, frightened into taking the jab. A real cuck if you ask me. Plus he is fucking stupid for believing the MSM false narratives.
Men in 1945: Facing certain death
Men in 2021: Muzzled and lined up for a jab like cattle for something that has a 99.9% survival rate
Imagine not having the spine to turn down a vaccine that's actually gene therapy with risks for myocarditis all for a virus with an extremely high survival rate.
why did you Yankee boys have to give him back to us? We sent you our crap for a reason
Deep State Cunt...
fuck you Piers Morgan - suck on your vaccine - death jab
Piers, Please be quiet. You are proving to everyone how incredibly stupid you are every time you express yourself. Try talking to a mirror, at least the person you see there may care.
PS I am not a pussy. Mess with me or someone I care about and you will find out just how strong and determined me and other people who are restraining themselves really are. Remember, do not poke a tiger with a stick.
. . .said the spineless pussy.
"Give into tyranny because previous generations braved gunshots for years on end to save us all from tyranny." There. Fixed a grammatical error.
Non sequitur.
Piers is a singular spineless pussy.
Lol I would put money on Piers Whoregan getting a bad complication and dying from his booster shot. You know it’s coming!