I've been saying for years we should just shoot border crossers. Give a round or two of warning shots first etc obviously, but once they are fully on notice and still proceed then shoot them dead. No fucks given. Thing is you wouldn't end up killing 100s of people. You might never kill a single person even. Why? Because once people believed you would shoot them THEY WOULD STOP FUCKING TRYING!
You build the wall with plenty of warning signs, and put armed guards on it with orders to shoot at anyone jumping the wall. Problem solved.
I have said the same for years. Put gators and crocs in the Rio Grande as well. I'm all for building towers along the border and let border patrol have target practice. Leave them where they fall. Let the others who still try to come, have to climb over the pile of dead bodies. The UN be damned, it's our borders. Shoot enough of them and it will come to a screeching halt pretty fast.
The Polish truly are badass. I worked with their SF troops under NATO umbrella in Afghanistan. Our regular troops would hang their heads in shame as the Poles geared-up before a mission…literally. (Our SF guys are WAY badass too…only comparing to our regular troops). Similarly the Australian SF guys are truly hardcore. I wear my Polish SF hat every day and am honored to have worked with them. (They let me drive one of their 8-wheeled Finnish assault vehicles…UNREAL cool).
The guy I got closest with has my name in Polish…kinda cool. He & his wife send me Christmas cards…they put Hallmark’s to shame. We have this belief, or we did, that everything in America must be the best?! Very often it’s not the case. The more I travelled, the more my eyes opened. I mean, we used to be the penultimate producer of goods…you know the score. Friggin SAD really how much the DS keeps us down.
I love that from difficult or brief encounters you have made lifelong friends. No coinkedinks... you were meant to have these experiences.
I agree with how the DS have destroyed us....
Poland had some of the best underground operatives in WWII. They still know the score...remember how warmly they welcomed POTUS & FLOTUS. I'll never forget the powerful message and emotions that day in the speeches!
Candidates come from towns and cities. At present, the ignorance is appalling.....this is what candidates come from. We are far from a well-informed people who value our Constitution, D of I, our true history. In fact, for the most part, we know nothing about them. How can we send people to any position of public service with that level of ignorance?
Consider the utter excrement that is "taught" in our public fool system. We will never produce greatness from those gulags. That whole edifice to satan must be abandoned and destroyed as the bastion of ignorance, hatred, stupidity, and lies.
My people know what it's like to have their borders overrun by invaders. We've been through it probably thousands of times, and we're done with it. No more.
Frank Miller, who worked on the 300 graphic novel, was one of the earliest examples of the left "canceling" someone over their own opinions in their art. Which is ironic, since they are also the ones who will dismiss all disturbing ritual images of Lady Gaga because "muh art."
Just go to r/comics and mention Frank Miller and you will be botted to hell and back about what a horrible person he is for making "not batman" beat up a bunch of middle eastern thugs.
I dont blame Poland,they have every right to Protect their Borders,most of these " so called " refugees" are men,young men of fighting age,.they should go the fuck back home find a job and go do some fuckn hard labour,.theyre so used to going to other Countries for their generous " free stuff," and and bludging off the taxpayer,.while the rightful,citizens the " taxpayers " of that country,.have to pay for everything,.and by the way why do they always head to Western Countries, and not Arab,or Muslim..???..something to ponder i guess,,...!
i recently ordered a product online and had the option between a UK seller and a Polish seller. From Poland the shipping was more and would take 3 days longer but I went with the Polish seller 100% because of this right here 😄 Fuck open borders!
It's just like our military bases. They all have gates, walls and fences. If a civi tries to enter, they are warned (usually) then shot (if they don't comply).
I've been saying for years that we need to put our US military bases all along the borders. Put warning signs in English & Spanish. Not too difficult really.
I've been saying for years we should just shoot border crossers. Give a round or two of warning shots first etc obviously, but once they are fully on notice and still proceed then shoot them dead. No fucks given. Thing is you wouldn't end up killing 100s of people. You might never kill a single person even. Why? Because once people believed you would shoot them THEY WOULD STOP FUCKING TRYING!
You build the wall with plenty of warning signs, and put armed guards on it with orders to shoot at anyone jumping the wall. Problem solved.
I have said the same for years. Put gators and crocs in the Rio Grande as well. I'm all for building towers along the border and let border patrol have target practice. Leave them where they fall. Let the others who still try to come, have to climb over the pile of dead bodies. The UN be damned, it's our borders. Shoot enough of them and it will come to a screeching halt pretty fast.
And what to do about the tunnels under the border?
blow them up
Giant mousetraps.
Add in an electrified fence, and I think it would deter many.
With razor wire on top hanging over their direction
Yes, that sound like it would be a very good deterrent.
The Polish truly are badass. I worked with their SF troops under NATO umbrella in Afghanistan. Our regular troops would hang their heads in shame as the Poles geared-up before a mission…literally. (Our SF guys are WAY badass too…only comparing to our regular troops). Similarly the Australian SF guys are truly hardcore. I wear my Polish SF hat every day and am honored to have worked with them. (They let me drive one of their 8-wheeled Finnish assault vehicles…UNREAL cool).
I Love the way they Stand up For Christian Morals and what they stand for and together...
I want that back so so badly here
Me, too u/purkiss80 & u/callmejuls80! 🙏
Our world would be blessed overnight If this happens!
The guy I got closest with has my name in Polish…kinda cool. He & his wife send me Christmas cards…they put Hallmark’s to shame. We have this belief, or we did, that everything in America must be the best?! Very often it’s not the case. The more I travelled, the more my eyes opened. I mean, we used to be the penultimate producer of goods…you know the score. Friggin SAD really how much the DS keeps us down.
I love that from difficult or brief encounters you have made lifelong friends. No coinkedinks... you were meant to have these experiences. I agree with how the DS have destroyed us....
Shooting and killing people doesn't seem very Christian.
Exodus 22:21 - "Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt."
Sell it somewhere else dirty hippie
Poland had some of the best underground operatives in WWII. They still know the score...remember how warmly they welcomed POTUS & FLOTUS. I'll never forget the powerful message and emotions that day in the speeches!
That’s the KEY. They remember tyranny.
That same nationalist attitude helped keep their death toll during the black plague lower than surrounding regions.
An interesting time, and not a lot recorded during the middle-ages.
Based as fuck! We need to return this type of thinking to the halls of power.
Candidates come from towns and cities. At present, the ignorance is appalling.....this is what candidates come from. We are far from a well-informed people who value our Constitution, D of I, our true history. In fact, for the most part, we know nothing about them. How can we send people to any position of public service with that level of ignorance?
Consider the utter excrement that is "taught" in our public fool system. We will never produce greatness from those gulags. That whole edifice to satan must be abandoned and destroyed as the bastion of ignorance, hatred, stupidity, and lies.
Remember when My President visited Poland? I do!
Was impressed by the Poles (the Polish people) then and still am impressed with them now.
A link to the speech: https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-people-poland/
Thank you for this link u/Q20191776! I enjoyed reading it again!
Their leader was that smoking hot lady right? With the MOABs?
My people know what it's like to have their borders overrun by invaders. We've been through it probably thousands of times, and we're done with it. No more.
God bless you and your country! 🙏
This needs to be the strategy here. We could have finished the wall a long time ago if we just stacked the bodies.
like in 300 haha
Good flick
Frank Miller, who worked on the 300 graphic novel, was one of the earliest examples of the left "canceling" someone over their own opinions in their art. Which is ironic, since they are also the ones who will dismiss all disturbing ritual images of Lady Gaga because "muh art."
Just go to r/comics and mention Frank Miller and you will be botted to hell and back about what a horrible person he is for making "not batman" beat up a bunch of middle eastern thugs.
Frank Miller had versions of Batman that used guns and killed as well right?
Us all the sick art of Podesta and other filth to finish the wall. That ought to deter people
They are trying to shame Poland for leaving these people in limbo.
Saying they are creating a "humanitarian situation".
If I were Poland and wanted to solve this problem, I would take it upon myself to hire some buses and pack everyone up.
Drive them all back to where they came from and send the bill to Belarus.
Humanitarian situation solved.
I dont blame Poland,they have every right to Protect their Borders,most of these " so called " refugees" are men,young men of fighting age,.they should go the fuck back home find a job and go do some fuckn hard labour,.theyre so used to going to other Countries for their generous " free stuff," and and bludging off the taxpayer,.while the rightful,citizens the " taxpayers " of that country,.have to pay for everything,.and by the way why do they always head to Western Countries, and not Arab,or Muslim..???..something to ponder i guess,,...!
i recently ordered a product online and had the option between a UK seller and a Polish seller. From Poland the shipping was more and would take 3 days longer but I went with the Polish seller 100% because of this right here 😄 Fuck open borders!
And they're not talking vax, btw.
Now why can’t we do that???
We did this before in the 1950's...was called Operation Wetback"
It's just like our military bases. They all have gates, walls and fences. If a civi tries to enter, they are warned (usually) then shot (if they don't comply).
I've been saying for years that we need to put our US military bases all along the borders. Put warning signs in English & Spanish. Not too difficult really.
Severed heads on spikes would be a better kind of warning sign. Even illiterate sub-human apes can understand.
These are sad headlines. Why instability anywhere? Thanks Obama.
Proud to be an American of Polish descent. 🎉
I honestly believe that is a policy we need at the southern border. Shoot them as them come across illegally. Leave them where they fall.
It’s good to be Polish.
What content got removed?
Why can't we get leadership like this?
Chinese money and corruption
Good news to heat
NIce to see a Country with balls.
damn that guy sounds like a big racist
Isn't it great?
Ba-BYE 👋🏼