Is this for real or is this photoshopped. People are doing all kinds of stupid things with masks to make it seem like they are "normal" and this just adds to that. In fact, I wonder how many sheeple will be getting stupid masks in their stockings this year. What a fucktard!
Uuggghh! Fricken quilter gone nuts. It DEFINITELY looks like she can’t breath. Honestly to glorify your enslavement is beyond STUPID! Maybe some Grandma just got so sick of this bitch that she nailed her with her holiday centerpiece?
mental illness!!! that's wtf that is!!
It's also mockery as well.........they can't believe the masses fell for their shit
Okay this is definitely some kind of comms. Gonna try a decode on this.
Decode effort is up:
“She wore a Pearl Necklace?”
They are mocking us.
The face of evil.
A crazy bitch
She bears the title, Governor, with such grace and dignity, she is truly an inspiration to the world.
Stupid is as stupid does.
Is this for real or is this photoshopped. People are doing all kinds of stupid things with masks to make it seem like they are "normal" and this just adds to that. In fact, I wonder how many sheeple will be getting stupid masks in their stockings this year. What a fucktard!
An idiot
Cuckoo cuckoo
One of the reasons I moved from Oregon was because of this stupid cunt.
A Cunt.
The psychotic governor of a US state, Oregon.
Birth control device
Dear Lord, it's retarded.
Uuggghh! Fricken quilter gone nuts. It DEFINITELY looks like she can’t breath. Honestly to glorify your enslavement is beyond STUPID! Maybe some Grandma just got so sick of this bitch that she nailed her with her holiday centerpiece?
A very special person. With very special needs.
"Spanish born, brain dead, demon wearing a sex-kink ball gag"
Clown World
That's a sick person
This says everything you need to know about the left. Wow.