He was being sardonic. He is derisively mocking her because she appears to be a vapid, libtard cliché. She is likely the kind of misled, clueless, drone who would both scream about her right to have taxpayers fund her abortions- and then sell her body to anyone who will give her drugs or cash.
It's weird to me that you thought he was being literal. But that just demonstrates how different we all are, and that's kinda cool. We can be polar opposites but still agree modern liberal culture is garbage, and Joe Biden is a flaming bag of shit. Cheers!
Look at her self-satisfied expression. She thinks she is on the good side.
While she holds a sign she didn't make, almost certainly printed by an organization funded by Soros.
My normie friend isn't anywhere near this bad, but she does believe that White Supremacist rednecks are lurking around every corner. For example, her son's girlfriend is Asian, and my friend fears that the girlfriend will be violently attacked by a Trump supporter because he is angry about the Wuhan virus. She knows I'm a Trump supporter and knows I am not like that, but she believes this narrative that lots of others are violent and it is a big problem.
My point is that the media has had some success in getting the normies to believe that White Supremacy is 5,000x bigger than it really is.
The funny thing is, if you look at actual White Supremacists, they aren't a big fan of the populists. Real White Supremacists envision an authoritarian government run exclusively by white people. They don't like Trump.
The "radical left" is now in lock step with tech billionaires, hedge fund managers, pharmaceutical giants, and the mainstream news. That doesn't seem radical. It seems like they are fighting for rich white men.
I refuse to look at or listen to anything from someone so ignorant. She obviously doesn’t know what those 2 were which means she doesn’t think for herself she just follows,
Wtf does she know? See the Chicago PD cruisers behind her? Chicago is as deeply corrupt as you can get. She probably lives in a sub-terranian apartment and is a barista at a fair trade coffee shop because she has no marketable skills and thinks Starbucks is too corporate.
Look at those dead eye's, that's someone who's brain has been 100% fried from 24/7 propaganda. Also ask yourself who paid for that professionally printed sign? That's George Soros money.
One would beat the shit out of her the other would rape her child
He was being sardonic. He is derisively mocking her because she appears to be a vapid, libtard cliché. She is likely the kind of misled, clueless, drone who would both scream about her right to have taxpayers fund her abortions- and then sell her body to anyone who will give her drugs or cash.
It's weird to me that you thought he was being literal. But that just demonstrates how different we all are, and that's kinda cool. We can be polar opposites but still agree modern liberal culture is garbage, and Joe Biden is a flaming bag of shit. Cheers!
in their refusing to accept a fascist country, they are demanding a fascist country.
she's so fukin stupid and controlled she hasn't a clue what the fuck is on her liberal arts project
So many lies per square inch on that little poster. Masterful job of ignorance.
Look at her self-satisfied expression. She thinks she is on the good side.
While she holds a sign she didn't make, almost certainly printed by an organization funded by Soros.
My normie friend isn't anywhere near this bad, but she does believe that White Supremacist rednecks are lurking around every corner. For example, her son's girlfriend is Asian, and my friend fears that the girlfriend will be violently attacked by a Trump supporter because he is angry about the Wuhan virus. She knows I'm a Trump supporter and knows I am not like that, but she believes this narrative that lots of others are violent and it is a big problem.
My point is that the media has had some success in getting the normies to believe that White Supremacy is 5,000x bigger than it really is.
The funny thing is, if you look at actual White Supremacists, they aren't a big fan of the populists. Real White Supremacists envision an authoritarian government run exclusively by white people. They don't like Trump.
She needs to more worried about the son's Asian girlfriend being violently attacked by a black person.
Actual crime stats don't lie.
Trump supporters will invite them all over for a bbq.
"Heroes for pedophiles and wife beaters"
FTFY miss (or is it?).
The "radical left" is now in lock step with tech billionaires, hedge fund managers, pharmaceutical giants, and the mainstream news. That doesn't seem radical. It seems like they are fighting for rich white men.
msnbc failed to tell her that part
These degenerates will be the first useless eaters to go once Soros and Gates are done with their rioting.
That plan was already built-into the vax. These people are goners.
These people are why others want to smallpox our culture
A mentally ill, suicidal, child rapist who was convicted with anally raping 5 children ages 9 - 11. Sure, what a hero. Aim high. Straight to hell.
Stop blowing your nose in your hair!
Of course she wears a mask outside. But vanity means she wants her face seen on the internet too.
Pedos and wife beaters are now heroes to feminists.
Our media is weaponizing our low IQ people...
Well, historically there are quite a few women that are attracted to murderers and other psychopaths behind bars. As a man, I never understood.
somebody stuck her head under a kona ice faucet
Moron. Beyond help. Blind, deaf, and dumb as a box of rocks. I apologize to the rocks for this comparison.
I refuse to look at or listen to anything from someone so ignorant. She obviously doesn’t know what those 2 were which means she doesn’t think for herself she just follows,
She only thinks that because rosenbaum only molests young boys.
I want to laugh but Fuuuuuuuuuck. This makes NO sense!
Ignorance on full display in the modern era
Tell me she was really wearing that mask with lipstick on.
Just hope she got the vax and Darwin will take care of the rest.
You can show people all the facts and they are still fucking retarded.
Do the far left commies understand how the game is supposed to work with their wascism?
Well, isn’t she as dumb as a fence post! Can’t fix stupid.
Squirrels on a hamster wheel…that’s what’s in her head. Dumb as a stick!
Looks like she’s doped up. Someone probably gave her a nickel bag to hold the sign up and get her picture taken.
Wtf does she know? See the Chicago PD cruisers behind her? Chicago is as deeply corrupt as you can get. She probably lives in a sub-terranian apartment and is a barista at a fair trade coffee shop because she has no marketable skills and thinks Starbucks is too corporate.
Heroes don't anally rape 9 year olds
Look at those dead eye's, that's someone who's brain has been 100% fried from 24/7 propaganda. Also ask yourself who paid for that professionally printed sign? That's George Soros money.
She'd shit if she ran into me.
First I'd laugh so fucking hard, I almost hit the ground, and second I would tear into her ass for making the lowest scum on the planet into heroes.
I bet the bitch doesn't have enough information or sense to know the two were low lifes.